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May 20, 2013


First, thanks Gorebeat for another gold donation, much appreciated :) Danke sehr!

First, some more answers from Storm's article mentioned in earlier posts:

- Ruinberg streets will be made more flat in 0.8.6 (SS: this change was promised last 2 patches already)

- Marschig (another WG developer) explains the mechanics of the shell flight: "(SS: when calculating shell trajectory,) the game doesn't take air resistance, Earth surface curvature or rotation and other ballistic details into account. Shells do fly according to the physics schoolbook, chapter "movement of an object, thrown horizontally under an angle". Thus, for calculating the trajectory, you need only speed, elevation angle and gravity freefall acceleration. According to the same schoolbook, on flat surface you get maximum range when using the elevation angle of 45 degrees. The trajectory is symmetrical, eg. the elevation angle equals the impact angle.
For tank shells, the gravity freefall acceleration is 9,81. For arty shells, it works differently - the initial shell velocity ("speed") and gravity freefall acceleration can be estimated independently. It is based on an abstract artillery vehicle with maximum range of 1000m under the 45 degrees angle and the shell flight time of 4 seconds. If you - when changing the speed/velocity - want to keep the range a constant, you have to change the gravity freefall acceleration.
In other words: with the unified maximum range, the trajectory of the shell doesn't depend on muzzle velocity and is always the same.

- based on what Marschig wrote, Storm confirms that in the game, each shell has a gravity freefall acceleration parameter set independently. All tank shells have it as 9,81, with arty it varies.
- in 0.8.6, maximum range of some weapons will be changed
- in 0.8.6, some sound effects will be changed, notably: increased the difference in impact sounds between AP and HE shells, sound of tank destruction, sound of AP shells hitting hard surfaces, sound of tank getting hit by HEAT shell and sounds of tanks being hit by AP and HE shells in general
- more info on 0.8.6 changes will come on Wednesday
- the info on tier 10 reward tanks will come "later"

Regular answers from the Q&A thread:

- the 5 arty hardcap won't be removed in 0.8.6, because first the developers need to assess the impact of the patch on arty numbers
- even though SU-26 will lose its 122mm, the XP spent for it won't be reimbursed to players
- patch numbers are selected "according to our internal wishes"
- in 0.8.6, accuracy will increase both when standing and when driving around
- the chance for accuracy nerfs of already accurate guns post-0.8.6 is zero
- for now, Leopard prototype B will not be implemented into the game (as a premium vehicle), there isn't enough info on it for now
- even if the 0.8.6 patch doesn't solve the arty flood issue, stricter arty hardcap won't be implemented
- changes in Clanwars are not tied to patches, since they don't need client updates and are made online, eg. introduction of CW Seasons is not tied to 0.8.6
- the shell velocity is constant throughout the whole time of its flight

- camo will work the following way from 0.8.6 (simplified):
Old: Camo = vehiclecamo*(camoskillcalculation)*1,25*1,05 (25 percent camo net, 5 percent bought visual camouflage)
New: Camo = vehiclecamo*(camoskillcalculation) + 0,25 + 0,05

SS: in other words - in the same situation, if we take for example vehicle camo factor of 0,5 (let's disregard camo skill and the demasking while moving or shooting effect for purpose of demonstration),
Old: 0,5*1,25*1,05 = 0,65625
New: 0,5+0,25+0,5 = 0,8 (21 percent increase)

- 0.8.6 map won't be a city map, it'll be a village map
- at this moment (before 0.8.6) it's not possible to simply change the XP and cred-earning coefficient for TD's
- there will be no compensation for the difference between earlier and post-0.8.6 TD XP income
- developers don't have a "special" version of the game with detailed graphics
- 0.9.0 camouflage mechanism re-work confirmed (SS: apparently even Russian players now take FTR as a source, I am glad :) either way, the mechanism change announced by SerB will take into account partial vehicle cover)
- camo coefficient bonuses given by camo nets, visual camo etc. will be reworked

Well, that's it today.

Oh, almost forgot: this video is dedicated to the Czech idiot (who sadly didn't sign his "love letter"), claiming I am a nazi because the shortcut of Silentstalker is "SS"....


  1. "even Russian players now take FTR as a source"

    True. Many thanks from Ukraine :)

    1. Yep ) I'm from Ukraine too )

    2. legion of Ukrainian anonymouses
      усім братам трохи сальця від мого поросяти

    3. Хохлосрач тред го

  2. So patch 0.8.7 will bring us more content than the new cw areas as they said that the cw updates are not tied to patches?

    1. Definitely. It is my guess (just a guess) that 8.7 will bring either British arty, or German TD's.

    2. It would be about time to get the german td-s.

    3. I hope for the TDs too, because I'm not a big fan of artillery. I sold my Hummel after I finished it's grind, and I'm planning to sell my S-51 after the next patch. I rarely play it, and I kept it for playing companies with my clanmates.

