
Please take your time and read the blog rules

Apr 26, 2013

Sharing the misery...

Warning: this article represents my opinion only

So, it was past midnight and I was just browsing the EU forums and stumbled upon this thread. The thread itself - while justified - is not exactly groundbreaking, but Ectar's answer in it (grats on the new avatar picture, EU flag - lovely, it fits WG EU more than you know) is interesting. Basically, it's just another batch of moaning as to why they can't do officially what this blog does unofficially - but it's all nicely put together.

I will quote Ectar from the abovementioned post:

"Feedback is very important, however the English speaking community on this forum isn't the only community we have to look out for. Because the English speaking section covers multiple countries its a very busy forum section, however the German and Polish sections for example are also pretty massive, get a lot of traffic, and their feedback, questions and views are also important. For everything you want to see for the English speaking section, consider also that our other language communities also deserve that level of interaction. Seven officially supported languages, that each deserve to be treated equally. We appreciate that across our national forums not everything is in line with each other and we're doing what we can to bring things together."

What he wrote, does that sound right to you? Well... it reminded me of another quote, this time from Winston Churchill:

"Socialism is a philosophy of failure, the creed of ignorance, and the gospel of envy, its inherent virtue is the equal sharing of misery."

Now, I won't put the connection between a (Bela)Russian game and socialism (that would be way too obvious), but - isn't the thing going on on EU forums simply equally sharing of misery? Like socialism, this forum attitude started with a reasonable idea: "Let's make everyone equal". Well, yes, the thing is, not everyone IS equal. Sorry, if that comes as a shock to you, but it's like that. People who don't speak (at least) English are simply limited. English is the world language, not Russian, not Chinese (well, not yet anyway), but English is.

Therefore, it's absolutely justifiable in my eyes for English-speaking people to have more attention (news, developer answer etc.) than various language mutations, because it's the one world language people of Europe learn at schools. Western feedback, guides, videos, streams... a lot of that is in English. Therefore, it's reasonable to assume English speaking people are better informed anyway than the various language forum mutations, visited by people who actually don't speak English. What does this mean for the Q&A? It means one thing: English speaking people have much higher chance of asking reasonable questions than people who don't speak English. In other words: restricting the Q&A questions to English-only would actually most likely improve their quality.

But for some reason, this doesn't apply to Wargaming EU. Wargaming EU seems to think that since it's not right to prefer one "supported" language over another and since they can't do a quality Q&A in all supported languages (which is completely true, they can't, that would be crazy), instead of offering ONE quality Q&A in English, they decided for a socialistic solution of equal misery sharing: noone gets shit. The current Q&A just sucks and it won't improve, because Wargaming is restricted by their own rules.

The obvious counterargument is: "But if we do it in English, info won't get to all the languages, right?"


Look at this blog for example: it gets translated (practically daily) to Czech, Polish, German (I haven't visited your community ever since the ban, but they actually had guys such as Raguel and Stormshadow doing this even before I started myself last year), French (hey Lactose), Spanish (if I remember correctly), but also Chinese and Vietnamese, funnily enough. Each community has "their" person, who stepped up and started translating it to their native language and those people have my respect too for doing it.

The same thing would happen, if what this blog does was done officially. Or if Q&A was available only in English. Players from various nations would simply step up, WG EU would get happier customers and overall the info level would rise all across the board. Instead of official sharing of... well... nothing, you'd get unofficial sharing of information, which in turn helps to build the community around the fans who step up.

But of course, that won't happen. 

Why? Because (unless WG EU hires an extra person to do the Q&A), it would actually require an EFFORT. Yea, I know, this is the part where I get told WG EU guys are working very hard and all that. Not convinced. It would be doable and I could retire :) (yea, been thinking about that a lot lately).

PS: Ectar's moaning about NA developers not being developers is also BS. Technically, he's "right", but the difference is, The_Chieftain speaks with NA players practically daily (and as a human being too, not "this won't happen and fuck off" SerB-style) on various development topics (for example, today, he said an interesting piece of info that apparently, Tiger might get a rebalance eventually - no, I don't know anything more, but he's working on something). It works there. It can work on EU too.


