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Apr 29, 2013


- 0.8.6 confirmed to come out in June 2013 (on RU server anyway)

- there is no difference between early (pre-war), wartime and post-war armor quality in game
- there will be some upcoming changes in mods (SS: related to the new artillery hack mod), "follow the news" (SS: one proposed solution was a "mod certification", without which the mod won't be accepted)
- the fact that when your game client crashes and your tank gets destroyed by leaving the battle even if the victory is certain (for example, last enemy tank just died) resulting in a loss/draw is fine according to devs
- US "Hunter" tank destroyer won't be implemented
- SerB regarding the players actually being able to make money while using exclusively tier 5 gold derp shells: "Good players have the right not to lose credits while shooting gold shells. And the bad players must either train harder or not use gold shells at all."
- if you dismissed some crews until now, you won't get them back even if the option to buy back the dismissed crews is introduced, because data about them are not being stored
- Q: "We want better quality models" A: "Want realism? Join the army."
- the next global update (SS: as big as for example the patch that introduced physics) will be 0.9.0
- no plans to introduce 100 percent crew training for credits
- if you experience lag when switching from arcade to sniper mode and vice versa, apparently your computer is at fault, there is no such bug in WoT
- it's possible that there will be some special company-level archivements ("awards") implemented in time
- devs do track the amount of various tanks sitting in player garages
- tier 10 Chinese vehicles are doing fine statistically
- Historical battles will come eventually. Hardcore mode: "Want hardcore? Join the army."
- maps bigger than 1x1 introduction is limited by the existence low-end player computers
- German M10 Panther will recieve the US Star as its emblem instead of the cross, it's planned


  1. - Q: "We want better quality models" A: "Want realism? Join the army."

    What the............

    1. Oh come on. It's quite a funny answer.

    2. It's SerTard what do you expect

    3. Serb's actually right, the tank models are already good and high quality, no wonder he responded like that. The answer is at same level as question.


    4. A retarded question requires an apropriate reply.

      GJ SerB. Keep them coming:)

    5. Many of the newer ones are good, but some older models could use some retouching.


    6. You may have noticed every few patchnotes mention "visual changes" to various tanks.

    7. serb is cool

    8. yeah keep sucking (up to) serb

    9. Join the army ,they said, see tanks ,they said.

  2. - maps bigger than 1x1 introduction is limited by the existence low-end player computers

    Hmm, Russian toaster computers cannot handle a poorly optimized game it seems.

    1. Are stupid or you want to offend someone on purpose ? I've seen many russians having better "toasters" than most european players, trust me, you know nothing so please stop.


    2. palmnut
      this is just a example of the biased view of a stereotypical person who believe US+EU>rest

    3. Nearly correct its actually US + Western/Northern EU > rest

    4. But the problem of weak machines is present in every region, not all people spend their money entirely on gaming equipment and yet they want to enjoy playing WoT. Aside from that, low end PC's are always a question for every game developer, not just Wargaming.

      Oh yeah, right, I forgot about "Herp Derp EU master race reporting in, your pc is shiet, pls die in a fire"

      Why majority of WoT players are so ignorant ?


    5. Except for France :D

    6. Russia and Eastern Europe is supreme PC master race country, it is logical for us to have good PCs :P .

  3. '- devs do track the amount of various tanks sitting in player garages'

    Hmm, I wonder.. If they manage to get a billion tanks tracked, who knows they might celebrate that, I have seen a company celebrating 200 million accounts made on one game.

  4. anyone now where to get the arty hack? :)

    1. Yes. And it works, that's why I didn't include the link.

    2. I don't see a point in getting arty hack now, even if you play to win intsted to enjoy tanks... the devs are now keeping track of this mod and you might get banned outright from the game, its just not worth it IMO

    3. Just out of curiosity - what exactly is this mod doing?

    4. Well...

      Check for yourself, but it's not safe and definitely not legal. I warned you.

    5. SS, why do you say it's not safe? That seems quite unlikely. Personally, I've never been bothered by cheats, but having looked at the stuff on that website, this goes way too far. There is no point in playing a game where people can gain such a massive advantage though cheating.

    6. I guess they just feel inferior and need to feel they're better than others even in a PC game because they fail miserably at life.

      Maaan, it's the same guy who created laser pointer hack, it's the same frekin' guy!