    4. Zlobny says, that he is working on British arty:
      "Сделаю перерыв в настройке арты для бриттов, раз такое дело." Take a break to set up artys for the Britannians to make this post.

    5. I think second german tds will be in 8.8 ;) ( I think u get why)

    6. Likely German TD's. Not that we need more of them. iirc SerB or somebody else posted and you copied the post to FTR and it said no back-to-back artillery updates.


    7. I still hope for french mediums as the french tree is too empty without it...
      Well I keep on dreaming:D

  3. The camo changes will be a buff mainly to German MT and TDs as they are snipy tanks with poor camo ratings. Those type of tanks will benifit a lot from being harder to be seen at range.

  4. Camaro SS
    Surely a nazi car :D

    How can ppl be so stupid? Or just jealous ;)

  5. SS you're a communist, SS=Super socialist, and we all know that communism is just a socialism on steroids :) :) :)

  6. - there will be no compensation for the difference between earlier and post-0.8.6 TD XP income

    lol.. just f. lol..

    how can they even ask something like that? O.o

  7. And yeah.. I think you are a Super Saiyan.. :P

  8. (SS: apparently even Russian players now take FTR as a source, I am glad :)

    This is Frank winning... Getting a standing ovation, and then winning again.

    Well done. One step closer to world domination. =)

  9. Hmmm. . . I wonder if they'll actually publish tank camo values now. . . knowing WG, probably not.


    1. I took a look back and I found a chart that was circulated around the time the game went live. Here is a link for it. It shows the camo values for a bunch of tanks while moving and parked. Like I said though, this was an older chart and does not include a lot of the newer tanks in the game.

      you may have to copy and paste the link your your browser for some reason the link isn't working...


  10. "Village map"?

    I was under the impression that we would be getting the much-anticipated Stalingrad-type winter city map :'( Those are two things that the game is sorely lacking.



    Regarding an older topic about supertesters, but it made me laugh.
    Nice work SS :)

    Any hints on that village map?

  12. "claiming I am a nazi because the shortcut of Silentstalker is "SS"...."

    So, by that token, both Stan & Steve Smith from American Dad are Nazi's :)

    Keep up the good work Silent

  13. > - camo will work the following way from 0.8.6 (simplified):
    Old: Camo = vehiclecamo*(camoskillcalculation)*1,25*1,05 (25 percent camo net, 5 percent bought visual camouflage)
    New: Camo = vehiclecamo*(camoskillcalculation) + 0,25 + 0,05

    Who say that 25 percent from camo net and 5 percent from camouflage will remain and they dont change it?

    1. So far they not mentioned that they want to change it. Maybe rework of camo net and/or camo bought will wait for 9.0 patch.

      Some suggestion for SS:

      "New: 0,5 + 0,25 + 0,5 = 0,8 (21 percent increase)"

      Shouldn't it be:
      "New: 0,5 + 0,25 + 0,05 (?) = 0,8 (21 percent increase)" ?

    2. "Who say that 25 percent from camo net and 5 percent from camouflage will remain and they dont change it?"

      Of course it will change (they already stated bonus will depend on vehicle's class), that's why it says "simplified"; it's only an example meant to illustrate the change.

  14. - Ruinberg streets will be made more flat in 0.8.6 (SS: this change was promised last 2 patches already)

    Yes apparently for WG it's too hard to select "Smooth Brush" in the editor and hovet it over the bumpy areas. A 5minute job.

    1. Retexturing, editing the collision meshes and the nav meshes... yeah, 5-minute job.

    2. Kind of agreed, but nav meshes? You suggest there's an AI in WoT?

  15. SS works for Secret Service!! we are all being spyed on!!!

    1. He's clearly trying to trick people into buying him gold with counterfeit bills.

  16. Need moar African maps, it's not all desert here you know -.-
    I don't think WG will every publish the true camouflage values of every tank in the game. People will moan even more of Russian bias than every before(like that T-54 that sneaked up to me and I only spotted him at 47m last night grrrrr).

    Good on ya Gorebeat :-)

    P.S. All these Anon keyboard warriors are starting to annoy me.

  17. What if Severus Snape was also nazi?!



  19. I wonder, how can I calculate correctly this camo ratings?

    Based on this informations:

    I take basic camo for my T71. Stationary and on the move it is 20%. So i think for calculations: 0,2. Now, I assume my camo skill is 100% (so it is +100% for basic camo ratio?). And my calculations look like this:

    Old: 0,2 * 2 (having 100% camo skill) * 1,25 (camo net)= 0,5
    New: 0,2 * 2 (having 100% camo skill) + 0,25 (camo net)= 0,65

    Is it correct? Does it mean I negate 0,5 (old) and 0,65 (new) enemy view range?

    PS. I don't take into account bought camo, because I don't plan to use it for now.

  20. Why does everyone always assume 45 degrees is the best angle to fire a projectile to reach maximum range or that shells fly in symmettrical curves? It may the gameplay model but he should neither state nor imply that this is based on real-life physics.

