
May 25, 2013

E-10 in World of Tanks

(thanks to a Russian friend, who did let me know about it)

It's possible we might be getting the E-10 with the "hulldown" supension lowering system:

Explanation: E-10 light tank destroyer (intended to replace the original Jagdpanzer 38t "Hetzer", was designed with a special suspension system, that allowed it to lower the hull into "ambush" position - that way, the vehicle was very low, but couldn't move. My guess is it will be implemented as a "handbrake" with some time to switch from one mode to another and in hulldown position, it will have a camo bonus.

By the way, it has often been said that the Jagdpanzer 38t was never historically called Hetzer. In fact, the name Hetzer belonged to this project, the E-10.

Preliminary (historical) stats:

Weight - cca 10-15 tons
Upper hull - 60mm (60 degrees)
Lower hull - 30mm (60 degrees)
Sides - 20mm
Rear - 20mm
Engine - Maybach HL-101, 540hp
Weapon - 75mm PaK 39 L/48

Design by Magirus-Deutz (Summer 1944). 3 prototype hulls were made but no prototypes were finished before the factory was captured by the Soviets. 


  1. cool thanks for info

  2. Replies
    1. I got it from some Russian fellow per e-mail

    2. Where did you get it?

    3. i know this is mine since i made it on my PC and accidentally got a bit of my Windows 7 theme in it(the green border at the left)
      I've posted it on the EU forum before, i guess thats were the Russian dude got it.

      The orginal post is here.

    4. Oh, not bad :) All praise to you then.

  3. I thought the e-10 was a light tank too

    1. Nope, never was. There is an E-10 picture with a turret circling around the internet, but that's a fake.

    2. What about the E-25 on Wikipedia my only source :( it says that it was supposed to be a replacement for the panzer 3 and 4 while chassis being used for td

  4. The pic seems to be from a video, I wanna see that video probably with the lowering hull animation cause on the pic its on the lower position.

    Please send the link to it, thx!

    1. The image is the first frame of the tutorial video.
      You can see it if you open some SWF file (don't remember its name anymore) in the ...res/gui/flash/ folder.

  5. T71 is already capable of this :D

    BTW, THX for the info! :)

  6. Since they are implementing a special suspension for this tank then maybe they could do the same for Stridsvagn S :)

  7. Is that some new kind of replay menu? :)

    That would be wonderful ^^

  8. Perhaps during the presentation, there was too much lag, and the e10 got "sqeashed" :P

  9. "By the way, it has often been said that the Jagdpanzer 38t was never historically called Hetzer."

    So if this really is/was an error, it is an old one. When I started to assemble plastic model kits in the early seventies, it was called Hetzer everywhere (kits and magazines).

    Nekrodamus EU

    1. it was messed up just after the war so yeah it is pretty old

    2. Yes, it's a very old mistake, possibly happening straight post war, or in the 60's.

  10. "Design by Magirus-Deutz (Summer 1944). 3 prototype hulls were made but no prototypes were finished before the factory in Ulm was captured by the Soviets."

    --> surely you meant it was captured by US troops. I dont think the soviets were that far in the west (ulm is situated in the middle of the german south). Or do I see this wrong?

    Sochom89, EU

    1. It's possible I combined it wrong. The article specifically says the manufacturer was Magirus-Deutz Ulm and on another spot it says the factory was captured by Soviets. I assumed the factory thus was in Ulm.

    2. Maybe the manufacturer Magirus-Deutz had several factories, one of them being in eastern germany (where the soviets were). I'm pretty sure now, Ulm was captured by US troops. Mistakes happen to everyone, so no harm done.

      Sochom89, EU

    3. As an example the Horton Brothers had about a dozen different workshops spread over Germany building parts of their aircraft. And different shops were captured at different times by the Soviets and the Americans, sometimes both IE within a few days of each other the American and Sovits would take possession of the property.

      Technically, as it is worded, one could say that it is correct. But factory's could be anywhere with say the HQ being in Ulm.


  11. Is E-10 supposed to be premium or part of the 2nd line?

    1. Since the second line was supposed to consist of open-topped vehicles (Marder III, PzSfl IV C, Nashorn, Sturer Emil, waffenträger series) I guess It's going to be premium.

      Or let's be optimistic and hope for a 3rd line! :)

    2. 2nd line - definitely not. E-10 is T4 material, which is already occupied by Marder III in the 2nd line, unless they reworked it significantly (yes, Marder III is a tier 4 material, because there was a project with 75mm L/70)

      My guess - definitely premium. The reason is that apart from other things, the tiers are also sorted by historicity. Tier 3-4-5 are almost always early to midwar vehicles (this is important due to module compatibility), while E-10 is a very-late war project, there would simply be nothing to follow after it.