    7. I just looked at those mode. Jesus. Guess I better move even more when playing arty.

    8. WTF SS?

      First post: "I didn't include the link because it works."

      Second post: "Here is the link, but it is illegal."

    9. Yes, I changed my mind. It's not like I am promoting the shit (and I was thinking about it actually). Why? Because if you remember the 83mm HE fiasco: Wargaming starts doing something only when the issue is "big enough". They don't care about he current state of bots and hacks, because too few people used them. If I actually promoted this crap here, Wargaming might reconsider and actually start fighing hacks.

      Plus: it's everyone's responsibility: for all I know, the "hack" could be some malware, virus or whatnot.

    10. Great Job SS, link to the Page with the DLL Injection Hack ... How stupid are you? *facepalm*

    11. Just said it could be a malware or a virus. It's everyone's responsibility... :)

    12. Yeh, but what about the fire extinguisher "fix" with the macros? They will do nothing against the macros, instead they change the mechanics.

      They might screw up the arty mechanics too, to render the hack unusable, but with this step they might screw up the arty gameplay for fair players.

    13. ...and said change renders said macros irrelevant. Not too familiar with the file structures and whatnot involved, but you have better ideas?

    14. I think it was the right thing to post the hack.

      Now everyone can see with their own eyes, what it is capable of doing, and we see that SerB is talking crap again.

    15. Oh, by see i mean in youtube ;-)

  5. Last statement about the Panther is dumb. Does anyone know wether there was an american star at the m10-panther, i really doubt that. Using foreign insignia is strongly forbidden and would bring the crew the death penalty, when surrendering.

    1. Well, considering the fact the Panther's crews and other soldiers in that unit used American uniforms to (actually with partial success) infiltrate the American units, I don't think the Panther's star would be the biggest of their worries. And yes, it had them historically, just google "Ersatz Panther"

    2. lol

    3. Troll or really, really dumb

    4. >Using foreign insignia is strongly forbidden and would bring the crew the death penalty, when surrendering.

      iirc this is what happend when they were finally captured

    5. It's funny though, Allied forces did the same many times and the Germans actually made a greater effort to not fight in enemy uniforms than the allies, Skorzeny's trial had Allied soldiers defend his position, much like Donitz was defended by Allied soldiers in regards to the use of unrestricted submarine warfare.


    6. Irrelevant - the point is whether the soldiers can legally claim PoW status and due protections (which the Germans actually tended to respect in the West) or can be legitimately shot more or less out of hand as spies if/when they get caught.

      There's sort of a reason OSS and Commando officers dropped to liaison with assorted Resistance cells tended to wear proper service uniforms after all...

    7. Soldiers of the Panzer Brigade 150 which used Panther M10 actually wore US and UK uniforms, deliberately violating Geneva conventions. Painting a star on tanks wasn't a big deal.

  6. "Last statement about the Panther is dumb. Does anyone know wether there was an american star at the m10-panther, i really doubt that."

    Lol epic fail

    1. Either Troll or dumb.

      M10 Panther was regular Panther disguised as M10 Wolverine, in order to sneak behind enemy front-line it's more than likely to have US star symbol for disguise.

    2. "Bei den Gefechtshandlungen wurden die amerikanischen Kennzeichnungen der Panther übrigens mit Zeltbahnen und Planen abgedeckt."
      Ok, so Skorzeny ordered them to be painted that way, however they were not fighting with visible white Stars.

      And dont call me dumb just because i question things.

    3. D86 Said...

      "Bei den Gefechtshandlungen wurden die amerikanischen Kennzeichnungen der Panther übrigens mit Zeltbahnen und Planen abgedeckt."
      Ok, so Skorzeny ordered them to be painted that way, however they were not fighting with visible white Stars.

      And dont call me dumb just because i question things.
      Final review: D86 won :)

    4. well,
      "not fighting with visible stars"?


    5. You can't complain at being called dumb when you called the question dumb without doing any research at all. If the hat fits, wear it.

    6. This does not prove they were fighting that way. Who would be so dumb not to uncover the stars before taking a picture.

    7. The denial is strong in this one, considering nearly twenty of the commandos were shot as spies for being captured in American uniforms...

    8. "Ok, so Skorzeny ordered them to be painted that way, however they were not fighting with visible white Stars."

      "This does not prove they were fighting that way. Who would be so dumb not to uncover the stars before taking a picture."

