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May 6, 2013

0.8.6 - more arty info

Hello everyone,

A big post in Russian was made under the earlier 0.8.6 post I made today. Its contents were confirmed by another supertester (the guy who leaked the stuff from the earlier post), so unless this is one big conspiracy, it might actually be legit. Of course, keep in mind that none of this stuff is completely confirmed, could all still be a bunch of bullshit.

Anyway, here goes:

GW Panther
- gets kicked from T6 to T7
- top speed limited to 46km/h
- stock suspension turnrate reduced from 26 to 24, 2nd suspension turnrate reduced from 28 to 26
- gun spread caused by turning increased for both suspensions
- loading time and gun accuracy nerfed
- stock engine was removed

Lorraine 155 50
- hitpoints slightly improved
- moved one tier up
- terrain passability nerfed
- gun spread from turning increased
- turnrate improved for both suspensions
- ROF nerfed
- radios reworked

- speed nerfed (by 2km/h)
- more HP
- moved one tier higher
- both suspensions got terrain passability nerfed
- both suspensions: more gun spread from turning
- followed by SU-14 for 146k XP
- gun traverse nerfed from 6 to 4
- stock gun now has twice as much ammo and a bit better reload time
- B-4 has 25 percent higher reload time, spread and aim time increased (nerfed) by 50 percent

US M12
- mover one tier up
- maximum speed nerfed
- the suspension spread nerf is apparently planned

- moved one tier up
- agility and mobility buffed
- armor was apparently made historical

- guns weren't touched at all
- mobility nerfed a bit

- moved to tier 10
- buffed turned rate
- engines were reworked
- maximum speed was nerfed

Batchat 155
- moved to tier 10
- added new stock suspension
- 2nd suspension had its terrain passability nerfed a bit
- turnrate was buffed
- gun spread from turning was increased by 50 percent
- viewrange nerfed to 380
- autoloader reloads 10 seconds longer
- aim time increased by 10 percent
- new stock engine

Object 261
- moved to tier 10
- speed was not nerfed
- new stock suspension
- 2nd suspension has better passability in bad terrain
- influence of turning on spread increased by 50 percent
- hull turn rate buffed to 24
- view range buffed to 390
- reload time increased from 29,7 to 35

GW Tiger
- terrain passability slightly buffed
- turnrate buffed by 2 degrees on both suspensions
- spread from rotation increased 2 times
- viewrange buffed by 10 meters
- 210mm accuracy nerfed by 1/3, reload time nerfed by 20 percent

Ammunition changes:

150mm Gr.39 HE (for example Bison) - damage from 300 to 450 (HEAT stays at 300)
150mm Sprg. L. erz. (Bison) - damage from 200 to 350 (HEAT stays at 200)
122mm OF420SO (current SU-26) - damage from 270 to 420
122mm OF420SOMSH (current SU-26) - damage from 150-300
152mm 52OF500 (SU-5) - damage from 360 to 450

Other shells have not been touched for now.

Apparently HEAT shells got reduced penetration with distance added (WTF?).


  1. Everybody remember, this is supertest. it is for WG to experiment with stuff, and why this is usually hidden. they do not want people raging at changes that might be the opposite of what is actually done.

    1. True, but at the same time, it shows us the direction WG is thinking about: you can't really expect a buff accross the board when everything on supertest is getting nerfed to the ground...

    2. True, still:

      "B-4 has 25 percent higher reload time"
      Looks like I won't run out of ammo anymore.

      So this will never be repeated: \o/

    3. Right now US forums are aflame with "arty will now be more random" because of accuracy nerfs. they might reverse direction and nerf damage, buff rof and accuracy so it is less RNG bound. supertest is for them to go "hey, what would arty be like if we did..."

    4. positive thinking there... if only the devs would think like that when designing their game...

