
May 3, 2013

Storm on WOT issues


SS: Well, today's EU Q&A answer session brought a lot of useless crap, but also one interesting answer: 0.8.6 will bring a city map. Combined with the info from RU server that it might in fact be a winter city map, I think we all are thinking: "Stalingrad". In fact, there was such a map supertested before the 0.8.5 patch.

Either way, Storm (who is currently on vacation) wrote a post, where he asks players about WoT issues. According to his post, it's not an "official" feedback thread, more likely something to give him stuff to think about when he's resting.

He stated in the post that within 2 weeks he will start unvealing 0.8.6 details and that they will cause a lot of controversy ("prepare asbestos chairs"). Here's what was in the post comments:

- Storm is aware of the cheat mod issue, WG is investigating it. Measures will be taken - it's not however yet decided what kind of measures, they are still discussing it. According to Storm, the cheats in the modpack are "not really that terrible".
- one of the cheat solutions considered is a portal with "certified" mods - only certified mods would then work with the game
- 2-3 reworked maps have (arty cover) problems, one of the problematic maps is Highway
- according to Storm, most players like the new map, it won't be taken down
- devs considered the possibility to transfer free XP to crew XP, but refused because they feel it's "pay to win"
- it's not known for now whether the amount of XP needed to train skills/perks will be reduced
- Storm does see the lack of high-end content as a problem, WG is working on it
- 8.6 will bring a solution for ride over bumpy terrain affecting the aim circle spread too much ("gun jumping")
- no "leagues" will be implemented
- the rate of tanks being implemented has been reduced roughly two times
- WG is pretty pissed about the Nvidia-caused bugs
- 0.8.6 will introduce a "hot feature" regarding game optimalisation
- deathmatch won't be introduced
- 25 percent random factor won't be reduced
- sort of "battle miniquests" for players are planned  (SS: no details, but what I understand from the context, it's something like "kill X tanks of type Y")
- in 8.6, heavily armored tanks in general will be changed (SS: as in buffed)
- in 8.6, "there will be changes in armor mechanics"
- Storm agrees that the social aspect of the game is underdeveloped
- there will be more attempts to introduce "fair environment" and "fair play"
- 7 vs 7 battles will be implemented (SS: 7/42)
- looks like Storm isn't too hot into the (WarThunder) garage battle mode (SS: as in when you die in one vehicle, you enter the same battle in another) - "what if you enter a garage battle and in first minutes you realize your teammates are retards and you will have to lose several of your vehicles?"

That's it for now. Storm disconnected and will continue the session tomorrow (today, it's past midnight already?o.O) Will make part 2 if something interesting comes up.


  1. Dammmmn.. what are they cooking for that 0.8.6..

    I just hope that that it is really that much of a mind-blowing/nuclear/amazing update as they represent it xD

    1. I wouldn't keep my hopes up. Might end up something like yet another normalisation nerf.

    2. well.. I hope it ain't like that.

      It usually ends up that way.. like a big disappointment, if something is announced like the "end of the world" etc

    3. Even better yet; they announce all this stuff and take it off the patch for unknown reasons shortly before release.

    4. nerfing normalization is just plain stupid, cause HEAT shells will becoming even more powerful compared to AP and APCR. I'm optimistic about this patch!! UNVEIL THE REBALANCE AND START THE SHITSTORM!!!

  2. Oh cool an armor buff, good to see.

  3. - WG is pretty pissed about the Nvidia-caused bugs
    They have no idea how pissed i am...that crashing bug is present for months now and yet unsolved...and as we can read lately on your blog SS 0.8.6 is being announced as a very big important patch....i myself can't wait for it bcs it's gonna introduce armor buff(overall armor rework) and better game optimisation...sounds good to me..

    Medjed - EU

  4. >WG is pretty pissed about the Nvidia-caused bugs
    314.07 WHQL drivers (at least on machine) works fine

  5. Is there any information on how the armor "buff" will work?

    Because strengthening armor in general is a bad idea, some vehicles are just fine the way they are at the moment and some vehicles need a serious buff...

    I really hope things get better and not more Heavies will be added to the pool of useless tanks (E-100, Maus).

    1. Can people stop branding the E-100 and Maus as useless? Seriously, if you know how to use them they are incredibly lethal. Of course this all depends on the map.

