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May 14, 2013

0.8.6 VK2801 and A-Panther changes

Source: gamemodels3d

You might be "happy" to know that the VK2801 gets nerfed. Specifically: its depression gets nerfed by 2 degrees from -10 to -8 and the 105mm HEAT shells get the same nerf penetration nerf as the Panzer IV - from 150 to 104. Furthermore, the 105mm shell price is changed also: the 105mm derp shells (for all vehicles) get twice as expensive (from 60 to 120), with the HEAT shell price moving from 7g to 10g.

Aufklärungspanzer Panther gets buffed tho:

It's MM weight gets reduced (from 32,4 to 27), it gets 50 HP more (from 950 to 1000), but the price will increase by 40k. Tracks will get a slight HP buff and the Konish will get an aimtime buff (from 2s to 1,7s). Furthermore, the Konish silver ammo price will be halved.

Oh yea, and Leopard 1 (apart from the 20 pen nerf for HEAT shells) gets better MM weight too: from 120 to 100 (the MM weight for E-50M stays at 120 tho).


  1. Too bad the Konich buff will not goes to VK36.01H. But the price shells is stupid, they're already cheap, at 53 creds vk36.01H became a even better moneymaker

    1. they were 53 credits before the last patch, the price was doubled in 8.5. I had noticed that and stocked up accordingly knowing the AP rounds were getting a damage buff. They're just bringing the price back down to what it was, that's all.


    2. I stocked up also ....Balue...

    3. Still not real happy with the gun in the MM battles the VK gets... Balue

    4. With its penetration the Konisch can sting every tier its MM allows.

  2. aha, seems vk2891 was still performing to mediocre.

  3. Congratulations to 3 million hits. I have a question regarding
    MM weight, do you have a higher chance to be the lowest tier in a game, if you have a higher MM weight in comparison to other tanks of your tier, or does it work completely different?


    1. No, the MM just adds up the MM-weight of all tanks of one side and matches it against a team with (roughly) the same weight. So with a lower MM-weight your tank will see slightly worse enemies.
      That should not have any influence on your position in the team afaik. Still it is a buff..

    2. It does slightly relate in that the MM weight decides where on the team list you end up, the higher weight tanks at the top. That is why some tanks with extra weight ends up above tanks of higher tiers some times.

  4. Time to stock up on 105mm HE shells... I'll buy at least 3000 pcs

    1. Awesome plan: Buy them for 60, sell them for 60!Profit!!!!

      Stranger40 - EU

    2. But at least you won't have to buy them for 120.

    3. Stranger40, are you mentally challenged? He's going to stock on HE shells now so he won't have to buy them for 120cr later. He's not going to sell them, he's going to use them, that's obvious to anyone who's not retarded.

    4. Oh i oversaw an option. Thank you for insulting me!

      But maybe i should answer to you in a way you understand:

      Don't disturb me you fucking shit infused with piss pressed out the fucking cunt you call your mother!

    5. I see you fell into retard rage. It's typical for mentally deficient people to react with violence when someone corrects their mistakes. Have you thought about taking anger management classes? You won't go far in life with that attitude.

    6. maybe you should re-read your first post to find out who went into retard rage in the first place.

    7. yeah~ let's use a low velocity howtizer with only 100 pen in a tier 7 game.

  5. MM weight is used to balance teams. number of tanks of a certain tiers aren't taken into consideration at all (for example that's why get match with 5 tierX vs 3 tierX)

  6. Yus finally the OP derpos get nerf'd.

    Just a few more derps to nerf WG.

    1. I still think the problem was making the availability of premium rounds for credits, not necessarily the performance of said rounds.

  7. hey random question do you think they will ever add the t-28e has a separate tank?

    1. I doubt it. But the hull might eventually become a researchable module for the T-28

  8. Keep nerfing the vk2801 WG,great job,it surely is OP for a scout as it's nearly half as agile as t-50-2 and its big gun is very useful in tier 10 matches

    1. Agree!

      Furthermore WG isn't balancing the game but continouing politics...
      Although WOT users are punished for political content in game...


    2. what are you blabbering about, what politics?

      If WG nerfs any tank in game other than russian: OMG russian bias, WG soviet votka drinkers!!!!
      If WG nerfs German tanks: WG hates Germany and german tanks, soviet propaganda, devs are KGB agents!!!
      If WG nerfs Russian tanks: ... we are all quiet now, we dont want to be seen or heard...

    3. As far as I can see, last few patches Russian tanks got only buffs. So your point is what exactly?

    4. Confirmation bias.


    5. "As far as I can see, last few patches Russian tanks got only buffs. So your point is what exactly?"

