
Apr 4, 2013

Another to join the fray...

A third author joined the FTR crew today - Priory_of_Sion (US server) - as an expert on American tanks, we can expect some great articles from him :)


  1. Can we do requests?

    I'd like to know about the T110 series if possible :)

    Hope you fit in nicely :)

    1. Cmd_Storm had a *very* detailed look on the T110's gun and T110's armour on the NA forums- the latter thread has since warped into a 3000+ page WoT forum equivalent of /b/


    2. A lot of that post is dated and a bit controversial as his basis for some of the claims were testimonies from someone he knew that apparently worked on the design board. Also his post pretty much entirely delves in the difference between regular and Silica-fused armor.

      There is much more that can be added and elaborated on the T110 design series than that though.

  2. Welkommen :)

  3. Good to be here.
    T110 info should be a future article.

  4. My lord, don't forget to speak about the most important element when we evaluate a tank, Comfort.

    If you are comfortable in your tank, you are playing an US tank!

  5. Include the word comfort as much as the English language allows.


  6. So we have two Panzerboys, an Ivan, and a Yank with a tank. I like the variety we have going on here!

  7. Welcome! Now the crew is only missing a europhile french / british tank specialist :D

    (specifically, i'd like to know about the road to the AMX 30, and why british MBTs were so un-speedy)

  8. I have some GRU obtained documents on British tanks, that should last until a real British expert shows up.

  9. I got a question did the M103 prototype "T43" actually consist of a changed M48 hull with the gun and turret from T34?

  10. Great news! I always like it when this guy posts on the forums, will like what he says here as well.

  11. Great job SS, this blog is slowly turning into some sort of tank knowledge database, keep the good work guys!

  12. Also another request if possible. Could you do an article detailing US tank/vehicle naming policies? The letters and numbers and what they mean kind of deal :)


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