    2. They may buff them by increasing HPs(at least Ive read somewhere that maus will get some HPs). Then they dont have to adjust some of game mechanics and I dont see problem with normalisation because gold ammo dont have normalisation.

    3. What? APCR/APDS normalises just like regular AP, only HEAT doesn't.

    4. True, but APCR have not so big penetration like HEAT.

    5. APCR doesn't more or less stop cold at tracks or spaced armor either.

      For the record, I've seen 105mm HEAT fail massively on things like JgdPz IV and SU-85 front plates despite having nominal penetration several times in excess of their effective thickness. Lack of normalisation is kind of a surprisingly big deal.

  6. My guesses.
    APCR getting lower damage and accuracy in exchange for their higher pen. WG loves their historical accuracy and that'd fit the bill.
    HEAT changed to work like HESH, so it gets eaten up by tracks and spaced armor.
    Thick armor changed to "absorb" some percentage of damage from penetrating hits. Either that, or a new mechanic for "partial penetrations". Now that we know armor mechanics are changing, this would fit the bill. Search images on google, a good example is right at the top.

  7. In regards to "nuclear" 0.8.6:
    When in doubt, be pessimistic.
    That way, you can either be smug about how you were right, or be cheered up by having your expectations met and exceeded.
    Intricate optimism 101.

  8. Excuse me, what stood that "/42" for ?

    1. Tier limit.

    2. That doesnt explain sh*t

    3. 7 tanks max...max sum of tank tiers of your teams tank is 42.

  9. "- looks like Storm isn't too hot into the (WarThunder) garage battle mode (SS: as in when you die in one vehicle, you enter the same battle in another) - 'what if you enter a garage battle and in first minutes you realize your teammates are retards and you will have to lose several of your vehicles?'"

    You press esc and choose "exit battle"

    1. And you don't have to wait for the battle to end to play your planes again, you can enter another battle immediately.

    2. Like when this has been problem? Anyone really having only 3-4 tanks in garage? You can switch another country, tier or so. Works in War Thunder.

      Actually War Thunder works too well in every aspect. No more 2 minute 15-0 ass rapes like in WoT. In WoT good player could just solo in garage battle and they don't want you to have that option. For example now you kill 8 tanks and lose terribly. Having garage setup you could take the most suitable tank for the current situation and have more impact in game. That WG doesn't want to see. They want to control the outcome in games. Have lots of fast paced assrapes with lousy xp gain for both team. Working as intended.

    3. Isn't the tinfoil getting a bit hot and muggy now that spring's come?

    4. I don't think he needs a tinfoil hat, that's probably the most accurate assessment of the situation as I see it...

  10. "looks like Storm isn't too hot into the (WarThunder) garage battle mode (SS: as in when you die in one vehicle, you enter the same battle in another) - "what if you enter a garage battle and in first minutes you realize your teammates are retards and you will have to lose several of your vehicles?""

    Apparently no one informed Storm how i t looks in WarThunder - you can skip rest of the vehicles and back to the garage, in WoT they should be locked but penalty for quitting should be given only if you not use any vehicle.

    1. This could be a little bit problematic in wot, as in wt most garage planes are that same tier, +/-1 or you have high tier fighters and lower tier bombers which can do a lot more than a pz.iv in tier 9-10 that would be placed in such battle according to wt matchmaker if you have max tier 10 in your garage.

    2. I haven't played WT recently, but as I recall, there is a penalty for leaving the battle eartly

      the problem with WOT is the economy model where players get rewarded based on team performance instead of individual

      by any means, WT's economy is not perfect, in fact is the issue that made me quit the game; after tier 11 the progression is impossible without sinking major amounts of cash into the game - I refuse to play a game that forces you to pay, I'd rather spend 50-60USD on a good retail game

      in WT you can manage on your own even if the team is a bunch of flying monkeys, greatly depends on many factors, but it's doable

  11. little off topic:

    for new players only,1000gold+5 days prem+100000credits
    atm 9300 codes left.

    1. And to think I made my account 2 weeks ago on EU. =/
      And I am in the USA to boot.

      Could have really used it 2 weeks ago. I did get a few NA keys and passed them on to friends who wanted to start on the NA server. While I could start over I already have T3 and am doing rather well. Oh Well.


