
May 3, 2013


Disclaimer: I kinda caught flu and Im not feeling well (that's why I was so irritated yesterday). Considering I am feeling like shit and am in bed atm, I can't guarantee the quality of the translations today. Should be okay, but don't crucify me if I forgot a word somewhere.

First: Alienware invite code giveaway (for new players only) can be found here - if any of you are starting a new account, it contains 1000g, 5 days premium and 100k credits. 8000 of them are left.

- the physics bugs (SS: flying tanks when clipping into certain objects, the infamous "turning on the spot") are considered very rare, fixing them has low priority
- if the client gets disconnected (shut down), extended results of the fight become inaccessible. This is intentional to save up on data transfer: "there is no point to transfer data when the client is shut down"
- IS-4 with D-25T is the historical tank setup, its historicity being about the only advantage this setup offers
- one of the big things the developers are working on right now are the esports functions
- when a tank is coming directly at you, it's possible to detrack it by shooting anywhere in the frontal track part, not just into the wheels
- the new prepared sound engine will bring improved sound overall
- WoT on consoles? "If there is ever such a thing, it'll be kept separate from PC WoT server-wise"
- according to SerB, the new tier 9 tanks (those with high penetration) are balanced fine and are historical
- the only Japanese tank already modelled is the Chinese Chi-Ha
- Japanese hightier tanks will be unique (not similiar to any other nations) (SS: from what I could tell, the heavies will be very large, heavy, less armored than Maus, but possibly better armed)
- in first Japanese patch, cca 19 tanks will be introduced
- SerB states that even on the same tank, when using removed speed governor, one vehicle can get its engine yellow in different times, because the removed speed governor damages the engine only when the engine works outside its nominal horsepower boundaries. It cannot be detected by player whether it's really working or not, this is intentional.
- Storm on armor: "Everything is almost okay with armor now. But in order to make it totally okay, we will be taking measures in 0.8.6. What measures - will tell later." (SS: bold font used by Storm himself)".
- Storm sees the problem with heavily armored tanks in their low popularity and limited playability.
- this year there will be new camos for Germans implemented


  1. And I got epic neck sunburn. Hurts like hell.

    1. I've got rashes and bites on my arms. Really irritating.

  2. get well soon,Silent.

    btw keys are gone by now.
    - in first Japanese patch, cca 19 tanks will be introduced
    how many trees,Silent?
    - the only Japanese tank already modelled is the Chinese Chi-Ha
    lame excuse
    - Storm on armor: "Everything is almost okay with armor now. But in order to make it totally okay, we will be taking measures in 0.8.6. What measures - will tell later." (SS: bold font used by Storm himself)".
    define "OK"
    - Storm sees the problem with heavily armored tanks in their low popularity and limited playability.
    sees and does jacksh**

    P.S. what happened with some article that dissapeared from your blog?

    1. Obviously 2 trees.. heavy and medium...

      1 Tier 1 light
      9 light/medium (to Tier 10)
      9 light/medium/heavy (to Tier 10)

    2. Like Pavelius said, probably there'll be just medium and heavy branches. And it's funny how Storm and SerB has totally different opinions about a popularity of tanks. As a mostly German tanks player I'm happy they will probably buff the Maus somehow ^^

  3. - this year there will be new camos for Germans implemented

    YES!!! Give me a Bundeswehr's woodland & winter camo already!!!

  4. Get well soon / Gute Besserung!

    1. Same thing by waiting the next articles (i ad another language: Prompt rétablissement)

    2. Lets try:
      Brzy se uzdrav!
      (Hoping my Bing translator works),
      Bon rétablissement!,

      best regards


    3. and now in portuguese: as melhoras, Silentstalker

  5. - the new prepared sound engine will bring improved sound overall


  6. ''the new prepared sound engine will bring improved sound overall''
    Any ideas in which patch it will be introduced?

    1. Maybe in 9.0 along with havok physics and other stuff.

  7. Get well soon dude.

    - Storm on armor: "Everything is almost okay with armor now. But in order to make it totally okay, we will be taking measures in 0.8.6. What measures - will tell later."
    Hmm armor buff I guess... Brace yourselves, IS-7 and Maus are comming stronger!