    5. according to wiki we may compare arty tiers with other vehicle tiers looking how they are treated by matchbreaker

      t2 arty is like tier 2.5 normal tanks
      t3 arty is like tier 4 normal tanks
      t4 arty is like tier 5.5 normal tanks
      t5 arty is like tier 7 normal tanks
      t6 arty is like tier 8 normal tanks
      t7 arty is like tier 9.5 normal tanks
      t8 arty is like tier 10.5 normal tanks

      if you consider matchmaking spread of course.
      So if after new patch arty mm will be adjusted to match other t10 vehicles slight nerfs to current t8 arty are supposed to balance the fact that top arty will now face also t8 tanks

      nerfs to gw panther are supposed to make it equivalent with current hummel
      and so on and so on.

      however, as always, those changes don't take into account clan wars and 7/42 format.

      In clan wars changes are not groundbreaking - arty lost it's importance after introducing t10 mediums, now battles usually take half the time ten before, so arty is less viable option since it has no time to do so much damage as it could before.

      However in ESL not nerfs but adding +2 tiers to all arty with similar stats will be probably biggest change to this format since allowing usage of t8 arty.

  2. no nerfs for T92, meh not cool, I want them all nerfed as much as possible

    1. Don't worry, it's getting nerfed, there's just too many to write at once.

    2. T92 only has good damage so stop cying.

    3. i still fear that the nerfs for the (atm clearly op) obj 261 wont be as hard as for the t92 and/or the gw E, making it the onliest choice of arty left for CW.

      imo, a t92 with 50% worse aiming & accuracy is as good as useless, because even atm you cant guarantee thqat you dont do teamhits in a close infighting group.
      With a hugely worse accuracy you will surely do alot more teamdamage, nearly unavoidable.

  3. Both my high tier arties get severe nerf - GW-pan and S-51. Thats said. I think they should have made S-51 tier 8 and Su-14 tier 7. S-51 is considered to be better anyway than SU-14.

    1. Thats why they are nerfing the S-51..?

      also, they didnt get nefed, they just got balanced with their new tiers,

  4. Evil EU Supertesters strike again! :D

    1. Eveel EU supahtesterz infiltrated into Rasha.

      How tragic...NOT :D

  5. Apparently HEAT shells got reduced penetration with distance added (WTF?).

    If you are shooting from Moon orbit then yes - less penetration. Otherwise - WTF?

  6. Replies
    1. NERFFFFFFF!!!!!!!!!!


    3. Better nerf Irelia.

      Sorry, i had to write that.

  7. Hard cap of 2 can fix the arty problems much much better than all of those nerfs combined.

    Good arty players like TD42(NA) will continue to lolarty1shot things anyway while bad arty players will contribute a lot less than now, hence handicapping the teams they are on more than now.
    Imagine a team stack with 3 purple(unicum) arties in one and 3 red(bad) arties in the other.

    The team with purple arties will get arty support just a bit less than now, while the team with red arties will receive none because 'omg it's too hard to hit anything with arties with those nerfs'.

    In other words, 'team with better arties will win' becomes more relevant than it is now.


    there you go.

    1. I dont agree with 2.

      I agree with hardcap 3 since it makes nice 5 tank strike force.

    2. and then have fun waiting 30 minutes to get in a game when playing arty, there is a reason you can't just set a cap for arty and be done

    3. jep:
      hardcap of 5 increased waitingtime for ALL tanks and caused things like 6 scouts per side...
      just imagine what a hard cap of 3 or 2 would cause...

    4. Actually this changes reduce the amount of skill needed to play arty and increase the dependence on luck so the difference between bad and good arty will rather get smaller then bigger. If it's good thats another topic.

      Anyway the changes seems silly. They increase the randomness (more spread, less accuracy) but seems to increase the alpha damage if you look at the shell changes (unless of course they rework the HE mechanics one again to compensate). So arty gets even more random and annoying with either crippling one shots or misses.

    5. Than WG should work on MM settings, not nerfing arties in the wrong way and breaking team balance even more.

      Seriously, the way things are right now I see like this :

      'oh red players on my teamm but they are in arty, so they still can contribute more than if they were in their lowe'
      'oh red players in their team but they are in arty, so they can be just as effective as purples'

      The 'baddies' can contribute in their arty more than in their tanks. Take their easy mode away, they will take out their tanks. More disgusting display to watch...

