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May 6, 2013

Reactions on 0.8.6 leak

Well, the reactions from Wargaming were kinda *wtf*, so I guess we can assume the leaks from today aren't fakes, they are genuine. Before the whole thread was removed, US developer The_Chieftain hinted that even though we see one part of the story (the nerfs), there might be another change upcoming, which might actually please the artyplayers.

However, Overlord reacted a bit differently on his blog:

And how do the Russian players react on the alleged SU-26 nerf?

("Suffer, sealclubber, your suffering makes us happy!" - sorry, this comment just made me laugh.)


  1. Great, ner fmy GwPanther funarty to the ground with WORSE accuracy than my current T92! Thanks WG!


    1. cry one hand player cry, your tears make me smile

    2. Finally! Love these nerfs!


    3. Just cant wait for patch to come, even though arty nerfs... Cant wait to see all those noobs "oh no 5 arties" whiners rolling in battle with 0 arties, and still loosing dying like tards etc, finally maybe realizing thats its not arty fault, they just simply suck with finding cover, scouting, game basics, I hope they will simply acknowledge finally they have 0 skills, cause they will run out of excuses, and all in all arty nerfs will be reverted in 0.8.7, cause arty will be simply dead in 0.8.6

    4. My god, the amount of butthurt from arty haters is impressive. What's the matter? Your anus is still bleeding? Hahaha, what a pathetic bunch you are :)

    5. the amount of butthurt from arty-loving one hand players is even more impressive, I especially love the arty players saying that people are just too stupid to hide from arty. While hiding from 5 T8 arties with splash is not too hard, doing so and actually participating in the battle is near impossible because as soon as you stick your head out you get nuked for 1k+ dmg, but hopefully no more

    6. @angrybanana

      If you were actually a good player you wouldn't be shot for 1K+ damage constantly since the way you bad players talk is as if anything Hummel and up one shots you and that is really only possible if the bad players that you are turn their back and/or side to arty, but hey, I'm sure it'll work out for you, I mean, even if they nerf the accuracy 20 times over, I'm sure you won't be damaged for 1K+ still for being a bad player, can't possibly happen, I shall await you on the battlefield to test this concept in 8.6.

    7. I use the same nick here as in wot(eu) so you can check yourself wether you think Im a good player, but according to all ratings I classify as "great" to unicum in my last 2,3k games, you are the one posting as anonymous.
      Also im not getting hit for 1k all the time but any time i get hit that hard by some lowskill one hand player that I cant hit back is one time too many

    8. Every player trying to proof their worth/skill with things like "efficiency rating" is a bad player in my book. All those shiny stats are very easy to boost which takes any meaning from them.


    9. How would you like me to show that I am not a total noob without stats?

    10. Surely you realise that the '1k+ damage' statement was hyperbole?

      Regardless, leaving cover has significant costs in games with 3+ arty pieces, especially since you're often going to be the only one leaving cover thanks to the lack of coordination. Such games aren't uncommon in t8+ tanks.

      Also your 'efficiency' comment is rather amusing - sure, such measurements aren't perfect, but using them in conjunction with other information (e.g. WN7+winrate+tanks played) you can gauge how good a player is relatively well.

      Claiming that such stats are 'easy to boost' implies a severe lack of understanding of their mechanisms on your part. If by 'boost' you mean 'do significantly more damage for your tier and get more kills per battle', then that is certainly not easy.

      A bad player will have bad stats - platooning and playing 'OP' tanks will only get you so far. Without being good in the first place, you won't get good stats under the best circumstances.

      If you're going to be judgemental, at least come up with some credible and less ignorant arguments to reinforce your position.

  2. Russian trolling working as intended...

  3. "Sealclubber"? True, the SU-26 always was the ultimate n00b-pwner. Maybe it is just fair to bring it down to the realm of the Mortals. It's Golden Days have been long gone for a while anyway, and it will still always be "the" Tier 3 arty merely because of the benefit gained from having a turret. I got 9 kills in it twice (prolly a meager accomplishment compared to the many SealClubbingGods out there, I know) and will always have it in my garage, waiting for that inevitable buff in 2014. ;)

    1. Well, the Russian term for a sealclubber is "perdobir", eg. pedobear.

    2. Yeah, su26 is my worst nightmare, from times when i had 100 battles. I rushed nicely in my pz38t to backs of enemys, rammed their arty, and waited for my cannon to reload, AND THEN ARTY TURNED HIS TURRET TO MY SIDE. One ka-pooow later i learned that arty always is A danger.

