
Apr 21, 2013

New garages


So, you liked the 2nd Anniversary gay-rage? No? Well, fuck you then, here's three more. Patch 8.5 brought 3 custom garages, that will be activated on various occasions. At least the last one looks really cool.

This one is for 26th April, SEA anniversary

This one is for 1st of May

This one is for 9th of May


  1. Wow.. the end of war looks really nice.

  2. The last one looks pretty decent :) Me like!

  3. Germans might be bit offended since it depicts ruined Berlin. Altough garage itself looks cool.

    1. Why? We (germans) startet this shit, so we have to live with the consequences.

    2. Its a historical event. If anyone finds that offensive then they have problems.

    3. It would be awesome if the flags on the street light would change appearance according to the selected tanks nationality.


    4. You should rather be very happy it ended on may 9th. Otherwise, which waas already planned, Berlin met the same destiny like Hiroshima.

    5. Ehm no thats Bullshit!

      Cause u would have critical Fallouts all over Europe, even in some russian areas so it would be very irresponsible to nuke one town and contaminate half of europe, the neighboring states are the first which get fucked.

    6. Lets face it, EU will never see the (awsome) 9th may garage. And again the cry babies won.

    7. Of course it is irresponsible to nuke a big capital...*facepalm*

      But it is a historical fact, it was planned to do so

    8. they had no idea about fallout and what it would do.
      Just look at the extensive program USA still got ongoing today regarding fallout and its effects on humans (hiroshima and naginaki). Survivers is still monitored, blood samples collected, scans etc.
      So yes, using A-bomb on Berlin was fine by everyone, 'cause they had no idea how the outcome would be.
      And besides, no one remember the commercials USA had regarding A-bomb? Guess where the "Bikini" came from.

    9. Anyone offended by a stupid garage theme needs to go fuck themselves. Seriously, what are you? Like ten years old? I would fuck a ten year old.

  4. The 9th May garage looks pretty cool...

  5. I still have no idea why the 2nd anniversary garage is being called gay-rage by quite a few. I liked it :/

    1. Me too but it seems we need to fuck our selfs then

    2. :) Sorry. But the problem with the new garage wasn't the fact it was "merry" (in old English "gay"), but the problem was it actually loaded the GPU more than regular game.

    3. Frank, this whold FPS issued with gay-rage is strange for me. There was no FPS difference between anniversary and regular garage whatsoever on my 5 year old HP toaster oven (yeah I mean HP dv5 laptop with nVidia GPU and cooling system designed by a complete moron). Everything suggest that I should be screwed by the new garage (5 year old laptop with poor cooling and nVidia GPU, which WoT supposedly hates lately) and yet everything worked well.

    4. basically the problem is that the garage works on full graphics regardless of your settings, so even if you have balanced everything properly then sitting idly in your garage is still burning the lifespan of your GPU.. even the normal garage makes my graphics temp go higher than normal gameplay for me

    5. Because your settings are probably low
      On max there was a lot of dynamic light, shadows badly coded and unnecessary stuff in background

  6. And you wonder why the development goes really slow... if that's what developers are focused on - wonder no more...

    1. Yeah, right... Whole WG team is working on those garages...

      One experienced person can make it in few days...

    2. You said it yourself: one experienced person can make it in few days...well then that same one person can make: all flags, more emblems, more interesting camos(i would be happy with some unhistorical, cause pretty much all german camo sucks), and the thing they said never will be made-battle worn tank textures. Or rings on gun for hundred or thousand tanks killed for example. Some small details that will make gameplay nicer or what not.


  7. 9th of May looks really great *o*

    IDK tho what are folks seeing that's bad on the 2nd Anniversary, it looks okay too.

  8. give us the patch already WG!! as usual russians get things first.

  9. -.- could it be that these hangars doesn't work with 0.8.4?
    Oh and the moder placed the wrong flag on the "Reichstags Gebäude".

  10. Someone make that last garage available as download(to use as standard garage).


    1. I d/l a few days ago, using it rite now love it, will try to find the link again for u guys if I can

  11. why are there two rows of tanks ? oO

    1. It's a mod:

    2. Because he's using locastan carousel mod.

  12. First one looks like a "1-year of SEA server" event garage. We'll probably never see it.

    Second - no idea. It's not Normandy (there are no mountains in Normandy). Looks more American - July, 4th, Independence day? If so, we'll not see it, too - it'll be meant for US server.

    Third is obviously Berlin (burned-out Reichstag dome is in the background). We'll probably see it on May, 9th. Russians celebrate ond of WW2 one day later than the rest of Europe, because that's when Germans surrender to them. Political thing, really.
    It is also possible only RU server will see this one.

  13. Imagine the germans making a tank warfare based game where they had a burnt down stalingrad as a garage but never a berlin. Nazi slogans but never stalinistic. Developers making anti-russian skewed jokes that are borderline racist. I'm tired of how the germans are portrayed as the bad guys of the 1900s. Yes they had a insane leadership and were the aggressors, however that was born from the outrageous post ww1 treatment of the german people. So who were the good guys of ww2? The russians who slaughtered roughly 5 times the innocents in death camps than the germans? The Americans and British who terror bombed entire cities to the ground in single nights, devastating nations and destroying hundreds of years of architectural cultere while wiping out hundreds of thousands of people? No there are no "good guys" in war, especially not in the 1900s. I know, rant much?

    1. WTF? ...and I wrote it... anyway was trying to imply wg os racist and it seems like people are cool with it for the listed reasons. I went full rant though.

