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May 16, 2013


First, just a thought about the European Q&A. Some time ago (specifically 24.4.2013), there was a post from Quasar, the EU "developer", saying:

35.Have you planned in the upcoming EU tech tree the tanks from Switzerland like the PZ58, PZ61, PZ68 or the G13, an adaptation of the Hetzer ?
No such plans.

I was like "WTF? That's not what SerB said", and I did set out to find more. I contacted a friend, who in turn is in touch with some of developer-tier employees directly in Minsk. He told me today that he got told by the devs the following (direct translation):

"Regarding the Swiss, there is a very high chance they will appear, but understandably noone will give a 100 percent guarantee".

In other words: either Quasar can't speak Russian (god knows who it is anyway), or he's just pulling the answers out of his ass. Personally, I find the second option likely. I'd keep this in mind when asking questions on EU server.

Anyway, back to the translation.

- SerB on War Thunder: "Yes, I played it. But I won't make comments about it, sorry - we'd do a lot of things differently and some developers react very nervously on such analysis comments"
- Q: "But did you like War Thunder personally?" A: "As I said, we'd do a lot of things differently."
- premium arties of high tier won't be implemented for now
- battle parameters such as "distance travelled" or "time spent in battle" have no influence on XP/credit battle income
- all the vehicles are balanced separately, not according to some "class parameters"
- regarding the possibility of the change of rules for buying camo/decals: "It there is some, I will tell you"
- the reason for nerfing the penetration in 0.8.6 is "malice" :)
- regarding the premium tanks being able to use only gold ammo for credits without losing money: "In such a case, they don't fulfill their primary role - to be used for farming"
- Q: "SerB, what are you doing to do with clans copying the name of famous clans, who have tons of copycats around?" A: "Imagine, my name is Sergey, I thought I'd be the only one of my kind, but there turned out to be a huge number of copycats around! How will I live from now on?!"
- it won't be possible to shoot from water (when the tank is submerged)
- Sturmtiger will be a tank destroyer, not an arty
- it's possible that when the multiturret mechanism is introduced, Churchill will have its hull gun usable
- premium modules for tanks won't be implemented
- regarding the Leopard (LT): when it was moved a tier higher, no other suitable weapons were found for it than the 30mm Mk103
- according to SerB, there is no "ideal setup" for a game, because there are differences in maps, tactics and player skills
- according to SerB, when balancing classes (except for LT's), average damage doesn't have to be the same for all classes
- according to SerB, the reasons (altogether) for not introducing thanks beyond the 60's are: composite and dynamic armor, smoothbores, fire control systems, most tanks have similiar parameters, gas turbines...
- regarding the maximum tank render distance limits: "It's there for a complex of reasons. Principially we could just change the scale - but then, you will get to shoot at "dots at the horizont" - that's not very interesting. But we are working on it."
- technically it's possible to put the gas turbine into the Panther or Panther II, but it won't be done... for now :) (SS: Germans did experiment with various turbines for the Panther - GT101 to GT103, around cca 1200 -1500 hp) - however, E-50 or E-75 won't have them, it was the Germans themselves who historically wanted to keep the regular engines
- ATGMs wonť be implemented
- SerB is tempted to give the T-62A the improved Object167M hull and 122mm D-83 gun
- there will be no free handout vehicles in 0.8.6


  1. - SerB is tempted to give the T-62A the improved Object167M hull and 122mm D-83 gun

    Can you imagine all the rage in the forums over that? XD

    1. I'd be mainly pissed because I like the 62A as is, it's one of the most fun tanks I've played and I wouldn't want it to change a bit.

    2. what is the characteristics of Object167M hull,if anyone knows please?

    3. Hull upper front 80+110+30 at 68 degrees, other is almost the same.

    4. o_0 that's like 500 effective vs AP, even more against HEAT. SerB is definitely trolling again. -Platypusbill

    5. i think the 122 could be an optional gun like the e-100 having 2 guns

    6. That would sorta step on the 121's toes, don't you think? -Platypusbill

  2. -Do you like WT personally?
    Nice answer.