    3. At least you rush arty. Everyone else seems to hide and complain about it. As an Arty player I fear being flanked and rushed. Maybe you can teach people how to flank and rush. =) Considering the reload times on higher tier arty you would think that rushing it was possible.


  4. ah, the sweet tears of arty players, after 2 years of getting nuked all over the place the terror MIGHT finnaly come to an end

    IF and i say IF wg really has the b**s to mega-nerf arty so hard (and not buff them next patch) they really gained back some respect from me.

    i keep my fingers crossed the numbers stated so far will come true :)

  5. I have mixed feelings about the arty nerf. I have 2 t8 arties and need I say that it took a long time to get them. Now to see them nerfed to hell makes it feel like the effort was for nothing.

  6. Hahaha, suffer :D


  7. > ("Suffer, sealclubber, your suffering makes us happy!" - sorry, this comment just made me laugh.)

    You maybe missing the point of this. It is related to this:

  8. WoT without proper artillery is like dog with 3 legs.
    With arti nerf, the scouts will get more useless aswell.
    Tanks will probably camp even more, because theres less action to force them off behind the buildings.
    As a result, WoT will become more boring game.
    I quess its a good thing. Maybe its time to quit. Been playing it too much and too long already.

    1. Same here. People just want a scapegoat. They can't realize that THEY are the problem because they are simply *bad* players, and blame their own faults on the artillery. When SPGs get so nerfed they can't add to a battle, a new scapegoat will appear. Most likely, TDs, specially the fast ones.

    2. Actually I find arty one of the biggest problems in WoT and I'm not a bad player.

      Also,arty encourages camping,it is forcing you to stay behind a building,not to get out.

      Anyway,I'm just happy that they finally start to nerf this abominations,they really ruin the fun of the game.


    3. Always anons claiming that other people are 'bad' when they complain about something. I wonder if they'd be bold enough to put forward the same opinions without the veil of anonymity. It's often pretty average players who are the most bigoted.

      Sure, people always want a scapegoat and should try to improve their game through acknowledging their mistakes, but arty is a problem regardless.

      Arty is pretty bloody annoying and it detracts from enjoyment of the game without adding much.

      The only time I value having arty is when I'm playing a scout, but even then it's not that great. It just generally encourages camping. I pretty much never see no-arty games as stagnant and boring as ones with arty.

      'Tanks will camp more?' Why, because there's suddenly less to punish them for aggressiveness? Please, think this through logically. With arty, you are encouraged to take cover and discouraged from making bold and aggressive moves. This leads to more 'campy' games. Thus without arty, there is less punishment for being aggressive and less discouragement from taking cover. Without arty, games are less 'campy'.

      It's a pretty controversial claim to make that malinovka is more dynamic when there are 4 arties on each side.


    4. I want to see the anonymous idiot's stats.

      I bet they're all under 900.

    5. This whole debate dismays me. Everyone is all or nothing. Wake up. Five arty ruin open maps. But no arty ruin the game balance, making scouts largely pointless and heavy front armour tanks like TDs OP. We need a two or three arty cap, not nerfs that make them unplayable. Fuck WG's stupid fear of queues. If arty players dont like queuing they take something else, at least when they do get in it will be playable.

    6. This opinion dismays me - without arty scouts are useless and heavy front armour is OP? If you're going to try to take the intellectual high ground and turn your nose up at the opinions of others, at least think your own opinions through.

      I'd forgotten how dominant the maus, E100, 268 and jgpzE100 are in no-arty games. If it wasn't for arty, these tanks would be impossible to kill thanks to their strong front armour.

      I'd also forgotten how useless scouts are in spotting targets for the rest of the team to light up without getting damaged themselves, and in making enemy tanks take cover at the start of the match and thus delaying their deployment.

      Wake up. No-arty games are fun, and don't noticeably favour any type of tank. Games with arty, however, are less fun, and arbitrarily make some tanks much less effective. Oddly enough, those tanks tend to be the ones which don't do well anyway (jgpzE100, E100, Maus, O263 and slower tanks).