    1. They both could use a buff . Althought gun wise it would be better (Maus could use better pen/RPM; IS-7 better aimingtime or a better engine)

    2. Maus and E-100 needs penetration buff.

      IS-7 is as good as it is.

    3. is-7 is one of the worst tier 10 at the moment...
      E-100 is more or less fine (some more pen with ap would never be wrong) ,but its biggest problem are to many siamapozzmoinmoin-players using it...

      I would prefere some changes like

      "+50% more brain cells for all random players"

      in 8-6 :)

    4. Every day I see siemas who put stupidity to the new level.
      But anon above me took the prize of the week.

      "is-7 is one of the worst tier 10 at the moment..."
      That's quote of the MONTH.
      E-100 more or less fine - sure, if you shoot gold derp.
      "+50% more brain cells for all random players" - oh, the irony :D

    5. Buff the Players FTW!!!
      Hahaha made my Day :):):)

    6. I thought IS-7 server WRs were keeping company to those of the Maus and E-100 these days...?

      As for the E-100, T10 is a money sink anyway so might as well make like Darth Jar-Jar and derp gold; at least by all accounts the 15cm gets a lot of mileage out of it.

      Also I'd happily take that 50% smarts boost - I'm fairly clever to begin with (if I do say so myself), so just imagine what I'd be like with a Master Blaster Brain! :D

    7. @Woras, i have both IS7 and Maus, and both are equal bad and useless, the opposite can be said about the E100, it is together with T110E5 the best tier 10 heavy...

      (113 being just almost as worthless as IS7/maus, IS4/fv215 are also hardly worth playing but there not as awefull as IS7/maus)

      ps: autoloaders (50B and T57) are different T57 is blatant OP while 50B is hard to judge (it looks a very powerfull tank after last buffs, but its a rare tank, which gets often 1 shot by arty...)

    8. I too have IS-7 and Maus.
      And if you can't play for shit with IS-7 then stop posting your opinion like it's the law or something.

      Tested 113 in few testservers - for me it's better than IS-7.
      E-100 is good if you shoot gold. If not - prepare to bounce even T8.

      I've had enough of your stupidity retard anon - too scared to show your face? Or whatever left of it :D

    9. What an arrogant ass this Woras thingy is ...

    10. "I too have IS-7 and Maus."

      1 game on Maus ... gz fail trolls gona fail :P

      PS. that an. above ur last post is another one then me (the first two an. comments under the "original" comment)

      PPS: performence wise ur Is-7 is waaaaay worse then ur Is-4 , so is-7 = crap or is-4 = totally op?

      PPPS: How about u stop posting UR unfounded opinion like it's law?
      Everyone can see that IS-7 isnt what it once was anymore... instead it became one of the worst tier 10 (and ur stats proofe my statement here)

    11. A good man never name himself Whores Ass.

    12. So, nobody got the balls to show his/her face while bashing Woras? :/ Shame on you guys, he is a good fellow.

      To change the topic: I look realy forward to the japanese tanks. :D

    13. YEs IS7 is worst heavies, why? Look at IS7 design. ITs made face to face combat, but when others tanks have heat gold shelss with ~400 pennetration you can pennetrate IS7 upper plate, even turret (yep IS4 turret is more harder to hit thanks to his form). T110E5 can kill IS7 from 300m with HEAT (uper plate, turret sides near mask), and IS7 gun is not "ace" compared to other tier 10 tanks.

    14. If your main argument for IS7s being bad is presupposition that everyone shoots gold at you you're even dumber than i thought...load HEAT in your IS7 and you'll do the same thing to an T110E5...stop being such a hypocrit fucktard and use your brain for a change

      Medjed - EU

    15. Now use ur brain and see the difference:

      What was the main + of Is-7 back in beta /after release? Its armor and its high speed falling down a cliff.
      What does it lose over time-> its armor
      whats left?
      A tank fast at falling down a cliff... yeah sounds awesome...

      On the other hand E5 never had any real armor, it could lose when the enemy starts shooting gold...

      Moreover compared to E5, IS-7 gun sucks...