      U should start to learn to read...
      There were more then just one nerf for russian tank...but admiring this wouldn't fit ur russian bias world.

      Oh btw why russian-biased devs make american tanks THE bests ingame?

    6. Here you go:

      patch 8.0 (too many changes, look them up in changelogs)
      -A20: traverse speeds, view range and HP increase; aim time decrease (improved)
      -AT1: dispersion decreased by up to 20%
      -BT7: traverse speeds, view range, HP, increase; aim time, reload and dispersion decrease
      -KV-13: traverse speeds increased; aim and reload times decreased
      -IS-6: traverse speeds, terrain passability and HP increased; gun dispersion decreased
      -SU-18: reduced aim and reload times
      -SU-5: increased damage of the shells
      -SU-76: dispersion, reload an aim times decreased; accuracy increased
      -T-43: Т-43 mod. 1943 turret armor changed from 62 mm to 90 mm
      Research cost of Т-54 tank changed from 160,100 to 142,000
      -T-54: Added new gun 100 mm D-10T2S

      NERFED: T-50-2 (traverse speed)

      patch 8.1
      -Fixed the slope angle of lower armor plate of IS-7 (changed to historical)
      -Fixed the slope angle of lower armor plate of IS-3 (changed to historical) as well as bottom armor

      patch 8.2
      -SU-101: repairs cost decreased by 9%, profitability increased by 10%
      -finally fixed OP and unhistorical armor on IS, KV-1S and T-34 (it sure took them a lot of time to change couple of numbers...)

      patch 8.3 aka "Arty nerf" patch
      almost every single arty in the game got nerfed, with few exceptions:
      Gun dispersion during movement decreased by 35% (improved)
      Gun dispersion during rotation/turning decreased by 35%
      Hull weight lowered from 3,750 kg to 3,354 kg
      Max reverse speed increased from 5 km/h to 7 km/h
      Ammunition changed from 20 to 24
      Declination angle increased from 6 degrees to 3 degrees
      -SU-26: Hull weight lowered from 7,100 kg to 5,045 kg
      Hull weight changed from 7,100 kg to 7,036 kg
      Elevation angle of 152 mm gun increased from -45 degrees to -72 degrees

      patch 8.4
      -increased suspension load capacity of Object 212, Object 261 and S-51

      patch 8.5
      -increased damage and penetration of UBR-243SP shell of 45 mm BT-42 gun on A-20, T-46 and T-50-2
      -IS-7: max speed increased from 50 km/h to 59.6 km/h
      Traverse of SU-76 suspension increased from 32 to 38
      Traverse of SU-76M suspension increased from 32 to 38

      You were saying?

    7. Do I now have to post all buffs to other nations or what u wnat to prove?... stupid german cry kids...

    8. Feel free to prove your point of how "there were more then just one nerf for russian tank".

  9. Nice to hear the Recon panther gonna buff, especially the MM weight adjustment. I love this tank and I have no complain about the performance of it, but MM do kill this baby.
    The VK2801 nerf is just sad... seems it can still fk other scouts hardly, but not a great damage maker anymore.

  10. The only reason probably they keep on nerfing the VK2801 is because it's the only Light Tank that used to be Top Tier, that is on a tech tree that goes somewhere... I can see this happening to the T-50-2 and the Chaffee...

    1. The T-50-2 Nerf will likely be a lot less though, just watch.

  11. Leopard HEAT nerf... All high tier HEAT are nerfed or only German made L7 is nerfed?



      Most of tier 10 get HEAT nerf, some of them even have a AP nerf, but German heavies seems to be stay this time.

    2. Just because they are below 250 Penetration.. if they were nerfed more they would probably suck a lot more... and rely on gold rounds much more.

  12. Price increased.. D:

    how much better can this update get xD

  13. Are there any news if the change to the MM that would force scouts to be balanced between the teams (by +/- 20 or such), which was cut from 0.8.5 in the last second, is going to be introduced with 0.8.6?

  14. The Auf. Panther is a bit OP at the moment, it will be hilarious to play after buffs like these... WTF they are thinking? :)

    If anything deserves a buff is the normal Panther, which is simply a sad sack of shit compared to the Aufkl. Panther.


    1. OP compared to what? AMX 13 75? There are 2 other tier7 lights which are MUCH better than Fail Panther: WZ-131 (with 260 "OP" gold pen) and T71 (the actual "OP" tank). Panther is just mediocre at best.

