Straight outta supertest (not confirmed obviously but I trust the guy):
Current tanks being supertested?
T-60, T-70 light tanks, the aforementioned Object 907 and.... *drumroll please*
New Tier 10 German heavy tank, the 150mm VK7201. Apparently, the devs decided to use the "Leichter Lowe" model for some reason and strapped unhistorically thick armor on it. Looks about like this:
y so many leaks....
ReplyDeleteall i want is a leopard...
ask if they are supertesting the leo...
ReplyDeleteNo they are not.
Deletegood thing I found a mod for my E-50m which turns it into a leo... it might be a while before the 2nd med line is here
DeleteHoly crap, how much did they pay this supertester??
ReplyDeleteNice tanks btw
VK7201 150 is partially made up as the 150mm gun is probably incompatible with the Löwe-turm, however the hull itself and the turret placement are found in blueprints. I'm guessing something like E-50M, a "what if" tank and IMHO, there are too many "what ifs" already in-game.
ReplyDeleteno, that was the designation of the lightweight lowe before it was cancelled in favour of the heavy lowe, which was in turn cancelled for the maus and work from it put into the E100 design.
DeleteThe Loewe we have currently is a mix of the Leichter/Schwere Loewes. It's nowhere near historical, either.
DeleteI wonder where this will be placed in the tree. I hope they don't remove one of the existing heavies for this strange thing o0
ReplyDeleteso is a rear turreted lowe?
ReplyDelete3rd german heavy line? just wow! :D
ReplyDelete(but this "retard" back turret design like the ausf B... well... not so popular)
It is not just unpopular, the VK4502 (P) Ausf. B is bad according to statistics. Of all tier 9 tanks, it has the lowest damage ratio, kills per battle, XVM efficency as well as WN4 rating.
I'd like to see this one with a garage pic. The rendering leaves a lot to be desired. Good job with the blog SS. I appreciate the info and check it daily!
ReplyDeleteNo can do, sorry. Allegedly, right now the supertester supervisors are really pissed someone is leaking stuff, so noone will risk such a thing.
DeleteI guess they could be not only banned but also sued for everything they have for breaking NDA?
DeleteWow. Another big fat slow german heavy. This is excactly what wot needs.
ReplyDeleteThis kind of heays are almost useless in CWs and are horrible to play on pulpic cause they need a City map to make fun.
if it's based off the light lowe, it should have a top speed of 36 or so, so it wouldn't actually be all that slow.
DeleteBut a tier 10 German heavy ist weird...and I can't think of anything beneath it. At least not tier 8 or 9.
ReplyDeleteI always wanted it to replace the Ausf. B, so that you would have a choice in tier 8 and get the Ausf. B down to realistic armour levels (and make it keep the Porsche turret ;)
But tier 10!?!?
Thx for the news Silent.
Another FV215b?
ReplyDeleteGod-Dammit, that thing is ugly. I think they would be better off releasing the long awaited TD branch(es?). One only can hope that will be one of the "tested but rejected" options. Bleh...
ReplyDeleteWell, the playerbase made bad experience with german tier 10 heavys and 15cm gun on it (E100 ;D), lets see what this tank can, how to play it and lets see if it's already obsolete.
ReplyDeleteWith a gun that big, maybe it will be the end of the 2nd TD line for the Germans.
ReplyDeleteUh, not a bad thought! That's possible.
This new german T10 looks so horribly fugly, I won't spend a single XP to get it....
ReplyDeleteofftopic but what is the last info about Fiferly? something could finally leak as well.
ReplyDeleteAnd as soon as the next patch comes they nerf it to oblivian
ReplyDeleteThis is so bizarre...the Lowe was the VK7001 and the gun was the 150mmL40. What are they smoking?
8.6 patchnotes:
Deletelowe moved to tier 10 standard tank following experience required from E75, E50, and 4502B
all current lowe owners have had lowe taken away and have been reimbursed with a T-15 in it's place at half gold price (if there was not enough gold on the account, it was locked until full cost has been paid)
leopard 1 top speed has been modified (to 25km/h)
Any word if there is a new Brit T10 heavy to replace the fabricated FV215B, AKA FV 4201 Chieftain?
ReplyDeleteGood god...not another sneaker shape tank
ReplyDeletethey fucking suck
Oh god, it's a giant loltracktor!
ReplyDeleteIf the VK7201 has unhistorically thick armor at introduction you can count on it it will be 'fixed' to historical levels down the line when people have them in the garage
ReplyDeleteVK4501P Part 2 >.>
On further thought, E-75M. THAT is something I would grind.
DeleteLet's hope it will replace the Maus at Tier 10 and let the Maus be tier 9 with a little less HP.
ReplyDeleteThis "VK7201" needs to have some 300mm sloped armour to cope with the gold-shell madness.
Thank You so much 4 this amazing Blog !
ReplyDeleteNot sure I want that useless Lowe thing in my German Tech tree.
ReplyDeleteWhat the hell? no wonder why the german 2nd med line and TD gets delayed so much. Who asked for another T10 heavy german? or is this supposed to replace E100 or something?
ReplyDeleteSo they are doing the same shit over and over again.
ReplyDeleteRussians get another "modern" (post 1950) OP tank with very low profile (aka bouncemachine) while the Germans get yet again an ultra slow heavy tank, that is as huge as a house.
Are you serious?!?
Guess it is really time to stop playing this crap. Noticed that i already play less and less per week with each new patch (down to a few hours per week now instead of many hours a day).
Wargaming managed to kill this game over time, at least for me and it looks like the continue an killing it, good job.
Delete"while the Germans get yet again an ultra slow heavy fantasy tank, that is as huge as a house and never existed as a real project/tank"
Yep, Next patch germans are getting an ultra slow heavy tank that is big as a house.
DeleteThats exactly what i'd call the Leopard 1.
And ofcourse the Leopard 1 is a fantasy paper project tank that never existed.
DeleteBut unfortunately not in next patch... it still takes a while...
DeleteIn 8.5 The leo 1 is coming, its confirmed allready.
DeletePlay 50 games in a T-62 and then say its bouncy.
DeleteThe turret is definetly bouncy...
Deleteso this one will be dubbed the TrollTraktor i guess, lol
ReplyDeleteMore like TitanTraktor
DeleteMore aptly called Löwetraktor.
DeleteI cant help myself. This so called "Lowe" looks liked a buffed up Loltraktor :)
ReplyDeletemaybe include this image: