
Apr 5, 2013

Storm on Patch 8.5


Storm made a post on the developer blog, asking people what they think about 8.5. Here's what's in the discussion:

- this patch apparently broke a testing record, the demand to test is enormous
- developers are aware of the test servers being overloaded
- the next patch test (or perhaps the test after that) will have a 3,5 times bigger capacity
- Storm says the new interface (the thingie on the top of the screen) is good for cybersports, it can be disabled
- there are no changes for British TDs (too early to decide about buffs/nerfs)
- there have been some graphics optimisations in the patch
- the firefighting mechanism was not changed in 0.8.5
- Ruinberg will be fixed in 0.8.6 ("for some sad reasons") (SS: it was scheduled to be flattened)
- IS-7 speed was buffed because it's historical and it was demanded
- in future tests, new and reworked maps will "drop" more often
- this year there will be no French "minibranch" á la T-60 - T-80
- apparently, specifically the Czechoslovak and Polish complaints about the "Stalinec" decal were the reason for its removal
- lowtier Soviet lights (T-19, T-24 and T-46-5), lowtier Soviet TD's (IT-45, SU-76BM) and alternative medium Soviet branch (T-34M etc.) will not come this year
- M47, IS-2 (44) and T-54/3 won't be introduced


  1. "- IS-7 speed was buffed because it's historical and it was demanded "

    Rofl and KT had 41,5 km/h as historical speed and where is it in game?


    1. True, give us the real Kőnigs Tiger!

    2. I think giving the Tiger 1 its real top speed of 38km/h would be a nice buff for it (seems they wont change the gun or armour). The Tiger 2 would be too fast doing 41km/h, something like 30-35 would be more likely.


    3. 32km/h or so was actually its historical speed, mostly cross country. 60km/h was its historical TOP SPEED. It should be able to reach 60km/h on flat ground, but that should take some time for it to reach.

    4. U know: IS-7 will never reach that speed ingame except if falls down a cliff... so its more or less a useless buff...

    5. IS-7 desperately needs a rate of fire buff

    6. and E 100 desperatly needs a pen buff

      my point for every soviet fanboy there is a german fanboy, just it seems that the one is stronger

    7. The IS-7 is currently underperforming, so a buff is fine. That it was this one was because it is historical. When given the choice between an ahistorical buff and a historical one, they will go with a historical buff.
      The KT is currently performing very nicely, a buff is unwarranted.

      Learn the difference, morons.

    8. While we're at it, give me a 20 point boost to my average damage per shot!

    9. Is7 Id si easy to play on random, that IT should br considered as cheat.

    10. The Tiger had a testing topspeed of 40kph, same with the King Tiger, but those were artificially limited by the speed governor to prevent overloading the engine. Theoretically, you can drive the 2 tanks at 40km/h for a few minutes, but your engine would literally break itself.

    11. ia7 caught fire while was running in top speed...:-P

  2. - apparently, specifically the Czechoslovak and Polish complaints about the "Stalinec" decal were the reason for its removal

    I'll guess it was mainly the possibility of legal issues (i think you cited the fact that communist apology is banned in CZ) to make them back off on the matter, just like the legal issues they would have in many other countries if there was anything related to nazi.

    However no matter the reason, it's still a good thing they decided to listen in the end.

    1. I don't think the reason is a "legal" one. Yes, promoting communism is actually "technically" banned here (the Czechoslovak communist party (KSČ) was banned, but its successor, KSČM is not), but unless it's nazi symbolism, noone really gives a crap. Hell, we even have "Young stalinists" hardcore youth club.

    2. Almost the same in Poland. There is parity between Nazi and soviet symbols. Both are illegal under the penalty of law. Yet I don't think that was the reason of WG decision.

    3. Stalin was a genocidal maniac and any Russian who thinks otherwise needs to reread their history. Many great Russians were lost.

    4. I remember SerB strongly defended the Stalinec decal when asked about it, so he must have been furious at its removal.

    5. I don't think Serb really cares, to be honest.

  3. IS-7 gets buffed for historical reasons(not that it actually needed a buff) and german tanks are nerfed because of "balance" (doesn't matter if it's not historical).But such a thing as balance doesn't apply for soviet tanks,of course.Yet another great job WG,keep on going!

    1. Is-7 is the worst of all Tier 10 Heavy tanks on all servers...
      (Ok Maus and E-100 could use a small buff (Maus: higher max speed E-100: better Ap-pen).

