
Jun 3, 2013

Superpershing nerf.... might happen, after all...

Well, basically SerB and Storm can't apparently agree on what to tell us. As I informed you, Storm did post quite clearly that the Superpershing frontal hull change was a mistake and that it will not make it to server.

SerB however decided otherwise:

Storm: "Mistake, will rollback."
SerB: " 'There is an opinion' that the rollback won't happen. We'll see."


  1. Have to say this, I LOVE SERB trolling!

    1. we know, you love serb dick

    2. 2 anon: and i know you are his personal bitch

    3. another disgusting homosexual player, who likes ass serB, you disgust me wopper

    4. hey guys remember his is "For the record" and not YouTube so keep your insults by yourself!

  2. In soviet Belarussia, rollback on nerfs rollback you.

  3. SerB meant to say ROFLback !

  4. To be honet i wouldnt mind if they nerfed it, it could actually be a good thing, because they would then need to buff something else... and hull armour is useless anyway, sine none shoots there went it matters.

    1. The frontal hull armor (all of it) is even more ridiculous than E-75 or IS-7 upper plate ... except that neither of these is a premium tank and both have nice weakspot (lower glacis plate) that can be hit at distance, unlike Super Pershing's bits of turret that aren't covered by those boiler plates.

      With the upcoming penetration and normalization (for APCR) nerf it only makes sense to fix that frontal hull.

    2. IS-7's glacis plate is nowhere near a weakspot compared to just plain getting around the Pershing. Seriously, all you need to do is move a little and nail the side armor. It's not like a SuperPershing's going to be able to alpha you down.

    3. Actually, the front hull of SP is full of weakspots - the upper half of UFP, and lower half of LFP, not to mention the machine gun nest area.

    4. to be honest, I welcome the change and don't see it as a nerf. The old model exposed the hull when you angled it, from what I can tell with the newer model, that's now hidden.

    5. I have no problem fighting Super Pershing head on once I got close enough to hit the weak spots reliably. A good player will never shoot you in the front hull(except the machinegun port).

    6. SP protection is a joke. If you are having a problem fighting a SP frontally, you are either terrible at tanks or seriously unlucky.

      Also this is a nerf, it takes the only good part of its armor and nerfs it.

  5. Ffs why nerf a tank that has hell in it's tier limit already??

    1. Because it would be adjusting the hull and spaced armour to what it should be.

    2. Meh, T26E4 was going to suffer from the the increased accuracy anyway, nerfing its frontal armour probably isn't going to make much of a difference. Rest in peace T26E4, you used to be a nice tank.

      P.S.: that picture was funny the first time but it'll lose effect if you use it whenever you talk about SerB and his "nerf them all" attitudes.

  6. its so cute to see, how mr. "russian bias himself" thinks of him of being funny. especially in cases when people are kind of afraid of their premium tank(s). a tank which was bought via real money. and that single russian big bald f*** is financed by that. a little bit more respect for ones customers would fit the occasion. but in that case: talking to serb deems me is like talking a wall. u receive an echo, but nothing usefull.

    1. You agreed to accept those changes in case they had to be applied. I think it's in the EULA, isn't it? Not a big deal.

    2. i clicked on the "eulas" but didn't accept them. to accept them, they had to be at least in my very own language of my country. and by legal terms, even if i'm able to understand the foreign language, i couldn't accept them. they r simply not binding in wot's case.

      and by the way: it's not sportsmans like at all to fool with customers money. even if u try to appologize wg via their not at all binding "eula". its simply a slap in every superpershing users face. and overall trolling with that is purely not what an grown up man, or at least someone who claims it, like mr. s., is normally doing. care 'bout customers? no sign of it at all.

    3. anon 12:26:00 AM you're from zimbabwe or something?

      these internet lawyers, always make my day. how do you play wot then (since you have to accept eula on account creation and with every patch)? oh, and afaik - eula is translated to official languages supported on eu server. anyway - contact european consumer centre for details.


    4. so you saying that you just signed a contract without readin it? Watch this south park episode its about you

    5. first: i have no reason to sue wg. and as far as u know, well u r informed wrong.

      second: of course i have to read it, and i did. just said, i accepted them not (although i had to push the button)

      third: think for yourself, before writing on the "how to u play then" or "u just signed a contract without reading"-aspect...

    6. Anon, you're a Retard 1st Class now.

      You clicked "accept" when you don't and you have a problem with wg doing stuff according to eula? Dude, seriously?

      I don't get it, it must be some 39% wr bot logic.

      You don't like it - don't play it. Or are you a masochist? Someone pays you for playing this shit? No? GTFO.


    7. "i accepted them not"

      Darling, use some of your brain cells. Noone cares what you whispered or if you had fingers crossed during clicking "Agree". By clicking "Agree" you've accepted terms in EULA so shut your mouth and play or don't play and GTFO. As simple as that, no room for cartooney logic.

    8. are u mad, u two? just asking, because it seems, u r the two ones here who "don't get it". and in those cases people tend to insult others. no arguments and thus trying to attack others. if u don't agree with my argumentation, simply don't answer?! but that would be too easy, wouldn't it?

      but let's get it step by step. first @orzel:
      nothing was said about the aspect of liking or not liking the game. there's no reason at all of getting rude.

      @ano #2:
      noone, r u now talking of yourself in the plural form? or is it simply because u r a little bit with your paranoid imaginary friend? ;-) but to explain it as well as it might be understood by your limited horizon. of course i have to accept those "legal terms" wg put out before one is able to play it. but that has nothing to due, they r binding in any way. for further questions, simply consult your local lawyer, and ask about the term of "foreign laws".

      and to both of u: u try to argue about a term that a) has nothing more to do with the alleged superpershing nerf b) u have definitely no clue of first whom u r talking to and secondly of legal terms at all. and in cases, in which I have no clue what I am talking about but still have the strong feeling to show how strong/rude I can get, I might think twice before writing/saying anything. Just in case I don't want to blame myself... or in your case(s) yourselves.