      Arty works very well as skill balancing class.
      Keep it that way, if you intend to reduce arties influence to the battle, reduce their number.

    6. yeah thats right.
      wg fucked up ary already by making it one big RNG: good player or bad player... thats not the question anymore...

    7. hard cap of 2 makes sense to me

  8. bat arty gets a reload and aiming time nerf again now i sell it and what a wonder the russian obj.261 arty gets 3buffs and 1nerf hmmm

    1. You do realize all those buffs are irrelevant, and the biggest advantage there was the short reload time? Now it will get pretty much the reload time the tier 6 S-51 had, but will miss more anyway since it does have a low trajectory shell.

    2. Stop bitching and wait for the final details, you noob arty haters whiners!!!
      And to those claiming obj 261 got BUFFED(WTF), LEARN TO FUCKING READ!!!!!

      It seems they are all rebalanced to fit their new MM, so wait for the final details and stop the I can understand that SerB, in his great wisdom, shares bans to every moron that decides to post bullshit.


    1. Who is going to help you out next time you cry for arty fire?

    2. yeah... the best thing I saw was I guy teamkilling his only ary and at the end of the game complained about noob ary not supporting him

  10. is now that I stop playing this fucking game if these are nerf forward

    1. Good to hear this! less cheaters (arty campers) = better battles.

    2. You do know that 80% percent of tanker don't fire on the move.Right?

      A sitting TD is a camper yet I see no complaining about that from you.

      Issues you have. Grow up you must.


  11. Die arty lovers

    1. die noobs that ary to stupid to deal with ary (or to realize that the real problem exists between table and chair ;) )...

    2. one hand player spotted above

    3. noob spotted above

      (noone ever wonders why only noobs and players with abd stats are complaining about ary? ;) )

    4. Every good player including me hates arty. Baddies support currently OP arty because they cant deal with 1on1 alone so they camp behind house and cry for arty to hit tank attacking them.


    5. Good players, not guys with this Dunning-Kruger effect

    6. Gruber, good players are those, who can see a battle as a whole, not as a series of 1on1 duels.

      I often read arty haters or discuss with them and there are good and bad players among them - but they share the same thing - lack of imagination and ability to adjust to the situation, to think outside the box.

      They may be excellent in precise clicking on fast moving objects, but WoT is better then CounterStrike because thinking is more important then clicking.

      Well, was.
      With every new patch WoT gets more and more brainless.

    7. +1 Gorzki. Well said and unfortunately spot on final remark.

  12. there is one thing that EVERYBODY seems to be missing

    these aren't NERFS

    They are being rebalanced to fit their new MM spread

    GWpanther is now going to be fighting Tigers and ISes.... It might even appear as top tier against 3601s they HAVE to nerf it to make it balanced at tier 7...

    isnt that fucking obvious?

    1. Yes; 0.7acc, 31sec reload, movement acc penalties doubled or so (forget about self-defense) etc. is nothing more than slight balancing...

    2. fvck u bastard. now i'm regretting grinding german arty now.... >_>

    3. yep, gw panther is neferd to fit it's new, lower tier

      but t8 arty moved to t10 is also nerfed and it is not a rebalance - unless mm spread will be changed so t10 arty will have same spread like t10 tanks.
      so new, nerfed top tier arty will be fightin tier 8 now.

      i cant wait to see amx 50 100 hit by t92 now

  13. Object 261
    - influence of turning on spread increased by 50 percent (!!!)
    - hull turn rate buffed to 24
    - reload time increased from 29,7 to 35
    yeah, not nerf at all;)

    1. basically, when you turn, reticule is now 50% bigger.
      higher traverse speed means even bigger bloom.
      reload time is in seconds, so slower reload.

      how is this not a nerf?

    2. I tried to reply to comment above ("(...)these aren't NERFS They are being rebalanced to fit their new MM spread(...)", apparently i failed somewhere.

  14. Nice Move from WG, but still not enough.

    Arty should only disable tanks but make very little dmg, actually arty should be played by server side, no Human needs to play with this shit.

    thx WG for unlocking tier 9 to play, i guess tier 10 will still be unplayable, hope for future death nerf or arty.