      Well said D86. Germans definitely hid the stars before fighting and were only revealed by the Americans after they had been destroyed. 100% doubtful they were actually visible despite the number of existing photos. WG is making a big mistake removing the balkenkreuz from the Panther-M10. Anyone who has disagreed with you is really obviously dumb when it comes to knowledge of WWII history. Again, well said D86. Keep it up!

    9. Did you even made any research?


      He's the one who shot one Erzats Panther, and he mentioned clear visible white stars.

    11. What, I thought the Germans fought a just war to
      stop the Russians from taking over the world!!!
      Oh wait, that happened in lala-land, in the real world
      the German special forces didn't really care about things like that. Panther turrets of the surviving M10 Panthers were used as immobile dug in turrets in Italy, still
      having the American star on the side.

      I was actually disappointed when the M10/Panther came out with regular German markings. Unfortunately it's a underperforming tier 7 medium and not a decent tier 6 medium, so even with the American star it's not worth the money.


    12. "What, I thought the Germans fought a just war to stop the Russians from taking over the world!!!"

      Well to be fair the Nazis' bizarre paranoid fantasies that motivated them to try to take over a fair chunk of the world *were* a bit like that, although the exact content revolved more around supposed "grand conspiracies" to "enslave and eradicate the Aryan race" and suchlike IIRC.
      Crazy is as crazy does.

  7. *- if you experience lag when switching from arcade to sniper mode and vice versa, apparently your computer is at fault, there is no such bug in WoT*

    i love responses from WG like "if your game run low on FPS buy better PC", they just can ignore the problem entirely, without giving a single fuck...

    Some guy from poland(yes, polish people can do stuff too) resolved this problem:

    ... and it's actually works pretty well, no more lag when swithing from Arcade to Sniper and V.V.

    btw. i still can't belive, that WoT has no option to disable moving trees, smoke of fog - basic things to improve fps on weak PCs and people still need to use Tweaker or mods to improve performance.

    1. Thanks for the link! Now I can play WoT properly again. Wargamings attempts in fixing this issue have been quite pathetic. At first they told the issue had been fixed (twice iirc) and now they are claiming it nonexistent.


  8. What does that "SS" stand for anyway?

    and it's "achievement", not "archivement"...

    1. SS is SilentStalker. He lets you know it's his explanation or adds his own insight for further clarification to question/answer.

    2. Truly living up to your name, mein Herr.


  9. i have 2 qestions:

    1: 121 , medium tier 10 chinese , why not rename it to WZ-121 ? it will be a very good name... like germans with "VK" , france "AMX" and US wit "T" , and russians "IS"
    2: i asked on a forum if 121 will get a depresion buff ... and they answered me , after 8.6 update , the chinese will be nerfed , beacause first time is OP to attract players

    1. The WZ-121 is a different tank. Its the designation for the Type-69, which is NOT in the game.

      The 121 and WZ-121 are two entirely separate vehicles.

    2. AFAIK WZ, Type and sole numbers in name of chinese tank stands for in what development phase vehicle is, whether it's a prototype, testing model or production model ready to enter service.

    3. I remember the codename with numbers only mean that is a proposal suggested by some arsenal; start with WZ mean they are officially under development; Type-xx mean they are ready to mass production, or in service already.

  10. lol that arty hack is awesome.

    id use it only for the sake of trolling all the lazy arty player morons who ruin the game for other people with their OP cannons while they themselves dont have to do anything requiring proper reaction times, planning or situational awareness and the worst part is you cant even retaliate while they cripple your tank.
    its the most despicable type of player in any game.

    it would be hilarious.

    1. Some stale cheese to go with that sour whine?

      'Cause the arty players *I* know are strongly considering selling the damn things away wholesale, having gotten frustrated at being so much at the mercies of idiot teammates... and those are people who also drive the likes of T95 and Maus.

      Oh and L2cover baddie.

    2. looks like somebody got butthurt.

      if camping is the best answer you have, then have fun camping while your team tries to advance. eventually you will have to react to certain situations and leave your cover, or watch your team get shot up.

      sooner or later you will take damage from arty and get crippled or even oneshot. then youll rage the same way like anyone ingame while any tanker you little hypocrite.

    3. Looks like YOU are the butthurt. What's the problem? Arty obliterating your little ass?
      Learning to use cover properly does not equal camping. Such a shame that people like you simply refuse to learn. You probably just use W on your keyboard.
      But oh well, what can you do. The massive whines of your likes has got WG to go ahead and nerf what didn't need nerfing in the first place. So you should be happy about it and stop crying already.