    Btw, SS what's your opinion about WT?

    1. I'm not sure, but he did appear on the WT forums yesterday.

    2. Yes I did, just to say hi to some people. I don't play WT.

  3. "Sturmtiger will be a tank destroyer, not an arty"
    Sweet :D

    1. Though that means everyone who wanted a premium Arty named the SturmTiger will be angry but will be happy at the same time they will be able to get the Sturmtiger in some form... aka me, since it would probably be a lame arty with 1 round per minute and 1.5 Accuracy and 9.5 seconds aiming time but a shit load of damage. lol

    2. I'd play an arty with 1.5 accuracy lol.... it would be better than the 8.1 that's coming ;)

    3. 0.81 not 8.1 ;)

    4. I never liked playing arty that much. And now with these nerfs I will sell my S-51. I'm lucky I didn't bought the GW Panther when it was on discount. On the other hand I like playing TDs.

  4. - there will be no free handout vehicles in 0.8.6

    Will we atleast get a few credits back?

    1. Yes, if you sell the new higher tier arty.

  5. What kind of gun is that D-83? :P

    btw.. panthers with gas turbines.. pfff, that would be interesting ^^

    1. Especially the Auf.Panther
      I mean,they put inside that big paper box a 1150 H.P. Turbine engine,it would be awesome,and it wouldn't be that OP!

    2. They'll be better on mobility than Ausfk.Panther and lower tier german lights.

      I wonder if the Ausfk.Panther could get the turbines...imagine how it'll be :))
      27.75 hp/ton with the 1500 hp one... :X

    3. Recon panther with 1150HP turbine engine mean more than 28 hp/tons.
      GRRRRREEEEAAAAAAAATTTTTT so I can raaaaaammmmmmm almost any tier10 meds with it! DO WANT!

    4. Turbine would likely catch fire more often and have less hit points.

  6. oh yes the sturmtiger..I wonder what tier it will be...

    1. My guess is either Tier IX or Tier X.

    2. if they are going to implement sturmtiger, they will probably put brummbar too right?

    3. More likely, as lower tier.

    4. Sturmtiger is a likely tier X, I've got a tier IX that is almost as evil...

    5. It'll be a premium tank, so 8.

    6. Ehm u know Sturmtiger will have 150mm @ 66° like TigerII @ 40° but with worse angle so I guess it will be Tier8.
      Its a Tiger I chassis.
      So its armor would be very UP on Tier9-10.

      And Brummbär could be Tier7 cause of his 100mm @ 40° frontal Armor on a PanzerIV chassis.

    7. that gun is like twice bigger than what FV215b got, it will be too powerful for tier8, so i bet on tier9

    8. "that gun is like twice bigger than what FV215b got, it will be too powerful for tier8, so i bet on tier9"

      And how u call KV2, small caliber vehicle and its on Tier6?
      And Su-152 and ISU and so on...

      Its not a matter of Tier its a matter of balancing you can nerf the accuracy and rate of fire into the ground to bring it on Tier8 just to bring it ingame at all cause the splash of this weapon could be as bug like one ingame minimap square or more.

    9. Germany already has a tier 8 premium TD. It would not make sense adding another tier 8 prem TD.

    10. I'm seeing it possible at tier 8. it's have horrible accuracy and firing rate, and by horrible firing rate I'm guessing maybe a round a minute. it's armour isn't something to write home about even at tier 8, but with all the cons to it, its one and only pro (the gun), it kinda balances out to tier 8.

      As for mentioning that the Germans already have a tier 8 premium TD and that it wouldn't make sense to add another tier 8 premium TD. There is a precedent, though in this case heavy tanks. The Soviets have the tier 8 IS-6 and KV-5 heavy tanks as tier 8 premiums.

  7. Sorry for offtopic.. but I just noticed.. all the prices from "old" SPGs are the current ones not the newly made? D:

    Can we expect that top tier SPG cost 6.1m or..?