    1. or wg could add brain to heavy tank drivers like the one above...

      only noobs /players with bad stats complain about ary... never saw a good palyer that had problems with playing against ary...


    2. You don't read forums apparently...

    3. Whoever complains about arty wants WoT to become COD or similar shit for 15-year olds who click faster than they think.

      No thanks. Let impatient teenagers go play faster paced games that don't require much thinking.

  15. what about GWtiger new tier? do we have the confirm about going from tier7 to tier9?

  16. Until RNG rolls the shot to land dead center. currently the biggest problem is the randomness

  17. Massive amount of whinage zombies and counters to them.

    If the artilleries are so OP, why can't I, purple player with 60%+ WR, make more damage in them than the tanks they are currently compared? Why is my WR smaller in them than in tanks? How the hell can people think nerfing arty is option when they already are the unlucky force to rely on RNG the most.

    If I would have arty stats better than my tank stats, then fine... but they are not. Nerfing them more to make them more 50/50 for good and bad player? The fuck is that!? Can't reasonably good player be good in arty anymore? Preaiming... and missing 2 miles already happens, how about making it 4 now.

    There just is no reason to nerf arty, but amounts of arty. Have separate que for arties so they would not have que time increases for other tank types. Thus making ONLY arty wait. Not everyone. This is what WG should do, as 3 arty on a game is neat, when balanced with 1 or 2 arty games. The arty is not dominant damage force at that time. Going down to 2 artilleries is not recommended, as if they don't stop troll platoons with T1 and T10 tanks... Then they should let players also have 3 arties in platoon, thus 3 is good as it still doesn't make arty too dominant.

    Arty problem is only present when people stop playing and or go full retard because they see 5 browns on each team. Different tactics are needed, BUT it doesn't mean 5 is OK. 3 is my OK balance. I would gladly wait in my artilleries to get to a game instead of waiting to get to my match in tanks... Separate que, thus waiting time for artilleries = You should play some other tanks or accept that too many play artilleries.

  18. WG should stop nerfing ary and rebalancen them to allowe involving skill in playing ary...

    Noone wants a RNG tank class...
    Wheres skill , when u just need to point and hope for the server to let u hit...
    U cant influence where u hit and if u deal dmg, u will just point and randomly do between 0 and 2000++(oneshot)...

    WG nerf alpha dmg and splash and buff acc. aimingtime and Rof. And maybe (rly just maybe) make all arys AP/APCR/HEAT only. I know its not realistic, but it would improve gameplay and moreover ary dmg wouldnt be that random anymore (if u hit and pen u do ur normaldmg+/- 25% and not 0 to oneshot)

    Maybe also increasing shell travel time.

    1. Agreed


    2. I like that idea. Unfortunately WG just like to nerf arty, they have been doing it since beta

    3. why not do both?

      increase accuracy a bit, increase an angle so it's easier to take oppononents hiding behind small rocks.
      let arty be a bitter more efficient with ap/heat ammo.

      On the other hand increase splash radius, increase number of critical hits but decrease damage done by he shells

      and now tanks will not be killed by arty with he - but arty will be able to cripple tanks for other tanks.

  19. Yeah RNG is arys biggest problem and they (WG) should make randomness smaller not bigger!!!

  20. bat155 was killed when nerfed last time, now they dig up its' bones and burn them. Seriously WHAT THE FAK ?
    - autoloader reloads 10 seconds longer
    - aim time increased by 10 percent

    1. if it's nerf like this
      then remove autoloader is better

  21. I like how russian T10 gets nearly everything buffed (B-BUT g-guys there is no bias in WoT!!"

    1. Not sure if trolling or just stupid...
      most of those "buffs" are useless, while the important things get nerfed a lot...

      B-but g-guys there are not stupid cry kids in the WoT Community

  22. Simulate barrage by increasing splash-radius and reducing accuracy (e.g. one shot representing 3). One nice hit kills 6 tracks and 3 optics... The RoF-nerf is, as someone yet stated, a balancing measure for new MM. And splash-radius is something we didn't talk about yet.

    It's all fine.

