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May 13, 2013

0.8.6 new German arty stats


Panzer Sfl.IVb

Tier: 4
Crew: 4
HP: 200
Hull armor: 20/14,5/14,5
Turret armor: 20/14,5/14,5
Turret traverse: +/- 35 degrees
Rate of turret turn: 10 deg/s
Hull turnrate: 20 deg/s
Max speed: 35/10
Engine: 180hp

Gun: 105mm LeFH 18
Penetration: 53/104/64
Damage: 410/350/350
ROF: 4,11
Reload time: 14,6
Accuracy: 0,72
Aim time: 5,5
Ammo: 60

View range: 340
Radio: 700
Price: 150000 credits

GW Tiger (P)

Tier: 8
Crew: 6
HP: 440
Hull armor: 100/80/16
Gun traverse: +/- 5 degrees
Rate of turret turn: 10 deg/s
Hull turnrate: 14 deg/s (16 elite)
Max speed: 35/10
Engine: 600 hp (640 elite)

Stock Gun: 170mm K72
Penetration: 88/95
Damage: 1400/1400
ROF: 1,69
Reload time: 35,5
Accuracy: 0,74
Aim time: 7
Ammo: 21

Top Gun: 21cm Mrs 18/1
Penetration: 105/303/105
Damage: 2000/1550/2000
ROF: 1,16
Reload time: 51,8
Accuracy: 0,9
Aim time: 7,5
Ammo: 15

View range: 380
Radio: 310 (710 elite)
Price: 2650000 credits

IVb 105mm splash: 1,91
TigP 170mm splash: 4,45 or 6,37 (gold) (slight nerf)
TigP 210mm splash: 6,44 or 9,1 (gold) (nerf)


  1. So, the current GW Tiger gets to tier 9.


  2. 1 shot per minute, perhaps 2 hits per game - what a bad joke!

    1. Yep, arty 'problem' solved, you won't see them anymore.

    2. Nope, will still play mine.

    3. AnonymousMay 13, 2013, 1:22:00 AM proly because you suck at normal tanks? anyway enjoy your 1min reload, super duper nerfed aim dispersion and accuracy. You are a masochist!

  3. Hope these are true, arty finally nerfed!!! I shall celebrate!

  4. So 105 heat pen is now down to 104 and that arty with that accuracy would be unplayable unless they buff the splash significantly

    1. Yep, splash is the big questionmark for me right now.
      I'm afraid that's what the Challenger (or was it Chieftain)talked about, when he said that there would be something that the arty palyers would be happy about.


    2. 105mm splash: 1,91
      TigP 170mm splash: 4,45 or 6,37 (gold)
      TigP 210mm splash: 6,44 or 9,1 (gold)

    3. It has to be splash that 105 LeFH 18 gun is on the french premium it does damage in single digits from most near misses cant believe they would nerf accuracy so heavily without compensating!

  5. Geez... so now there will be more slugfests... no scout runs... Yeah, there will be less arty. But vanguarding meds are dead meat... there is not enough arty to help them, and even if able they will not hit.

    Who the hell thinks 0.9 accuracy is good when even with 0.55 you can hit and miss by the will of RNG.

    Well now I have to start dancing more with heavys... this was the obvious developement... And because there is less random arty... noobs will be squashed more by aggressive play because I don't need to fear arty that much.

    Geez... I hope I can grind T92 on time... I don't want to play any arty after the patch. CW arty tactics... all scrapped. Hurray for more slugfesting... hurray for TD camping without worries... Bye bye smart scout in the bush... no arty can support you anymore.

    1. Ahhhh...this is all Music to my ears =D

      But I will only start celebrating, if it feels like this on the live Server ;)


    2. Exactly what i was gonna say, THIS IS AWESOME, i'm gonna throw a party!!


    3. Idiots are idiots. They will never learn until they will see it by themselves how much lack of arty hurts tank balance... Try T21... very nice driving around in T10 match with no arty ( happened few times ) and no place to actually do the spotting.

      Indeed I miss scouting for old days. I merely wanted a limit of 3 arty per match even back then...

    4. Only problem with arty is not its accuracy but their numbers per battle vs damage they deal.
      Arty should be changed to fire more often,deal less damage but do more criticals (supression fire) or barrage fire over selected area without air-view camera.

      And based on number of idiots driving tier 8+ tanks in randoms, arty-free games will be even worse than with it.

    5. Tomogaso is right. Once on malinovka with my t-50-2 and no arties, i went through the swamp area and spotted their entire team. In less than 2min 70% of their team was wiped out by my team and everyone congrated me at the end for good scouting.

      You dont need arties to scout properly.

      Oh yes and im fucking sick tired to get blown up by arty with GPS accuracy while im cruising at full speed.

