
May 26, 2013


Developers haven't answered anything today, I'll just add a few answers I forgot from the last of the Storm's blog posts:

- tracers weren't removed because the players were complaining about the "Star Wars blaster effects", this has nothing to do with the real reason (SS: which was the fact they got hacked)
- the new sound system (crew comments) will come in two versions: long and short one. Long one means that the commander will talk to you in whole sentences ("The engine caught fire because it was hit") - this is mostly for the newbies, so they know what's happening and why. Short one will only say everything in one or two words ("Fire"). The players will be able to enable the shortened system in game settings.
- linear XP requirement for more perks was scrapped, because it's bad for average players, XP requirements for skills/perks won't be reduced
- gear changes sound will be implemented

Oh and one more thing: tomorrow there will be no updates from me, because I am going to be very busy. See you on Tuesday!


  1. - tracers weren't removed because the players were complaining about the "Star Wars blaster effects", this has nothing to do with the real reason (SS: which was the fact they got hacked)

    Does this mean that WG removed them because of the cheats ("Warpack" etc..) out there?

    1. I think yes =D

    2. They we removed because all the calculations back then were client side. IE way to easy to manipulate. They moved all calculations to server side now.

      Nothing more nothing less.

  2. - linear XP requirement for more perks was scrapped, because it's bad for average players, XP requirements for skills/perks won't be reduced

    Translated: We need to make people waste money on premium to grind out 30k XP for 1% on the 4th skill.

    1. -Because if 4th skills were so easy to get, players who don't have the time to grind crew skills would have a very big disadvantage.

      Please don't ommit the reasoning that WG gives, sometimes it actually makes sense.

    2. kunstderfugue, The fact that you have to play some 1 600 matches to reach that 4th skill ( and that is 1k average exp )

      Where the 3rd skill needs some 800k ... So instead of it being even remotely intresting to gain that 4th skill, it is just merely sick... So the average player does not EVER get that 4th skill ready, where as the most dedicated time waster will get it eventually... But the amount he has to play is just ridiculous.

      They should cap the exp after 3rd skill. It is enough... and after someone gets every skill and perk for one tank. He might start another one... Instead of currently there is need of some 95mil to get to 9th skill which is maximum unless multiclassing you would need merely 6,5mil, which is hefty 6.5k matches. That is quite much and there is very few to have actually that many matches on any tank... There are some who keep on driving that one tank for the purpose of skills, but it is still ridiculous amount of games.

    3. Again and again.. the point of those ridiculous amounts of needed XP is the fact that you have to choose which one to get "easy" and for which one will you have to work harder.. and I completely agree with that. :)

      Just imagine the pain we would have if fighting against KV1S with 7 skills/perks..


    4. If Serb would be honest he would say:

      Want skills? Buy more gold.

    5. I agree with kunstderfugue and Hajvanho. Perks do make the tank more powerful and it does make sense that you have more perks on tanks only on your most favorite tanks. And about gold, if WG really wanted to cash in on this, they'd make it possible to level your crew directly with gold and they specifically said many times that they're not doing it for that very reason I just mentioned.

    6. wow there are really guys who defend prolong grind...

      not only that the whole reply from strom is a joke, as usual. Exponential xp requirement increase is as bad as it gets for average players. The linear progression would actually have helped the so called "average player" to reach the 3rd skill.

      I have not a single 4th skill crew despite having more then 13k battles, I simply can't be bothered to play a tank so long before it makes no fun at all to play it.

    7. Yeah. Real use for adrenaline rush... Or double adrenaline rush ( non stacking ). Or double some other perks.

      The differences are quite minor bar repair and bia while the outmost difference is the sixth sense. Some are more useful than others, but they are minor differences in reality. Even noob with all skills can't beat rookie 100% crew on pro hands so there is no real gain, just 2-3 percent augments overall after the game changers are done.

      The amount to get to that last perks to finalize a crew should be rewarded more easier... Seen many with 10k + matches on one tank? I surely haven't and even if did does he wager around with that 1k average exp? I guess not.

      The point is that there is to choose in the beginning but after that... There is no 'goal' to get the next perks, because they take just long enough to bore a person. With goal it would drive them onward to get them and get the satisfactory of getting something done. With the neverending cycle of doubling forever there is no point after certain point. It would give reason to drive the T10s that little extra. Because getting the perks would be something achievable in less than a year of struggle.

      6.5k matches with 1k average is much to get something finished, yea you can lower it to 4.7k for those who only got 7 skill/perks, but still it is humongous amount of battles.

      I know there are some with crews already on their seventh skills, but still they are not even near to finish and they will never do or then they will waste on approx of 400 days from their lives to get them... And lets start depriving work and sleep and it gets to 1200 days, which is merely 3.28 years of playing 8 hours a day that one specific tank... Is it reasonable? doupt it.

    8. Want all skills? Just get yourself press account :) .

      The idea is NOT to have all skills, this game is all about paper-stone-scissors.

    9. I have nearly 5 crews within a few percent of getting their 4th skill. Have roughly 15k games played. Just takes time to get there.

    10. And I have 3 over 50 on 4th and some closer, some less going for that fourth. 20k matches thus far. Don't know how many tier 10 tanks on garage... and even few are waiting for bought. Been busy, but I have no reason to grind more on the T10... there just ain't none.

