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Mar 31, 2013


Overlord on the recent EU supertester sacking:

Well, it was a tough decision. Many suffered because of few. Personally I have always been for EU/NA supertest, but things have gone out of hand recently. On RU side things are much smoother. 

 - there are vehicles (guns) that have the strange property that when you aim them at the enemy, the aim circle doesn't immediately start shrinking. This means that the gun is so inaccurate the aim circle was actually bigger than the screen
- Storm regarding the IS-7 speed buff: "dynamics will remain the same"
- there will be some vehicle based on the 38t suspension introduced into the game
- it's possible we'll get a Waffentrager German TD branch
- Leopard 1 will have a historical crew composition
- there will be no dynamic tank names apparently
- SerB on interenet tough guys who wanted to play tough, threatening him on internet: "They are very tough on the internet, but meek during personal meeting"
- Char B1 is doing fine statistically
- SerB regarding new premium vehicles: "There will be such premiums as we consider necessery. Wait for announcements"
- regarding the British turret TD branch: "Wait for announcements"
- "Official WG efficiency rating?" "Yes - that's the winrate, because the point of the game is to win."
- the 3-man platoons and companies confirmed to be available without premium account in 8.5
- another arty hardcap (3 arty per battle) is not planned, "wait for the tier 10 arty"
- there will be an SMS confirmation for phones linked to accounts about password change
- there is a MM mechanism, that balances the times when you play (tier-wise) as the top team player and as the bottom one
- AMX-13/105 is not implemented because it has too advanced rangefinder and electronics
- tank "aging" will not be implemented (SS: as in - a tank with 50 battles gets faded paint, with 500 gets rusty etc.) - "too much work for questionable profit"
- free XP won't be convertible to credits
- arty is not going to lose the green line in satellite mode
- Russian D-25T won't get heat shells
- Jumbo Sherman won't get the 90mm M3 gun
- IS-3 and Panzer V/IV - fixed in 8.5 are minor
- 8.5 test? "when it's done it's done"
- future tank branches will not be announced in advance, because people would whine when the patches don't come on time. Writing that the schedule is just an estimate would not help, people would still whine.
- US light tank branch re-work? "wait for announcements"
- the RU251 light tank is not yet configured properly for supertest
- Ratte will not appear in the game even as a decoration
- what is the role of AMX40? "thick-armored light tank"


  1. About the 90mm on the Jumbo. Does it mean that the Easy8 will get it?

    1. No. There was a 90mm Sherman project, which was mentioned to enter the game as a medium tank though. Perhaps as a premium vehicle.

    2. Damn shame. The Jumbo would be tons of fun with the 90mm.

    3. It probably will :P


    4. The icon for the 90mm sherman has been around for some time. I got a copy of it in September last year. It was released among a collection of other future premium tanks such as the T88 GMC, the M4 "Improved" and the T6 (prototype M4) along with a bunch of others from other nations.

    5. For anyone interested, the icons are here

    6. The sherman wich will have the 90mm M3 will be the M4 90V. Personally I think it will not be a prem but more like a part of the second us med line which will look like this:
      M3 > M3A3 > T6 M > M4 Improved > M4 90V > T42 > T54E2 > T95




  2. "- the 3-man platoons and companies confirmed to be available without premium account in 8.5"

    Fuck yeah!

    "- the RU251 light tank is not yet configured properly for supertest"

    Thanks for the info SS, it seems like I will keep my VK2801 then. :D

  3. - future tank branches will not be announced in advance, because people would whine when the patches don't come on time. Writing that the schedule is just an estimate would not help, people would still whine.

    And the leaks shall continue :whistle:
    The only difference is that the people will be more careful about where and when to leak stuff.

  4. amx 40
    "thick-armored light tank" troLOL

    1. DUCK on tracks :D

    2. While AMX 40 has nothing to do against high pen tier 6s, its armor does wonders against 4s (bar the TDs - SU-85B and GMC T40). You can play it like a minimaus if you spawn as top tank, and then it's kind of fun. Especially so because many tier IIIs and IVs will take massive damage from your 75mm howitzer.

      The tank is still bad, but it's fun when facing tier 4

  5. Reading Q&A WG sessions is always amusing. These guys have no idea about being polite, no idea about PR. They always sounds if not openly rude, then for sure bored. Almost every attempt at conversation and/or suggestion is automatically whine for them. It is a mystery to me why they even do these Q&A sessions in the first place, cause we almost never get their definite answers, and even if we do, then there is no guarantee that it won't change. They don't seem to have any coherent vision of their game, and I certainly seems like they will accept no suggestion and/or criticism from their fanbase. They really need some kind of competition, and fast!

    1. They really need to be kicked to their asses... They act like gods and give shit about players.

    2. i'll play devil's advocate and say you guys are only seeing a tiny percentage of the questions these guys are probably having to field on a daily basis..

      the amount of whining and demands on the north american forums is pretty insane.. imagine on the russian forums where the active user base is FIFTEEN times larger...

      erosion wears down the hardest rock with time

    3. Then they should get some kind of dedicated PR team, who actually can manage that kind of situation. It is not like WG can't afford something like that.

    4. SerB's constant stream of passive agression is a direct result of his many insecurities. Think about it, he's fat, ugly, middle-aged, he belongs to the shittiest nation of the northern hemisphere and his lifelong dream of being Russian instead of Belarusian will never come true. We gotta cut him some slack, right?

    5. ROFL you've got some serious issues if you think like that. I'm no WG (aka "we are here to design stuff and get paid for it, not to fix it") fan, but insulting someone because of his looks and his origins sure sounds like a complex in YOUR side. Grow up.