  1. Among other things NA does have a development office, although whether Minsk actually listens to it is a different matter. What we can say is that while NA is one of the smallest servers, it does pack a punch in terms of data-mining.

    1. Yea, I had the feeling some of the datamined stuff came from the US server.

    2. Really?!?

      Are u reall saying NA Server is actually involved in Development?

      EU seems to only to be 2nd. Class, it seems lowest possible.

    3. Yes, NA is involved quite a lot from what I heard. The_Chieftain submitted many changes about the US vehicles for example.

    4. Smallest? From what Tan told us, NA is the biggest source of income of the servers. Though China is close.


  2. its a realy stupid argument from ectar and btw if we follow that logic where are the norwgian forum? and its not a problem they could not solve with alittle gold. here is xxx amunt of gold pls translate this for us. there are plenty of people willing to do some effort if they get rewarded. and manny dont even need that.

    Cain Deathstalker

    1. I demand saxonian forum for Hami so he gets some Love!

    2. West Saxonian Forum please, we have to be specific

      From Freiberg with love

    3. DasNiveau you are from Freiberg?

      Crap, now I cannot leave the house anymore. I don't like meeting people from an online game in reallife :(

    4. I was once in Freiberg on a solar conference... nice :)

    5. Apparently I need to speed up the construction of my fallout shelter.

  3. Come what may, I very much appreciate what you do here. Including the leaks, when that was still a thing.

  4. Just curious:
    how other games (developers) handle this kind of problem? (other MMOs let's say)

    What's happening with their "EU community"? Same with us? (i.e.: nothing)

    1. I am not an expert on games industry, but I believe major developers put all the emphasis on English-speaking communities, with limited support of other languages. From what I remember (years ago tho), World of Warcraft didn't have f.x. Czech section at all (despite the fact one of the servers - Drak'Thul - was at that time nearly 90 percent Czech).

    2. As far as I know from my expeariance, Nws aare in englsh and then translated to other languages but all sort of stuff like leaks, hints, spotlights etc. is purely english, if someone doesn't know english, its his own loss.

      I think that WG EU is just badly organised, plain lazy or both

    3. In wow devs are anwsering questions on daily basis
      ( go to and look for "recent blue post")
      In english and these posts are later translated to other languages by community and blizzard on non-english official sites or fan sites

      And they quite often post pretty huge blog post so ppl understand changes in game (ghostcrawler blog e.g.)

    4. Kinda like what Overlord did, before he escaped from the sinking ship.

      I remember translating the stuff he wrote on his blog into german for my clan and posting it on the german forums.
      We actually were 3 guys that all translated it and tried to get the info out faster than the others. ^^

      So what happened was, one of us was faster, got a pm that went along the lines of "Damn you!" and then we discussed the post together with the rest of the german community.

      I think loosing Overlord to WoWP was one of the greatest losses for the WoT community.
      Luckily we have SS now (And I'm really gratefull for your work), but Overlord (obviously) had much more insight into the developement.

    5. ***Kinda like what Overlord did, before he escaped from the sinking ship.

      WoT is not a sinking ship. It's more like a train engine that is on fire, yet the train keeps moving forward because of the force applied by the money that is thrown at it.

      However, it may turn into a sinking ship once the iceberg called War Thunder - Tanks approaches.

    6. I think Wargaming is either going to get their shit together or fail catastrophically before tanks come to War Thunder.

    7. Nothing will tell us whether WoT will survive the introduction of WT-Tanks before that actually hits the market.

      WG failing -before- WT-Tanks comes? Won't happen. Without any alternative to flock to, WoT will not fail. There are simply too many people throwing money at it compared to the few people and infrastructure which have to be paid.

      (Note: I do not have financial data about WG's earning/spending at hand. I derive my statement in the previous paragraph simply from the way WG acts in public.)

    8. I don't see things that dark then most ppl here. I see that WoT and the community forums could be (done) better, but it's not that bad as you all describe it. Most of the people don't even read the forums and don't even care(I'd put my estimate around 80% of active users). For the remaining few that actually cares and plays this game with a notion to be "professionnal" or better and better at it I think that they should put more effort on appreciating what there is already, and not on whining on things that are not(or not yet) perfect.