    11. If you really want it that way.. than why the heck would you even play only for the skills with some specific tank? Shouldn't you be playing because that tank is fun and not to get all the skills/perks? For example I have an ELC with 1k battles and 3 perks [ 3rd 97% ].. I just love to play it and the progress with skills just went on by itself. Also, the occasional actions like x2 and x3 crew XP helped a lot!

      Just understand that those things ain't like Pokemon.. you just can't have them all.

      I believe.. that that, what are you asking for, wouldn't be any near close to "helping fact" for average players. Perks can mean a lot if you know what to pick.. and I am sure that more than half of the server doesn't know how to CHOOSE. Just imagine i.e. what kind of advantage gives a crew with simple pick of camouflage, repair, bia and firefighting.. that's quite a lot of advantage over any "stock tank".

      And yeah.. if WG really wanted to make some money on that, they would surely approve the suggestion to convert free experience to crew experience.. which of course they didn't.


    12. 2Hornet: do you understand that linear progression wont change amount of XP needed to levelup skill? Do you realize that non linear levelup is ACTUALLY MORE BENEFICIAL TO PLAYER BECAUSE IT GIVES HIGHER AVERAGE SKILL LEVEL? Man wg haters are stupid as hell...

    13. And BTW people complaining about buying premium are stupid as hell too. Its free to play game, dont want to buy prem? Dont buy it then, you can play this game for free. Shitting about company which primary purpose - TO MAKE PROFIT LIKE ANY OTHER COMPANY IN THE WORLD is just beyond stupidity.

    14. And our "favourite" ragekid is back...

    15. Anon ragekid @10:42 & @10:48:
      Don't you have anything better to do than shouting at and calling stupid everyone?

    16. If people are stupid is that a bad thing call them like that? If you want to boil in you own shit its your problem but dont expect that smart people will not comment about it and your stupidity.

    17. regardless of how small the advantages of perks and skills are, its still an advantage nonetheless. i was able to win a game due to the fact my tank had adrenaline rush and the enemy tank of the same type did not.

    18. Anonymous May 26, 2013, 10:20:00 PM

      I don't enjoy playing low-mid tiers. Even dedicated scouts are on the border. For me the challenge is on mid-high tiers. Dedicated scouts have same problem as T10 tanks, there is too long time to get them skills up... And its not about grinding, but nearly endless grinding with the exponential exp.

      My rotation of tanks is atm on some 10 tanks I grind and for the fact of taking too long to grind the skill exp, I don't play T10 tanks unless very good reason to do so ( exp or crew exp events ). I need something for the T10s for them to be interesting, something worth putting goal.

    19. You don't have to play on the same tank, BTW. Premium tanks + retraining crew for tanks with compatible slots as you progress (there are quite a few, esp. in German tree) allows you to continue training.

      That said, I wish they would have given the possibility to convert Free XP to Crew XP. Currently, if you don't have time to play much (like me), you cannot compensate crew skills with money - unlike most other aspects of the game.

    20. Little ragekid, who the f*** did tell you that you are smart? :D Do you really think that you are the one who can decide who's stupid and who's not? omg, come back when you are grown up.

    21. AnonymousMay 27, 2013, 6:41:00 AM

      How about having prem on different nation, thus having no option to have crew to be on one? Retrain crew from med to heavy prem then back for CW? Yeah right. Think before trying to think. Also you have 1 crew for each nation? Well that makes it all possible, more retraining when you want to just quick switch some tank...

      Not that nice idea actually. I think more of having a cap on needed exp as 3rd skill much much better idea. Just my 2cnt

  3. When are the new sounds coming? 8.6?

  4. Frank, I hope she'll be nice with you tomorrow and enjoy your well deserved break =)

  5. Is ChechOut dropping by tomorrow? :D

  6. Short crew comments - finaly! Now i will finaly know that my tank is on fire before my crew decides to tell me that "our tracks are damaged","we cant see anything, our periscopes are destroyed" etc., too bad it will only last till reworked fire extinguisher....

    1. If you need crew to tell you that tank caught fire, then... no comments... just use automatic fire extinguisher, will be simpler for you. (Hint: fire icon appears *immediately* at the lower left corner).

    2. Dont be too harsh on the guy, there are tons of average gamers out there, who are not alpha-omegas.


  7. Reworked fire extinguisher - huge nerf for germanz cos dey r so damn 0verperforming :))))))

    1. Yes they need to suffer more with their frontal transmission fires.

    2. So how is the reworked fire extingusher going to work, after the nerf?


    3. IRS

      After the nerf the normal fire extinguisher will take some 3-5 ticks of damage before launching, it will be fully automated... So instead of using skill to launch it on time you will suffer from using normal instead of gold extinguisher A LOT.

      That large difference from one tick to self extinguish. But this is due to clickers and macros... Which are banned, but WG does not think it possible to track them and give them permaban... Using such is straight from breaking the rules, which should make it permabannable... and believe me there are many who use them without even thinking they are breaking rules by using them.

      I would rather see WG tackling these clickers/bot programs inside their files than borking working system...

  8. Some new information about common test ? Thursday ?

  9. - gear changes sound will be implemented

    Very nice! and also ive seen some threads about clutch revving the engine. Handbrake is pretty useless IMO and would be awesome if they add the ability to rev the tank while holding the handbrake. Vrrrooom vrooom Tiger 2.

    Sadly you posted about this and SerB answered no plans for that function.....


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