
Mar 15, 2013


- teamkills committed by arty will not be punished stricter than regular teamkills (SS: a light tank player was complaining about the arty ordering him what to do and teamkilling when he doesn't do it)
- ASU-85 will not be introduced apparently
- the amount of shells left in your ammo rack does not influence the chance for ammorack explosions (SS: but if the rack is completely empty, it can't explode - that's one exception)
- 6th sense (and other perks apparently) work even if the crew is not trained to 100 percent (SS: for example when re-training crew from vehicle 1 to vehicle 2 for silver, if vehicle 1 crew has 100 percent 6th sense perk training and gets re-trained to 75 percent basic training, the perk will still work)
- hardcore mode was scrapped - SerB: "Noone needs this garbage. Everyone wants it really badly, but practically noone plays it - that can be seen on other projects."
- there won't be AI driven bots in near future
- there is no "okay, that's enough", regarding the amount of vehicles for respective nations
- when you hit a drowned tank, the damage doesn't count to your total damage done
- shooting drowning tanks has a reason only to give you extra silver, it won't punish them more, they will already pay full repair costs
- damage awarded for lighting up a target is distributed evenly between all the scouts lighting the target at the time of damage
- SerB doesn't think the tier 7 premium T-44A will be a fail
- HEAT shells (when hitting the engine module) do not have an increased chance to set it on fire, same goes for ammo rack
- the amount of XP needed to train 3+ skills on the crew won't be reduced ("it's set so that you have to choose")
- no plans to introduce a research transition from arties to regular tanks

Also, Storm made an article about graphics on the developer blog, where he asks players, what they think of them. Not too much info can be gleaned from it, but some bits perhaps. Please note that I don't understand graphic terms, so some translations might be off.

- shadows won't return to the old render
- old render won't be optimalized, devs won't touch it at all, all the new features will be introduced to the new one
- trees can heavily reduce FPS even on good computers, if that happens, Storm recommends lowering the tree quality
- Ruinberg streets will be flattened (SS: in 8.5 I think)

Overlord also provides some pieces of information:
- arty will definitely not be removed from the game (I wonder why people still ask that)
- the issue with arty hardcap is long waiting time


  1. Funny, because in other games I usually only play Hardcore mode, because "Normal" has shit like health regen, 3D spotting etc. But that's me, I guess.

    1. I don't get why people asking for this mode, only to die to some stupid technical problem like network lag, or computer malfunction... I can imagine the frustration of D3 players on hardcore mode when this happens.

    2. I think randoms are HARDCORE enough. Already hard playing with siema pl......

    3. Really how can one think of "Hardcore mode" to be "Hardcore difficulty"?

      Hardcore mode is what games like War Thunder, Call of Duty, and a ton of other games offer.

      Hardcore mode means (atleast most of the times):
      - low health, 1 hit, or a small amount of hits and you're dead
      - no HUD
      - fixed camera
      - whatever else comes to mind

    4. I would absolutely love hardcore mode:
      -no hit points, no saving throws for modules except for the engine and ammorack that have a set chance to detonate per tank.
      -no med/repairkits, fire=dead, ammorack detonation=dead
      -you can only see from the crew positions(like in Red Orchestra)
      -no markers above enemies, enemies would always be visible, but no marker so YOU have to do the spotting, only historical modules
      -having to estimate range and elevate your gun accordingly yourself(higher tier tanks have a rangefinder), rangefinding would replace the shrinking of the circle, you have no reticle exept in sniper(gunner)view. Each gun still has a random spread representing accuracy, but rangefinder quality will be very important too.

      I'd pay for a game mode like this.

    5. I absolutely Loved Red Orchestra!! The utmost in realism without being a complete sim.

      But the point SerB was making is to look at how "popular" RO is. Or rather, isn't. Its complexity is too high for the common gamer, and instead interests only a niche market. Of all WoT players who have tried RO: at the end of the day, which one are we spending our time on?

      People demand a hardcore mode, or more realism, but I don't see very many trying it out on the few remaining RO servers. Sadly....


    6. following his dumb ass logic, games like Demon's Souls, Dark Souls wouldn't sell .. but they do, quite a lot

      the difference between what would be a hard-mode for WoT and what is Historical Battles for WT is a huge difference
      HB for WT would mostly require you to play with a joystick; while WoT won't

    7. Well to be fair, I've played other tank sims without a joystick (now a flying game, that's another kettle of fish).

    8. zMeul you are comparing single player RPG to a multi player arcade shooter... Exactly how retarded are you?

  2. I always shoot people on my team who drown themselves rather than fight just for the satisfaction. It's nice to know I get silver for that now. :)

    1. I'm fairly certain it refers to shooting drowning enemy tanks, shooting an ally is still shooting an ally whether or not they are drowning, surely?

    2. ^^ Yes, that is correct. If you shoot drowning teammate you lose silver and XP for such actions and he gains silver as compensation - same as if he wasn't drowning.