    9. <3 10 yo internet lawyers with poor grammar.

      EULA is translated to all languages supported by WG/WoT; EULA has to be consistent with law of country in which service provider is registered as well as EU law. If you think it's not - contact european consumer centre. If you decided to sue WG, British law would be applied.

      There, any problems?

      Now STFU.


    10. its like talking to a wall. there were not a single word of trying to get legal actions against wg. but nice imagination u have here. and yeah, the legal terms are NOT coherent. (i.e. for example: linking to the end users license within the EULA. and underneath even wg states: this text is not binding in any legal way, read the EULA.) so dont tell me anything here "its translated and its consistent with". believe what u have written. i don't and above that i do not care simply because its not true what u r trying so say.

      but again: thats not the topic here, at all. like several posts before.

      p.s. wether some is "shutting up" like u state it, is depending on several aspects. but definitely not on like someone demands it in a childish way.

      p.p.s. nice grammar? lol

      p.p.p.s: and in the end: u r right, everything what u said. live on dreaming, reaching for the rainbow or the pot of gold behind it. u can do it.

  7. nerf that fking tank, i hate that stupid 3 layer spaced armour...

    its harder to penetrate it than e75 front...

    1. It's one layer of spaced armor. Only the first 34mm sheet is modeled in the armor, look at the previous articles.

  8. new avatar found.............ty so much

  9. I really dont see what are you complaining about. That sligh nerf to the slope of ufp is partialy compensated by reduced normalization and its still almost impenetrable.

    Anybody with a bit of sense will shoot you in your weakspots that are on turret not nerfing that slope tiny bit makes no difference...(yes it will be probably harder to drive this tank now but that is because accuracy buff not this...)

    1. Reduced normalization only for HEAT and apcr shells, not AP which most users fire at you.

      And i tested it on test server, front armour is a big joke.

    2. I thought only APCR and AP shells have normalization effects?

  10. @SS + all:

  11. Heh, good thing I just bought the tank in a bundle...

  12. So Serb threatened Storm to keep his paycheck?

  13. Nerf that bloody tank, it's ridiculous that regular american tree player must know all weakspots and aim steadily and gold player (i'm trying avoid term wallet warrior cause many regular players owns this tank but this beast is available even for the rookies) shoots at Persh whatever he wants. It should be vice versa and if they put it on T8 (same mistake as Type59 on T8 and S-122-44 on T7) at least they should make it with worse ROF than M26.

    1. If you're having trouble going toe to toe with a SuperP in a Pershing, perhaps tier 8 is not for you.

    2. @plasot go play fruit ninja, no penetration problems there.
      Cretins like you are what breaks this game.

    3. I see smartasses here, go try fight standing contest against SP on distances 300-500 m, let see who will back here crying that SP is OP cause it will be immpossible to pen SP in every single shot due bullets discrepancy and it will pens you with every single shot.
      I said it - it's ridiculous that we expect skill from regular player and we expect nothing from paying customer (nothing expect ability to aim at standing tank) and this thing kills WoT all together with pricks like you.
      (besides I bet that I have eff better than you anon cowards).

    4. And you call it "skill" when you fight out a 500m duel with a SP in a Pershing?

    5. Only_Slightly_BentJun 4, 2013, 11:46:00 AM

      Funny, i can reliably pen a SP at 400 meters with my own SP (using normal ammo) - l2p, it helps....

    6. Having problems fighting against SP and claiming to be a good player is like having problems with walking and claiming to be an adult.
      If you are being killed on 300+ meters it is your own fault you whiner. Pershing has speed to for a reason you wannabe.

    7. If you're having trouble going toe to toe with a SuperP in a Pershing, perhaps THIS GAME is not for you.

  14. sure but give it the better gun... "Experimental version armed with a long T15E2 gun two-part ammunition, improved mounting removed the need for springs."

  15. You Serbian! You stay away from my front armor! Back, I say! Back!

  16. I am so gay for Serb it is not funny. I wish I was a women so I could have his babies. But I can still let him fuck me up my poop chute.

    Thanks for listening.


  17. In soviet russia...

    Nerfs rollback YOU!

  18. and god says to nerf Super Pershing (SP) after all and above all the others

    another reason why not to buy SP

    QuickyBaby video showed that SP can get now tier 9 arties which is deadly threat to this slow tank anyhow.

  19. SerB: Remember, SuperPershing, when I promised to nerf you last?
    SuperPershing: That's right, SerB! You did!
    SerB: I lied.

  20. Isn't SuperPershing funny? SerB promised to nerf the funny things last.

  21. Hey, superpershing owners, make sure u enter the test server and be as noobs as possible; this will give SerB bad statistics regarding SP and will rolback the frontal armor!!!

    1. You don't need to play like a noob, try playing like a pro and you will also be pwned by everything with ease, new armour after nerf is a big joke.

  22. SerB trollception

    We must get trolled harder

    Oh wait I don't have a Super Pershing
    *pull out a chair and eat popcorns*

  23. anybody else reading the last pic in the voice of the Heavy in TF2?

  24. SP has so fuckin nice spaced armor.. 5 shots.. 5 penerations.. AT 7 and e75 did this.. e75 1 shots.. at 7 4 shots.. 2 shots was okay..

    So where the fuck is weak spot? mantlet or middle of hull??? and u still wanna nerf this shit...


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