    6. And the answer above... did the enemy sit still in their base, camping... Did they go the shortest road to hill. Did they tried in anyway hide their hulls from direct fire? If not, then they would not acted differently from indirect fire...

      Lemmings stay lemmings. They suck be it direct or indirect fire. Few scout places which can provide edge for direct fire, but many are for indirect fire. Scouts are made more useless with this without any doupt. They lose half their purpose... spotting enemy artillery for example? Is it even half useful if you know your arty just cannot hit? Making a daring scouting to pop enemy arty before getting back to cover... no use. No one aims that far because their aim is almost doubled from current. There was 50/50 to hit... now it becomes closer to 25/75... including splash kills.

      I hate the way this is going. They said they don't want to have limit of 3 artilleries so they keep nerfing... So with the tier exchange arties should have same damage output as their respective tiers I challenge anyone dealing same damage on T10 arty as in T10 tank on span of 50 battles... Even now It is impossible ( 60% WR with no sealclubbing ).

      Limiting was how to do things.. after WG made adjustments last time people hailed but where still hoping for limit of 3. I'd really like to see artilleries being OP, but I can't see how. They have winrates worse than my tanks, damage per match is worse. How are they superioir if they cannot be converted to numbers?

  6. Well I suppose that arties are now more like luck based - will I hit or will I miss, my skill means nothing.

    1. LMAO like playing arty takes any skill hahaha


    2. Funnily enough you suck even on tanks that supposedly dont need any skill...

    3. @kariverson

      at not moving targets its easy, try hitting fast moving zig-zagging meds or lights, or make long range shots on moving heavies

    4. @ you 2 Retards over me :)

      kariverson, i checked your stats, classic 48% Winrate noob who cry about arty...

      How about play arty by yourself? i mean you noobs talk "Arty dont need skill" so,its the perfect "Tank" for you :)


    5. The skill needed to play arty efficently doesn't come with aiming and destroying any tank.
      95% of arty players fail cause:
      1. They shoot at low tier vehicles that cause no threat to your team.
      2. They aim every single red dot that appears on minimap without thinking if it a threat to your team or not.
      3. Tend to shoot enemies approaching on heavyilly defended flank while other is collapsing.
      4. They don't change positions.

      So the real skill in playing arty doesn't come with unit micromanagment but tactical awarness.
      And also, that 95% of arty players think that if they did 3k+ dmg or killed 3 tanks they are good players.
      It matter what, when and where you hit not only that you hit and destroy.

  7. I think that bigger splash, better rof and lower damage and accurancy would have been better choice.

  8. I guess T92s accuracy will be like 1,5 or 2,0 FFS...and if they don't increase the splash this is gonna be biiiiig fail...and i am still asking myself wouldn't it be easier just to cap them to max 3 per battle and not change them this much?

  9. Can we expect a refund I have 2 tier 8 arties with a 7 on an other line, after these changes it will be pointless playing them, they have to give us back something to compensate.

    1. i think only if you pay cash though.

    2. So WG nerfs tanks quite often with not much complaints but when they hit arty the players want a refund. That says something about the arty players...

      PS: It's just a game, get over it


    3. I've spent real money on xp for the entire french line and bout the french premium arty. These nerfs will make arty nothing more than an exercise in frustration, it's not what I've paid for so I expect a full refund.

  10. That HEAT nerf made my cry. VK 28.01 will be useless now. They should buff the long 75mm gun's penetration at least to the promised performance. And I hope they will not forget nerfing the russian and american derp guns too.

  11. This is the best thing WG has done since i started playing. This is awesome. At last, no more getting one shoted in my medium going 50km/h from only splash damage.

    1. Actually you will die from splash more than hits... But the occurances are more rare. But most likely you will whine even more because someone did that...

      Nerfs won't increase brain capacity. ;)

    2. No, now it's gonna be almost impossible to hit a moving target and do major damage, like it should be. Camping tanks will still get hit if they don't move when they are spotted.

  12. SFL.4b was the prtotype the hescreke 10 fyi

    1. Shouldn't it have fully rotateable turret?

    2. No, while it could be rotated 360deg gun could not be elevated or fired at all 360deg.

    3. As if 70 degrees coverage at lvl4 isn't enough...

  13. I just want to know what they've done to my LeFH18 B2 :(

  14. Active scouting will become much less profitable, bye bye regular 30k silver 1k exp WZ-131 and 132 matches. 3 arty hardcap would work much better, as arty forces campers to move - try tier 8-10 El Halluf with no arty and 5/6 TDs per team, remeber to bring sausages and beer, tent optional.

    1. totally true...


    2. Then scout for the TDs if they are so good...

    3. And who will give arty support to the scouts?

  15. Even GwTiger got 0.9 accuracy now, so how will T92 be?

    1. magical number of 1.0 = this is the definition of "infinite" like infinite accuracy...

      means you can literally nuke the whole map at once... but your epic nuke of doom can just splash an area of 10 meters.

