
May 28, 2013


A lots to translate today, but first, thanks to Cubayashi for gold donation :) Much appreciated.

The official 0.8.6 public test will start this Thursday (May 30th)

From player Taifuuni, a demonstration of how the new dispersion in 0.8.6 will look like:

Edit: to prevent confusion, disregard the "scales", they don't represent the circle size, but sigma deviation. Unless you really want to bother with statistics, consider them two same circles.



- SerB has roughly 50 vehicles in his garage and it takes him 5 seconds to sort thru it
- 5.1 sound is not yet implemented into the new sound engine, but it is planned, along with the 7.1 sound
- echoes from distant explosion/cannon fire (for example in valleys) will be implemented eventually
- better sorting of the archievements will be implemented eventually, but it has very low priority
- some vehicles have AAMG and some don't (resp. Type 58 doesn't have it), because "machinegun model consists of too many model details (SS: SerB said specifically "triangles", I am pretty sure there is an English term for what he meant: is it "vectors"?)
- the E-100 turret was moved in 0.8.6 30cm forwards, because it's historical
- German E-10 ingame will be implemented as a TD, not LT
- SerB doesn't consider the "In development" section necessery
- arty won't recieve bigger firing angle than 45 degrees (SS: a player was asking, whether it is possible to implement the arty to be able to hit a certain target using two different trajectories - one for below 45 degrees and one for above 45 degrees elevation)
- according to SerB, the best account protection is using your brain, for example not using "password1234" as your password
- fog of war was considered for random battles, but it won't be implemented for now, same goes for companies
- Q: "SerB, how is it possible you have so many battles played, yet your effectivity sucks?" A: "That's because I prefer to improve in real world and to only have fun and relax in the virtual one. Which is something I recommend to you too."
- according to SerB, there are no server-side cheats (SS: for example someone advertised a cheat for instant aiming)
- SerB was banned only once in WoT, it was a trolling from someone
- it's possible that the T69 gold ammo (300 pen) penetration will be nerfed (despite the fact SerB claims that the 300 pen is historical)
- the crew national voices might still appear
- the E-100 turret move forward does not mean improved depression or elevation
- SerB is playing the VK4502 Ausf.B (30k XP left to Maus) and is happy with its gameplay
- historically, ST-I shouldn't even have the M62-T2 gun, eg. it's pointless to compare its ROF to IS-8 (SerB is joking about replacing the gun with the historical D-30)
- it's generally possible the ST-II (ST-I with twin-linked D-30) will be introduced, because the twin-linked gun mechanism is easier to introduce than for example multiturret mechanism. However don't think it will simply have double ROF, that would be way too OP. Another historical option would apparently be two D-10T guns.
- SerB is thinking (SS: but only thinking, no panic!) about removing the top IS-4 gun (because it's unhistorical) and buffing the shells of the other one.


  1. - German E-10 ingame will be implemented as a TD, not LT


  2. "SS: SerB said specifically "triangles", I am pretty sure there is an English term for what he meant: is it "vectors"?"
    Triangles is a very correct term for what he meant.
    He was talking about the triangles (3-sided polygons) that make up the mesh of the 3D model.

    1. Triangels would be very wrong in that case as you are implying tetrahedrons referring to a three dimensional mesh made up off four triangular shapes.

    2. Triangles per second is a common benchmark for video cards and the basic unit used to make the rest of the shapes. The more complex the model, the more triangles are used. Have yet to see a benchmark showing tetrahedrons per second...


    3. Correct and more generic term is "faces". But yes, they are normally triangles because triangle is always convex and there are less special cases to handle.

      Gosh, have people already forgot the basics of 3D graphics?

    4. This is the 21st Century so I suspect so...

    5. This limitation isn't likely due to rendering, but some other manipulation of the models.

      My suspicion is that they do intersection tests against the models and this would be significantly more expensive with high polygon counts.

  3. *** (SS: SerB said specifically "triangles", I am pretty sure there is an English term for what he meant: is it "vectors"?)***

    Triangles is perfectly fine in this context (3D modelling terms), but you could also use 'polygons'.