    2. well I think if a German company did do that they would be shut down and imprisoned.. alot of the selective discrimination is based off keeping WoT legal in various countries.. SerB is known to really hate Nazi stuff too though but I can't blame him to ranking Nazi as worse than Soviet because sure, they both turned out fascist but the Nazis did it deliberately.. you just can't let that level of stupid stand..

    3. Aerthryn you are saying the german people deliberarely became facist and that they were stupid. You obviously are ignorant to the truth of the situation.

    4. oh really? who did elect the moustachy guy as a chancellor then in 34? just cut this stupid german ragekid crap, will you?

    5. there's no good side or bad side. Only winners and loser. And German lost the ww2 so stop complaining.

    6. Nice revisionism there, bro.
      Yes, Americans and British were the "good guys" - they stopped murderous monsters from killing entire nations. You can't compare destruction of few cities to mass genocide, no matter how hard you try (and anyway, Germans were terror bombing cities too, so your argument is even more invalid).
      Citizens of Drezno, Hiroshima etc. were victims of their own inhuman governments, not Allies.

    7. Victors write history and that's it, you have a point there, there actually were no good guys, everyone killed civilians, prisoners and such. Even the city i live in(Belgrade) was bombed WAY HARDER by USA in 1944 then Germans in 1941...their excuse? "there was a lot of nazis in your town boy". No there wasn't, krauts started retreating to Austria, but ok, keep bombing my city for nothing.

      But: ex soviets are making this game so whatever opinion you got on WW2 it doesn't matter to them. And i guess they will be proud with 9th may garage and they will not give a fuck about any rants on eu forum.


    8. The Russians committed genocide on a much larger scale than the Germans.... some people just take their school teachers word as god and pretend they know everything. Your big boys now read a F***ing book.

    9. When they elected Hitler, you really think they thought they where electing a insane homicidal megalomaniac? If you do you should just go back to your call of duty.

  14. Do we really need new garage and special for 1st may? I have nothing against labor day but in russia and soviet controlled countries "celebration" was mandatory (you could lose a job or be thrown out of school by not showing up) and tied to communist party...

    Also war ended on 8th of the may in europe not on 9 (russian bias)

    1. That relly depends on who you are, fx here in Denmark it was the 5th may.

    2. Russian Victory Day is the 9th. I'm assuming the middle one might cover VE Day/Liberation for everyone else.

  15. 152000 free exp? omg...gimme.

  16. And why couldn't they make one centered towards the Germans?
    This is seriously utterly disgusting, and just show that Wargaming gives no fucks about those who favorites the German tanks of pure aesthetics, instead of potatobags and vodkatraktors.

    Just disgusting.

    1. Some people are just so ungrateful. They'll bitch about anything.

      If you want to know why there isn't one about the Germans, its because this is a game focused on WW2 and the surrounding timespace of tanks. During the majority of this time, Germany only existed as Nazi Germany. If they were to do one, there would be Nazi flags everywhere.

    2. mr anon 2 dont try to argument with this kind people they will bitch about everything

    3. Why would it need flags or political symbols?
      It could just be a German focused tank barracks, or a fuelingstop out in the fields.
      No need for showing the Swastika as you seem so butthurt about.
      All I ask for, is something for everyone.

      And Solus, please don't bitch about people sharing their opinion. (See what I did there?)

      ... Of course I forgot to click reply..

    4. Since we'll get ruined Reichstag as a garage look, I would like to see something like ruined Stalingrad on Leningrad also.

      By the way, it would be best if one could choose to not to use new garage look.

  17. Why would it need flags or political symbols?
    It could just be a German focused tank barracks, or a fuelingstop out in the fields.
    No need for showing the Swastika as you seem so butthurt about.
    All I ask for, is something for everyone.

    And Solus, please don't bitch about people sharing their opinion. (See what I did there?)

  18. Looks like we SEA server people have nice Garages and alot of promotions, but player skill here is SHIT. =D


  19. How did you get your tanks at the bottom to be listed like that? Is there a mod to do that, cuz I don't remember them looking like that in the 8.5 test.

    1. You really should read the other comments.

  20. Need a mod to get the last one.
    Can't find it in the game files :o

  21. "1st May" garage is not for 1st May. There a Shermans, Canadian and Brazil flags. It's something for NA server.
    1st May in ex-USSR must be with red flags and red banners

  22. for all those German cry babies re 9 may.

    it actually happens, this is an actual historical event, Berlin was taken.

    this ended the worst war in history,
    Germany was the belligerent of the war.

    take it or leave it.

    PS it's also my birthday ;)

    1. You must be ruski? Since only ruskies sincerly believe WW2 ended on 9th of May while it actually ended in September.
      No war ended on 9 of May.

    2. The Soviet-German War ended on 5.8.1945 Berlin Time / 5.9.1945 Moscow Time.

    3. There was no Soviet-German war. It was World War 2 and it ended in September.

    4. German forces surrendered in Italy on April 29 1945, and in Western Europe on May 7, 1945. On the Eastern Front, Germany surrendered to the Soviets on May 8, 1945. A German Army Group Centre resisted in Prague until May 11, 1945. On July 11, 1945, the Allied leaders met in Potsdam, Germany. They confirmed earlier agreements about Germany.

      On August 15, 1945 Japan surrendered, with the surrender documents finally signed aboard the deck of the American battleship USS Missouri on September 2, 1945, ending the war.

      President Truman officially declared an end to hostilities by Presidential Proclamation on December 31, 1946 (Proc. no. 2714, 61 Stat. 1048)


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