      Given the choice (in any tank), you'd rather be in a game with arty than without it? For me (and it's not uncontroversial to say for most of the playerbase), it's a yes.

      The only hesitation would be in a scout, since the slow pace of the game means I can whore damage-on-spotting whilst the enemy (fast and slow, armoured and non-armoured) cowers in cover. Don't read that as me saying scouts are useless without arty though. It's simply easier to whore spotting damage when the game is more stagnant and I know whatever I spot can be hit regardless of tanks' normal line of sight.

    7. MrCaffeLatte, the best thing is that we keep the SPGs in our games, but less OP and without that amazing accuracy, shooting at full speed running mediums.

      Besides that, my mediums will love to kill the heavily armoured tanks, by using tactics, not by sitting in a bush and shoot while staying undetected. And that is why we have fast mediums, isn't it?

      (For the haters: PR: 1478, battles > 13000, English: baaad so I think that you can call me an average player with a heavily shared opinion)

    8. I don't even think arty is OP. It just kills enjoyment in the game, assuming the general consensus is that enjoyment doesn't consist in sitting behind cover while you wait for arty to nuke the enemy.

      Its accuracy isn't great at the moment, but when it does hit, it hurts. I don't care and don't notice how many times that T92 misses me, but when it finally does hit in that one game in ten, it really screws my fun up. Not to mention the smaller hits I'll be sustaining from arty more often.

      I think arty should only be a tool for clan wars, tank companies and pro leagues. In random games it just leads to stagnancy as the deterrent effect it has is greater when there is no communication or coordination.

    9. People will camp even without arty, believe me. They're camping not because they are afraid of arty, they cam cause they don't want to get kill or getting shoot at for that matter.

    10. MrCaffeLatte just give it up, 90% of the player base are too stupid/bad to understand whats wrong with SPGs. They are happy to get 1500+ damage rolls with one hit and still fail to see the frustration of others. Calling good players "haters" etc.

      The 10% that do understand the issue are good players who like to play agressive and have multiple high tier tanks.

    11. Moving arty so that you can shoot the target who thinks he is camping in artysafe and oneshot him kaboom = priceless

    12. For heavy armored tanks you now have gold ammo.

      "No arty" will not destroy balance of the game, it will CHANGE it. It will be finally World of ___TANKS___

    13. MrCaffeLatte - you're quite right the Maus and company aren't effective at the moment, but that true regardless of arty, because of the gold ammo problem. This will continue to ruin any armour-focused tank. Gold ammo is a separate topic but has severly dumbed down the game by negating a whole level of tactics. Improving the game should start by removing gold ammo and rebalancing accordingly (so Maus actually bounces rather than just has a massive HP pool). Add an arty cap as well and you've got a great high tier game again.

      If you have two arty in a game all they do is act as a deterrent against morons who want to play the game like Call of Duty. Two arty firing 4 shells between them a minute, with probably 50% hit rate, are not going to ruin the game for anyone but those who think they should be able to park a heavy in an open field and not get hammered.

      As for your scout comment, if you can't recognise the benefit that arty has to scouts as a) indirect fire support, and b) a target to hunt, then I can't take any of your opinions seriously. Then again, you pretty much admit this in the last paragraph, so it seems you do know it, you just do want it to get in the way of your arty hate.

      In the fast, free-flowing game that you want scouts will be almost entirely useless - how many will play them just to scout the enemy set up at the start? Once that is done, in a flowing game a scout is simply a liability. Anything it can do a med can do better in such a scenario.

  9. What did The Chieftain say exactly?

  10. Sounds exciting! Artillery will have to think before shooting.

  11. They can nerf as much as they want. Still many will play with arty, and still noobs without arty cover are going to get nuked..

  12. Now imagine how the scouts feel? Its like cutting their 1 hand. Sure, they still have 2nd hand but..? They are kinda much handicapped by this nerf too. Imagine those tier 10 slugfests, for example on Sand River -> 10 tiers X beasts on both sides AND 5 scouts on both sides...