    4. Tears of an arty player are most delicious.

    5. As an artillery player it is YOUR problem if YOU sit in one place for 8-20 sec and allow artillery to rain down on you.

      That said, light, fast, tanks are artillery's worst nightmare. They are hard to hit with artillery and nobody pays attention to them as they can be one shoted. They make it easy to flank the artillery. If you played as a team you could kill the artillery faster.

      HOWEVER this is not the case if you have a team that actively protects the flank and makes sure to keep scouts alive and active at all times. I have used artillery to knock out advanced tanks and TD's so that the rest of the team can move up quickly and not have to slug it out.

      Working independently will result in FAIL more times then working with artillery. Yeh you can run like hell and blast away and knock out tanks with YOUR tank all the time but I would rather win the match then worry about "kills".


      I am trying to get my account to work.

  11. -"SerB regarding the players actually being able to make money while using exclusively tier 5 gold derp shells: "Good players have the right not to lose credits while shooting gold shells. And the bad players must either train harder or not use gold shells at all.""
    ---That is some kind of BS, good players have the right?-more pandering to the DERP gold firing snobs at tier 5 who farm newbies for credits and XP. BS on that.
    If they were good players they wouldn't haver to rely on gold derp shells in the first place.
    The final comment is absolute bullcrap, many of those being derped to death don't have a gold shell derp option. The tanks in question are the M4 and the Panzer 4 derpers one shotting most opponents, it's not an even vaguely level playing field.
    Keep the derp guns fine but make the gold so expensive they can't just run it as standard and farm money. From the money WG makes from selling gold to those snobs they lose as much from people who don't bother playing tier 5's for fun or just quit the game.
    SerB is either a tier 5 derp snob himself or so totally seperated from reality he probably think Kim Kardashian has some kind of talent.

    1. Yesss... let the butthurt flow through you...[/Palpatine]

      BTW you forgot the HEATzers. Or the detail 105mm HEATs have a habit of doing fuck all when they hit at a bad angle or, say, tracks, which is always a very delightful way to spend a few thousand credits and occasionally die.

    2. MAking it more expensive is never the solution. Yes, I make money fireing gold derp, but I never would drive these tanks to make money. I have enough tier 8 premiums for that.

      The price is never the solution, the pen value of these shells have to get toned down, so that they are no longer the best guns, even in tier 6.


    3. You seem upset.

      10,5 CM KwK 42 L/28 Panzer IV reporting in.

      First of all I agree with Serb, good players can make income with gold HEAT shells tho it's not actually as profitable as you may think. On tier V having 150mm pene is not so advantageous since 70% of enemies can be pened for full damage (and one shot killed) while also scoring around 100 dmg hits on tanks like KV-1 without pene. HEAT shell is usefull only when thrown in to tier VII battle, then it can really shine but with accuracy around 0,46 you must really get close or you risk wasting the HEAT by missing.

      Also note that HEAT shell doesn't get normalisation and it can bounce like AP shell so yeah, say hello to angled armor. Tho it doesn't lose penetration the longer it flies to target but with 0,46 derp accuracy... good luck.

      It's not that advantageous to use gold derp if you look at it from tier V perspective, which SerB specifically referred to in hiss answer, there's limited practical use for gold ammo at tier V. Gold ammo is best used above tier VII

      I hope you rethink your opinion


    4. I love my little panzer 4 with gold howitzer and enjoy destroying players like you are :-D, and yes I usually make a profit with it. And do you think I am bad player? - Terentius

    5. I'll say first that for some tanks, I do use the derp gun (M4, Pz IV, Hetzer). However, I do feel it underhanded for people to use gold shells exclusively for those guns, to use them requires less skill, not more. Do I have HEAT shells in my derp tanks' arsenals? yes, a handful in each tank. How often do I use them? Next to never, I only use my HE rounds and am still quite successful with the tanks.


    6. For the mentioning of increasing the price. If I recall we didn't have this rampant issue of people lobbing HEAT rounds around like crazy in pubs before WG decided to allow premium rounds purchaseable with credits. THAT is what caused this problem.