    2. Interesting. There are an increasing number of good bonus codes for new players being put out. The take up of the game must be dropping off. Unsurprising really, after 2 years.....

    3. Well,i ve been waiting for starter code with Micromaus or bonus code with PzBeast2, i missed the first one (WGGEAR is nonvalid anymore)(idiot me for waiting),and fighting for latter fiercely.

    4. Someone interested in an WGGEAR based EU account with a german nick? (Comes with a clean address.)

      I created it to test the funtionality of this code at EU server so that potential beginners could be informed about it.

      Played a few dozen games for the fun. Premium days elapsed of course and 2 year goodies were sold to buy crews and vents but the 1300 gold (incl. PW change) are untouched.

  12. Since it's Russian all the way there, i feel like it would be rude to post there in a different language, so please, "to think about" give him this:

    As for that "hot" thing in next patch, i bet it will be serious price lowering of premium ammo (in credits of course). That would be really a game changer :) .

    1. It would really help the lower Tier 3 TD's be able to handle the Tier 5 Heavy tanks. UE 57 with the 57mm will bounce or fail to penetrate just about everything on any side with the stock ammo. With credits premium is 2k credits a round. 5 x 400. I would be more interested if it was 5 x 200-300 credits OR 1k-1.5k a round. It still would not be profitable in a match but it would cut the hurt.

      If I had it my way rounds would be 150 credits = 1 gold. Although you could just lower the gold cost and keep the 400:1 ratio cost in credits. Say 2-3 gold per round cost instead of 5?


    2. You do realise how idiotic your idea is? Armour-based tanks already face problems, if the price were lowered then people would spam prem ammo all over the place. -Platypusbill

    3. I think it could be adjusted slightly with idea 2 for the lower tiers.

    4. The 57mm has enough pen to go through all tier 5 heavies frontally. Cheaper gold ammo is not the solution for your problem, learning where to aim is.

      The last thing this game needs is cheaper gold ammo.

  13. "one of the cheat solutions considered is a portal with "certified" mods - only certified mods would then work with the game"

    Wait, is not certified? It was linked on the official homepage...

    "sort of "battle miniquests" for players are planned (SS: no details, but what I understand from the context, it's something like "kill X tanks of type Y")"

    What can we expect here? Something like Medal Hunt for extra XP or credits, but randomly popping up the whole year?

    1. I doubdt that any WoT mod on Curse or other pages is certified by WG.

  14. - looks like Storm isn't too hot into the (WarThunder) garage battle mode (SS: as in when you die in one vehicle, you enter the same battle in another) - "what if you enter a garage battle and in first minutes you realize your teammates are retards and you will have to lose several of your vehicles?"

    Well if they just did like in WarThunder where you don't get penalized hard for having a bad team and losing. WG's games is still alone in the field by giving the winning team a massive 50% bonus. If they fixed it to what everyone else is doing there would be a dramatic loss in people complaining about bad players. If you did you good you get your reward and people who didn't do anything get their low reward for doing that.

    1. But the downside to that is people are encouraged to do their own thing, and not completing objectives. For something like World of Tanks this might not be too bad, considering the objectives are pretty much "kill the other team." But for WarThunder, there's also stuff like "taking the airfields," "bombing the targets," etc. that players usually ignore and instead focus on shooting down enemy planes for their own score.

      WoT and WT's models both have their advantages and disadvantages. If you stretch it a bit, WoT's model encourages actually trying to win, but it does punish good players stuck on shitty teams. We've all had those days. WT's model punishes bad players and rewards good ones, but then people will focus on their own score and not helping the team.

    2. WoT's random battles are nowadays mostly filled with players playing for themselfs, the teamplay part is only seen in groups, cw or company. I would like to see WT's model in WoT in form of a test to see if it would increase the most active players in game and moved the bad players to actually think to improve.

  15. "Punishing" good players stuck on bad teams doesn't seem to me all that big a deal, since the good players on the other team also have the same problem just as often.

    The bigger issue to me seems that bad players get a free ride when they get carried by the good players, which encourages bad play and being unhelpful. Especially if a player doesn't feel that he makes a difference when it comes to winning or losing, he's got no incentive to do anything but maximize his own XP and minimize his own repair costs, and let the win/lose battle fall where it may.