    1. Well, actually I have some few battles in higher LTs under my belt ( I hesitate to call them "scouts", yet most of them are pretty capable of spotting), and one observation comes to mind:

      Most of the damage on spotted targets is done by tanks, not SPGs. Arty fires twice a minute and either hits or misses. Tanks give much more reliable damage output IMO, not to mention that the continuous volley has great supressing effect. A tank wont risk to assail and chase me against other tanks. Against arty, he is either hit or not, and in the "window of opportunity" may attack my LT.

  13. Well, time to grind US heavies, the next big OP thing ;)

  14. I can bet they are making a new "close up" aiming mode for SPGs, something like a sniper view.. and maybe Chieftain refer to that as a thing that will please us :P

    1. There already is an "addon" that lets you fire with arty in sniper mode and I highly doubt that they will install it genuinely in the game itself.

    2. I didn't mean something like that.. more like something where we would have to use markings on the reticle in order to hit the target on longer distances :P

    3. >There already is an "addon" that lets you fire with arty in sniper mode and I highly doubt that they will install it genuinely in the game itself.
      Actually it was suggested by Overlord some time ago, before the appearance of that modpack.

  15. its time to sell my beloved master or AP 261.
    one less arty to worry about.

  16. quote: "ah, the sweet tears of arty players, after 2 years of getting nuked all over the place the terror MIGHT finnaly come to an end

    IF and i say IF wg really has the b**s to mega-nerf arty so hard (and not buff them next patch) they really gained back some respect from me.

    i keep my fingers crossed the numbers stated so far will come true :)"

    First of all, I'm not an arty player. Got a Hummel in my garage not to forget how to do it and remind myself of what it's capable of. But when I'm reading comments like this one, I just can't comprehend how much of a bloody retard this guy have to be, to get nuked nuked all over the place for two years. By no means I'm a great player. Closer to average joe. But I can play well enough to realize that most of my deaths-from-arty where caused by Yours truly. There's nothing OP about an arty. It's just an old fashioned problem between the chair and the keyboard. And I'm quite confident, that no matter how badly arty is going to get nerfed, good players will know how to make it work. And retards will whine still...

    1. It doesn't matter how good you are,you will get hit by arty from time to time,and when it happens it's not funny.
      Now,if arty would have a purpose in the gameplay it would be kind of O.K.,but right now arty only increases camping.


    2. If you dont understand the purpose of arty in the game you dont understand the game. Its that simple.

    3. @up: I would not said it better myself.

      @VladPomar: but from time to time is not equal to being "nuked all over the place" for 2 years. Agreed that being bonked by an arty is not funny, but there is plenty of ways to avoid it/counter it/neutralize it. First thing popping to mind is Spall Liner. Got it on my E-75 and I'm not complaining. Providing that whole enemy artillery will not be hell bent on pounding me into the ground, along with decent positioning it's enough of a protection. And even if I'm being treated as a main course on arty menu, by that I take pressure off the rest of the team and give them some breathing space and a chance to break through.

    4. Sure,there are ways to avoid arty,but the most common and effective way is to hide behind an obstacle (building/rock) and wait for the enemy.Many times arty is forcing you to do such maneuvers which transforms the battle in a campfest.
      As I said,if arty would actually have a purpose on the battlefield it would be almost O.K.,but it doesn't. It only imbalance the game because if ones team arty dies in the first minutes then the team is practically lost.

      So,arty is unhistorical,unbalance the game,increases camping and,from time to time,ruins all the fun in a battle.

      Why would WG actually implement such a thing in the first place?!


    5. "So,arty is unhistorical,unbalance the game,increases camping and,from time to time,ruins all the fun in a battle."

      Bravo... bravo... very wise words!

    6. Can someone imagine that this retarded whining about arties being OP will stop in 8.6??????


      Noobs will be nobs and arties will kill them becouse they are OP, not because they are NOOBS and IDIOTS!!!!

      Wait for 8.6 patch and see.

    7. Arty isn't OP,the hole concept is wrong,also the majority of complains comes from good players,not from noobs.


    8. "Arty isn't OP,the hole concept is wrong,also the majority of complains comes from good players,not from noobs."

      This is your argument? If a good player claims arty is OP / unbalanced,etc this is 100% correct?

