
Please take your time and read the blog rules

May 14, 2013


- according to EU "developer" Quasar, 8.7 might bring a tier 8 medium premium tank
- the CW event is taking shape: it is confirmed that lowtier tanks will have a place within it
- SerB states that while vehicles are sorted in the team list by MM weight, in case of equal weight, they are sorted alphabetically, but some mods mess this sorting up
- it's unclear whether the random/company player stats split will happen after all
- AMX-13/105 won't appear in WoT
- the roles of Chinese tank crews (where sometimes a commander acts as a radioman and sometimes it's the loader) won't be unified
- in 0.8.6, champion companies will have arty up to tier 8, the medium tier company will have arties up to tier 6 and junior companies up to tier 4
- tier point limits for companies won't change in 0.8.6
- compensations for players who specialized in one type of arty (for companies etc.), which gets changed are not planned
- press accounts are not transferrable (eg. they are not allowed to be played by other people than the journalists)
- the "ghost" houses on A3 in Live Oaks are apparently bugs
- it's possible maps in various times of the day (dusk, dawn, night, day) are possible, won't be implemented for now
- WoT Blitz doesn't have arty, because its maps are too small
- WoT now apparently has an anti-botting mechanism implemented, nothing will be disclosed about it
- modern tanks will never be implemented, SerB stated that for modern tanks (from the 1960's till now), a whole different game would have to be made
- apparently there was some cybersports account named Cyber_Sport_Federation, punished with 7 days for fixing battles (SS: I am not into cybersports, but I can find out more if anyone is interested)
- tanks in platoons don't have bigger MM weight than without them
- players with high winrates are NOT being put by the MM mechanism to the bottom of the team more often
- Q: "What will happen to VK2801 in 0.8.6 in connection with the HEAT nerf? It's not fun to drive a scout without a gun..." A: "Don't drive a scout without a gun then." (SS: VK2801 in 0.8.6 gets a 105mm HEAT nerf, but also a depression nerf from -10 to -8)

- the Leopard 1 ammorack positions are historical
- archievements for travelling certain distance with a tank are apparently not planned
- it's not certain that captured tanks will appear only after historical battles
- apparently the increased E-25 L/70 penetration is just arbitrary, not historical


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. it's possible maps in various times of the day (dusk, dawn, night, day) are possible

      this made me laugh ;)

    2. Why? Combine with weather effects (old PCs can suck on it :D) and you have a beautiful atmosphere.

  2. >- apparently the increased E-25 L/70 penetration is just arbitrary, not historical
    This is plainly stupid...

    1. Just give it L/100 gun. These stats are already from L/100 gun.

    2. No way the L/100 could work on the tank.
      Just make it a tier V premium FFS.

    3. It would be plain OP at tier V. Don't be ridiculous.

    4. As T V Premium it would be too similar to the Stug (playstyle wise)...

      T 6 is alread the D.Max

      i think its going to be a very good an fun vehicle at t7.

    5. What's wrong in arbitrary buffing L/70 ? I think it's a good idea. There's no other gun historically to mount on E-25 and as anon previously posted we already have a Tier VI German TD and at tier V it will be awfully strong for a prem.

  3. - WoT now apparently has an anti-botting mechanism implemented, nothing will be disclosed about it

    Suuuuure it has :)

    1. Just like the report system. You can report, nothing will happen.

  4. - the Leopard 1 ammorack positions are historical

    Yup its historical but the ammoracks HP is 0..


    1. Yes, ammo rack is bad, I always get ammo racked when fighting IS-3. Stupid russian bias, if only that ammo rack was stronger I could pound those noob IS-3's back to tutorial missions

      :insert troll face:

      Srsly... dude, who needs durable modules on a scout tank?

  5. - WoT Blitz doesn't have arty, because its maps are too small

    Heh, I can already see thousand of players migrating there just because of this.

    1. And I can already see them whine that they can't "snipe" (read: camp) effectively because of the small maps...

    2. You already see shit leaving,noob.

    3. "Heh, I can already see thousand of players migrating there just because of this."

      Because shooting on portable device is freaking comfortable.

    4. Asus Transformer type tablet (with keyboard) and USB mouse. Problem?: D

      (unless they don't allow the game to be controlled like that :)

    5. If I am supposed to play on the tablet with keyboard and mouse I would rather choose normal PC

  6. Franky,
    du hast dich Heute selbst übetroffen! Awesome!
    Respect für deine Arbeit!
    I want to pay for this great Work!
    Pls add a "Donate Button!!!!

    1. Muhaha, reminds me of that epic SerB comment:

      "How can i thank u for making this awesome game?"
      Serb: "we are greedy, we take money"

    2. I think that anon is right, you should make a living out of this blog Frank. That way you could keep running this blog and committing as much time as you do now without fear of running out of money :D

    3. Well, that's not possible. It's not like I need money, but I was thinking of moving to a dedicated website. Sadly, as I calculated it, ads would barely cover the hosting costs. From what the admin of Wot-news told me, he actually has it as a revenue, but his site gets 100 thousand individual visits per day (!). I have no idea how much individual visits FTR gets, but the average 30-40k hits are generated (unless I am mistaken) by people reloading the page often in the browser. Today looks like it's gonna be the record day tho.