  23. Why the FUCK is ob261 more buffed than nerfed...i mean it's most mobile high tier arty right now and it even gets mobility buff...yea, no bias at you know what's WG's main goal in this game? To make everyone just play their tanks....i mean main goal with this 8.5 line T-60, T-70, T-60 is to make russkies best in every fucking tier, bcs obviously BT-2, BT-7, T-26, T-46 are not OP enough to rape everyone so they put in this T-60-70-80 line to rape anyone bcs lately in every low tier(T2 battle) those tanks rape everything..their armor is fucking bouncy and they have standard russian uber guns that can shoot apart any tank even if driven by halfbrain monkey..

    1. angry noob spotted

      If one nation is Op then its american tanks... and even thats more then arguably.

    2. Yeah, and the Pz Auf. C isn't OP at all...neither the Hetzer with HEAT shells, or maybe the T18? Hmmm

    3. Your statement is simply not true: "influence of turning on spread increased by 50 percent".

      Object 261 has one of the smallest gun arc of spg in-game, so it has to turn A LOT (5 degree, compare it to t92's 12). That nerf could be devastating. WG however want to be sure that 261 will be unplayable, so they increased reload time also.

    4. A T92 hardly hits anything even fully zoomed in on level ground, with a nice south easter wind blowing on a summer day. Obj261 is insanely accurate, aims fast and reloads good. Only arty where AP rounds make sense. It's a fair trade imo.

    5. I like how main argument is mentioning tanks that are OP with gold shells...who the fuck said they are not OP? Ofc they are, we are talking here about regular tanks with regular guns/ PzIV with it's normal 75mm gun and see if it's OP anymore....pz1C is a bit OP but only if it gets in it's tier...try doing something in T5 that it tends to get in and then call it OP...and for the firs anon...i'm pretty sure i'm better player than you are for stfu

  24. Simple lolgic, when you can't buff those retarded heavies' brain, nerf arties to hell.
    Be careful TDs/scouts/meds, you will be the next. And mighty big fking heavies always the winner.

  25. Hey guys there are new pics of new arty on "In development" section!!
    I don't know since when but I personally recognized it right now!

  26. Actually this is a step towards realism.
    I have no problem fighting arties atm, but i must confirm, that it is a bit unreallisticaly good in self defence.
    It is also true, that artillery, already being the most team dependent wehicle class in the whole game. mthis will make it even more.
    However, i would personaly make a different change - forbid artillerey bnulets to explode, if they were fired from under 80 meters. This would make artillery defenceless in close combat, exsactly as it really was.
    The drawback is, that almost no artillery can play without a platoon and be good, and now no artillery will be.
    Also, artillery should have increased splash, but lower dmg and penetration.
    And btw, artillery splash hits should conuted as hits.

    1. realism?
      ok so give every aryplayer 10 arys to shot at you ;)

    2. from what I remember sometimes artillery was forced to provide direct fire in WW2 and was often quite effective.

      SPGs in random battles are helpless enough when engaged in close combat (they are quite efficient - rightfully so - when engaging in preparing TD mode assault)

  27. - B-4 has 25 percent higher reload time, spread and aim time increased (nerfed) by 50 percent

    Gonna be a torture to play with.

  28. If these don't either improve or get outright reversed I'm pretty much uninstalling. The last Arty nerf is already effective at gimping most arty now this just puts the nail in the coffin.

    1. I will wait for 8.6 and if this is confirmed I will probably do the same. Instead of making something sensible to limit arty number per game, they decided that the way to go is by killing any enjoyment in playing them. If this is not just testing, I expect wg to realize their mistake a tad too late...

  29. dead game is dead, even without arty high tier games are going be snooze fest grabar games

    1. a game with constantly growing player base is dead? Wondering why ppl say this since first day of beta

    2. Funny, I remember before BF3 came out and people said that WoT would die. Then MWonline came out and people said the same thing. The game is still growing and increasing the player base; I guess these kids cant see beyond their own frustrations.