      As for War Thunder:
      It might be a serious competition of WoT when it hits the market, but I think only for the 80% of the users who are not really hardcore players. IT IS A HOLLOW AND UNREALISTIC ARCADE SHIT. WoT and WoWp is much more of a real world based game and allways will be. As for me I will remain a WoT fan for sure.

    9. Also SS: hail to you, I love this blog and I think many more aout there too. So take confort in the notion that many ppl like and appreciate your work.

      (please dont quit! :P )

    10. Sorry but your just plain incorrect claiming WoT and WoWp is more real world base game, War Thunders planes have no fictional weapons added for "balance" (KV-1S with a long 122), no completely fictional planes to fill out trees(fv125b heavy, faillowe, etc), everything is based on real models or designs, the planes don't have hit points and aren't instantly destroyed when say they loose a wing/tail/otherpart(KV-5's bincan targeting comes to mind) there are more points but honestly this alone debunks any idea that "WoT and WoWp is much more of a real world based game and allways will be"


    11. Please stop with "When WT hits marked with tanks, it will be 154356% better".
      You don't know! I personally can't imagine a good working tank inclusion into WT. Maybe this even won't come before 2016. And if it comes, it will be completely different to WoT. I really doubt this can work together with planes and ships. There is a reason, why WG seperated these games.
      (And I'm looking forward to WoBs! :) )

    12. Mazsom: thanks the 10 minutes of laughing :)

      KK: WT-Tanks already in closed alpha (only players with real life tanking exp. allowed yet), just like the airplane part last year... Closed beta in late summer.

      The reason why WG separated the 3 games: Big World engine is designed for B grade korean mmo-s, not for simulators. For tanking it works somehow, but WoWP is barely playable...

    13. ***
      Please stop with "When WT hits marked with tanks, it will be 154356% better".
      You don't know!

      Yes, I don't know. But I have witnessed a niche game's exodus when the appearance of a somewhat similar game (=competition) coincided with some bad decisions by the developers of said nice game. It can happen, and it an happen in chaotically quick fashion.

      As long as the aiming system is somewhat similar, WT-Tanks will be a considerable alternative to WoT. The devs will have to deal with it, both in the ways of how they handle the game and how they handle the community. What comes from it, I can not know. However, I expect that positive changes (or at least a good alternative to WoT) will come up faster and better-executed than in the current environment without competition.

    14. nice game = niche game, an happen = can happen

      Keyboard goblins stole some input, I guess I need to clean it....

    15. Yes it can, but I won't judge before WT with tanks and ships hits market. Or is in far OB status.
      I tried WT myself. It has some good ideas, but has also it's flaws (economy changes...). And it will change alot until release, so no conclusion yet.
      It does depend on many more factors than just "aiming", just think about "will planes spot tanks for me?" as an example.
      Lets just wait for it, before we can say "x is much better than y". I think in many opinions there is too much "oooh a want soooo much WT will be better than WoT" to be ojective ;)
      But yeah, having competition is the right way.

    16. @Obst
      Quote: "Note: I do not have financial data about WG's earning/spending at hand. I derive my statement in the previous paragraph simply from the way WG acts in public."
      Last summer, there was an interview of the german magazine DER SPIEGEL with Victor Kislyi, in which he stated (translation by me):

      "SPIEGEL ONLINE: How much does your company earn?

      Kislyi: We are at the Cyprus stock exchange since May, I cannot deliver numbers right now, but we are speaking of millions, at sales as well as at profit.

      SPIEGEL ONLINE: Per year?

      Kislyi: Per month.
      URL to interview (in german):

  5. the only thing i like about ectar is his scotish accent...other than that he's equal to SerB and all other fucktards employed by WG...childish trolling and being ingorant cunts...

  6. yep, it exactly the same with new and stuff, they don't release it in english untill it is translated to all other languages, again equal sharing of misery, instead of just releasing the EN news as soon as possible then releasing it translated when the translation is done.