    6. Serb is russian, not belorussian by nationality AFAIK.

  6. "- it's possible we'll get a Waffentrager German TD branch"

    Does that statement indicate that Waffentrager TDs are coming in 8.5/soon, or is SS just reiterating? Thanks

    1. And probably not even in 0,8.6, this patch will bring hopefully tier 9 and 10 arties + British arties.

  7. - arty is not going to lose the green line in satellite mode

    why would people even ask the question?

  8. "there is a MM mechanism, that balances the times when you play (tier-wise) as the top team player and as the bottom one"

    what exactly does that mean?

    1. That there is a special mechanism that makes sure you aren't always (for too long anyway) playing as a top tier tank of the battle (as in when you are driving a T5 vehicle, it makes sure you don't drop too often to the T3-4 battles)

  9. SS, do you remember what was their last stance on the possibility of tier 10 light tanks?

    1. Yea, it was "not for now" - maybe in some very distant future.

  10. Dynamics on the IS-7 will remain the same...? Equals useless buff...

    1. Just get two platoonmates in Batchats to push you :v

    2. I have already lost the fait on this fucking game. fuck you wg, I am done with your piece of trash game.

    3. I'm pretty convinced Mr. WG will personally read your comment. See you.

  11. Overlord is either dum or blind, or both. Over 50% of the leaks are from the RU supertest, yet "On RU side things are much smoother."

    You gotta be shitting me.

    1. In SSSR everything is ok ;)

    2. Ahem... I don't know where you parked your time machine, but we're in the 2010's.

  12. "- AMX-13/105 is not implemented because it has too advanced rangefinder and electronics"

    Why do we have the Centurion and T29 ingame then? Same deal pretty much.

    1. I suspect they cannot balance 105 cannon in tier 8,or too much alpha for autoloader,or totally unusable cannon for everything else,and fitting in tier 9 as replacement for crappy lorraine kills their idea of light tier8 max,so i think its matter of finding good place to put in game.

    2. Pretty sure the /105 had lasers an' shit thrown in. Coincidence/stereoscopic 'finders were nothing new (them navies had been using them since before WW1 IIRC), and you get the buggers on the damnedest things in the game - why do you think the commander's cupola of the BDR G1's second turret ("Mr. Weird Smoker Robot Face" as I call it) looks like it does, for example?

  13. Hello Frank aka SS,

    here are some stats of the Indienpanzer from RU Forum. Hopefully it is not a fake. Perhaps you can translate some infos about the gun. I assume the 9cm KwK 54 if for the Indienpanzer:


  14. Hi I'm Korean and I can't get this sentence..

    [free XP won't be convertible to credits]

    Does it mean [free XP -> Credits] or [elite tank's XP -> free XP by using Credits]?

    1. The first option. Sometimes, RU players ask all sorts of retarded questions.

    2. thx for answer ^ㅡ^

  15. - SerB regarding new premium vehicles: "There will be such premiums as we consider necessery. Wait for announcements"

    What do you/they mean about this?

    1. A RU player spammed a huge amount of premium vehicles and asked whether they will be implemented soon, or something like that.

  16. Serb:
    "the 3-man platoons and companies confirmed to be available without premium account in 8.5"

    Why do I buy a premium account then?
    -Better/clean garage can be fixed with a mod
    -3 man platoons can be created by anyone now

    I only get this 50% exp bonus then after all?

    WTF Wargaming O.o

    1. More silver to spam premium ammo in battles

  17. Why would individuals purchase a premium account?

    Some reasons:

    50% more credits earned on average, equals more opportunities to: spam silver-gold rounds of ammunition; less time to wait to purchase three external modules; easier to external tank camouflage (for credits); easier to profitability play tiers six to ten regular tanks (assuming a given amount of skill & good situations)

    50% higher experience gains on average, means a given premium account player typically equipped with a more skilled tank crew, for both major and secondary skills/perks. This outcome influences overall win rates on a server' population. Separately this 50% greater experience rate allows a premium account holder to move up a tier tree more quickly, than an equally talented standard account holder. In other words, a premium account holder can consume more content, and access Clan Wars more easily.

    IMHO premium account holders do seem to win more than standard account holders do, if everything else is held consistent. Why? Premium shells combined with a better crew, are the biggest causes for this distinction. Granted pedobears at tiers one to two, and wallet warriors at tiers nine to ten show case two different phenomenon at work: a persistence factor versus beginner's knowledge, where gold has less relative impact; while at tiers nine to ten, unlimited gold spending can and does have an impact on results, versus those with limited resources of both credits & gold..

  18. I don't get this
    - there are vehicles (guns) that have the strange property that when you aim them at the enemy, the aim circle doesn't immediately start shrinking. This means that the gun is so inaccurate the aim circle was actually bigger than the screen

    For example the KV-1S with the long 122mm , 100% crew, vents and EGLD.

    Under normal conditions the aim circle is always smaller then the screen (i suppose screen means computer monitor?).
    But it has a delay in the shrink.

    Has this answer got anything to deal with the KV-1S situation?

    1. Nah, it just means the dispersion is beyond the maximum size of the *displayed circle*; it'll start shrinking only after the excess has been "aimed out" if you see what I mean.

    2. I think I know what you mean. But there is still something that bugs me.

      Not sure if it's just me.

      When I play tanks @ 50% crew, the circle doesn't shrink immediately as well.

      Is it unrelated to this answer?

  19. Two questions that probably have already been answered:

    1. Not sure if I've ever noticed this but can ramming potentially knock out crew members, non-track module, and cause fires?

    2. How does ramming calculation/mechanics work? Example: If I ram a tank in the side/rear is it different than ramming in the front (does armor matter)?

    1. 1. i dont know for sure, but i have never seen anything else than hp-damage....

      2. of course, armor does matter. armor+speed+weight



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