
Please take your time and read the blog rules

Apr 2, 2013


Half of the answers are still trolling, mostly related to the dog in the garage (apparently, it's a demon dog, feeding on souls of destroyed tanks and you have to destroy enough tanks to make it go away). Had to skip all kinds of garbage.

- a failure of a player to prevent your base capture is not considered a reportable offense
- reporting profanity/spamming does not automatically lead to an instant chat ban, it's re-checked by moderators
- the Korean "8.4.1" patch with such features as an afterburner is simply a Korean April's fool
- there won't be crew visual models implemented into the game
- IS-7 won't get HEAT shells because there were none historically
- Q: "Why does the dog in the garage howl?" A: "It's historical" (followed by a link to the Soviet adaptation of the Hound of Baskerville)
- the idea to make various hulls as modules was scrapped
- 0.8.5 test might start on Thursday (just a hint)
- battle fixing (for example two companies of "friendlies" that get to fight each other so one player gets 15 kills) is a banneable offense
- the T-28 Soviet tank  is the serial model, not the prototype, despite having the historical prototype's weight


  1. - 0.8.5 test might start on Thursday (just a hint)
    Yay the Leopard will soon be mine <3

    1. I can't wait for my beauty!

    2. Indien Panzer...My little lion ^w^

    3. I just want to lay hands on the Vk 20.01. :)

    4. Can't wait to try out Leopard line, also want to see if the APanther is the abomination we all think it will be.

    5. This thread just got really creepy

    6. I want to ****** the Prototype der Arbeitsgruppe A in it's ****** with my huge ****** *** **********.

    7. Why so shy little vk? > insert Yuno Gasai here<

    8. Frank, deal with German fanboys striking back.

    9. i cant wait to ammorack them :P

  2. I'm more exited about the T-60, 70 and 80 than about the leopard line... Is there something wrong with me?

    1. Nope, I hope they get some decent auto-cannons at last :3

    2. Probably just means that you prefer lower tier gameplay style.

  3. - 0.8.5 test might start on Thursday (just a hint)

    i hope you are right :)

  4. how do we ask if we will see the firefly ever? i'd really like that tank

    1. You don't, because it's already confirmed as coming

  5. - a failure of a player to prevent your base capture is not considered a reportable offense

    damn, I'd love it if it were.

  6. - the idea to make various hulls as modules was scrapped

    IMO this would be one of the best things they could make FE
    you have a havy tank with 150 front and 120 side armour, but you find out that you need more front armour, and you can get at the cost of side and rear armour

    IMHO the best optioun would be for player to be able to put aditional plating on any part of a tank

    1. I dont think they ment armor rearrangement, they ment different visual models.

    2. well in that case WTF would want that? you can just download mods for that

    3. Well, some tanks were actually during their combat service upgraded with additional armour in different versions. PzIII and IV are I think best examples. Another would be T-34 that was sometimes outfited with additional welded on armour (version called "s ekranami" - with screens). IS-2 had 2 different hull layout - Model 1943, which is basically Russian IS, and Model 1944 - Chinese IS-2 (UFP changes). If WG would add that kind of hull upgrade to the game, it would be awesome. Of course, it probably wouldn't and should't be aviable for every tank in game, as many never had their armour significantly changed, but there is quite a few of vehicles that could actually benefit from that addition greatly. It is sad tha WG dropped this idea.

    4. Still, the idea to mount additional armor has been confirmed earlier, so we'll probably see the T-34E and StuG mit Schürzen at some point.

  7. Huh, didn't even notice that doghouse in the garage before reading this... "Löwe", eh? :D

    And that Baskerville reference is win.

  8. 440,000 free XP and 6,100,000 $ are waiting... i am such a cheater >:-D


    1. 250xp and 5 mil.... im not on your level yout....

    2. Well, 11.112 mil, but just 61k xp :(

    3. 600,000 xp, only 5 mil though /:

    4. 1M Exp and 10M creds waiting :)

    5. Muhahaha 28mil but only 48k XP meh...

      P.S. I have no Premiumtanks! :P

    6. Cheater= Somebody who spent a shit load of money converting Exp.

      Seems legit.

    7. Whiner - someone who has to make negative comments about anything.

    8. Anonymous- Having no distinctive character or recognition factor.

  9. "- battle fixing (for example two companies of "friendlies" that get to fight each other so one player gets 15 kills) is a banneable offense"
    I don't get it. If everyone has agreed to take part in such battle, and they are all friendlies, then why the hell is it punishable by ban? It is nothing like ruining somebodys' game, as everyone agreed, and influence of such thing on general or even particular player stats is marginal.
    I start to wonder if the situation in which my friend (we were in platoon) refrained himself from getting a kill, to allow me kill tat guy and get Top Gun is a banneable offense?

    1. maybe it has something to do with the runing competition of the new brit TDs...
      also it could be used as a "cheat" for grinding tanks: if you take two players one side, let them kill the other friendly team. they get like 3-4k xp each battle, and the enemy only loses some credits. if you got 30ppl, they can switch around once being in the losing team, then in the wining team, you can bring the credits gain/loss close to zero.
      this way two members could grind any t10 tanks in a single night.

    2. It's bannable because, they make low tier companies with new accounts (only grinded the needed vehicle), except 1 guy who wants to improve his efficiency rating/grind a lot of money killing the full enemy team.

    3. Yeah, right. I forgot about this competition. I also understand that constant playing such battles IS a serious offense, but hell if it is one time only, for lolz?

  10. - the idea to make various hulls as modules was scrapped.

    Let me guess - not enough hulls, if there was any.....

  11. - battle fixing (for example two companies of "friendlies" that get to fight each other so one player gets 15 kills) is a banneable offense

    lol.. just lol

    1. Epic fail. Who would ban who? :DDDDDD

  12. I'm sad that they scrapped hulls. So many historically innacurate tanks can be set up in-game because said tank used said gun/turret with another armor/hull configuration, e.g. StuG III.

    It would also have added more value to knowing tank specs. Being able to distinguish an early PzIII hull from a late PzIII hull is a skill not everyone can have.

  13. - the idea to make various hulls as modules was scrapped

    They... no, they couldn't... or did they? they did? NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!

    1. ppl of WG act like a bunch of 3 year olds, they have no common sense, they troll to much, and only think of themselfs


  14. - 0.8.5 test might start on Thursday (just a hint)
    noob question. If there will be a real 0.8.5 test, which server that will get a first time to try it? or all of server will get that together in one time?

    1. Did the EU or NA server ever get some new stuff BEFORE the RU server ?



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