  4. What SerB probably meant was "polygons". Those are the limiting factor in animation.

  5. Has anyone seen any tech trees yet for 8.6? Wanna see the German one...

  6. "SerB is thinking (SS: but only thinking, no panic!) about removing the top IS-4 gun (because it's unhistorical) and buffing the shells of the other one."

    what other one? the 122 mm D-25T?

    1. He said D-10T or D-30, as both are historical. There are plans for such vehicle, ST-2

  7. - Q: "SerB, how is it possible you have so many battles played, yet your effectivity sucks?" A: "That's because I prefer to improve in real world and to only have fun and relax in the virtual one. Which is something I recommend to you too."

    Epic reply for all these stat whores.

    1. Serb just pissed off some e-sports players
      I'm sure they get it a lot, but from the developer? Come on

    2. Trolled troll. It happens.

    3. Let me guess, you believe that anyone who doesn't suck as bad as you is a "stat whore". And seriously, you're still using the word "epic"? It's not 2008 anymore, stop acting like a retard.

    4. But I like to improve in everything I do :/


    5. smells like 2nd anon got BURNED

    6. The RU guy asking the question was obviously trolling. He got trolled instead.

    7. LOL 2nd anon.. gtfo and play wot with your precious stats and xvm to hide the fact you didn't get out of your mom's basement in 3 months hahahahahaah

    8. Cool answer from Serb! I'm for learning to play WoT better, but getting better in a video game will always be last on "what to do" list!

      I'm starting to like this guy! Love his style.


      SerB is a huge scrub. He's the lead designer, yet he has real shitty efficiency.

    10. what's so wrong about his stats?average or above average player. why should be he number 1?

      this is the guy responsible for tank balance, etc

    12. Lorraine 40t :174 battles 92,53 WR
      T2 medium tank:53 battles 98,11 WR
      WTF??!?? That guy is a wizard... even if he would play all those games in unicum platoon with fully trained crew and gold ammo and consumables this is amazing:D

  8. didnt SerB once stated his favourite tank to play is the Maus?

    1. that was Storm you're thinking of.

    2. It was Viktor Kyzlyi or howewer his last name was written, not Storm.

    3. I am pretty sure it was SerB, there was an videointerview with him and he said that he really loves to play Maus

    4. Yes, that was Viktor.

    5. AnonymousMay 28, 2013, 6:06:00 PM

      How can he enjoy playing Maus when SS wrote you that he is right now only on Vk45B and still grinding it. Too hard to read?

    6. It was Victor, check on youtube "World of Tanks. 'ASAP' Show. Episode 3 - part 2" time 7:20 :-)

    7. Earlier he (Viktor) had loved the old Tier IX Panther for it's "accurate" 10,5 cm L/52 B gun. It's just PR guys. Next time he is gonna praise the JPz E-100 for it's frightening gun.

    8. Sorry: I meant the old Tier IX Panther II

    9. Well, if you look at his account ( ) you'll see that he indeed prefers German vehicles.

    10. Well, this may be an account for the public. (Now I can't check it, due to gateway timeout). Probably he has an alt account - either with even more matches played with jerries or with some other nation.

      But it's just pure speculation.

  9. - some vehicles have AAMG and some don't (resp. Type 58 doesn't have it), because "machinegun model consists of too many model details (SS: SerB said specifically "triangles", I am pretty sure there is an English term for what he meant: is it "vectors"?)

    The usual term is polygons, defined by 3 vertices (defined by a vector ;) )
    So: No AAMG because too many polygons would decrease rendering performance.

  10. some vehicles have AAMG and some don't (resp. Type 58 doesn't have it), because "machinegun model consists of too many model details (SS: SerB said specifically "triangles", I am pretty sure there is an English term for what he meant: is it "vectors"?)

    In English, they're poligons. The vast majority of 3D models are made with these.

    1. but commonly, triangles are the most basic of polygon measurement.