    As a minor related nit, they really need to give more XP for capping, and maybe share out the remaining "unkilled" enemy XP on a win. I can't tell you the number of times I've been tempted to risk a loss by leaving cap in order to hunt down more tanks so that I can get more XP out of the win. And very well done wins where you manage to cap quickly without killing too many of the enemy are quite unsatisfying because you end up with hardly any XP for them.

    1. Agreed, I think the XP should be more dynamic, based on what you did with the tank, the playstyle, etc... but I see problems with how it's implemented :/

    2. Umm.. like War Thunder is having problems rewarding players on the run for saving ground or air units when taking out attacker.

      WoT has stupid ways of rendering xp down. If you advance and spot your target you get 1.33 times the xp from inflicted damage. But if you have suicide scout just to pop the enemy out you lose the chances to get the bonus.

      +/-2 tiers is too much. Having fun with tier 3 light tank agains KV-1's? Or even tier 3 TD!

      WoT is such full of bullshit.

    3. As someone who was playing already during the 3-tier difference MM era, allow me to laugh in your whiny face Anon. Also if you're T3 you're pretty obviously not supposed to take on the few T5's at the top of the list by yourself... and you deserve everything you get if you try.
      U BAD BRO?

      Not seeing what your problem with the spotting-damage XP distribution is; the whole purpose thereof is to reward scouts that do their job properly which is to say remain alive and spotting enemy tanks for others to maul, whereas merely making the first spot (suicide-scout style) doesn't by itself earn you much anything.

    4. they should give more xp for going back to stop a cap. but overall, what i see is that the noobs won't bother to cap or stop a cap, they'll just wander in their own space on the map.

      the only thing i can see helping battles is WOT using XVM to determine sides... as much as i don't mind getting on the side that has the 60% win chance, i rage when i'm on the 40% side, so i'd feel it fair to keep the skill levels +/- 5 on either side at the max.

      seriously leveling out the talent is the only way to keep interest of all parties.

    5. MORE xp for capwhoring? You must be joking. Capping already is a pest on pubs, if anything, they should reduce incentives to cap.

  16. - according to Storm, most players like
    the new map, it won't be taken down.

    Oh, lol. Its been over a week of patch, and only ONCE I got that map. Map rotator ftw. One day stuck with Sand River, other with Redshire, other with Cliff. But never with Himmelsdorf.

    1. Play high tier arty and you get lots of Himmelsdorf and Widepark. Working as intended.

  17. Implementing the WT garage battle in Wot is a good idea. If they remove the 50% win bonus that is. Too bad for the " I play only one nation " players tho. :)

  18. about "Stalingrad" map look what i have found pass the fackt that this dude is drinking on the job(bottle of beer on the desk) and look at his monitor what is looking at :) winter city map :)

    1. Right, good catch :) Hmmm... doesn't look Stalingrad-ish, does it...

    2. well it is winter city how acurete is to stalingrad dont know but if its not this means more city maps :)... but still drinking on the job ahaha i laugh every time i see this picture ahahaha

    3. drinking on the job ... dude, that's juice compared with 90deg Vodka :D

    4. for those of you who don't know what's that drink, it's kvas :)

      and to think i drank it like water last time i was in moscow .. since the bottled beers really really suck :(

    5. Come on, Kvas is non alcoholic drink.

    6. girls und panzer poster!

    7. Geek paraphenelia everywhere, more like; there seems to be a decent-sized armoured clash happening on his desk too. ( that a Ratte?)

      WG offices, full of raging nerds? What you say!!

  19. "one of the cheat solutions considered is a portal with "certified" mods - only certified mods would then work with the game" - I personally don't think this is a good idea at all, as it opens the avenue to censorship. Whilst it *might* solve the cheating issue, it also gives birth to problems elsewhere.

    I personally use a historical accuracy mod, which isn't the most politically correct mod, since it involves things such as swastikas. I'm not sure about the EU server, but I've noticed that generally on the NA and SEA forums, any thread about this mod is deleted and the user is warned/RO'ed. Now, unlike SerB, my grandparents weren't killed by Nazis (they were probably running from the Japanese in Northeastern China), so I don't really give a shit about Nazis and political correctness, but from the looks of things, WG is really keen on censoring Nazi-themed mods.