  7. WGEU has an obvious lack of faith in its own comunity

  8. And WGNA just went online on and are explaining new mechanics in clan wars

    YAy for eu stream...

  9. I answered to Ectars Post :-) Hope i wont get too much Minusses :-)

  10. Yet, i still dont understand what the whole Eu staff is doing all day long.
    How many Guys are working there? 50?
    Apart from some bad or wrong translated News/Aticles and some Posts in the Forum here and there, some contest that take zero effort- what is their actual Job?
    I dont get this...

    cmon SS u proof everyday what a single person can do, beside your actual Job. I always imagine what somebody with your effort could do if he actually works for WG and just translates stuff, answers already answered questions, and so on. 7 more Guys (if official or community doesnt matter) and it is transalted in every official supported language.
    It cannot be that hard!!
    Its a bloody shame that a company like Wg doesnt get this running. And an even bigger shame the responsible of this Desaster dares to give such lame excuse and defends his own incompence like you quoted above.

    1. Sry, i forgot to add...

      Im 100% sure, Ectars Statement, that WG devs cant properly speak english and therefore there is no direct interaction with some of them on EU forum

      is a Lie!!!

    2. Well we at least know that Wargaming CEO speaks English.

  11. That long, long, long post to say that ? please stop whine about CZ community, about wg moderators, about Wg choices on QA managers.

    You want to translate the QA from russian to english ? that's nice from you but if we have to read such useless drama text you should really think about stoping everything and find some activity to change your mind.

    This blog is really becoming a soap opera, but everything from the costumes to the storytelling is made by one man: you.

    So stop whine, do you Q/A translation, that was the real start, on WG forum, and if you really need to steal from us some tears create a another blog named "world of whine/ worlf of tears".

    1. its called w(h)ine of tears, asshat! check the anagramm....


    2. OT: You know, I really have no idea why you bothered to read it, let alone comment. It's not like there wasn't a big fat text that this is just my opinion...

      This is MY blog. I can post whatever I want, including my opinions. If you don't like it, please feel free to leave.

    3. And the crusade continues...

      yes it is your blog and if we don't like it then we can leave, your opinion is as valid as the next person but putting into a public space invites others to comment.

      I don't really see the point of the post, so you don't like Ectar, you got banned from the forums, so what you got warned and decided to ignore it, the translations and other articles howeever are excellent and informative and I will continue to read them ravenously :P

    4. You must be a WG employe... :-)...else just a pathetic human being.SS` arguments are valid and Ectar`s/WG`s excuses are just pure BS.

    5. Ecturd is a cunt. When the E-50 depression nerf kicked in on the test server he replied to the topic discussing the nerf, that he saw the depression nerf on the test server too. I asked him, if he could tell me if it's only visual, or not, because I couldn't download the test server at the time. He begun bulshitting like, I didn't know, and I can't say anything, and shit like that. Seriously, if he stated in his post, that he saw it, why was it so hard to tell me his experiences?

      OT: SS, please don't quit. This blog is full of interesting topics, and the translation of the Q&A is very helpful. And I always translate the interesting answers to my clan.

    6. I might not like Ectar personally, but this is not his fault, he's just a footsoldier in this, he has to listen to his orders. Who the orders come from however... that's another matter.

  12. @above: gtfo if you dont like it and stop hiding behind Anonymous tag to spam bs on this blog.

    OT: I used to be so enthusiastic about "new" EU Community managers back in the days.
    You know, WG stopped giving us a finger and setting up a Paris office, despite Overlord leaving us.

    And as hard it is for me to admit it (and some of you who know me from EU forum and in-game, also know I am a tough nut to crack) - I was so naive and wrong.

    They are completely clueless and useless money-sucking individuals (WG deserves it, but we dont), with only Ectar being a bright spot for time.
    Now, especially with some of his latest posts and complete disregard for community, as well as general shit-hitting-the-fan-events, I cant but wonder - what was the point of setting that office in the first place?
    WoWP is a guaranteed failure, and ship thingy is still pre-alpha, so again - what are all those people (as seen here: doing all day long?

    Not to mention infamous Mr_Kubrick, who is probably just an account for imaginary employee and made up super-moderator.


