
Apr 21, 2013

Porsche Unleashed - Typ 205A "Mäuschen"

Author: Yuri Pasholok

This is the Typ 205A "'Mäuschen" ("little mouse", see previous "Porsche Unleashed" for its predecessor) drawing from 28.10.1942.

Krupp started to design the brand new turret with the 15cm KwK L/31 and 7,5cm KwK L/24 in July 1942. Of the initial Typ 205 hull almost nothing was left either. The weight was increased to 150 tons and in terms of the engine, 900hp MB507 was envisaged. The suspension and running part was re-worked because of the problems with increased weight, the tank recieved four tracks. Only a month remained before it would become the rear-turret design...


  1. I want a Krupp line of heavy tanks.

    1. Me too, right? Two even. One for the Löwe, one for the Porsche Typ prototypes.

  2. Real shame we're not going to see any of the Maus prototypes in the games. The VK100.01(P) at tier 9, with the VK45.02(P) Ausf. B moved to tier 8 with a more historical armor scheme and removal of 128 mm would be nice. A choice of fast flanker heavy and sniper support heavy at tier 8, alongside a tier 9 that (perhaps) didn't suck sounds great in my book.

  3. VK 100.01(P) is tier VIII material, same armor as Lowe.

    1. that is correct, also 10,5 L/70 could be mounted on it which would be a nice gun for it.

    2. Hmm, perhaps it's time to prepare another tree article...

  4. Well, I think it's kinda perverted that such a heavy machine were called "Mäuschen". :(

    1. Nazis had some weird humor...

    2. The heaviest tank to ever reach prototype stage was called a Maus(mouse) and the smallest fighting vehicle of WWII, remote controlled bomb was called Goliath by the germans. So yeah, they had a good sense of humor.

    3. Maus was not Prototype anymore. The plant was bombed but they were already in production of the little less than 150 ordered units.

    4. Horsefeathers. The whole project (and all the other superheavies on the side, ie. the E-100) got the axe already in whatwasit, late '42 or early '43 - had the Germans *wanted* to build the things serially merely losing a factory or two wouldn't have stopped them, they had to rebuild the things all the time anyway.

    5. They named a hypothetical 1.000t Tank with Battleship Cannons "Ratte" (rat)

  5. this looks like a maus combined with a tiger p.

    Do Want.

  6. 150t and a 900hp engine?
    Good luck moving this uphill!

    1. Had a conventional engine running a electro-motor. Much like a diesel electric train. You don't have a gearbox that way and you have almost full tork at all times. There is no high speed but reliable power in low speed.

  7. My interpretation of two Porsche heavy tank lines from tier 8 to 10:

    Front/Middle mounted turret, Rear mounted turret

    VIII: VK45.02(P) Ausf.A, VK45.02(P) Ausf.B
    IX: VK100.01(P), "Vorschlag Maus" (drawing from 1Jan43, PT No.6-3)
    X: Typ 205A, Maus

  8. mouse 3000 hp,and this joke will have 6000hp?


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