    1. It is safe to assume so. I am guessing tier 9 arty will cost about 3,6 mio (now you get tier 7 for about 3 mio).

  8. I probably missed this, but why did WG stop the "free handout" of vehicles when it moved up a Tier or so? It's not like it costs them anything -.-

    1. They want to decrease number of arties.

      That's the reason.

    2. I mean even with the 0.8.5 "German" update they didn't give you a Leopard tank when the VK28.01 moved up a tier ^.0

    3. since 0.8.0 (techtree change) they did not give free tanks.
      i think it was changed to not to give free tanks...

    4. There are enough tanks for a full assault gun line, I have it ready but I'm looking into more gun options.

  9. - SerB is tempted to give the T-62A the improved Object167M hull and 122mm D-83 gun

    I like my 62 with 100mm :(

  10. LoL, "European Tech Tree"? I'd be surprised if they could scrape together more than a few vehicles for that "tech tree". It might not be much bigger than the Chinese tree is now, if that big. Fine, have your damn European Tech Tree if you must, WG, but what I really want to see is a standalone Italian tech tree, like what Vollketten has been putting together on the NA forum. Otherwise you're really going to have to impress me with this European tree.

    P.S: SS, do the devs have any comment about Vollketten's possible Italian tech tree? Have they said anything about implementing Italian tanks or a standalone Italian tree? Just curious.


    1. I'd be surprised if they could scrape together more than a few vehicles for that "tech tree"

      Are you trolling, or are you really a retard?

    2. This might come as a suprise to you but Italy is part of Europe.

    3. eeermm.. if I remember well EU tree would have more tanks than the germans atm.. O.o

    4. Heck, if they introduce the three or four Spanish native tanks and StuG special variants I'll be a happy tanker.

    5. The Verdejas aren't specially interesting, I think, but maybe they can play a role in tier II-III. And the Verdeja SPG only mounted a 75 mm anyway.

    6. Yep, but that has never stopped Wargaming from putting fictional guns on tanks. Anyways, I concur, I was thinking about that low tier bracket, with the 1937 infantry tank, the supposedly projected Verdeja III Heavy(No info on my part) and the HILARIOUS Barbastro Tank wedged in.

      Also, StuG with a 122 mm derp. It would be a funny T5 premium.

    7. >This might come as a suprise to you but Italy is part of Europe.
      Nah, it's the northernmost part of Africa.

    8. "This might come as a suprise to you but Italy is part of Europe."

      Crap, I thought it was just east of New Zeland!

    9. Anon: You're laughing, but... about 15 years back, I was on an exchange student program in France for a couple of weeks. The French student actually thought Czech republic is in Yugoslavia...

    10. In their defense it was hard to keep track of all the new countries that emerged during the breakup of Yugoslavia...

      Slovakia = Slovenia... Czechs = Croats... very similar if you ask me ;) (Serbia = Siberia....)

    11. Well, some Americans recently thought Czech republic = Chechnya and wanted to bomb us for the Boston attack.... :)

    12. LoL.... I read about it on your blog

    13. Those east coast Americans are rather different from us west coast Americans. Although, again, map reading is not a prized skill anymore except in a few places... sigh.

    14. to be honest I do not know the names of all 50 states. So i don't expect you to name all European countries

    15. Exactly, it's not like most Europeans know for example the capital of Maryland just so...

    16. 50 in USA
      Let me try.
      1. Florida (beach and girls)
      2. Californien (beach and girls)
      3. Texas (cowboys and weapons)
      4. Indianapolis (racecars and ?... racecars!)
      5. Newyork (harbor for immigrants)
      6. Sorry guys I give up.

      Greetings from Germany

    17. The question is, can Americans name all their 50 states :) ?

    18. Maybe their boarder lines didn't change so much in the last 25 years.
      We have in East Europe many changes (between Poland and Greece) in the last 25 years.

    19. The thing is in case of the mighty US and A we are talking about A Country with 50 states in it,whilst Europe is made up of numerous Countries not states,so the whole comparison is wrong.


