
Apr 5, 2013

"How to design a tank..."

Found this gem on the EU forums (thanks to echo7 who posted it), it's from the movie "Pentagon Wars", describing the M2 Fighting Vehicle evolution...

Enjoy :)


  1. hah, awesome :)

  2. Ehem.....

    Aufklärungspanzer Panther

    1. No, AP was actually done the other way around: most likely by civillians around Speer, who had absolutely no idea about recon or any such a thing and only looked at the price, ease to manufacture and component similiarity.

    2. Well, yes. It just that the basic idea just seems so funny. Both of these (while one of course is just from a comedy) can't really do well what they were made to do. They even look so similar.
      (Just in case I'll mention that my comment wasn't meant to be taken too seriously)

      P.S. Its seems it could be a funny movie. Anyone has seen it?

    3. I've seen it, it's quite funny.

  3. Nice tale about modern US warmachine-design :D

    (a bit offtopic, but nothing changed since that time, just take a look at the cancelled RAH-66 Comanche project...)

  4. bardley is and has always been a overhyped and overrated ifv... there were and are better performing ifv than this.

  5. aha... thats where "superior firepower" came from.

  6. It motivated me to watch the movie, and i gotta say, thanks for showing me to it. Very interesting and very funny too.

  7. This movie is a bit over-embellished for entertainment reasons. Its pretty good for what it is, but its not entirely accurate.

  8. Thanks for the link

  9. It's nice to see something hilarious like this, because it was HILARIOUS.

    Though I have to say lulz, @ Superior Firepower and that guy becoming a General for building a Over hyped Scout Tank.. lawl

  10. How easy it would have been if they'd just stolen and copied an BMP-1.

  11. You actually made me watch the entire movie and it's a good one. Thanks.

    The only objection I have to that (for those who've watched the entire movie) is that the AG-7 rocket used in the tests is exactly the same caliber as the soviet one. In the movie, they said it was a smaller caliber.

  12. Loved that movie. Kelsey Grammar was excellent.
    Besides this clip, also loved the party about Romanian ammo and sheep..



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