  13. Was absent from WoT and this blog for a while, can someone please explain to me what exactly the circumstances of this ban that was mentioned in the thread were?

    Many thanks!

    1. WG got pissed off with SS posting all the supertester leaks on here, so they banned SS and prevented FTR being advertised in any way on the forum.

      Oh and WG banned ALL the EU supertesters afterwards in response to all the recent leaks, because according to them, it was only EU testers leaking info. Funnily enough, more leaks pop up shortly afterwards from, who would have thought, RU Testers... No bans are handed out.

      Between this and the 83mm shell fiasco and the failed E-50 gun depression stealth nerf, you've missed a hell of a lot of drama...

    2. funny that there were no leaks after eu supertesters were kicked...

      And its a fact: before Eu-STP there was at max one leaks per month
      after start of Eu-STP we had everything leaked from the ST-Server:Screens, stats, techtrees, even patchnotes
      and now after kicking the EU-Supertesters there are no more leaks...

      (I know that it was only one or two persons that leaked, but Wg had to do something to stop those massive leaks otherwise they could have stopped the whole supertest)

  14. going to put this out there. Why is FTR becoming you personal bitch blog...and not a WoT news blog. Honestly, you do realize that people came here in order to learn about the game WoT, not hear you whine. Stop posting about crap like this, and post about tanks, or make a second blog, call this one "for the record" and the other one "Shit nobody cares about"

    1. You do realize it's his blog. He can pretty much post whatever he wants. If you don't like it? Vote with your feet. I admit, these are not my favorite posts (especially as I'm not on EU server, so it's all out of my ballpark), but it's his blog. If he wants to vent... so be it.

    2. I actually appreciate SS informing us about the misery that is WGEU's community management. I do not follow the WoT forums that much (too much real whining and stupidity there), so info like this keeps me up to date as well.

      Basically, Ectar admitted that WGEU is an incompetent bunch of fools when it comes to maintaining its community and their only excuse for this is a non-issue. WGEU claiming the language barrier to be the reason for the obvious apathy towards its community is an absurd example of scapegoating.

      Post it officially in English, let others translate it to other languages unofficially. It works for basically every other MMO that I have had contact with in the EU before.

      SS' quote of Churchill is spot-on.

    3. OT: Because it ALWAYS was my bitch blog :) If you don't like it, don't read it :)

    4. Also, if you want only q&a threads you can filter them...
      Is that hard?

  15. hmm, this at least ironic since there is no EU section for Portugal, and the only "Portuguese" dedicated forum section sits on the NA server because albeight my EU Wot client has the portuguese language, we are doomed for the BR section on NA forum as brazilian portuguese which of course is totally wrong. ;)

    cheers from Portugal
    cumprimentos de Portugal

  16. This matter has more to do with capitalism than socialism, WG doesn't want to give preferential treatment to one community, namely the English speaking community, over the other officially supported ones (read it: those who form the backbone of their customers) because it could upset them, plain and simple. Sure, other people could translate those Q/A from English to every imaginable language, but it would still prevent them from actually posting those questions.
    >lovely, it fits WG EU more than you know
    Please post a picture of your face when they'll use the EU flag for the Pan-European line, I'm really looking forward to seeing it!

    1. Logic fail.

      Instead of risking to upset the non-English communities (which would not happen, btw. Only a few 'special cases' would become upset), they upset those and the English-capable community at the same time.

      This is not a better situation than if they would focus on English instead of ignoring everyone.

    2. Too put it bluntly:

      Those who do not care about not getting information from WGEU will not care when they get official-English-only-info at worst, at best many would probably appreciate that info either in English or once it gets translated unofficially. This group is, usually, by far the biggest group in any online gaming community.

      Those who care about getting information from WGEU will either be happy when information is supplied in English officially/once it is unofficially translated or they will rage about not having it officially supplied in their native tongue.

      A community where the amount of the latter type of people, which can only be called radicals/ignorants, outweighs the amount of people who would be happy with official, yet non-native language information has, by all terms of society and moral, failed. I doubt that the non-English communities are -that- bad.