    2. not really... you can also have an accuracy above 1.0
      it simply means that your aim circle has a radius of 1m if the target is 100m in front of you

  16. This doesn't really change the minds of the Unicrums that want the Artillery removed from the game... aka they want them removed not so badly nerfed they won't be played anymore. Aka the USA Unicrums.

    1. Aka the baddies whose campstyle is countered by arty. HF getting American top tier heavies out of their hulldown holes now. Instead of an arty helping you with the obstacle in front of you there will be only another asshole in your team not helping when you need help.

  17. To all the arty lovers posting above: Keep QQQQQQQQing, your bitter tears are like the nectar of the gods. TroooollllooooolllllllllLoooooolllllloooooooollll

    1. ahahahahaha lmao well said xD keep crying suckers! good luck hitting me now. What's most importantly is that rumored aim dispersion nerf by 100%. You know what that means? it means the moment you moved your gun, your aim circle will be all the screen. So no more bullshit insta move aim to the other side of the map>pick target>shoot>kill/splash to death.

    2. omg two noobs

  18. Dear Frank Davis,

    Do you have any idea what will happen to leFH B2 premium french arty? Im thinking now about buyin it for half price, but how about its future position? Do you think it will go to what tier according your expertise? Thanks a lot:)

    Yours JUDrFeelgood

  19. This nerf will bite us all in the ass...

    1. But it will take all the haters months to realize it.


  20. *A small tear falls* Why do I feel like they are screwing the GW Tiger over? I mean this tank is exactly what the gw tiger is. I can't wait to see the patch notes. I may need a bag of popcorn and a tissue. One for the circus act sure to ensue then for crying... For the death of all arty usefulness. Did 3.8k damage in clan wars earlier... That's soon to go away.

    1. I want to see active arty player sitting in so small area... I drive almost 1km in arty in normal 6-7min match to avoid countering. Even if it doesn't happen. If I happen to see misses.. I know I did right.

  21. So bison, sturmpanzer II, Wespe all move up a tier, while the arty with British light tank chassis is going to be tier II?

  22. You missed the new tier 2
    GW mk VIe
    6.5 tons with 88 hp engine
    10.5 cm l22 gun
    410/350 damage
    64/104 mm pen (HE/HEAT)
    0.84 accuracy
    7.5 sec aim time
    RoF: 2.22
    +5/-5 traverse arch.

    They have info on all new SPGs... and the E-25 (tier 7, 26 tons @ 700 hp engine and the 7.5 cm l70)

  23. well, thats how artys should work
    long realoadtime, long aiming time, bad accuracy
    heavy damage..

  24. Very nice job noobs... Since the last arty nerf the arty is UP already, but you are still BS enough to get hit by it on regular base. Just l2p and stop whining or change the game, if it is unadequate for you in it's current version. Hard Rain should have the right difficulty level for you.

    I don't even need to look in any profiles to know that somebody without knowledge of the maps, tactical knowledge, knowledge of vehicle properties and no movement is a very bad player. Can't you players just be happy about the new high pen guns and addional gold ammo for credits so that your unability to hit weakspots doesn't give you deserved results? Two nice features that made the game fun for decent people undone for some idiots...

    Arty in WoT is just one of these things which are an easy-mode counter for very bad players, but very limited against good players...

    1. Buhu the evil WG are destroying my favorite toy and if I try to sound like I know what I am talking about with cool technical terms other people might acctually put some value on my worthless ramblings.

  25. Ok, I checked HEAT ammo and sadly WG nerf is historically accurate.
    One however could ask for the APDS shell, 10,5 cm Pzgr. 39 (TS)with a penetration of 90 mm at 500 m but according to Waffen und Geheimwaffen des Deutschen Heeres 1933-1945 by Fritz Hahn it remained experimental.

  26. What people(noobs) think: find cover so the arty won't hit me
    What actually happens: the arty move, find another spot to hit the damn thing that is not going to move anymore
    What should be done: keep moving so the arty won't aim at me

    1. Yep. That sums it up clearly.

      ALWAYS be moving or ALWAYS be dieing.


  27. Sourse not
    Sourse this post ( in
    Or friends-zone =)

  28. RIP Arty

    ...Rest In Piss

  29. If I have a GWP now will I get a GW tiger p because GWP is the current equivalent of a tier 8 ?

  30. Soo.. nerfing arty is completely balancing it out and making ppl happy.
    But leaving an KV1S with 390 alpha or an IS-2 with gold 300pen is good and normal?

    I agree the (gold)derps went out of hand, but for the most part arty was fine (apart from the amount u seen them in battle).'

    Where all the people went that moved to avoid artyfire and used cover like it should be used?
    I don't get it.


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