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Mar 4, 2013

First British TD statistics

Keep in mind this is very preliminary.


  1. QQ My poor future tortoise get nerfed.

  2. Not really OP TBH, most first snapshots on new releases have the higher teir tanks at 55%+

  3. This is not really strange tho, seeing as it will most likely take a while until people know what to do against certain tanks.

    Was pretty much the same when french tanks got released many people didn't know how to handle the auto-loaders (whether it was against them or playing as one). Now most people do know.

    1. Many French high tier tanks are still several percentage points above their piers.

    2. Except French where retardedly OP back then... No one who drove them admitted it, because they where having fun driving their OP tanks. Very few reasonable good players admitted them being OP, but thank god WG listened to those few ( and the useless whiners... ). BUT...

      WG did listen to too much of the whiners and when it changed the tiers for 13 90 and lorraine... it went ape shit. The constant nerfs for 3 patches straight and then tier switch ontop killed the medline.

      It can be seen how the same people who played for frenchies now drive T57 and say nothing is wrong with it... Yeah nothing is wrong with heavy who has more health, more mobility and clip combined wit very retarded DPM... 50b is outclassed bar the top speed, but in WoT, that ain't much if your enemy excels in all other ways.

    3. ... Having the top DPM like FV215 did have patch ago... The damage is not of heavy tank, it is in line with TD, so why more health, and why heavy tank? Either change to TD with 1900 health or dropping RoF to 7 would be enough to suffice myself.

  4. is the text number of battles/wins/win rate/number of unique users?

  5. So Churchill tank indeed sucks. I am not surprised.

  6. image is blank for me

    1. nevermind, I see it is hosted on wotnews, can't get there from here

  7. Well, considering the fact, that only good players with loadsof free exp and gold(probably from CW) played FV215(183)and it still has the WR barely above 50%, I'd guess it will underperform the way JgPZ E-100 underperforms now...

  8. JgE100 underperfoms? lulz you made my day, I go dance around on the street, cya

  9. AT-8 and AT-7 are gonna get some BIGASS nerfs when looking at winrate...

  10. Come on guys, you all know WG's method. OP tank comes out, then gold is bought to get one. Two patches later its nerfed and made shitty.

    I'll wait for the nerf bfore i buy it. Remember how the the E4 "was"??

    what bothers me the most is the QQ'ers are alwasy guys that can win in no matter what their driving.

  11. The tanks will perform differently once players actually own the tanks and learn how to use them. If players learn the weakspots of those TD's it could drop the win rate down. As you should know is that WG method is to release the tanks and wait a month or two to see how they perform on the servers before they make any changes.

    - Ridge


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