    4. ~100k in the last 24hrs if I am not mistaken.

      Looking promising. I have been trying to send people your way. They don't really care for the arty nerfs either because of the accuracy kill or because they wanted it limited in numbers per team and not actual equipment nerfing. At least a majority fell into those categorys. The rest just wanted artillery removed. It surprised me where the majority was.


    5. We've been discussing something with Frank, if he agrees expect a post soon.

  7. AMX-13/105 would have fitted perfectly fine in the tech tree. Replace Lorraine 40t with it, make Lorry a crossover from the heavy branch and turn Batchat into a light tank and bam! Full light tank branch.


    1. Or as a T8 prem light.

    2. I'd fap to that!

    3. THat wud be gr8 as French still dun have a premium LT. Im hoping it will be a stock Chaffee instead tho

    4. Would not have fit well. Tank is way too modern for WoT, it could even shoot APFSDS IIRC.

      I do gotta say i'd fap to it though

    5. Tier 8 prem light with 105mm auto-loader? Don't think so...

      I do think it would fit into the line great; the AMX 13 wasn't modernized with the 105 until ~1970 but it was on the same chassis. I'd prefer it as a tier 8 and move the other two back down a tier, then move either the ELC or the 12t so it's in or crosses to the AMX 30 line (if that were implemented).

  8. The 'cyber_smth' account had 85 battles, 98% winrate, two tier10s and 16k average exp per battle :)


  9. - it's possible maps in various times of the day (dusk, dawn, night, day) are possible, won't be implemented for now.

    I want dynamic daytime too - battles starts at night and end at morning or vice versa.

    1. cept battles only last 15mins max

    2. Let's imagine that all maps are near the equator and it goes dark very fast :D

    3. Imagine that time of day during battle would depend on REAL TIME OF DAY, when you play at night all battles are at night too, when you play in day time all maps will be sunny. How's that idea appealing to you?

    4. I have seen that before in other famous game. No morning battles for me then :D


    Those stats are impressive. I really wonder whats all about. Prolly they gave a test account to somebody and he renamed or some shit.

    1. The whole argument was about the fact this account allegedly got so much XP, because he fixed company battles I think.

    2. But how could he get 2 tier 10 tanks with only 85 battles and 335k exp?

    3. X5 for every win during the parade weekend special. It only shows the XP for X1, so just from that that is about 1.7 million max XP if it was earned during the weekend, then he bought them using the gift shop bundles

  11. "- tanks in platoons don't have bigger MM weight than without them"
    Experience with game seems to contradict that. Example - yesterday I was playing T5 platoon with my friend and we were constantly thrown into T7 games - which is normal considering +/- 2 tier MM spread). What isn't normal is that in half of these games we were only T5 in the battle (not counting scouts and arty), and enemy team in place of us had T6 tanks.

    1. And you played what, Chaffee and Hummel? :D

    2. I have same experience with T5 platoons... but when we three took KV-1S, we were thrown ONLY into T6 battles... and most time we were only three T6 in team...

    3. And you guys played 10000 games yesterday so your observation starts to get statistically relevant, right?

    4. Nope... Not yesterday ;) I only describe how it works for us :D

  12. - apparently the increased E-25 L/70 penetration is just arbitrary, not historical

    Why can't they just name it 7,5 cm StuK 44/1 L/70? Solved quite a few problems:

    The 7,5 cm KwK 44/1 L/70 was developed by Škoda in Plzeň (Pilsen), Czech Republic, for the Panther Ausf. F . Equipped with a "Saukopfblende" a weight of 1920 kg resulted.
    The Turmzielfernrohr 13 (monocular) had 2,5x - and 6x-magnification. The most important innovation, however, was the installation of a stereoscopic rangefinder, which should help to increase the accuracy when shooting at distances over 2000 meters.

    1. YAY! :D Škoda FTW :D

    2. That wouldn't make the gun one inch more historical, would it?

    3. The KwK 44/1 L/70 already exists in game on the Pz.Kpfw. IV Schmalturm. And guess what, the only difference is that it's lighter than the KwK 42 L/70; every other stat is exactly the same. So this helps the gun achieve the L/100's stats how Sumeragi/Kankou/Daisengui?

    4. ALl L/70's pen getting buffed or just the E-25?

    5. Just for E-25 seems.

    6. At Zarax: I know, but at least it gives some kind of damn excuse for the accuracy (it's still better than the 0.33 of the 7,5 cm StuK 42 L/70). I'm opposed to the buffed penetration, btw.

    7. I would totally take 150 pen on a tier 6 TD, long as its accuracy was 0.31 :)

    8. E-25 would be blatantly superior to the JgPz IV at tier VI, that's why it's going to be a tier VII (that, and because there's already a tier VI and a tier VIII German prem TD). -Platypusbill

  13. is it true that all tier 10 heavy got their ap round pen nerf on the supertest server?