  17. Interesting thoughts. Well I can't look behind the scenes of WG EU, so I don't feel I could give a valid though to this. But personally I would like some videos with the staff duing something fun, or same news videos, like you talked about earlier. (News from the front, etc.)

    ps.Your blog gets translated to hungarian too xD

  18. Russian players get their question answered = no problem.
    Russian players + English speaking com. get their question answered = rage = rage quitting = bankruptcy for WG.
    Sound right for me ;)

  19. I always follow your post, but you're horribly wrong. Even more if you're... and English native-speaker yourself. I don't want English in the WoT, because it is not the "global language of WoT". Time to learn other languages.

    1. English is the de-facto language of online multiplayer games which serve countries with different languages.

      Time to learn English.

      Who is arrogant enough to join a multiplayer game and expect to have one's native language catered to by default? How is it possible for such a mindset to form, unless it is due to pure ignorance towards basic knowledge about international communication?

      Seriously, I do not understand it. The only explanation I can think of would be extreme ignorance and/or poor education and/or misguided nationalism.

    2. Than WHAT is it mate,klingon? Time to pull your head out of your ass.Even the fucking game talks to you in english didn`t you realize?

    3. Why should I learn other klingonian languages if I won't use them.
      English is teached in almost all the countries in the world and spoken by all open-minded people that knows it's the best way to interact with people from different countries.
      If you're a close-minded nationalist 'tard that preffers to come in a international game and speak his klingonian language(and expect other learn his unknown language), than I'm really sorry for you.

    4. Get back under your bridge, SIEMA TROLL!

    5. See, that's the point. WG know that at least half of the EU player base despise any other language besides their own Klingon. That's where they'd get a shitstorm from if they imposed English as the official game language. And they don't want to lose their pretty penny, do they...

  20. English cannot be THE language as their office is in France and they have a grudge about English being better than French. No.Everything must be in French too.

    Only small percentage of players even use forums. Those who use read also other English sites as well. If you want info learn English.

  21. As far as I remember those ancient good times Overlords Q&A were in one language only.

  22. A lot of text to explain a very simple idea. The most understood language must be the first, and in case they want to equal other languages, they can do it also in a near or far future depending on interest.

    Otherwise, what is the reason not to open a forum on each EU language?? Why main forums accept only english?

    If not going to do Q & A in EU just because they have to translate to russian the question, and the answers back to english, just say no, too much work!.

  23. Official language should be english. PERIOD. Then they can translate things in other languages, but that's it. Feedback should come in english only, because we are talking about an international game. I'm from Italy and write mostly on italian forum and there's a lot of whining 3d about not being supported enough, not having special on our liberation day, being third class language etc. And people is stupid and think we deserve full support and translation in italian. I think that WG_EU should just work in english and have some translator but just that, if we want to forward feedback to minsk it should be in english and english only, and i u can't write in english learn it or find someone to translate for you. I hate democracy!

  24. OK I have to say this. Who the hell in europe does NOT speak or at least understand a bit english?
    It may sound hard but if you don't it can only be your personal fail.
    As SS mentions, english (still) is the "world language" and taught in almost every school all over europe.
    There may be some technical terms (like in every other mmo) that one might have to look up (gun depression, slope armour etc.) but you just have to check them once on the internet (takes 5 seconds).
    And, as some others just mentioned, there are a lot of really nice guys out there who translate the english infos into other languages pretty fast. And all of that voluntary.
    I have to agree that it is just a very bad excuse from WG.

    Greets Gules

    1. You may be surprised, but not everyone can understand english (esp. in France ;) ) un EU. If this is good or not is not the question but a fact.
      But I also support the opinion, all source should be in english and then translated afterwards.
      Btw. I read about that only a few developer in Minsk can speak english...

  25. Q&A must be in SIEMKAS language only, rest of the world must learn siemkas language, if not, then give to none.
    Siemkas power!

  26. I have been saying the exact same thing for so long now, even yesterday we commented on the incompetence of the EU staff in my clan chat. North America has multiple languages yet only english is used on the official WoT US site, EU needs to do the same.