  30. I'd. Rather see WG testing out changes to arty then NOT changing them around.
    Hard caps are stupid, and I hate arty, tier changes should help high tier games. The randomness I believe is a nerf to TD mode, obviously this isn't done and I am sure there will be more changes to come. Randomness will help bad arty players, and hurt good ones, but really, it should be that way. It should be unreliable so its more supportive than direct map dominance.

  31. looks nice.. whos fu**in moron make all these idea?

    Bat Arty sucks already and now.. 10sec more rld time.. and aim time..

    bat arty is useless CW battles already.. and now i can sell it.. clan never use bat anymore..

    and bat avg dmg is poor too.. And Heat shell.. 233mm peneration.. this enough just a just scout.. but not 10 tier tanks.. ding dong ding dong.. whos knock my hood..

    fu wg fu

  32. Welp, that sucks. Was hoping for the Lorraine 155 50 to get a bit better than it is now due to the improved matchmaking. Currently I'm getting into tier 9-10 battles all the time and shooting anything tier 9-10 (if it hits which it doesn't that often) I do something between 0-200 damage with a 1000credit tanks that have upwards of 2000 HP. With improved matchmaking, that would not be such a problem. But nope, they nerf the arty piece overall, move it one tier up (so I'll still be in tier 9 battles doing 100 damage on average) and they nerf the ROF, terrain passability and gun spread after movement which were the only thing the arty had going for it. Just great :(

  33. erooty76 eu serverMay 6, 2013, 9:11:00 PM

    I really cant understand the discussion and the arty nerf.

    The average damage of an tier 8 arty is between 1600 to 2500
    which is exactly the same from every tier 10 heavy or TD or Medium.

    Just ask yourself
    How much damage you can deal in 30 Seconds
    with an IS-7 or T62-A ?
    IS7 3 shots each 400-600
    T62-A 6 shots each 300-400
    How much is that ?
    But one Arty shot with 500-1800 in 30 second thats OP?

    I believe they are doing totally wrong here.

    1. Do you realize that you must be dumb to stay in a t62 or is7 line of fire. Also you can retaliate, while an arty can 1 shot or cripple your tank in a moment from the other side of the map

      Arty just ruins this game. The only thing that arty does in this game is to encourage camping because no1 wants to get hit by that nuclear bomb

    2. How about the TD ?
      British tier 10 = 1.150/1.750/1.750(copied from the Gun).
      German TD almost the same
      French TD 3 shot 850 damage
      How about E4 or E3 ?

      And every shot from arty deal to you 1500 or more never?
      by the way the hitrate from an arty is usally not more than 35% from an tank 80% and more.

      yes i play a lot arty and can say 60-80 percent
      from a shot is between 500-800 damage and not more and
      if its a hit.

      The biggest problem is just that a lot of player dont
      play arty and dont know where there are save
      from arty. Learn from your enemy to get better as them;-).

      As other player here said next discussion is TD are OP.

    3. "Do you realize that you must be dumb to stay in a t62 or is7 line of fire. Also you can retaliate, while an arty can 1 shot or cripple your tank in a moment from the other side of the map"

      retaliate or hide, choose one, you cant have both

      Arty can 1 shot you with the same probability as enemy can destroy your ammorack.

      Most arty hits deal similar or less damage then TD's hits, but arty shots 2 times slower and hits only half of what TD would hit.

      Ability to hit you from across the map is what they get for having very low effective dpm compared to other tanks and no scout/damage sinking ability.

      "Arty just ruins this game. The only thing that arty does in this game is to encourage camping because no1 wants to get hit by that nuclear bomb"

      So you just can't play when arty is around.
      Every arty player loves campfest, because then he has time to deal as much damage as possible.
      On the other hand if enemy team pushes fast arty has 1-2 shots to the moving targets and then it's over.

      It's funny that all arty haters with every argument just prove they have no idea how to let their arty be efficient and deny the same to the opponents arty - what was the key to that game when arty was OP and now is less important cause arty was nerfed so much that brutal strength and mobility of other tanks is enough to have good results.