    20. Let's see how many states I can name:

      West Virginia
      New York
      Rhode Island
      North Carolina
      South Carolina
      North Dakota
      South Dakota
      New Mexico
      New Jersey

      That all I could come up with in two minutes...

  11. wait,HOW ABOUT 115mm smoothbore gun ???

    1. FOR THE LAST FUCKING TIME they said it several times, no frikkin smoothbore guns in WoT!!!

      And even in this news they said it you blind mole:

      - according to SerB, the reasons (altogether) for not introducing thanks beyond the 60's are: composite and dynamic armor, !!!!!!"smoothbores"!!!!!!, fire control systems, most tanks have similiar parameters, gas turbines...

      Jeez reading cant be that hard!

    2. You should ask the dves directly on RU forum and see what gonna happen.

    3. ^

      Serb: BOJAN!

      *SerB bans said Ass*

    4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    5. There is already 115mm model (Gun_02) in game, sometimes I use it in my T-62A... very cool looking

  12. 122mm D-83 gun characteristics

    440/440/530 HP


    Aim time


    Problem ?

    1. Give it an accuracy of 0.37 and an aim time of 2.9secs(and keep the 8rpm RoF) or lower the RoF to 6rpm(and keep it's aiming time and accuracy) and I'll be happy.

      If not it'll be like an overpowered wz-121.Just compare the guns.

  13. Detailed drawing of the Object 167.

    Picture of one of the two models produced.

    1. it's the same tank hull only armor is different.....

    2. Not quite. There are a few differences but they are subtle. For instance, one of the first things that should stand out, are the return rollers. Return rollers are not present on either the T-62a or T-62. The rear and front drive wheels of the 167 are also placed a little higher on the tank.

    3. It is actually worth mentioning something else.

      "T72 designed by the Morozov Design Bureau at the Ural tank plant in Nizhnyi Tagil headed by Valeriy Venediktov, started in 1961 with the Object 167 based on the T62"

      Jane's armour and artillery 2005-2006

    4. Oh yeah new hull for T62A whats up with the Leopard lin which is even more paper, then I want a Leopard IA3 or higher and everything should be fine.

    5. If the T62A were to be replaced by the Object 167 in game, other perametres would be changed. It would not just be a straight model and armour swap. It would be silly to think otherwise.

  14. What's that "dynamic" armor i see in your translations? Isn't it meant to be reactive?

    As for smoothbore, what's the difference game-wise? Ballistics is simplified enough and targeting is WYSIWYG, so where's the problem? Beside modern smoothbores being too OP? And Konisch is/was partly smoothbore, ekhem...

    1. Too OP. It's not just the smoothbore itself (check the ballistic properties of 2A15), it's also the targetting computer, that makes such weapons much more accurate. Although why SerB avoids historical WW2 smoothbores (such as the German projects) that had reasonable power for WoT (roughly equal to 88mm), I have no idea.

    2. Probably because he doesn't want the Germans to be better than the Russian Tanks... even though they are buffing armor in 8.6 and the tanks with the most armor are the T95, Maus and E-100....

    3. They're not really buffing the armour per se. They're reducing top tier gun penetration which allows thick armour to have better effectiveness.

      As for why they won't add WW2 smoothbores, I'm guessing it's more about fear of setting a precedent.


    4. I know that ballistics is different but you could skip this part in game and use only stats. Or do some copypasting in the code - WG makes people think that every simple change is ultra hard so they can justify not making it or saying "ASAP".

      They made precedent with Konisch, which is partly smoothbore, but of course has rifled ballistics.

      I am talking historical of course, but we could go modern with everything. These guys seem narrowminded, everything needs "different game" - that's because they restrained themselves to 10-tier integer system. I wanted to make a good suggestion on forum but i don't care anymore because of no feedback from devs. They could make all this in one game and make it even more interesting, but it needs creative thinking...