      A loltraktor fully upgraded with the 2cm breda is 5901 triangles.

      A 59-16 with stock turret and gun has 9055 triangles, while an upgraded turret + stock gun has 10819 triangles.

      all these figures are taken from WoT Tank Viewer, so i'm not really sure, but i'm sure it's almost the same if you take the models into a 3D editing program.

    2. Indeed, he did literally mean triangles.

  11. - Q: "SerB, how is it possible you have so many battles played, yet your effectivity sucks?" A: "That's because I prefer to improve in real world and to only have fun and relax in the virtual one. Which is something I recommend to you too."


    1. According to his RU stats, he's not that bad of a player, actually. I wouldn't mind having him in my team.

    2. I wouldn't mind having him in my team only bcs there are too many dumb shithead siemkas all around, but he's nothing special, rather poor player if you consider he's main game developer...

    3. "there are too many dumb shithead siemkas all around"

      Bashing siemkas in the morning, and I bet you feel better now retard? Uninstall...

  12. have you noticed:

    there are different scales on the shell distrbution graphs.

    Basically they are the same, because othe lower one is twice as big in scale in every direction.

    Can you provide us two similar scaled pictures?

    1. ... or is WG maing fun of us, providing us with imaginary changes? :)

    2. The scale is standard distributions, a.k.a. sigmas. Currently the distribution of shots is limited to within 1.3*sigma of the center. In 8.6 it will be increased to 2.0*sigma which will lead to an increase in overall accuracy (for why this is, see Wikipedia or a statistics textbook).

    3. It's still a tighter grouping.

      Note: The top one's distribution is marked via scale out to 1 unit, but the distribution actually extends beyond it to roughly 1.3-1.5 units. Additionally, there are many more shots clustered at the perimeter, meaning that shots would have gone even further astray, but minimum bounds kept them limited to x distance from the centerpoint.

      Here's my crude efforts with MS Paint. I'm sure someone with GIMP or PS and access to actual layering could do better...

    4. Hotter means more probable. Pre 8.6 aiming circle is scaled to meet yellow band, so hittin border is little less probable than hitting center. In 8.6 this will end scaled to aquamarine, so difference in probability between center and border will be bigger, as red is way more hotter than blu.

  13. Mhh SerBs Eff/Wn6/Wn7/Performancrating/winratio is still betetr then most of the players. For a better Eff he's just lacking the Cap and Def points...
    (OK he seems to "suck" on his last games.

    .> hes not that super pro but at least hes not one of those super noob "i play for fun" siamamoinmoinwarriors camping with his E-100/Is-7/E5 behind ary

    1. Keep in mind SerB had access to unlimited gold ammo in the times when almost no-one used it in randoms because it costed real money. He's a really horrible player.

    2. Nope as far as i know ALL WG employees HAVE to pay for Gold. They "only" get 250 or 500 a day for free.

      BTW: Just take a look at all the noobs, that even fail WITH gold ammo and all the Pros that even win WITHOUT Goldspamming ;)

    3. everybody under 60% Winrate and 2K WN7 is BAD :D

    4. Just the other day i met Tiger II with 10,5 sitting at stupid open position in my IS-3(t8 battle only) i was hull down so i was quite confident of taking him on but what do you know, every single round he fired was prem(pened in the front of the turret multiple times + there were 3 other tanks he can fire upon with much less armor than me)... of course his efficiency was about 300.
      Hmm.. that satisfaction of killing him was so sweet Noobs will be noobs no matter what they fire but sometimes it can ruin your day when you dont expect it... too bad you cant restrict gold ammo only for challenging situations(fighting tank 2 tiers higher, 3 on 1 "fair fights" and so on..)

    54% W/L ration much better than ~70% of WoT players.

  15. Sorry but please make the new dispersion in 0.8.6 in the interval from -1 till 1 and not represent the interval from -2 till 2, because the comparison is easier bullshit.
    Then, a direct comparison would be interesting.