    7. But there's no problem at all O.o

    8. Gold derp at tier 5 is op . I say this cause i use it ... alot . Lol using it you are immune to bad teams you can annihilate entire flanks all by yourself . Sometime i trick myself into thinking that i am a good player :P.

  12. As for that hack.. wasn't the answer - "It doesn't really work"? What's up now.. they misjudged it? Alert, alert?

    Does that mean that we will get one mini-patch soon? Cause that thing can really influence on the battle outcome D:

    1. I suspect the "it doesn't really work" was just to put people off. Several elements of this cheat have been around for a long time and are known to work. I tried some of them ages ago. Individually, some of these mods are bad, but not that serious, but taken all together, they give a massive advantage.

      I can't see how a mini-patch would fix this, unless they put in place an encrypted client side cheat detection system. I seriously doubt they have the expertise to do that.

  13. "- there will be some upcoming changes in mods (SS: related to the new artillery hack mod), "follow the news" (SS: one proposed solution was a "mod certification", without which the mod won't be accepted)"
    Couldn't this "mod certification" as well block the extinguisher macros? It would be much better solution than changes in extinguisher mechanics.

    1. That's assuming said macros need to be anything like "proper" mods (like, say, residing somewhere in the game folder)...

      You've yet to get back to me on the topic from earlier BTW.

  14. - there will be some upcoming changes in mods (SS: related to the new artillery hack mod), "follow the news" (SS: one proposed solution was a "mod certification", without which the mod won't be accepted)
    First they said it doesn't work, now it does. GG

    - if you experience lag when switching from arcade to sniper mode and vice versa, apparently your computer is at fault, there is no such bug in WoT
    Bullshit! Their game is optimized as crap.

    - devs do track the amount of various tanks sitting in player garages
    Can they tell me what they think of my Maus sitting for months now rusting bcs it's crap to play?

    - maps bigger than 1x1 introduction is limited by the existence low-end player computers
    Then dump the bloody Big (crap) World engine into the dumpster and switch to normal 2013 engine that will have no troubles running even on slower machines.

    1. I just wanted to mention some of your points, I wonder what their stats say about the amout of Maus's/Mice? sit in the garage gathering rust/dust lol

      Would be really interesting to see ;)

  15. Mentioning increase of map size beyond 1x1 being slowly implemented is annoying.
    You have to reach a point where you going have to develop the game beyond it's current capabilities to keep up with the times.

    And sorry to say some players are just going to have to upgrade their pc's to keep up or be left behind.

  16. Well, if SerB would be on the head of Apple, we wouldn't saw any iPods or iPhones.

  17. - devs do track the amount of various tanks sitting in player garage

    I do hope they noticed how many people sold their entire T10 line of tanks, because of stupid arty fuck fest!!!

  18. Oh crap, all kind of hack mods. They should ban every mod. Even flight time calculation should be illegal. Not even talking about hitskins, zooms, free fly modes, arty haxx, laser pointers, tree/bush removers. Who needs mods anyway?

    1. It's not a matter of "need", it's a matter of "want". One of the huge advantages of PC gaming is the ability to mod a game to your liking. The problem comes when mods give notable advantage to players who use them.
      HUD mods are the prime example. They change how the game looks, and those can adjust more to your liking than what the unmodded game can offer you. Laser pointers (I'm talking about the one that shows a line where you are aiming on the minimap, not sure if that's what you are referring to) give an advantage, but you still need some skill to use it properly. Zooms, bush/tree removers, and hitskins, they need to go away.
      On a side note, it would be nice to have some sort of hitskin on the garage, so you can check the weakpoints of each tank there

  19. I dont really see anything wrong with SS linking that mod.

    There are two choices. You have a small number of people gaining huge advantage using it for a long, long time or you have more and more people using it for a short perioid until WG is finally forced to act and fix it.

    1. bullshit.

      the choices are:

      everyone is using it
      a small number of people is using it

      wg knows about this anyway and they will act, regardless how many people use this cheat.

      posting that link was just another stupid act from SS to hurt the game

  20. Ah, I remember the Hunter from Cuban Missile Crisis: Ice Crusade. I'm not really sure how it would have fit in to World of Tanks anyway.

  21. „- German M10 Panther will recieve the US Star as its emblem instead of the cross, it's planned”
    YES!. i waiting for this so long - really

  22. "Want to act like a dick? Join WG." - SerB

  23. I do really want they ban everyone using tankmod7 mod, this is nothing but cheating.


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