    If such a feature is implemented (mods requiring official certification by WG), this means that they have an iron fist over what can and can't be allowed, and this not just includes "cheats", but also visual mods that some might find disagreeable. For example, anyone who likes to run ultra-lewd weeaboo anime tank skins with naked Touhou characters on them (there are people on 4chan dedicated to making them) will no longer be able to use such skins. On a Russian mod site, I've also come across a remodelling mod that turns all arty into a giant male penis ("all arty players are huge dicks", get it?), so that people who hate arty can enjoy playing the game by shooting at huge dicks - this mod would also be censored by WG.

    In summary: Forced mod certification opens the avenue towards censorship, and censorship is evil.

    1. If mods have to be certified then you are screwed if you want to play the game in any language apart from Russian, the chance of any other language mod ever getting certified before it is rendered obsolete by the next patch are close to zero.

      Besides it does nothing to address hacks residing outside the game.

  20. SS I really hope you don't retire before 8.6 otherwise those of us who don't speak russian won't know anything about 8.6 before testserver

  21. Please tell me one thing, who the f*ck is Storm.

    I read it everyday Storm here Storm there but I have no clue who he is, were there any pictures of him like the fat and bald-headed Serb?

    1. He's the second main developer apart from SerB. Just google Michael Zhivets or something.

    2. Storm is Michail Zhivets.

      There is several ASAP videos with him.

    3. Ah thank u very much!

      I had a suspicion all the time I thought this must be him and I was alright. :D

      P.S. However he is an asshole too but not on Serbs level of retardness thats very special.

  22. unvealing 0.8.6 details and that they will cause a lot of controversy

    - in 8.6, heavily armored tanks in general will be changed (SS: as in buffed)
    - in 8.6, "there will be changes in armor mechanics"

    Oh shit i smell german nerf. As in E-75 and E-100 are too armored already, they dont need to be buffed as the rest of the tanks! trollface.jpg

  23. Storm seems to care for comminuty's well-being in his post... Damn, that is suspicious xd

    1. He's not a bad guy tbh. From what I can tell, he takes everything "seriously". The upside is that he nearly always gives serious answers. The downside is that unlike SerB (who responds on retarded stuff with trolling), Storm occasionally gets pretty pissed.

    2. Thats very unprofessional for an employee of a big company, especially when u have to communicate with customers thats a no go and at least pathetic!

      When he gets pissed or get in a bad mood he has to stfu.

      We in germany handle it old fashioned, customers are kings and we have by law the "Höflichkeitsform" in english "to be honorific" (I guess) to customers in business letters, to customers and Public Relations.

      Evrytime I see a russian or belarussian swearing, trolling or in any kind being inpudently to customers, forumreaders and any other kind of outsiders I feel ashamed for them what a bunch of uncivilized retarded fucktards they are.

  24. -sort of "battle miniquests" for players are planned (SS: no details, but what I understand from the context, it's something like "kill X tanks of type Y")

    This, this right here has the potential to vastly improve the much moaned about skill (or lack of thereof) of the playerbase. If they do in match styled mini missions that encourage tactical and team oriented behaviour and then award it they might just see a rise in player skill. Some of them won't listen and some of them won't learn anything from it, but those who do might end up greatly improving.

    But that'd porbably be too much work for WG, so something like randomized medal hunts or something is to be expected :C

  25. - 0.8.6 will introduce a "hot feature" regarding game optimalisation

    Does this mean optimization of the engine, increasing performance or something else? I do hope we get more FPS with the patch, it would be nice to finally get it to run at 60.

    1. Or maybe we finally get that Umbra middleware update that supports dualcore CPUs. Or they found a way to not rely on it. That would be the day.

    2. That would be amazing indeed.

    3. ahahahah xD dual-core patch after so many years when quad core is actually the average CPU right now.

      Get real dude.

  26. WoT EU starter pack giveaway from Alienware:


    1000 Gold
    5 days premium
    100k creds

    8000 keys left, be fast.

    1. B4 another DDoS on alienware: these codes are for NEW players only.

    2. who gives a shit about starter codes. there was another one 6days ago and no one bothered claiming them.

    3. lol starter packs ... useless

      here u got one of this


  27. wats optimalisation??