      I play arty alot and maybe once in 7-8 games I have the chance to see a heavy tank player that actually knows what he is doing, know how to keep moving in order to avoid being nuked and alos knows where to stay arty safe.
      When I congratulate him for his performance, guess what his reply is every time: I play alot of arty so I know how to avoid being nuked by them.

      So your argument is not valid at all. Play each class and get to know thei strenghts and weaknesses.

    9. Are you serious or you're just trolling?!

      You said:
      "Noobs will be nobs and arties will kill them becouse they are OP, not because they are NOOBS and IDIOTS!!!!";I told you the majority of complains comes from good players,not from noobs.

      I have played German and Russian arty up to tier 6 and I also tried all tier 8 arty on test server.
      Knowing how to play artillery doesen't help you much to avoid them,when you get detracked and you get one shoted by arty it doesen't help you that you have 1k games in arty.

      The majority of players consider that arty should get nerfed and so does WG,so I really don't care that every 7-8 games you see a lucky player that manages to dodge your shots,artillery brings only bad things to this game and I'm very happy to see that WG is trying to make them less effective.


    10. 1. the fact that you care or dont care about something is irrelevant here.
      2. claiming that the good players complaining about arties should lead to arty nerf because (?) they are good players? - irrelevant again.
      3. so every 7-8 games a lucky (lol) player dodges bullets - not so relevant again: checking the player's profile - great player,awesome stats, and he didn't dodge MY bullets, he dodges the bullets of 5 arties, staying arty safe,knowing when to it's not so much about 'luck", its about knowing what an arty can do and can't, so you're wrong again.
      4. I don't claim to e an arty pro here and I don't want to whine about arty nerfs, I will keep playing them in the future. In 17 k battles, I have almost 7 k battles in arty, I'm still grinding the french arty for the top arty, have the rest of them.

      All I wanted to point is that 90% of the time it's the player's fault that he died, not arty. Arty isn't some kind of divine will from above that decides who dies and who doesn't.

      If ppl will admit their mistakes and stop blaiming arty for everything, maybe the the situation would have been different.

    11. @up

      Words of Wisdom, My Friend.

  17. I love how all the arty players are all like


    newsflash; scouts don't need you and never have. only idiots suicide rush to go and kill arty; the main point of scouts is to light up the opposition and provide info for the team. That and get some juicy DOD whilst doing so.

    1. Have you ever played a scout? The value of a scout is mainly in places where other friendlies have no line of sight (thats why things arent spotted!). In such places your xp comes from spotting damage from your arty.

  18. Arty was OP and will be OP and I drive GW-Panther and Lorraine 150.
    Either they nerf arty max dmg (normally GW-Panther only makes like 250-350 dmg anyway but I once did 1500 to a goddamn T110E4... the fuck!?) or arty-whiners will still be complaining that arty one-shots them just as before the nerf.

    1. That'sexactly my thought. This won't be the last nerf.


  19. "newsflash; scouts don't need you and never have. only idiots suicide rush to go and kill arty; the main point of scouts is to light up the opposition and provide info for the team. That and get some juicy DOD whilst doing so."

    First think before say something like this. I have few hundreds battle in scouts, but started them not a long ago, and personally love scouting now (and im quite good, at least i think 55-58% win rate isnt bad...). Now ill give you fast example- map Widepark. Ill do fast spot in the middle, my team see where enemy go. Then fall back, and... and...? In this case - first spot - ONLY arty can do some first hit to the enemy. No one is such stupid to stay on railroad and shoot. Sometimes such fast first spots give few thousands of spotting damage (if arty is good and can actually hit) - I ALWAYS say where Ill do first spot. After that, on Widepark i have nothing to do...

    Sure, I can always scout further. BUT.. potentially, such fast spot may be a major factor for the win.

    1. widepark for scouts is like malinovka for maus, wrong example IMO

    2. You hardly disprove his point. Scouts don't need arty to do a good job and be influential in the game.

      Furthermore, there aren't that many maps like widepark where tanks aren't able to take advantage of a fast spot.

  20. Cheiftain was probably hinting at that rumored new arty sniper mode camera, which already exists in free cam mod.

  21. The majority of Russian players say something between: "At last our prayers were heard, you fat lazy artyfags!" and "Ha-ha, now you suffer, one-button base-jerking crabs!"
    It is truely a problem on our servers: random rounds for tier-10 are made from suffering and pain, especially if you're riding a slow heavy on an open map with 5 top arties and 3 scouts per team.
    PS. I'm not an arty-hater. My arties are driven by 3-5 perked crews with 2.5-3K average damage per round.