    4. He speaks the truth. ^^

      I FEAR the Pz 1 C in Tier 2 with my T57. It is fast and rips the poor armour apart. I have gone TD mode and taken out other TDs and a few tanks with the T57. But since 70% of the time I am on my own to watch my own flank I am lucky at times when rushed to get more then 7 rounds in total, over 10 mins, off. When my flank is covered I can pop out up to 21 aimed rounds out of 40 in one match. In the match in question I had 10 hits (50/50 splash and direct hits).

      But as I said it is unusual for the arty to be safe. They get flanked because everyone else rushes off after the tanks. Occasionally a TD or two or a TD and medium will stay back to watch the base but don't get your hopes up.

      In most games I am lucky to get a single hit much less 6/7 or 10/21. Mostly due to movement of the target at the last second OR it vanishes off of the screen a second, or two, before your ready to fire. By which time it has moved again.


  34. Wow finally some arty nerfs!!!!!

    Hopefully it will get less annoying on the battlefields.
    But plz also limit arty numbers per game.

    concerning the td-thing mentoned by someone: tds of course do some f-ing high damage but:
    1) they usually have to go closer to the enemy which often makes them being spotted
    2) they can't shoot behind stones etc and splash with alot of damage
    3) they can't hide in the farthest corner of the map and shoot tanks on the other side of the map
    4) they can'T oneshot a tier10 tank except they hit the ammorack. (and except for the weird British TD which actually isn't as good as it seems on first sight). Arty on the other hand can oneshot almost every tier10 tank by a good shot into the side/rear of a tank.

    1. but from close distance TDs usualy have amazing frontal armor, better accuracy, triple dpm compared to arty (if you include he damage reduction).
      For better range arty pays with limited dpm and by being almost helpless in short range

      And stop crying about one-shots. You can see as many arty one-shots as tanks ammoracked by other tanks. Arty is not reliable enough to count one shots as their important strength (espacially that it happens almost exclusively to french tanks)

  35. So many people act totally the wrong way when faced with large amounts of arty. Hiding behind the closest rock is normally bad, but with lots of arty so it worse then normal. Your own sides arty need room to do their work, so the more area your team can control the safer they are. And the closer to the enemy arty the harder they have to find save spots to shoot from without getting spotted. It's also safer for your own sake as unless it's low tier arty so is it safer the closer you are as they have a harder time shooting behind hills and rocks then, while if you stay far away so can they drop shells right ontop of you no matter what cover you have.

  36. interesting figures so far, but it all comes down to what really WG wants to do, since these are supertesting numbers...

  37. Remove the stupid arty alltogher.
    Ruins the game.

    1. Learn 2 hide,people like u ruin this game....Btw WG fuck up this game long time ago,this is nothing new.....Su-5 got 14 bullets.....

  38. Tom, you aren't going to have as many arty to scout out (or scout for). There will be more games (possibly a lot more) with many scout tanks and no arty. I think it's a stealth nerf to all these new scout tanks.

  39. I have two tier 8 spgs, and I have been trying to grind out the 261 before 8.6 in order to save myself the credit cost of a tier 10 vehicle. Now I'm tempted to quit grinding altogether. I started playing arty primarily with an eye toward making myself useful in clan wars and tank companies. But if the really severe accuracy and ROF nerfs that are rumored go into effect, arty may become effectively useless. If that happens, the huge amounts of time and XP that I have spent grinding out the T92 and BC 155 (plus the 130K XP that I've already put on the Object 212) will be completely wasted. I'd be pretty damned bitter about that.

  40. I like campers. They claim to be hiding from arty, but many are afraid to go hunting for fear of being knocked out by the unicum tankers. Campers are make for easy targets when they just sit there while my aiming circle zooms in on them. Hiding behind rocks and buildings does not do a whole lot of good. I will just move, find a spot with a better angle, and blow them away.

    I enjoy reading the posts from the haters, too. Come game time, they are the ones bitching about not receiving any arty support. They are also the ones demanding the accuracy nerf, but will cry the loudest when friendly arty fire blows them away. You can't have it both ways.

    1. In my experience (almost 4,000 battles in SPGs), it is usually harder for arty to hit a unicum in the open than it is to hit a noob behind cover. The really good players excel at avoiding arty, and they don't do it by hard camping behind cover.


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