
May 1, 2013


- according to WG data, Lorraine and Batchat did historically have a crew of 3, it won't be changed
- tank-to-tank matchmaker (SS: as in "one IS-7 can only be matched to another IS-7", eg mirror teams) won't be implemented
- the decal size and color change won't come anytime soon
- there will be no special servers without gold ammo implemented
- tank armor will be rebalanced "when necessery, opinion of players about it is not taken into account"
- all the Chinese guns implemented developed the end of the 70's are Soviet copies or developed based on Soviet originals. After that, the Chinese started copying the West. However, you can't read about this anywhere for now - Chinese development is rather secret.
- there is no special coefficient implemented into the game, that would somehow average the XP gain of good and bad players, such averaging is done by general vehicle balance
- Jagdpanther II gun/mantlet model is not bugged, it can be penetrated
- Chinese tank destroyers might come this year, depends on the Chinese research partners
- Chinese SU-100 copy might appear in their TD tree, again depends on the Chinese partners
- according to SerB, the machinegun miniturret on Jagdpanzer E-100 was ordered specifically by Hitler (SS: can't remember, but there was some crap around that... I think it was removed because it messed with loading in the end, not sure)
- the bottom of the T110E4 turret is very thin, 20mm or so
- apparently the Redshire map won't be taken down for re-work


  1. > - according to WG data, Lorraine and Batchat did historically have a crew of 3, it won't be changed

    lolwut? It have a crew of 4 and it is WG fault.

    1. Indeed, that's what says too. No idea why WG went with 3, unless it was out of atypical concern for players who'd otherwise suddenly have to scrounge up a spare loader from somewhere at Tier 9.

    2. Right, now mr.anon got me confused. Rechecked: "According to WG data, Lorraine and Batchat DID have 3 person crews." is correct translation.

    3. Generally it's for the good of the players that don't have to start from scratch with 4th crew member or pay gold for his training...

    4. Autoloader crews tend to have BiA to help with the mag reload times -mine do, anyway- and having to get the new guy up to speed to re-enable it would certainly be rather annoying (unless you have a spare veteran folding bedsheets in the barracks), but since when was WG *that* considerate? Thinking about *some trees* here that add and drop crew positions more or less at random as far as the progression goes...

  2. Good news about Chinese TD's, I hope chinese partners will do a good job and find lots of data :D

    Aside from that, lots of good info, thanks!

  3. have u seen this coment from OL yet?

  4. a good question would be if the su-100 copy would go as a prem tank, considering that the chinese don't have a TD line..

    also, too bad about redshire :(

    1. Don't worry if they don't have a TD line.

      WG will find them.
      They are the best when it comes to finding things that never existed.
      I truly believe in ther abilities.

      Obj 704 clone with a Type 59 turret?
      It sure will be a thing.

  5. - tank armor will be rebalanced "when necessery, opinion of players about it is not taken into account" But does this game has armor anymore??? load silver premiun shell with 300 pen and autoaim while moving, profit???? (fire on the enemy german tank)

    1. You're forgetting the 400 pen guns. Seen pictures of Maus being penned angled through the f#$@ing mantle

    2. The mantlet of the maus has afaik 240mm armor and theres no turret behind it on some spots

  6. "- apparently the Redshire map won't be taken down for re-work"
    This is rather annoying. >.> One hill to rule them all.

  7. "- there will be no special servers without gold ammo implemented"

    Too bad, I would transfer in a heatbeat :P
    Seeing how often the topic of gold ammo shows up on these Q&A and forums, I don't see how WG continues to insist it's working as intended. Do they even play Tier 5? It just so happens that I am around Tier 5 for almost all the branches I'm working on, and every single day, at least one game I am oneshot by a gold derpgun. Getting oneshot is highly questionable even in a game with respawns/heals, in a game without, its absolutely unacceptable.
    /rant off


    1. Treat tier 5 like playing tier I or X were anything is possible and you wont lose your sanity while playing it. Helps with the blood pressure too...

    2. Derp gold gun is to what was the old t-34-85 with the 100mm gun imo... so yeah, just don't take it too seriously :)

    3. I find gold rounds important. My church 3 and t1e6 have gold and I use it only for hard armor tragets like at2 or h35. But maybe a change in reload time would help if it is such a problem. Ex change gold takes like 4 extra seconds. Sorry for spelling.

  8. Of course it won't happen. I don't know why you think it would. They're not going to split the player base that drastically just because of player preference.

  9. - all the Chinese guns implemented developed the end of the 70's are Soviet copies or developed based on Soviet originals. After that, the Chinese started copying the West. However, you can't read about this anywhere for now - Chinese development is rather secret.

    Copying something and then making it secret. Man their military is fucking retarded.

    1. As if they had some kind of monopoly on overzealous secrecy; all the more so given the fundamentally distrustful character of all authoritarian regimes. And why *would* they be particularly forthcoming about the details of what in all likelihood amounted to wholesale industrial espionage anyway? I'm under the impression (or rather, read it in several studies of 20th-century history) the USSR relied quite heavily on that to maintain parity with the "West" in the technological arms race, especially later on; given their later start and frankly more primitive tech base to build on I'd be surprised if this didn't go at least double for the Chinese.

  10. hhmm...T-34-2 are crap...i kept getting into tier 9 matches where i cant pen them with my gun.....

  11. Redshire is the worst map in the batch right now. I prefer Dragon Ridge over the new Redshire.

  12. Bottom of the T110E4 turret is 38mm. Looks like whichever dev just guessed but hardly matters at that thickness anyway.

  13. Screw combined EU tech tree. Chinese more important and their market pays more!


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