  28. And this:

    "- in 8.6, heavily armored tanks in general will be changed (SS: as in buffed)
    - in 8.6, "there will be changes in armor mechanics""

    Will be for heavily armored tanks like Maus/ "papertank" E100 or for imbadimba top EFF Armored tanks like IS-7/IS-8 etc?

    Coz last changes in armor bring the most + to the RU tanks so what will this bring to GER tanks as we all know their armor is not strong enough compared to high pene guns that have all except GER?

    1. The slopes on the IS-4 and '7 got nerfed in 8.0 BTW. -Platypusbill

    2. Still not enough to be penetrated by Maus or E100 guns

      You must see this irony in that Maus and E100 should be "The Tank" they should have the best hard to penetrate armor while they are the most slowest T10 HTs and have the worse penetration guns but they dont have speed, they dont have good guns and they dont have even a good armor.

      RU tanks have all in 1, they have guns able to penetrate every1 and still with good alfa and in case of IS-7 even better reloading than Maus gun (how can be 130mm gun be reloaded faster in that flat turet than 128mm in huge box turet where can be the whole winter stadion inside?), they have if not the best so at least above averege speed and THE BEST armor all around with no need for angling, and if you are so lucky and penetrate the miracle RU armor than you most probably will not give any dmg.

      Ohh yes do not forget on fire by hitting the front of GER tanks the same thing should be on shermans coz they had transmision in the front but look you will have big problems put into the fire some of them. Tell me why when I shoot GER tank from the side to the leeading wheel this tank start fire and why is not the same when I shoot the same way on RU tank? Why when I shoot from rear to the place where RU have transmision that tanks never start fire? I mujst shoot on engine section to put RU on fire. And tell me why is transmision on GER tanks flameable more than fuel tanks when in transmision is oil and in fuel tanks is fuel?

    3. Clueless Wehraboo whiner spotted. 5€ says he's never played Sov tanks himself...

      Anyways, the IS-7 has an automatic loader - the two guys are there just to keep it topped up. I understand its RoF in-game is actually LESS than it was IRL...
      And stop shooting at the damn double panels on the sides you twit, the lower hull between the tracks is perfectly penetrable. The pike-nose is quite pennable even with, IIRC, the 105mm gun of the T29 so long it's not directly pointed at you - it gets most of its resiliency from the sloping, and is relatively weak if you can shoot squarely into the "facets"
      Oh, and the Soviets take ammorack hits like you wouldn't believe. Recently saw a still rather healthy IS-7 get instagibbed by a near-dead M103 that way ("omg h4x" accusations duly followed, as well as due mockery of the ignoramus)... from the *front*.

      Sherman *have* frontal transmissions and *do* catch fires from hits there just like the Germans (and any other front-driver); however as their transmission is relatively far down and the cover is at least as tough if not moreso than the glacis plate, people rarely bother shooting there.
      Most Soviet (and for that matter British) tanks have their transmissions at the rear with the engine, plus since they use diesel their base fire chance is lower to begin with. THEY mostly tend to catch fire from the fuel tanks which tend to line the sides of the upper rear hull (the KV family is positively notorious for this), which auto-ignite when running out of HP...

      Anything else?

  29. - the rate of tanks being implemented has been reduced roughly two times

    I like this. It means that WG is putting more effort in other things that are important, like balance and gameplay in general.

    I feel like there's going to be a point where every single tank niche is covered. Once we're there, there's no point on continuing tank releases (this would piss off many nationalist small countrymen though lol), and instead i think WG should work on making the game better with what it has. I don't even think we need chinese tanks - German, Russian, American (maybe french) and British trees have enough to give us in the way of tanks.

    Of course, if WG is going to continue making tanks, at least they should make them interesting and different. I don't want tanks that are the same as others (i'm thinking failowe, M60 and Obj907).

    I'd rather Wargaming focused on esports, if anything to make the matchmaker fairer and the skill ceiling higher.

  30. I do understand Wargaming wanting to appeal to all the nations they are selling to. And there is a certain business approach that suggests that the more tanks there are, the more money will eventually come it. (yes they are a business, and earning is the ultimate goal.. so this is totally justifiable). I would like to see matchmaker somehow utilize the win ratio, or global rating when forming matches... but is there any reliable way to really rate a players skills and sort them for matches?


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