    1. Hotter means more probably. Pre 8.6 aiming circle is scaled to meet yellow band. As you can see, yellow is not especially colder than red. In 8.6, they 'll scale it to aquamarine. So hitting border will become way less probable than hitting center, and accu is increased.

  16. The dispersion graphs are nice, but a little misleading since they are not on the same scale.

  17. About hits dispersion: Look closer at both pictures. xDist yDist graduation indicates that new system could be not that cool. Second aiming circle is almost twice bigger! Am I correct or maybe miss something?

    1. The graph doesn't represent the aiming circle, it's the amount of dispersion within the aiming circle. The aiming circle stays the same from 8.5 to 8.6 with the exception of SPG's.

    2. Just wrong word. Ok: "hit zone", happy? Second hit zone is almost twice bigger. Pictures have a different scale. Not comparable in simply look.

  18. Any info when E-10 might be coming?

  19. Sorry, this is off topic but I am not sure where else to put this.
    I saw the pc gamer with the WoT guide in it the other day. First off at £9.99 it is bloody expensive.
    The main reason I write this is because the magazine claims a free tier VII tank for new players, but on the back it claims it is a tier VII Tetrarch! Have I missed something. Are wargaming trying to pull a fast one, or is it just a typo. However I have seen no effort on either pc gamer or wargaming to correct it.
    Sorry if this has already been answered, but it caught my eye.

    1. It's not tier VII Tetrarch, it's Mark VII Tetrarch. Mark VII is a part of the Tetrarch designation.

    2. You learn something new everyday, thank you for clearing that up.

  20. Aim circles are the same size, the distribution within the circle is tightened (see above, reply to L3gi).

  21. Twin guns on tanks?
    Reload time over 9 ages :D

    1. But also over 9000 dmg :D

      A step towards implementing Mammoth/Apocalypse tanks? Hell yes! :D

      LOL RUSSIAN BIAS!!!!1111111


  22. Uuum, the heck is AAMG?

    1. Yep, anti-aircraft machine gun, that big pintle-mounted thing on top of the turret.

    2. Anti-aircraft machine gun.

    3. Oh okay, thanks.

  23. I sent this blog a much more thurough and accurate analysis of the accuracy changes like two weeks ago along with an entire write up and explanation. That gets ignored but these crappy plots get posted? Rough.

    -tpapp157 / NA

    1. Sorry for that, but I get quite a lot mails per day. Usually it's like this: I get something interesting and I am like "wow, this would be cool to post", but I don't have enough time at that moment, so I forget about it for a while, then it pops up, or it gets buried under tons of new stuff. TLDR: shit happens, soz

  24. - the E-100 turret was moved in 0.8.6 30cm forwards, because it's historical

    Oh so they finally ran out of vodka and noticed that?

    1. with help of community

  25. the sigma accuracy buff shit doesnt mean much for accurate guns. But it will buff soviet ones significantly. Its like a super ninja buff of all innacurate guns. And mostly of them are soviet.

    1. Same as when they introduced spaced armor which suprisingly is most effective on russkies. There is tons of changes or hidden stats that actually are big buff for some tanks and until now most of them were buff for soviets.

    2. Soviet guns already perform very well in terms of accuracy. Their only problem is their long aim time. Those high (in)accuracy numbers are misleading.

    3. That's why sniping with the D-25T is an enjoyable sport. Missing five times in a row at 350 meters is such a pleasure.

    4. Actually I didn't have any problem with it.

    5. I'm glad you made the game so you can make objective statements about it and not just express a personal feeling... oh wait.

    6. Sorry, forgot to mention that it was my and my friends experience. But according to this... no one can be right :D

      OK WG made the game, they know (at least I hope that they know) how their own game works. But how do you know that they are telling the truth or not? :)

    7. Well, you're right... guess we'll never know for sure. What I experienced is that a lot of Soviet guns are hideously inaccurate.