    16. Woras, they're not kidding. The IS-7 is currently competing with the Maus and 113 for the title of most useless tier 10 heavy. All of them are clearly inferior to the E-100.

    17. Hey mdjed the IS 7 does not get heat rounds .
      karnage: US

    18. @Tupinambis:
      Well, all I can do is agree to disagree on IS-7.

  8. - New camos!

    I do hope they implement some special (not necessarily historical) camos, like what particular vehicles currently residing in museums are wearing. Tiger 131 with its "authentic battle damage" would be fun, but I would be all over MVTF's Panther paint job!


  9. I wish you a speedy recovery dude!
    It's simply amazing that you are doing this even when you are ill.
    You are either insane or a philantrope :D

  10. *passes large mug of hot water, honey and whisky*

    1. Thanks mate, I'm fine with ginger tea, lemon and honey :)

    2. You should try honeywine :)

  11. >- Storm sees the problem with heavily armored tanks in their low popularity and limited playability.

    Yeah, of course they're unpopular, having been made completely useless by power creep, why would anyone want to play them?

  12. Is there any rumored tank except cca 19 that will be included into japanese tree?

  13. Did Storm specific or infer which heavily armored tanks, might be covered by this line: '- Storm sees the problem with heavily armored tanks in their low popularity and limited playability.'?

    What's considered problematic 'low popularity', by Storm?

    For example, here's the average number of times a given tier 10 tank is played on the RU server, according to current figures:

    113 | 102.8185 average times
    FV215b | 135.9124 average times
    FV4202 105 | 136.4601 average times
    ИС-4 | 145.6958677 average times
    Объект 263 | 151.8167 average times
    FV215b (183) | 153.7871 average times
    121 (Chinese) | 154.1030 average times
    E50 Ausf M | 179.0413 average times
    T110E3 | 184.9772 average times
    M48A1 | 187.9894 average times
    JagdPz E-100 | 189.4273 average times
    T110E4 | 192.4854 average times
    Объект 268 | 206.6141 average times
    T57 58 | 222.6808 average times
    T62A | 225.0792 average times
    Maus | 243.0232 average times
    AMX 50B | 243.4176 average times
    E-100 | 269.3937 average times
    AMX 50Fosh 155 | 299.0595 average times
    ИС-7 | 342.854 average times
    T110E5 | 345.2413 average times
    Bat Chatillon 25 t | 372.4589 average times

    Tier 8 Artillery average time figures are the following:

    Bat Chatillon 155 (French) | 281.7176
    GW Typ E (German) | 293.5488
    Объект 261 (Soviet) | 380.1336
    T92 (American) | 301.7623

    Point is, will Storm in essence seek to pull tankers towards the least played vehicles? And push them away from the currently most played vehicles? Or perhaps draw new individuals at Tier 10 toward the newly improved heavily armored tanks, so that the old-timers feel a need to also move to even-up the competition?

    1. Possibly buff the 113 and other possible played vehicles...

  14. Is there any info about the Japanese Medium Tanks?

    1. Sure, plenty. Check this out:

  15. - the new prepared sound engine will bring improved sound overall

    Awesome!!! cant wait for this!

  16. - Storm sees the problem with heavily
    armored tanks in their low popularity
    and limited playability.

    Maus, E-100 - their low popularity has nothing to do with lowest penetration of all. Noooope....

  17. get well soon SS :P

    Henriques (EU)

  18. We want the article for finish tanks that removed back plus a new article for Japanese tanks if possible. Thanks in advance

    1. Yes, I'm already waiting for the second part, maybe something about German armor and captured T-34's and so on. Being a Finn myself it's nice too see these posts! Keep up the good work.

  19. - SerB states that even on the same tank, when using removed speed governor [...] it cannot be detected by player whether it's really working or not, this is intentional.

    I love this mechanic. It makes the usage of RSG skill based. I personally am having a blast with learning the governor skill - when i run the RSG, i'm in a scout, which means i run no repair kit. Instead, i run Fuel, Governor, Food; for the best scouting potential. Limits my combat ability, but i don't need to do combat and if i do fight, i'm sniping (M5A1 was accurately depicted by a friend of mine as a TD scout).

    TL:DR I love RSG


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