    2. Why didn't it need a buff? It has been performing horribly for months, and this "buff" is almost meaningless since it is only capable of reaching it when driving downhill. This buff isn't even enough yet you are bringing up "Russian Bias" again.

      You really want historical German tanks? Like E-100 with 80mm of side turret armour?

    3. Tigers limited to the "short" 88? StuG stuck with the L/48? Kingtiger and Ferdi without the 10,5cm's...?

      Rocks and glass houses. :|

    4. History is not rules to WG. It's more like guidelines: they can bent history a little for balance/gameplay's sake.

      I honestly don't care if the game is 100% historically accurate (i'm not playing a simulator). Balance wise, the IS-7 is one of the biggest underperformers as a tier 10 tank. It needs a buff.

    5. @Kello: German tanks aren't the only ones that mount unhistorical guns, that's first. Second, yes, Tiger would be completely fine with short 88 - it would just have to be put on tier 6, like it should be the whole time. All tanks could be balanced with historical guns only.

    6. They're just about the most notable offender though. Also missing the point much?

      And spare me the irrelevant pipe dreams.

    7. 1. Yes it needs some kind of buff. But a panzerphile would never admit it.
      2.Show me the nerfs.
      3. You're talking out of your ass.

    8. What the hell happened to IS-7 anyway? Not that long ago it was revered as one of the (if not THE) best T10 tanks. Now I hear it is the worst? Did T10 MT and TD introduction hurt it so badly? Even if yes than this is still strange, as it should still be one of the best T10 heavy, so still overall not worst T10?

    9. IS-7 was the best tier 10, and then they introduced about 10 tanks better than it (T110E5, T-62A, FV215B, 121, tier 10 IS-4, etcetc)

    10. This doesn't make any sense. If IS-7 was the best before introduction, for example T110E5, then it still is better than for example Maus or E-100, therefore not the worst T10 tank. Not the best anymore, but still not worst. So all this crying about IS-7 being the worst T10 tank is in reality crying for making IS-7 best tank again?

    11. E-100 = MESA DERP GOLD NAO
      So, yeah.

    12. KellomiesApr 5, 2013, 6:45:00 PM
      "Tigers limited to the "short" 88? StuG stuck with the L/48? Kingtiger and Ferdi without the 10,5cm's...?

      Rocks and glass houses. :|"

      Yup, would be nice if such a policy was applied for all vehicles - but that is something I kinda hope for in the "historic mode". Already driving KT and Panther in "RL config" (as can be reached in WoT) in randoms, meeting with hugely upgunned opponents is sometimes hard though. The feeling of 8,8 on KT is very satisfying nonetheless :-)

    13. Would you also like historically accurate turret traverse rates? IIRC the Tiger's is like triple that ATM... >:D

    14. Yes, I know that, and there would be several other "features", like shifting, smoothness of maneuvering...

      But were these implemented for all the tanks, then yes, I would be very much pleased.

      But I have always been into realism over easy ride, being mostly simulator player for some years. I know this would not be for everybody. WoT is fun, but sometimes I lack the "feeling" of those steel beasts.

    15. Kellomies, Tiger took 30sec for 360deg, same as KV-1, and that is on still tank with engine at optimal rotations. If moving, or engine on slower rotations it dropped up the 60sec for 360deg.
      German tanks generally had slower traverse rate then either Soviet, British or German, due the hidraulic vs electric traverse.
      To compare, M4 Sherman and T-34-76 made 360deg rotation in 15sec, later Shermans and T-34-85 dropped to 18sec for 360deg, both practically double the Tiger's rotation.
      Also last series (Ausf J) of Pz-IV was manually rotated as were Pz-III. Both needed 120sec in average for 360deg.
      So don't speak about something you don't have even slightest clue.

    16. IS-7 is underperforming because every n00bs and beginners take this line as it is the most OP and that's where the bad results come from.IS-7 is the best tier 10 heavy in the hands of an average player(it has a naval gun ffs!!!!!!!).E-100 and Maus really need a buff.Mostly E-100,Maus at least has good armour.

    17. Anon, that is talking out of ass. I have seen more utterly clueless idiots playing German tanks then any other line (yes, I ran a statistics for a while back when there were no British or Chinese in game) - out of 1000+ games where there was "that special guy" he drove German tank ~400games, Soviet ~ 300, US ~200 and French ~100.
      Which actually fits with numbers of tanks of various nations on server, so on average any nation player is equally good/bad.
      So, hard facts pleas4e fanboy.

