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May 19, 2013

EU Q&A: WG starts caving in...


So, here I was browsing my favourite EU forum section *trollface* - and ran into this gem from today morning:

For the most of you, who don't speak Czech: Dargnon (Czech community organizer) basically says: "We want the European players to have as much info as possible.... bla bla bla.... because every player has the right to have an access to them."

Odd formulation. Anyway, it gets better:

"It's true that a lot of info from the developers shows up only on RU forums, or on their personal blogs and only in Russian. These are interesting pieces of information and they do get to the community rather quickly (SS: I accept standing ovations, thank you :) ), for example as answers to the questions. This info however doesn't go thru the translation process and that's something we'd like to change. Translations to all the languages supported by EU forums is very time consuming, but we'd like to have an official English version. It gets simplier after that. Would you like to have an English only version, or do you think the only thing that makes sense is to translate to all the languages?"

So, basically it took months, but Dargnon is saying what I was saying ages ago, when I was still arguing with Ecturd on the EU forums. Took you long enough. The only thing that makes sense in one English version. This post (which wouldn't be posted if not sanctioned, I doubt it's just a personal rant by Dargnon) basically shows WG EU is starting to cave in and eventually, there will be some official version of FTR.

Of course, Dargnon is wrong on one thing: it doesn't "get easier" after that. Typical example is the confusion about the "one map developed" from the last translation batch. I was in a hurry and translated it so that it can be interpreted in two different ways. What I meant was basically that one map is developed (as in, the developed already, the development was finished) and this map will come in 8.6. But the some people (notably the Czechs who are doing the translation of FTR to Czech, ironically enough) took it as "WG is currently developing only one map", which isn't true (there are two winter maps - "Stalingrad" (not sure it's a final name) and some open map "Tundra" from what I heard, plus one new "American" map).

Anyway, rejoice, folks, you might get "official FTR" at some point :)


  1. Will You be in charge on the official FTR?

    1. This could be a little ironic!

    2. Just one more question, then I will stop spamming you: If this official FTR kicks in, what will happen to the original FTR? Will the offer from yesterday night's post about the changes be still an option?

    3. Well, that I really can't say. It won't happen tomorrow, that's for sure, so we'll have some time to adjust. Plus, I very much doubt the WG employee will cover all the sources, his translations could suck etc. - there are tons of possibilities what can happen, I could go on as till now because the WG version sucks, I could just ran it as a pure leak blog (8.6 proved there are enough leaks to work with), or I could retire totally. Depends on a lot of things.

    4. As former pissed EU STester, I would appreciate if you go on full leak mode.

    5. Well, the problem is that from the new stuff there is nothing left to leak really. Not for now anyway. 8.7 will most likely bring new vehicles again, so that'll be easier to leak.

  2. Translation without SS will be boring as hell. I want you FRANK!!!!

  3. The Official never will be as good as the original :)

  4. I wonder how much Serb trolling will make it into the official version.

    1. none, then it is official. Now it is a feature of SS.

      I like you private comments to several infos. It has its own charme and would be lost when its official.

  5. (SS: I accept standing ovations, thank you :) )

    He don´t write about you (bloated boy), but about the RU forum.

    1. Are you familiar with the concepts of sarcasm and irony?

    2. czech community tard maybe is writing about ru forum but this sentrence is also true for EU forum - this stuff reaches us really quickly and Frank deserves standing ovation for that

    3. He deserves not one, but two standing ovations.

      Because I am always pointing people towards this site. They always ask for info when I start talking because they have not heard about various changes that are coming. And they want to know and want to understand. Thus a third ovation just for good measure.

  6. My personal opinion is to continue your job here, upload any links for donation , pay palls ,bank account id and continue like now with historical articles , translations, official informations, your thoughts and leaks. We want to hire you for giving info about history and wot and maybe with warthunder ground forces info and leaks in the future. Accept this job and we are going to pay you we, your fans and your comunity.

  7. Well, your Q&A is being copy pasted in lithuanian WoT forum.
    Of course, could translate it, but like 99% understand english, so need for it :)

  8. That's how my hatred for WG started.
    Every time when there was some opportunity/need to do WG either missed it - like with this translations, they should beg FrankDavis to do that for them for a decent pay a months ago - or they hire someone who is definitely not up to the task.

    I'm more interested in tournaments and every time there was one I was trying to get in touch with organisers, help or advice - and every time I seen that I would do much better job then them without even trying too much. But those incompetent guys can't stand when they are not praised, so....

  9. Seriously I read FTR everyday before I got to sleep and It would be a shame if you quit.
    Get a own website and place ads and earn money. I think anyone would be ok.
    AAnnd It does not need to be the best website at all.

    Wouldn't it be nice to have World of Tanks advertisement on your website?

    Carry on!

  10. Ectar defense force has arrived at the scene.

  11. It is a little rude. Frank. But it is also justified. It is a build up of annoyance and anger at seeing the obvious and seeing nothing done about it for months. @ isu152td it could have been worse but it seems pretty light.

  12. Or you could learn Russian. Not that hard.

  13. If there's such an official thing, it should be translated into all of the officially supported languages, period (including my own, which isn't English, a language few of my fellow countrymen speak). Otherwise they're not supported.


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