    3. Not true, if you shoot already drowned ally tank it doesn't count as team dmg.

    4. Definately no penalty to shoot your own drowned team mate, i like the idea of getting silver for it though it probably will only pay for the ammo used to shoot it.
      Make drowing 150% of the repair cost will stop drowners straight away.

    5. If they have already drowned then there is no more hit points left to earn credits from, so this certainly refers to shooting them before their drowning timer runs out. Plus, if all they have done is drive into the water, then there is nothing to set them as TK'er in order for shooting to count as credits for you.


  3. It's interesting they say no ASU-85, does this mean we can expect to see the ASU-57?

    1. I don't think so. SerB stated in the past that the vehicle is too new to fit into any branch anywhere and generally underperforming.

    2. To put it in perspective ASU-57 is kind like slower T82 with 57mm ZiS-2 gun, ASU-85 is SU-85 with 88/71 performance gun. So tier 3 and 6, with no intermediate vehicles or logical start or continuation of tree.

    3. No reason it couldn't be a premium vehicle, remember it is tiny so the camo rating would be great. (SU57 that it.)

    4. Ye, it would probably make an OK lowtier premium TD

  4. Serb seems like a real douchebag. Players ask proper questions and he answers with trolling or insults. (not so bad as usual in this post)

    1. It is very strange that management allows this to go on. Such childish remarks to customers would result in the person being fired at another company.

    2. This is how Russians do it and the RU-players love it. It is their culture on their server. All we need to do is respect it.

    3. To only just come to that conclusion... you must be very new.

      Yes, he is a cretinous buffoon with no qualifications except being a monumental twat.

      This however, has enabled him to assume a starring role within WG.

      In Russia, logic defies you!

    4. A very demeaning culture to be honest.

    5. If I was making as much money by behaving as they are, I'd do it too. We need to remember that these guys are wildly successful - they have no real need to please us.

    6. what is his role? his is a programmer?
      or a game designer?
      or what?

      SerB i mean.

    7. SerB is the development director, one of like 3 top WG people and I am pretty sure he's also Wargaming shareholder.

    8. SerB is awesome. It's refreshing to hear a 'top official' talk like a real person instead of some two-faced phony like every other big gaming company.

    9. Belvoir Sanache.
      Did you forget that Wargaming is a Belarusian company (they started there) and there are differences between the two.
      And on general note even if it is refreshing he should not be trolling or insulting other people just because he can and wants to.

    10. Well, it kinda sucks to ask proper questions and get an improper answer, but SerB has to stand a lot of trolling there and I suppose he does that indiscriminately now...
      Anyway, like Anon says, I prefer him being a douche than a hypocrate.

  5. Silentstalker, could you possibly find some pictures of the T-44A (assuming it's in super-test right now)? Would be awesome.

    ~KarlManx of NA forums

    1. Take a T-44 with a stock gun and you should have the T-44A, or am I missing something? And I'm pretty much sure that Storm is trolling about this tank not being a failure.

    2. Well it's also a Tier VII so will probably end up being like a Pather M-10, good, if you know what to do with it.

    3. You could say that about any tank but if you think about what people can do with OP premium like the Type 59 or SU-122-44 then it's obvious what they'll do with sub-par premium tanks.

    4. Except that this premium will be a tier lower than the regular T-44 which is a real plus to me. The premium Panther-M10 stayed tier 7.

  6. SerB is a goddamn idiot.
    "everyone wants it, but noone will play it" Hurr durr, he said the same about historical battles, flawless logic. Just fire that guy allready.

    1. I think he is right (about lack of players for hardcore mode). In all other matters he is an arse of the first order.

    2. Sorry but he is not right. There are people who would love to play pvp tank mmo with more realism and less wargaming logic.

    3. As far as I can tell, he's exactly right. Lot of people WANT it, that's for sure. How many people would actually play it in the long run, that's a different matter entirely.

    4. Thank God in this game customers aren't always right... WG would go bankrupt in a matter of months.

    5. I can't guarantee that it'd be worth their time and money to implement it - but the success of titles like Day Z shows that the demand is there. Can't say it's coming from WoT players, though.

      I'd play it, but that's just me.

  7. " there won't be AI driven bots in near future"

    This is a lie! They are already in the game

  8. I see 1'000'000 pageviews incoming!!! *f5* *f5*

  9. Keep up the great work SS, I check in here several times a day!

  10. SS could you please go to Overlords blog and tell all those arty-whinies, that they aren't permitted to claim the majority of players behind them?

    Sadly i dont have the possibility to post there.

    Oh, and tell them btw: L!2!P!

    1. How about the >100 post on the WoT forums? If you want to say something smart, at least bring some good arguments with you. I know, no one does it, but you could be the first.

    2. We are not your personal army.
      Go play Barbie online.



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