- only amount of platoons in battle is balanced specifically, not their MM weight
- British T8 prem won't come in 8.5
Q: "Is it worth collecting XP on Chaffee and T-50-2 for when they are
moved to T6 and the branch is prolonged?" A: "Always better to wait for
announcements" (SS: in other words, another confirmation the fate of
VK2801 awaits them too)
- Kampfpanzer M47 (germanised M47) will NOT be a T8 German premium medium vehicle, Storm says it's more like T9,5 material
- 0 module damage bug: Storm claims it's an old bug, around from 7.4, it will be fixed in 8.5 or 8.6
- the issue whether Leopard-1 will get a Bundeswehr cross will be solved later
- SerB on War Thunder: "Release will show what is what"
- no tier 10 premium tanks will be implemented, ever
- sub-caliber rounds do not ricochet more than AP ones in WoT
- on 7/42 companies and statistics: "If your statistics are precious to you, don't play 7/42 companies"
- SU-122-44, Panther M10 and AT-15A are doing fine statistically
- not all trees will have T8 LT's
T-34-100 back into the game? "We rarely bury tanks for good. The tank
is interesting but for now we can't tell anything about its fate"
- SerB considers IS-7 to be overnerfed
- T-64 early prototype in WoT? "We won't comment on that"
for an ammoracked vehicle to be forced to buy all the ammo (that was
destroyed during the explosion) would be too hardcore, won't be
- it's not clear whether the barrel of a destroyed tank counts as "solid", it has been changed several times in the past
- SerB states that the duty to enforce the 12+ policy is on the parents, Wargaming doesn't have a way to control the player age
- those who trade their accounts are banned if the evidence is clear
- there might be a tree
bridges between UK and Chinese regular vehicles and arties - SerB won't
tell details, because there would be too much whine if this was changed
- SerB is happy with current Batchat155 performance
- in the Brit tree, AT8 is before AT7 due to their performance characteristics
- according to SerB, Chinese tanks are played by a normal amount of people, the most popular branch is the USSR
- it's not yet decided whether the Italians will be a part of the EU tree, or will have their own
- Japanese "O-Ni" superheavy project is unknown to Serb, he knows of other names
- SerB does not yet know, whether the Japanese light tank "57mm gun Type 5 Ke-Ho" will be implemented
- tier 2 Japanese arty was already decided, but won't be published for now
regarding the Iwakuro tank, the only option for it was the 150mm gun,
early O-I (and some others) might have a long-barreled 75mm gun (of
unknown type) and a 105mm howitzer
- the bug where on minimum
settings you don't see the objects properly and it can happen that you
aim into a rock while you don't see anything there cannot be fixed,
because in order to improve performance, the surface grid is too sparse
and there might be a difference between the object picture on the server
and on the client. Minimum settings should be used on really bad
machines only.
And some answers from Storm (I'll just copy here the ones I did for the 8.4T2 patchnotes first, some were modified)
- Tortoise won't get the nerf, not even in 8.5
- the new Nvidia drivers contain the same bug as the old ones
- AT7 research test cost (9647 XP) is a bug, will be fixed
the E-100 fix concerned frontal plate, (SS: not sure how it looks on
the schematics but from what I understand come parts of the armor were
improperly aligned (angles), causing the parts to be easy to penetrate),
devs won't disclose what exactly they did, only the fact the bug was
- Churchill I price confirmed to be cca 49000 (SS: 49050 stated earlier)
- on IS-6 "some little crap on the model" was fixed