    18. Bet you ten € the Anon above has no firsthamd experience with that branch, because if "ammoracked by Tiger" IS-3 is OP then Everything & Dog is.

  4. re beta servers wait time. ITS VERY LONG.
    last night i managed to enter after wait of 1.30 hours, i started as queue number 38,000+ LOL

    today i went in, it said you are on waiting queue number 79,000+ so i gracefully declained.

    i guess only way to get in again is to try after 12midnight eu time.

    what were they thinking? capacity planning is not their strong suite, or i guess its on purpose.

    1. Well test in past werent that bad guess leopard is very popular

  5. Yeah test servers were hammered today 100k ppl in queue took me over 3h to get in lol

  6. So nothing on rebalancing the low tier germans introduced last patch? Pz.Ic being pretty damn good(despite terrible winratio) and Pz.IIg having an abysmal dpm/accuracy(and yet having a good winratio).

  7. "your number in a queue is: 41.491"

    wow, it really did get demanded hard

    1. I was at about 120k in queue,so don't complain

  8. - IS-7 speed was buffed because it's historical and it was demanded
    I like the "demanded" part LOL
    How many demands were there about pretty much everything. Did they listened? Fuck no. WG is punny.

    1. xDDDD I lol'd at that part too - there is no way they do anyhting for DEMAND. Russian bias FTW. IS-7 aka Scout-when-going-downhill.

    2. The quality of RUSN BIAZ sure has gone down these days.

  9. - this patch apparently broke a testing record, the demand to test is enormous.

    Went to test - saw 140k player queue. Ain't nobody got time fo dat.

    Went later again - queue so big it wont even put me in one.

    1. I entered queue in the morning today (CET). There was about 45 thousand people before me, but I had the time, so I waited. 2 hours later, when I was about between 1-2 thousand before entering server, the queue just spew me out. Later queue grew so big, that I never managed to even see a counter. Finally managed to enter the queue again - 30k players. Half hour later queue spew me out again. And few minutes ago it happened again. I'm sick of that shit. Is there ANY time that it is even remotely possible to get to the test server?

  10. So, IS-7 gets its historical speed because of "high demand", yet other highly demanded stuff, like KT and Tiger H speed buffs (to their real values) is ignored, pen buffs to many guns (mainly german, must be a coincidence) are ignored, the fact Leo 1's mantlet is 100mm is ignored, the fact taht the Leo's armor is made from such materials that T-34s that pen it ingame won't actually pen it IRL is ignored, and so on. Can't wait for the tanks in WT to come, because there the devs aren't complete nationalists and actually listen to the community and don't ignore historical data like WG does.

    1. That stuff about postwar steels sounds vaguely familiar...
      Anyways, even if we generously allowed for magickal 50% increase in stopping power or something similarly credible the Leo's skin would *still* amount to wet cardboard given the kinds of penetration values the upper-tiers toss around.

      Some cheese to go with that whine perhaps?

    2. Yes, my dear sir, and it better be expensive cheese.

    3. Anon, only Leopard 1A2 got 100mm mantle, 1 and 1A1 had what is in game ATM.
      Don't forget that armor protection goal was 30-40mm automatic guns from the front, 20mm from the side.
      And armor, it was nothing special, ~same resistance as Soviet armor on T-54/55/62.
      Both armors were better then WW2 one, but generally not in resisting penetration but rather in durability, ie. less cracking and critical failures that were quite common for both Soviet and German WW2 armor.

  11. SS, you are giving yourself too much of a credit. чехополяки does not mean Czechs or Polaks; it's a generic for Eastern Europeans still blaming either comrade Stalin, or, as in the case of a decal, a tractor, for all the misfortunes they have to suffer through - underpaid job, crooked politicians, cheating wifes, lack of education and a favorite footbal team losing a match.

    Just let it go, and thanks for translation of the threads, hope EU community would find it usefuls.

    1. Even though its literally translated to "Czech" and "Poles" glued together?

    2. "underpaid job, crooked politicians, cheating wifes, lack of education and a favorite footbal team losing a match. "

      Give or take a few million dead people. Yeah, I hate whiners too.

      Seriously, man?

    3. "Generic term for East Europeans" - dude: a) Czechs are central Europe. b) We are rather different from the Polish, so why use a common term for us? Only simple Russians would do that...