    2. By the data from, statistically it is the second greatest T7 LT, worst then T71, better then WZ-121.
      Doesn't seems make sense but thats what happen.

    3. ^Correction, it should be WZ-131 not WZ-121, sorry.

  15. Hmm, as I can see at, all HEAT guns (also USSR ones) have been nerfed. So, the Derp-KV2 only gets 136 mm penetration, and the Tier X gun of the IS-8 and IS-4 gets only 340 mm (was 400 mm) penetration.

    The only nation which has no HEAT nerf is China. The IS-2 still has 300 mm HEAT penetration. Hopefully, WG also fixes these values, at least on the EU/RU/NA servers.

  16. Ahhh... So it seems VK2801 is not shit enough and they're trying to fix it asap. HEAT nerf (agreed it's deserved), depression nerf and HE nerf. Just awesome. Well honestly they should also do something about it's speed because, let's face it, it's still too fast comparing to a slug like T-50-2. And while at it some acceleration nerf should be in line, cause with that weight it should only be able to start moving with a push. And I think it's view range should suffer, cause, Ya all know, long view range is 'muhricans defining trait, so why a Kraut tank should have it. And don't get me even start on VKs OP armour.
    Seriously, just fucking remove it and be done with it.

    1. I sold my VK after the first nerf (was my favorite tank). I could see no reason to keep it then ... after this? Just delete the poor hunk of metal !

  17. VK2801 (and AFK Panther) should get the 10H64 as "derp", it would allow it to be balanced without affecting lower tiers.

    1. True that, but the 'no smoothbore' principle is being quite strictly adhered to, so not even a snowball's in hell chance.

    2. Is 10H64 a smoothbore or a rifled gun? I can only found that 8H63 is smoothbore.

    3. It's a smoothbore but not a high velocity gun, it's basically an heat mortar that acts exactly like other derp guns in the game.

      It's well within the parameters of other guns in game and it was meant as a cheap way to field a light but effective AT gun, although mostly for short range due to pretty low MV.

  18. VK2801 was already "killed" in 0.8.5.
    Buff of A.panther is good.

    1. wg felt like it was really nesesary to finish of the vk2801 swatting a fly with a sledgehammer guess tanks still op due to inflated wr from all the people who rage quit on it after made useless.

  19. "You might be "happy" to know that the VK2801 gets nerfed."

    Oh yes I am. Nnow I can sell it with a damn big smile on my face :D

  20. mhmm will vk3601 be 'heavy' or not?

  21. Come on nerf the VK to the ground. This tank had already a hard nerf in the last patch but it seems it is still not enough for this morons in Minsk.

    The VK lost total useless after the HE nerf in the past and was finally useable again with siler Premium shells. And yes it was OP in this time. But now they made it already heavier, less armourd, higher tierlevel, less mobile, less topspeed, less accurate and it seems it is still not enough. No we get aswell lower penetration with HEAT shells, less depression and more costs.

    I am totaly for a nerf to HEAT shells on T5 tanks but this now, is just ridiculus for the VK scout.


  22. I barely played the VK after the last nerf. I think now I can sell it with clear conscience.

  23. on one hand i'm happy because armor will be again relevant (yay MAUS), but I'm afraid that the pen nerf should have gone only to meds and autoloaders.....

  24. i must hurry with the vk2801 grind...

    now its painful, without the heat it will be shit...

  25. HEAT ammo should have been nerfed a long LONG time ago. Low tier derps and especially high tiers, Im speaking about CWs and armor uselessness. If you have like currently 400mm penetration, its just completely rtarded. 80% of dings or ricochetes now in CW are because of the degree of the shell impact and not armor thickness.

  26. all the german light tanks will be all completely and ultimate SHIT!!!

    1. buff to aufklärungspanther-> "tank will become ultimate SHIT"

      cry baby logic *facepalm*

    2. German fanboys* cry baby logic.

    3. I can't stand the VK2801 whining. Just be happy that it's not the frickin' 59-16.

    4. Actually I prefer the 59-16 over the 0.8.5 VK 28.01
      No question I would use the 59-16 after these nerfs.

  27. can someone enlighten me a bit. So matchmaker 120 value is the Battle Tier 12?

    1. MM weight is a stats along with tier spread. It is for balancing two teams.

    2. The MM-weight of a a tank is independent from the MM-tiers assigned to it.

      The MM-tiers of a vehicle define the range of battles a vehicle can be assigned to, the MM-weight defines how vehicles are balanced between teams within a battle.