    8. Well its true that this thing has power to make kv-1s even more op couse only thing that balanced it out was number of missed important shots(you miss a shot, dont kill the enemy, they swarm you and kill you before you reload...).
      But it will hopefully help even the accurate tanks as that 20% of shots on edge of aim circle can kill your chance of hitting that weakspots when you need it.
      So for accurate guns this will buff mostly good players who knows where to aim(really excited about that, less dependance on rng is always good). But derpier tanks with high pen will be buffed for everyone:(...

    9. hahahah fuck yea i already achieved LOTS of awesome shots from big distances with me M4 derp. Now it will have even better accuracy!

      Hopefuly it will compensate for it's pen nerf of heat rounds.

  26. - Q: "SerB, how is it possible you have so many battles played, yet your effectivity sucks?" A: "That's because I prefer to improve in real world and to only have fun and relax in the virtual one. Which is something I recommend to you too."

    This pretty much explains it why they don't do anything(better tutorials,bot/afk punishments,stupidity punishments) to improve the overall game experience these days which is horrible with all siemkas with >45% WR

    1. Says a guy that mixes the bigger/higher than symbol ">" with the one for smaller/less "<" :P Or do u want to say, that all players with >45% winratio are noobs?

      BTW the problem with those noobs is the fact, that they pay the most. Most of the good/awesome players dont really pay for anything thx to clanwars ;)

    2. Most players with <45% WR are kids that cant afford to pay for anything.. and there are loads of great players that either have no clan or just cant compete with hyper clans with 50+ 1600+ efficiency players.. so most players especially if they want to play tXs have to pay in the end no matter what skill they got...

    3. >50% -> good player ? R u joking? thats just a little bit above avg.
      And still using Eff instead of Wn7 is just stupid.
      Moreover its funny that I see more kids with good stats than older ppl. On the German Forum we even have a guy bashing noobs with the stats of his 8 year old son...

      Furthermore why shouldnt kids be able to spend money on the game. Most of them dont pay by themselves but their parents pay for them.

    4. I meant number of players not WR...
      With that kids issue from my experience kids like to do "fun"(read stupid for team) stuff more often than adults(not saying that none are good) and most kids dont have rich parents that would be willing to pay monthly for their game(+ buying prem tanks and thats quite expensive..) from where i come they either play completely free games or just pirate what they can... adults value their time much more so they spend money on wot.
      Anyway kids werent the point. Point was that that good players also pays for this game not only noobs..
      Btw: Yeah efficiency sucks.. too bad that xvm still knows only Wn6(and noobmeter rating is cool aswell)

  27. Frank, can we expect some article on this blooper from WG?


    1. Not sure what happened? I don't follow WG competitions much

    2. 13000+ players sent their physical birthday cards by mail(postal offices) ,
      and 12950 got only 500 gold,WG advertised as "special gift" for 2nd birthday, and lots of people waited more than 2 months to receive their "special" gift, 500 gold on acount.Ectar went full "retorical mode".



      The bigger problem is, that the guys that sended a empty page with their username get the same as ppl sending real selfmade cards...

    4. there was no "special" gift annouced. they said there will be a small booby prize for everyone, and the best cards get type-59 etc.

    5. @ 2 anons above:

      read the whole thread,then judge.
      Or are you supporters of Ectar&WG?


    6. No im a supporter of using that funny thing... ehh.. Brain. But I know, whiners will never understand... they just whine for the sake of whining...

  28. "- according to SerB, the best account protection is using your brain, for example not using "password1234" as your password"

    Great... now I have to change my Password :(

  29. It's triangles, not vectors - shapes/bodies are constructed using triangles in 3D programs/games.

  30. - SerB has roughly 50 vehicles in his garage and it takes him 5 seconds to sort thru it

    This guy is retarded. I am physically disabled and it is not as easy for me. I hope he we get some damage in future so he can understand what I am talking about.

    1. when I read I thought, well...
      ...5 seconds is a pretty long time.
      I might only have 22 tanks, but if I'm looking for one its never further away than 2 sec.

      What I was wondering about, reading your post:
      If you're disabled, isnt it hard for you to play?