  15. Ha, on a prem account the tier VIII prems, with the gold ammo stockpiled at half price, spamming full gold still lets you print money. Garbad said that in his SP challenge, he averaged 31.5k with full cost ammo. He did damage equivalent to about 10 shells per game, and with bounces/misses/low-damage finishes that's probably closer to 12. Half-price APCR would then save 2k per shell, bringing profits to about 55k, and that's assuming you never switch to AP, even if you are shooting at Hellcats or some such. Each AP shell would then save you an extra 1.7k... then you could also factor in the higher win ratio. Goldspam isn't worth it in the sense that the increased DPG/wins probably don't *quite* offset the higher ammo cost credit-wise, but it massively imbalances the game. -Platypusbill

    1. The end result is you spent a bunchload of gold.

  16. "according to SerB, the reasons (altogether) for not introducing thanks beyond the 60's are: composite and dynamic armor, smoothbores, fire control systems, most tanks have similiar parameters, gas turbines..."

    Sry, but wat is wrong with smoothbore guns?

    1. Nothing is wrong with the guns so to speak, it's the fin-stabilized, discarded sabot rounds that scare people. I'm sure the first generation of smoothbores had shells that could be used in the game with good pen and accuracy at the cost of sheer alpha damage being lower.

  17. Hey, Frank, a little off-Topic, but do you know anything about the entry in the Personal File where it says "Crew modifiers not available for major qualifaction" ? I think its there since beta but it doesnt do anything, does it? Thanks

  18. - Sturmtiger will be a tank destroyer, not an arty

    Is it REALLY that hard to just make an Assault Gun tree and be done with it?

    1. Yes. T7 - T8 - T9 are quite a problem.

    2. Even for WG-s super mega awesome fantasy tank designer people?

    3. To the first question. YES

      Sturmgeschütz III (StuG III) originally was a assault gun. Turned TD due to several reasons one being that they, the Germans, just started firing what they had where they ad it at tanks, IE Use what you got, and now its a TD in WoT. Later versions were more developed into the anti-tank roll. So to see the Sturmtiger as a TD is not too big of a surprise. Personally I don't think it really fits a SPG or TD roll since the shells are all HE and no PEN.


    4. The tanks themselves are not a problem, it's the guns that lacks variety.

      Tiers VI-X:

      StuiG 33b

  19. "- Sturmtiger will be a tank destroyer, not an arty"

    8.7 German second TD tree!!!! P l e a s e!!!!!

  20. I'm curious if the Object 167M was a typo on serb's part. The 167M was in part a test bed for composite armour.

    1. WG already managed to find a steel thickness equivalent for the M103's aluminium and silicon armor so I wouldn't worry so much for the 167.

      PS: Can someone answer my question on the 8.6 thread with all the tank stat changes?

    2. I don't think M103 had composite armor. The T95 medium was the one from the era that did.

    3. You might be thinking of the T110. In the end though, they went with the model of T110 that was planned, without using the composite armour. There was a big upset on the forums about it (check the 1000 page T110 thread in American heavy discussion. It's in the first few pages).

  21. I really enjoyed SerBs answers, when it come to nerfing everything I really like SerBs attitude :D Malice ;]
    (personally i would nerf everything everywhere only to hear all that whinning - especially dmg and reload times :D)

  22. - according to SerB, the reasons (altogether) for not introducing thanks beyond the 60's are: composite and dynamic armor, smoothbores, fire control systems, most tanks have similiar parameters, gas turbines...

    Well from what SerB is saying I can’t see any reason for not introducing the Chieftain.

    Rifled 120mm Gun firing HESH and APDS Just the two ammo types as the HESH round was used [instead of an HE round] against soft targets.

    Never had any fancy Ammo Types like the APFSDS developed for the Gun until the 80’s/90’s.

    Certainly the early versions never had a fancy Fire Control System. Never even got the Laser Range Finder incorporated into the Gunners Sight until the late 70’s. Had to rely on a .50 ranging gun to determine the range to the target. Can’t classify that as a Fire Control System can you?

    No composite or dynamic armour and the crap unreliable Leyland Engine certainly can’t be classified as a turbine.

  23. lol:


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