      Example part 1:

      Vehicle X has an MM-weight of 100 and MM-tiers 6-8.
      Vehicle Y has an MM-weight of 100 and MM-tiers 9-11.

      Vehicle X and Y will never meet each other thanks to having different MM-tiers assigned, even though the MM-weight is equal.

      Example part 2:

      You select your Tier 8 tank in the garage, hit BATTLE and wonder why the match does not begin immediately even though there are 100 Tier 8 in the waiting queue. This is the case for two reasons:
      1) Different T8 vehicles have different MM-tiers assigned which overlap with vehicles of other tiers
      2) The sum of the MM-weights of all vehicles in both teams in one battle has to be equal (with a certain margin of difference allowed).

      So the MM is tasked with matching up both proper MM-tiers and MM-weights. The MM cannot allow one team (let's say teams are mad up of five players and the margin of difference is 50) to consist of tanks with MM-weight of 100 + 100 + 100 + 50 + 20 = 370 vs another with an MM weight of 100 + 50 + 50 + 20 + 20 = 240.

      Finding an appropriate combination of MM-weights in combination with MM-tiers can be compared to the Knapsack problem ( ), which is why the MM sometimes flat-out fails: Finding a perfect solution is practically impossible. At one point in its line of approximations the MM algorithm simply stops by design and this point is not necessarily good in the eyes of a human observer.

      I am bored.

  28. HILARIOUS im sick of this pos game honestly. that fat money hungry mofo called serb is ruinin the game every fuckin day. he packed the game with AI bots to pump stats adn numbers of "players" game turned into the bot fest and nothin but a frustration. i hope it dies a slow death.

    1. Eat shit you motherfucking NOOB asshole

    2. go away troll

    3. GTFO,your mother was a hamster and your father smelled of rancid underwear

    4. go away moron

  29. So if i understand correctly, they let british tanks and t57 OP for 2patches now.

    While a german tank Leo 1 gets nerfed immediately? fuck you WG? i barely got my PTA and now to find out Leo 1 gets nerfed?

    1. welcome to the world of soviet bullshit. it's been like that since start. fuck em!

    2. It just 20mm pen less, and almost every mediums and heavies been nerfed, and the "mighty" Soviet IS-7 even got a AP nerf. Leo1 is not along.
      But yea, T57 should nerf more, Im agreed with it. T71 also, can't believe they are not going to nerf that thing.

    3. OP british and T57 - soviet bullshit... =\ OKAY I CAN SEE LOGIC IN THAT

    4. German cry kids:
      complaining that WG should not fix balance if a german tank is to strong...

    5. Think about it, the Leopard 1 has basically no armour, that is its downside, all it relied on is its gun and speed.

    6. yeah cause with 330mm pen now u wont be able to do any dmg at all anymore... *facepalm*

    7. -20 pen on premium ammo that even then will have 330 pen, for reduced MM weight? I think it is reasonable price to pay, it is hardly a nerf.

    8. I don't even care if they nerf HEAT on my lovely Leopard because I don't use it in f*cking public matches...
      It still got the lovely 268 avg pen with APCR.


  30. Good I sold VK. Good that AFK Panther gets buff :) I like this tank, so it is very nice for me.

  31. I didn't used gold ammo and I agree that VK with HEAT was very OP tank so nerfing ammo and price are quite OK. But I don't know why to nerf gun depression. Because too much players in VK don't want to buy Aufklärungspanther?
    Now they have to buy it now because VK will be nerfed patch after patch as very OP tank. Of course in the same time UP T-50-2 is not touched and plans for replacing it with other tank seems to be cancelled...

    Conspiracy mode: Much larger Aufklärungspanther will be easier target for not so accurate Soviet guns.

    1. Not sure will Soviet gun hit it easier, the only thing I know is I am grinding Aufklärungspanther now and enemy SPGs love me alot. A T95 and me standing side by side, pretty sure they can hit both of us, and all five incoming shells are seems aiming on me.

    2. That it because the A-Panther is rear and the arty guys want you on their master tanker list. It happens to all rear tanks. You se the same thing on the Obj.263 people go tunnel vision and only care of killing that rear thing.

      On the derp heat issue, wonder why they didn't just remove heat ammo on those guns, and buffed the ap ammo like 10mm or so.

      I wonder how mad the whiners will be when the full scope of this patch comes out.

    3. Obviously you are a bigger threat. T95 cant rush and spot them for your arty, you can.When i play with arty my first targets are scouts, then after all of them wiped out, i start to hit the big ones. Since every scout has a suicide impulse and most of them never heard of passive scouting, they leave me much time to play the game against the biggies.