    3. Hetzer - StuG connection: I guess it has little to do with historical order (the StuG is an earlier project as far as I know)

      I doubt that the Marder III will have the buffed 7,5 cm L/70. So it will be either an earlier, hypothetical gun with the original 138 mm pen, or a 7,5 cm L/60 as the russian wiki suggests (

      And I find it possible to match the E-10 to tier V. 10-15 tons, with an 540 HP engine. The T-50-2 will crawl away in shame :)

    4. Ingame StuG III is a late war StuG (armor setup etc.), time-wise it's okay.

      L/60, that's fictional. Why would it have it buffed? Do you assume ALL L/70 guns will have 192 pen, like the T7 one? That's silly, unless it gets removed from StuG III (which actually would be kinda historical, StuG III with L/70 was a different project, not based on Ausf.G). E-10 would make a nice T5 premium, but again, there is nothing to follow after it time-wise.

    5. I thought of the new standard version with 150 mm pen - It's dangerous against all tier VII tanks.

    6. Yes, but look at the Marder III properties. It's no better than Marder II, zero armor (unlike the Hetzer), in fact - the whole line will definitely be very fragile (yes, "fragile" and "E-100" doesn't sound too believable, but we'll have to see first how tough the superstructure will be).

    7. We will see :)
      I was mainly thinking of this problem because of the T40 GMC - which I find quite similar to the Marder series. Somehow I was absolutely fine with the 126 mm pen (I know that it has a bit better armour, but I relied mostly on my camo and my speed - The Praga EPA/3 will be sufficient for the light Marder III IMO), that's why I'm a little bit sceptical.

    8. @Kesky May 25, 2013, 5:16:00 PM

      "Or let's be optimistic and hope for a 3rd line! :)"

      3rd line? 2018

    9. Rather 2020 :)
      But if I'm not ridiculously unlucky, I will be still alive and still sane then (well, I'm not really sure about this as a tankmaniac :D ) and I will be able to play with them.
      If not... Then I'm gonna take away some souvenirs from Kubinka!

  12. Silentstalker, apparently some people have the WZ-111:

    Do you know anything about this?

    1. Yes. Those are developer and press accounts, they have access to all the tanks.

  13. 540hp on 10-15 tank? :O as fast as T-50

    1. If it has 15 tons it's a bit more agile than the t-50.
      If it has 10 tons....thats 54 hp/t ratio....I don't want to think about that...we'll have a race tank destroyer.

  14. Didn't knew the Soviets captured Ulm (I'm living there)?! I must have missed some school history-lessons and the city celebrations every year must also be wrong oO(methinks) Always thought the French and US captured Ulm the 24th April - French and the US were generally invading from the west, rushing the end-days of war (mid-late April 1945) eastward to catch the rest of the 19th GE-Army, freeing the Swabian area...
    Now, I'm not sure whom I shall believe... It seems, history must be rewritten...

    - subaluigi -

    1. *shrugs* If you read the comments - I already stated I could be wrong. Fixed it in the text.

  15. Wasn't the latest version of the Jagdpanzer 38(t) superior to the E-10 projekt? I think I read it in a Spielberger book. ;)

  16. Totally buying that prem. The camo rating on this will be innnsane!
    The speed and armor are very reasonable, and with that lower profile the chance to hit it will be very low at long distance.

    I just love such tanks.

  17. I am going to buy both, E-10 and E-25. If E-10 have the troll suspension system it is going to be amazing

    This was achieved by rotating the pivot points of the suspension units via cranks driven by hydraulic actuators. The vehicle height could be reduced from 1760mm to 1400 mm.

    To give you an idea, the amx-ELC have Length: 4.97 m Width: 2.24 m Height: 1.58 m weight: 6.7 tons

    So in troll position the vehicle is smaller than AMX-ELC

    1. Thats...actually that is shocking.

    2. Holy cow, a German low rider! ^^
      I didn't care that much about this system, because
      of the immobile part, but thats really a low silluette!

      Going to buy the two E-TD's anyway. I'm only sad,
      that the second TD tree will not come in the next two patches.


  18. > Engine - Maybach HL-101, 540hp

    HL 101 rated at 550 @ 3800 rpm:

    1. Yes but you see...this is a game which can fudge numbers.

    2. Anon. 7:17

      You want 55 hp/t ratio instead of 54?....little bad boy!


  19. If you look closely you will see the wheels and tracks are messed up.
    I hope this is just an early bug of Havoc engine and not used as an excuse for "too difficult to implement" when it comes to hull lowering system.

  20. If it's a t4 premium I'll sell a kidney to buy one... almost.

    I'm looking forwards to seeing it ingame though.

  21. E-10 is one of the finest man made machine.The most impressive part of an E-10 is it can increase its height by the use of hydraulic actuator quite awesome.

  22. Just stumbled into this:

    Rank on the left is E 10, on the right ofcourse a looted SU122




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