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Feb 26, 2013

Another fake Sturmtiger


Not much to the story. The server released an info, that the Sturmtiger is being supertested, alongwith this picture:

It's a fake.

My contact confirmed no such thing is being supertested. Additionally, screenshots from supertest contain watermarks, visible when the picture is blue-shifted in photoshop to identify leaks. This one doesn't have it. Most likely a changed model. Same goes for the "E-25".


  1. Looks like it's a popular subject for scammers... :)

  2. Although it would be fun to drive this tank in some game I'm not perfectly sure if theres a room for it in WoT. It doesn't work neither as SPG nor HT in game mechanics. So I have feeling this tank is one of those that WG tries to force introduce into game just to earn some money on tank which is synonyme of fun but puts a lot of question about game at same time.

  3. the "watermark" is not exactly a watermark
    anyways, this blue channel "thingy" only shows when taking screenshots with the game function, not when taking a screenshot with 3rd party software, FRAPS for example

    1. Another piece of info I ommitted was that there was also a "screenshot" of a tech tree with the E-25. Tech tree doesn't get updated in supertest.

  4. I think that is a another supertestserver probably against leaks
    because the pictures seeing as a original as

  5. SS, some time ago you mentioned that your source said that Leopard 1 is not yet part of supertest. Could this mean that we will not see the new German Medium line with in 0.8.5?

    1. Yes. According to Storm and Overlord, one branch per 1,5 months is planned. It's also been said that the Leopard won't come till sumer, which means July/August. Since we have a 8.4 in early March, we'll have 8.5 in mid April, 8.6 by the end of May, so I assume it'll come in 8.6-8.7 (depending how they make it). It's likely 8.5 will introduce the German light line only, the Sexton arty plus some other small crap like the T-60, T-70 and T-80, which are being supertested atm.

    2. Sorry to bother you, but does your source knows something about the new Heavy tanks like the "Neubaufahrzeug" and VK3002 Early version? There were rumours that these new tanks could be implemented, too.

    3. NbFz is planned as a premium tank. Otherwise, nada.

  6. Ok, thanks. What a pity, I was looking forward to the "Indien Panzer" and Leopard.

  7. Damn that gun culd one hit kill a maus if it culd penetrate it

  8. As usual, it's just SerB being a troll again; seriously will he get over himself about the Germans already? German=/=Nazi; there's a difference between their military and government at the time.

  9. Плохие у вас контакты на супертесте.

    3д модель Штурмтигра готова уже давно.
    Поэтому её скриншот не подделка.
    Отсутствие же водного знака объясняется тем, что этот скриншот сделан не в клиенте игры, а в программе Wot Tank Viewer.

    То, что Штурмтигр периодически обкатывают на супертесте не новость.
    Другое дело, что WG пока не спешит водить его в игру.
    И вероятность того, что он появится в этом году - довольно мала.

    1. Ah, I see. Yes, I knew about the model, but my contact told me it's not being supertested atm. The model was also made for the old render AFAIK so I thought it's simply some relict. Ah well. Still, it's not being supertested ATM...

  10. it's not a fake
    that leaked model is confirmed in 8th ASAP video


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