    4. TBH I suspect most Northern and Western Europeans don't bother with such fine-grained distinctions either and simply count Asia as starting on the eastern bank of the Oder so to speak... :V

    5. It's not so "fine" distinction, we are completely different nations, much more apart than (for example) Danes, Swedes and Norwegians. Only a moron would put Czechs and Polish in the same bag (which is not meant as an insult to either, I don't think any of those two is a "better nation"). Then again, I do have the feeling some westerners are completely braindead. When I was in highschool, we had an exchange course with one French school near Lyon. The kids that came to visit us honestly believed Czech republic is in Yugoslavia and that Tito was our president.

    6. you said it - westerners. I know Czechs and Poles are waaay different (and love Prague btw, Master dark beer simply rocks) but here in Sweden most people simply count 'all those ex-iron-curtain' countries together, as a one big heap. I suppose same goes for the easterners. Anyway, I haven't seen Brits, Swedes or French complaining about the decal, so there is a grain of truth :)

    7. I'm under the impression a lot of people around the world lump all three Scandinavian nations under the same rubric too, nevermind now their rather considerable practical differences or the minor detail they, like all good neighbours, have a wealth of mean jokes about each other. Many probably throw Finland into the mix to round things off (unless they think we're (still) part of Russia or somesuch), which aside from being factually very very wrong on multiple counts I'm quite positive annoys every single nationality involved...
      But I digress.
      Basically, unless they have a specific need for finer distinctions and/or enough interest to know better (and *care*) most people will simply tend to treat such national groupings as rather vague and amorphous "regional blobs" - as with "Latin Americans" or "Asians".
      If the topical nationals get all hot and bothered over it, they might well continue to do so for the giggles; all the more so if they don't hold a very high opinion of the lot in the first place. :P

    8. SS I had to laugh when you replied (what I can only imagine as frustratedly), "Czechs are central European"... I've argued this with people ad absurdum, forget the fact that Prague is WEST of Vienna... People will only ever see us (Czechs) as Easterners (replete with all the unfortunate (and erroneous) stereotypes associated with that moniker).

      Unfortunately, I find some Russians (as you put them "simple") very ignorant of European history - call it "superpower syndrome" if you will. Anyone who can openly adulate Stalin is either stupid or insanely disgruntled with their personal lives. Sadly, the ever-widening gap between the rich and the poor in Russia (a much more cavernous disparity then say in the Czech Rep. and Poland)I think easily lends itself to such Stalinist apologists.

      TBH I'm rather pissed off that the devs chose to slap a Bundeswehr insignia on the "post-war" German tanks. That stinks of selective politics as well. The Wehrmacht Balkenkreuz represents German tanks adequately enough in-game. Again, obvious anti-Nazi (?anti-German?) bias - but references to the NKVD, Comrade Stalin and his collection of "virtuous" collaborators is OK, is onside??? Both Czechs and Poles are in perfect positions to judge the vileness of both extreme ideologies.

      SS you rock brother, keep it up.

    9. I guess I just got a bit heated over it for no reason at all... after all, the Polish people and Czechs get along just fine (there was a poll not that long ago in Poland and the result was that the Czechs are their favourite foreign nation).

  12. What is that stuff about gun accuracy change? Buff? Nerf? What?

  13. - IS-7 speed was buffed because it's historical and it was demanded

    Maus II turret was historical and I demand it. Let's see how this goes for germans. Oh... wait.


    1. --Maus II turret was historical

      here, take your wooden mock-up turret in a 1:5 scale. historical Maus II my ass..

    2. To feed the troll, or not to feed the troll, that is the question...
      Oh what the hell, why not.

      It wouldn't be the only thing in WoT that never made it beyond a wooden mockup, or even drawings. The fact a mockup existed at all means the plans were already developed to a significant extent.


    3. this wasnt't trolling actually. the game would be _much_ better without such 'historical' crap as the e-series, aufklarungs panther, most of the soviet arty, t28 prototype etc.
      just get to think of it - maus has armor. no whine about 'i can't penetrate anyone with my e100', less arty, less crappy deadborn tanks in general

  14. Oh darn... no new soviet vehicles this year -.-

  15. What was said about role retrainment? will they allow it or not? for example radio man retrained to loader.

  16. Do wehraboos seriously think this is an actual buff? It's like buffing the topspeed of the AMX-40 to 70km/h

  17. lol was number 38 on test server (at least 38 players were shown as online) guess i was lucky P
    had to wait 30 min for first battle to comence!


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