    1. Forget to add this link before I get the uneducated masses flooding this thread with pseudo-physics about ballistics.

    2. Hate to break it to you, but even in your own link in the summary paragraph... "For ideal projectile motion, which starts and ends at the same height, maximum range is achieved
      when the firing angle is 45°." The devs have clearly stated that they consider their calculations based on the ideal projectile motion.

      There is no psuedo physics. Removing velocity and gravitational acceleration, all you need to know is when is sin(2theta)=1? That's right, 45 degrees.



    3. You missed the part about ignoring air resistance. 45 degrees ignores reality. Thank you for reading the link though.

  21. - even if the 0.8.6 patch doesn't solve the arty flood issue, stricter arty hardcap won't be implemented
    Cool, they are already making an excuses for arty flood which will probably happen in 0.8.6 since this arty "nerf" isn't actually a nerf so they'll remain the same but with more new vehicles to try out.Bloody retards is it that hard to cap them at 3/team and remove those fucking medals for killing 4/5 arties in one game, bcs if they could remove the Boelters medal for no reason i don't see why they couldn't remove these two.

    Medjed EU

    1. Wait for the patch to get live, start swarming the forums with whine posts then.
      And Boelter's medal was removed for a reason.

    2. Because it was named after a German person?

    3. Please explain to me uneducated noob what's the reason for removal of Boelters medal? Same reason it was changed from Wittmann to Boelter? Or you are just another fanboi?

      Medjed EU

  22. And shortcut for my name would be HH , that would mean I'm a nazi too!

  23. Of course SilentStalker isn't a nazi because his name is abbreviated SS.. he's a nazi because he thinks gay marriage means "society degeneration" ;D

    1. Does he? Oh, wow...

    2. ....because everyone not supporting gay marriage is a nazi. Wait, that's like 90 percent of the planet...

    3. Certainly not 90%. I'm not a gay, but why deny people happiness if they want it? After all, it's not my business why they are the way they are, I'm not going to correct them, ban them or punish them. Let them live like they want.

    4. Yeah, not liking homosexuals is everyone's right. However, nazism starts when you want to deny basic human rights, such as marriage, to people just because you don't like them.

  24. The arty increase in profits will be enough reason to start speaking of a "flood" after the patch.
    I mean, you get to sit in a bush, click once every minutes for damage ranging from 0 to 2300, and now it becomes even more profitable! What's not to like?

  25. My real life initials are WG. This clearly means I'm SerB's puppet!

  26. I apologize if I'm sticking my foot in my mouth, but who is silentstalker and why does he get mentioned so much? Does he help with the translations?

    (And that reminds me, BohemianEagle a few months ago had some sort of replay contest, one of the finalists in the artillery section had a username that could be abbreviated to KKK. . . )

    1. My brohher was banned permanently just for having Adolf88 nickname (my brother's name is Adolph and he was born in 1988). And your have SS nickname!! I will write to technical support so that they ban you!

    2. False positive. But the rise of neo-Nazis in EU and exUSSR is indeed worrying.

      Just see how Germans treat "siemkas". They consider them to be inferior to Germans, reminiscent of Nazi's old "herrenvolk" attitude (even despite that it's Eastern Europeans who dominate CW and the game in general). Seems like Germans haven't had enough of foreign rule and want another bloody lesson to prove that they aren't the "master race".

    3. Umm... Sorry, but I'm from Eastern Europe and I still shudder when I see another battle beginning with „siem(k)a”.
      Would it be that hard to have a selection box in the game, to separate general in-battle chat by language? I'm griefing the siemka people as much as I can; same for (sorry) those asking for CZ, HU or whatever else. Heck, I even start fights with people from my own country, when they join the stupid ranks and refuse to talk privately to their platoon, if they don't want to use english.

  27. "- at this moment (before 0.8.6) it's not possible to simply change the XP and cred-earning coefficient for TD's"
    Uh, what.
    Most premium tanks tier 5 and above (not sure about below) have a buffed credit and experience multiplier compared to normal tanks. I would guess that premium TDs have multipliers that are inline or slightly lower than other vehicles of their tier.

    *Why* are you acting like it's so difficult to spend an hour and go through each TD's datasheet to change their multiplier(s), WG?

    1. Hm... I haven't thought on that before. So premium TDs maybe will also enjoy higher credits and xp?
      (It's getting interesting with a FCM and a Dmax in my garage :D )

  28. So, I read 8.7 american tanks will be rebalanced as "American tanks, especially the autoloaders, will see a significant nerf"

  29. So, now it appears that we all are firing smoothbores - so why SerB whines about smoothbores? There's even no need to make second calcucaltion model as it is so simplified and less matching to rifled guns than smoothbore ones.

    Shell velicity is constant? That's even a bigger fuckup, if he doesn't mean horizontal velocity only. I can't even blame it on Russian sience since Russian scientists are very good...
    All this game is lies and smoke and mirrors... I can understand simplifications but not when at the same time they are boasting at how complex the game is.


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