  22. I don't see what the fuss is about. The new T10 arty have been buffed a bit if anything. T8 arty currently make the top tiers a nightmare for regular tanks, and that's why players don't play them => more arty as a percentage.
    I won't be happy until they change the mechanic or nerf the top tier arty properly.
    Ohh, and before you bitch and moan, I have all 4 T8 arties. Boring as fuck to play and a blight on the game as they are at the moment.

  23. This was leaked to the russinas about when we got 8.5

  24. All these self-righteous arty apologists accusing the haters of being clueless noobs, when arty approval rates are inversely correlated with winrate :D -Platypusbill

    1. " arty approval rates are inversely correlated with winrate" ty for new signature :)

  25. About all these leaks, just one thing stoke me: GW Panther accuracy is being nerfed (maybe as far as to oblivion - 0.7 - according to some of them) and yet there are no rumors of similar changes to Object 261. So far it looks like USSR is going to retain it's lazor-like accurate SPG.
    I am aware that if GW Panther will really be changed like that, they will probably compensate lack of accuracy with bigger splash radius - yet this is similar situation to PzIV. I'm okay with nerfs and buffs, but changes that totally change (sounds funny:)) particular vehicle playstyle or even role on the battlefield - they just suck.

  26. The cries of arty players are my joy

  27. Arty haters can suck my dick.

    Im still gonna whack you with 800+ damage with my hummel and still making you into scrap.

    Have fun, since the nerf does not remove your noobiness. It just delays your death.

    1. It may come as a surprise to you, but the players most vocal against SPG's are usually the best players with the better understanding of the game.

      Really, you should noobmeter them and enlighten yourself.

      ~ Khosrau - EU

    2. I'm a dedicated arty hater.

      VladPomar - EU

    3. "It may come as a surprise to you, but the players most vocal against SPG's are usually the best players with the better understanding of the game. "

      I've never seen anykind of strong artyhate in ASEET, which can be considered as a pretty good clan.

      Personally I think the arties are fine as is. Perhaps limit to max 3-4 per match if anything.

      Good players adjust to arty and cooperate with the own teams arty. 8-9 times out of 10, when I get killed by arty, it's by my own obvious mistake. It's not unreasonably hard to make yourself a difficult target for arty (or at least more difficult than the other tanks in your team :P), while still making an impact on the battle.

    4. Actually it's quite easily to avoid arty,you just camp near the closest building the hole game and wait for others to get raped by arty,does that sound good to you.

      When a Maus tries to push and he gets destroyed by arty it's not Maus mistake,it arty that just ruined the gameplay.

    5. If you camp behind a building a whole game, just because of a few arties, you can hardly be considered a good player.
      Sure, there is always a risk going out in more open areas, but good players make good calculated risks and are aware of their surroundings and where arty likely will aim etc.

      Maus is currently out of the meta, and not only because of arty. It's just too slow to have any big impact on the game, with all the newer fast tanks, which also have big guns.

    6. Hahahahahaha,agree with u mate,we will rape them every fuckin time and idiots will cry "fuckin arty" :))
      Stupid idiots dont know 2 hide and thats why they hate arty.....Dumb asses

  28. cry artygamers!!! CRY!!!! :DDDDD

  29. suffer artillery n00bs, now you will have to trully show how skilled you are.

    but that will probably just result in half of you rather leaving this game for good.

    you wont be missed you unskilled fat assed idiots.

    1. And i show by removing huge chunk of your HP again and again, proving that you are still a noob who has more mouth than actual skill.

      Go watch Tank Academy videos on youtube.

      OR better yet, find your brain.

    2. Shouldn't you be doing your homework, fucktard?

    3. Honor student in my school bitch

    4. AnonymousMay 7, 2013, 11:05:00 AM

      Shouldn't you be doing your homework, fucktard?

      If message wasnt ment to me, im sorry for crude answer.

    5. Oh the hilarity of everyone posting as anon...

      The only reason not to use your ingame name here would be if you were leaking stuff from the SuperTest or other supposedly non-public information about WoT/WG. If you only leave out your name because you want to throw around insults, it would be better not to post at all.