  32. Yup, I am also impressed how much arty is shooting light tanks. But this is probably more due everyone having XVM installed and shooting better players.

    1. Nope, explanation above. A scout can spot and "kill" arties, other dont.

    2. Plus a light tank means in every arty player's mind "No armor, will penetrate". It's a very juicy target if stopped.

    3. No "shooting better players" and no "juicy target". Arty aims scouts in self defense. In most cases team has deep in their asses that scouts or fast meds can spot and/or kill arty. They only want support and when arty is dead, they cry about "arty noobs".
      Everyone want to play as long as possible so the very first target are scouts and fast meds. When all are killed, arty can kill TDs and HTs.

      Sometimes players are good enough to understand that problem and they kill scouts ASAP. Then arty can support from the beginning and in most cases team will win.

  33. Before all those vk28 nerfs i was actually afraid of it, even in higher tiers - good players were causing one big mess in enemy team with that "little" scout, now it's another light tank in battle, that can't do that much(it's still can do something, but it's harder to maintain), it was a bit op, but now i just feel sorry for players with vk2801...

    1. It was a bit OP on T5, so it was moved to T6 and moreover it was nerfed. That alone was unfair. And now it is being nerfed again? And yet T-50-2 is still perfectly balanced on T5?

    2. The T-50-2 is SUPPOSED to be better than the tier 6 light tanks because it has a worse MM spread than the tier 6 light tanks.

      ALL of the tier 6 light tanks are terrible. You think the VK nerfs are bad? Its still 50x better than the 59-16.

  34. Wg should make patchnotes look like this:

    "Vk2801 was still fun to play at times, this was considered to be a bug and has been corrected."

  35. i really dont get it, wats the point of tiers when there is this hidden MM weight for MM.

    1. Yes, you really don't get it. Tiers are there to indicate what tanks you will meet in battle (more accurate is a hidden stat called battle tier which indicates more accurately what tanks you will meet in battle for tanks such as scouts or some premium tanks).

      Matchmaker weight is to indicate tank's strength. It shows how strong/powerful the tank is and the matchmaker balances 2 opposing sides so they have equal strength +/- 10% if I remember right.

    2. Tier generally show the performance of your tank, but it does not affect the MM.
      MM is affect by the battle tier spread of the vehicle. For example, tier 8 KingTiger have 8~10 battle tier spread, so it can see a tier 10 IS-7, but it will never see a tier 5 Sherman in theory. (In real case, KingTiger can see a Sherman if it is stupid enough to platoon with high tiers or scouts.)
      MM weight would not affect your battle tier, it is using on the balancing. For example, KV-1S MM weight is 21.6, and T-34-85 is 18. When team A have two KV-1S and thirteen T-34-85, team B will have fifteen tanks which weight about 249.48~304.92 point for sum. Lighter MM weight mean you are likely to have stronger teammate (or weaker enemies).

  36. where i find this MM weights? like KV-1S MM weight is 21.6?

    1. I found them on gamemodels3d, but if you want to see the MM weight for high tiers, you have to pay. Don't know are there any free source.

  37. I wonder if aimtime buff of the konish gun will apply to 36.01?

  38. The awesome panther just become even more awesome!

  39. Muahahahahaha! Make my lovely little A. Panther even MORE epic? Yes please! :D

  40. The only buff A-Panther needs is 420m base viewrange - it would compensate for big silhouette and less then stellar camo value. Now you need crew with 2-3 skills to make it (camo skill is a must, tier9/10 have 400/410m viewrange and better silhouette&camo, they spot you before you spot them, cool for a scout).

    Konish aimtime? Nice, but there are more important things.
    Cheaper silver ammo? It lacks penetration anyway, against tier 9&10 (and you don't have mobility/are not stealth enough to get them from behind), so nice as a peashooter and will make tank more popular as you are less prone to lose credits on it but it's not needed gameplay-wise.
    MM weight? Could stay the way it was, i like challenges. And it won't change much.

    HP buff? Who cares?

    Tracks? I don't feel it's needed.

    As for VK, it's high time you sell it anyway... Good times won't come back, only memories stay.

  41. Konisch gold gets cheaper! YES. Carrying power 3601 is back!

  42. Fuck u WG, really fuck u. What's the point of reducing repair cost then? This tank already a slowfuck enough, a big fatass, now u nerf the HEAT too? the only gun that can stay competitive even in tier X battle?

    "Guys, everything is gonna be alright," my ass.....

    oh well, only need couple exp to unlock Fat Panther....


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