    1. Except the German ones. -Platypusbill.

    2. cuz their pen was shit even before :D

  14. IIRC all heavies except E-100 and Maus, lost ~10mm of pen on AP. All heavies and mediums except E-100, Maus and IS-7 had their 'gold' pen dropped to the 330-340 range.

    1. If we're here discussing HEAT shells already, check the Chines 113 gold shell penetration in current version.

      Shhhh, no tears, only chinese tanks now.

    2. So after the nerf the 113's AP round will have a wooping 1mm more pen (247) than a Maus...
      So the result can actually be firing more gold rounds then before lol.
      I wounder what happens to all those tanks wth Tier X guns like the ST-I.

    3. WG's goal: Force players to shoot only gold! :D

    4. Oh, so THAT'S what they meant about armor re-work xDD
      Nerf penetrations on tanks and Maus is again a little bit better :D

    5. Problem with that is Tier 9 tanks like the M103 and Conqueror still have enough pen (269-10 = 259mm) to go through the Mau's turret front (240mm). While Tier X tanks with lower pen like the 113 and will spam even more gold ammo at the Maus then before.
      So its a good news bad news situation for the Maus.
      If this is so called "buff" to heavily armor tanks they might get shot at be even more perm shells than before.
      If anything it just makes the Chinese 121 medium with 268pen out class the 113 heavy even more lol.

  15. - SerB states that while vehicles are sorted in the team list by MM weight, in case of equal weight, they are sorted alphabetically, but some mods mess this sorting up

    This is untrue. I have actually witnessed, just about yesterday. A match with 3 T-44 being not in alphabetical order, but some very weird wimbo jimbo... Like the lowest player had reduced MM due modules or something... But this should not be true. Tell us more SerB, I would love to see you explain that ( after I find the replay... from 3k of them... )

    *Takes out popcorn*

    1. delete your mods

    2. I've played vanilla no problem this far, and will keep on playing. I don't need them to boast my stats. I know how useful they are, but have been for the past 2 years refused to use them. :P

  16. Leak on new achievements in WOT, from "official" source :)

    1. These show up on the SEA stats pages already...

      Can't get more official than that although it's funny to see people mow down trees and statues all the time trying to get these achievments

  17. Beating a dead horse(VK28.01)
    Oh, how much more will they kill this once legendary machine?

  18. "What will happen to VK2801 in 0.8.6 in connection with the HEAT nerf? It's not fun to drive a scout without a gun..." A: "Don't drive a scout without a gun then."

    Burn all you gold derpers, thankfully WG will put an end to that derp exploit.

    1. So... you do not think that the Commanders of the real life vehicles chose to use their advantages to take out a real life threat for the success of the unit.....

      Maybe you should take up golf where everyone plays with the same distance to the flag...oops... maybe someone who knows the course might 'cheat' and hit his ball over the dog leg for an easy chip shot

      Darn...can't think of a single thing one can do without someone able to use their physical or mental abilities to exploit.... Maybe you should learn to play better!

      Balue (NA Server)

  19. How is this:
    "- players with high winrates are NOT being put by the MM mechanism to the bottom of the team more often"

    compared to this:


    1. Because if you'd know how to actually read you'd actually read the whole thing and see that none of the potential algorithms in the patent are in the game. Why? Let me explain for the umpteenth time (conspiracy theorists are an infinite natural resource).

      The first algorithm: For every win you go up a tier, for every loss you go down. Therefore 2 losses in a row while you're on bottomtier are impossible
      The second algorithm: Your WR defines your battletier. That means that it's impossible to have poor players on bottom and good on top.

      Do those sound stupid? Yes. Because they are stupid. They're just a filler text on the patent. Nothing more. The patent does not describe anything more. It doesn't have any fancy "omg we're forced to 50%!". Just those 2 examples that have anything to do with your own skills.

      It also describes rolling battletier (first you're on bottom, then at mid, then at top, then at bottom and so forth). So you see it has a lot of stuff all of which cannot be there at the same time.

      Does the conspiracy crowd care though? Not really. They just want to find excuses for their own abysmal performance.


    2. +1

      nice to see that someone actually prefers too read the evidence before putting on the tin foil hat.

    3. Where do you see any conspiracy theory in my post? I know that the mechanism from the patent is not implemented. I takes playing like a couple of battles to know this.

      Why have you assumed that I'm trying to question SerB, while it's the opposite?

  20. Frank what are you thinking about war thunder tank news? Are you planing a blog named war thunder for the record?

    1. I do one thing or I do another, not both. It's possible that with the tanks in War Thunder, the whole blog will reorient on WT. I haven't decided.

    2. Keep up with us till the WT goes for tanks, that is what specialties you've thus far gathered on your team. Then... I have no excuse...

  21. What premium medium tank (tier 8) they think to put in 8.7 ?

    Any information about that ?

  22. A tier 7 TD with a 75mm? Lol. No thx. Don't care if its L100 like or not. Especially since a t6 is a 105 in the dmax. This tank will suck.

  23. With regards to CyberSport's violation of rules, a post is available here


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