      This reply chain is a prime example of how not to behave on a blog or the internet as a whole.


    1. as a dedicated scout player you shouldnt care. you still can bait those silly heavy tanks with your juicy hull to take a shot at you, while exposing themselves means the tds in that bush over there will shred them to bits if they try to.

      really, as a good scout, you shouldnt really care much.

    2. Wrong. A scout works best scouting for his own team' arty than any other tank.Arty can fire all across the map, hiting targets that any other td/tank can't even see.

      Scout + arty platoon wins almost every battle when coordonated, so a scout should care about any arty nerfs / buffs.

      Funny to see how ppl consider arty as nothing, scouts as suiciders etc etc.

      every class has its ROLE!

    3. its just how you take it, keep close to your comrades when theres no arty and you should still be fine. agter all there will always be some kill hungry tard who will fall for it.

  31. Can't wait for the 8.6 release to keep fucking up theese noobs with my arties. Having 55% to 60% WR with my tier 6-7-8 arties(who will be in 8.6 tier 8-10), theese nerfs won't keep me from playing arties and ruining the noob's games.

    And guess who will keep bitchin and complain about arties being OP..

    Can't wait to see theese whiners whine more...daydream:)

  32. These changes are actually what I thought arty should have been for a long time. Funny thing is when I suggested it Overlord shot them down as a terrible idea.
    Arty isn't very accurate most shots (>90%)should miss. Their splash damage should be increased correspondingly so that the chance of doing some damage is still the same as is now. On the rare ocasion that arty actualy does score a direct hit though it should kill all but the high HP heavy tanks (E75, E100 etc)of it's tier.

    1. Agree.

      But imagine the whining when all the noobs will see the splash increase of arty - OMFGWTFARTYBOOMSPLASH....

  33. This is a cite.

    "Suffer, fag, your suffering makes us happy" – there was a true comment from one of the devs to a whiner in one inofficial WoT-community :)

  34. I've never felt that arty was overpowered and I play a lot of heavy tanks. Sure, if I'm in my E100 or KV4 on Polkarovka with 5 arty I'm like FFFFUUUUU! But that's the name of the game and you deal with it. But also you can outsmart arty and the best players do this. If you know you're the first heavy tank spotted, assume arty is on you, evade, drive erratically, don't stop in the open to aim your 3.4 second gun. It's the weak minded who blame everyone else for their stupidity.

  35. So, when can we expect light/scout tanks nerf? Bcs they already makes arties life miserable...i'm not arty fanboi but if they can nerf arties this hard then they can nerf those fucking faggets running at 70kmh doing circles and still evading all shells...

  36. I saw the "arty leaks" here on FTR. I decided to search more info on some Russian sites/forums and eventually I got confused by all the weird information I found. Then I decided to ask Overlord through his blog about some confirmed info about the upcoming changes. He kindly replied to my question. And the next day I saw the screenshot of his answer re-posted on FTR. Looks like we're back to the start point ^^

    I hope this update will change not only the arty but other tanks and mechanics as well.

    adrpal921 EU

  37. Looks like majority of players applaud to next SPG nerf. So the change is more good than bad.
    I personally dont like the further nerf. If any nerf should be done, it should be done on Alpha dmg.
    For a record. I have 16K battles, 1721 WN7, 6x T10 tanks and only GWE as a T8 SPG.
    I repeat. I dont like that nerf and i have to agree with above poster who sayd that wot will become a more boring game with 8.6.

    1. Well... Lets calculate the amount of players who do not know how artys work to actually understand fully their advantages and drawbacks + those few who just hate them by heart and still are good. The otherside is left pretty much small group, but mostly those who do understand artys say there are too many of them, not that they are overpowered... Thus the conclusion is biased by the point of view.

      That is fellow 60% WR with multiple top tier, MT, TD, HT, SPG... The group of us who think there is no need for nerf is too small. And for the fact it seems shouting contest is not won by us for obvious reason. :/

  38. Why just dont remove arty from game?Fuck arty players,arty players dont use premiums?Guys this game is fucked long time ago and why u spend time here if WG dont giva fuck for you?They want money and thats it!!!


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