    2. Yup, you definitely are an anonymous coward with nothing worthwhile to say. Piss off.

    3. apparently there is only one retard: you!

    4. anonymous flaming other anonymous for using anonymous... brains everyone should have one :P

    5. What kind of physically disabled person wants that to happen to some random guy he doesn't even know and who hasn't even offended you directly?

      Whoever you are, I think that's a very douchey behaviour.

    6. "Alle denken nur an sich, nur ich denk an mich" ;)
      Everyone cares about himself, only I care about myself.

    7. I'm physically disabled too(can only move my hands) and I have 169 tanks...and it is not as easy for me either. You can get more tanks, maybe you just need some adaptive technology to help you. Also I understand you wanting people to understand what it's like being disabled, but you of all people should know not to wish disability on anyone.

  31. >"Edit: to prevent confusion, disregard the "scales", they don't represent the circle size, but sigma deviation. Unless you really want to bother with statistics, consider them two same circles."

    Use this:


  32. - it's generally possible the ST-II (ST-I with twin-linked D-30) will be introduced, because the twin-linked gun mechanism is easier to introduce than for example multiturret mechanism. However don't think it will simply have double ROF, that would be way too OP. Another historical option would apparently be two D-10T guns.

    I imagine the simplist way to do this would be to use a 2 shot drum mechanic. It would be similar to the MTLS-1G14 that was on the test server but was never released. It was a drum fed burst fire double barrel.


  33. ST-II*Cr1HrmSL7JNkuaGYvFd4nal3kTUr6ufDhxJN4cma31TDYblOy35G5RFDcdrfqaHoSYCFZNLO-d9*TxP05ikbnsNkkcm/stii.jpg

  34. Firing angle is not the same as elevation angle.

    In arcade mode you can shoot even directly upwards if correctly positioned, but of course precise aiming is virtually impossible.

    In strategic mode, the automatic elevation system always chooses the trajectory with angle below 45°.

    Only real use of +45° elevation in the SPG (that I can think of) is that you can stand on forward slope and still have full firing range (i.e. still have +45° firing angle relative to level ground).

  35. Kinda interesting Trent. Then whats the point of changing Elevation Arc? Look at wiki for T92:

    Max +45 elevation.

    And I'm pretty sure, that some arties can use better angles than others. Example? S-51 or SU-14 Wiki:

    And "New" screen of S-51 gun:

    And I don't say it simply because I see this numbers. I played S-51, SU-14 and many other arties. When I was playing S-51 and SU-14 I had impression that those arties have better angles too. Why? Because comparing them to other arties which I played, I had a feeling I could hit targets easier (targets, that are behind some cover or use some slopes for cover).

    I hope also, T92 can be so much inaccurate and/or hard to play, that they can improve this Elevation Angle. I would be really happy, coz I own T92 myself...

  36. I imagine all those "boundary" shots on first pic are from the french guns...

    Bloody harkonnens going for their dual Devastator. WAITING FOR SONIC TANK!

  38. Triangles is the correct term. 3d Models are basically made of triangles.

  39. Any information about Big and Heavy Part 3 special, like in date, nation, tanks?

  40. - it's possible that the T69 gold ammo (300 pen) penetration will be nerfed (despite the fact SerB claims that the 300 pen is historical)

    You want realism? Join the army, serb.

  41. The elevation angle over 45 only helps when firing from a down-slope.

  42. "And I don't say it simply because I see this numbers. I played S-51, SU-14 and many other arties. When I was playing S-51 and SU-14 I had impression that those arties have better angles too. Why? Because comparing them to other arties which I played, I had a feeling I could hit targets easier (targets, that are behind some cover or use some slopes for cover)."

    Yes, because - for example - S-51 and GW Panther shooting at the same distance will have different firing angles (with S-51 having a better one), even though they have the same max elevation angle.

    Buffing elevation angle - if leaks are correct - seems to be mostly a cosmetic change ("historical reasons" or something like that).

  43. I wait and wait and wait !

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