  27. Wow, just wow.

    Their philosophy is most likely due to the whole freaking company being from Belarus. Imagine how the company would look if it were founded in let's say France or USA.

    It's pretty stupid to concentrate on 1 million things, rather than to concentrate on one concrete thing.

    1. ***
      It's pretty stupid to concentrate on 1 million things, rather than to concentrate on one concrete thing.

      Especially when their way of 'concentrating on 1 million things' is doing nothing at all.

  28. I think it's the only game sanked in a shitload of problems not because of the game itself, but because of the retarded developing team with their close-minded nationalism(more of an socialism...'all should be equal' fail logic)

  29. Totally agree.
    People starting the game with siema,siemka,zdar,kto or whatever other f**king klingon words should not be considered "nationalists", it's a too big term for some morons and imbecils that only try to piss other ppl not speaking their shitty language or don't give a f**k about other.....Its a matter of respect towards the other players imo.

    Some consider them kids and you can't expect a kid to know a foreign language. Guess what, shey should know the basics of a foreign language by 10 years old in case they are indeed kids.

    Plus, if you say something about their weird language and ask them to speak english, they reply you thet "its not for you" they know and can speak english, but they just dont give a f**k about anyone else.

    As a conclusion, theese klingons are just a bunch of imbecils not giving a f**k about anyone, thats all.Not nationalists, not kids, just morons.

    I dont have anything against polish, cz or other nation players, but as long as they speak something understandable by all players in a TEAM game, everything should be ok.

    WG should do something about theese d**khead klingons.

  30. They won't.
    They already said.'Everyone should be equal'.So they threat the all-around the world eu community like(or less like) other smaller klingon communities.

  31. And the bullshit of EU forum continues. I agree to all points here, but this is sadly bitching as no one gives a care. Nothing will change even if we talk about it here. WG will be happy as we all rage here not at their forum.


  32. I thing the problem is pretty simple:

    WG didn't expect the success of its game and got carried away somehow lost its initial goal, if I can say that.

    Now they are exanding and expanding, every patch ingame brings nothing but tanks and tanks, premiums everywhere and nothing else.

    Gameplay is getting worse and they don't seem to care atm for anything but profit.Comunity can go fuck itself, their decisions are always correct and you,as a player (customer) can go fuck yourself if you don't like it.

    Sooner or later there will be a competition for WoT, there is one for WoWP(that seems to be a failure until the official lunch), so WG will have to adapt to the new situation and competition, where the players, theoretically, will only benefit from the situation.

    We'll see how it goes in the future.Hopefully for the best for us, the players.

  33. One idea from reading all our bitching here:

    Wouldn't be for the best to make a server for the klingons-only? As far as I remember, there are servers in WoW for the french, german,spanish players.The rest of the servers (90% or even more) are ENGLISH INTERNATIONAL SERVERS, where ppl speak fucking ENGLISH to comunicate with other players.

    I am not a native english speaker(sry for any misspelled word) but I ALWAYS speak english and never start speaking something else.

    A klingon server would be the best for everyone. EU-3, official klingon server, where they can siemka the shit out of each other all day long.

    Best regards,

  34. SEA server here.

    Seriously, hearing your comment and how several EU to SEA transferee stories, we got impression how bad EU forum is, that SEA become preferable to these transferee.

    And these Transferee are not SEA native too. There is German and French there.

  35. Seems like a lot of the "czesc" community members are going through a lot of trouble reading and replying on this blog, trying to somehow get revenge on SS for unmasking all the shit and contest fixing that took place there.

    They seem to know the english language well enough to write a comprehensable message, so what's the problem?

    1. "Czesc" is a Polish word actually. And well, anyone is entitled to their opinion *shrugs*

    2. Well, I think you've mistaken Czech with Polish community (at least not with Chechnya :P). I don't know about others, but SS didn't do anything wrong to us.

      Also, SS is right about english-only Q&A. I've been reading Overlords topic, and later his blog. Now I'm reading this blog, and I'm not that good with english. Q&A topics were never meant to be game-guides for everyone. Most of players doesn't even understand answers.

  36. relax boys, it's just another game out there....

    WG is acting this way because they have no competition, once competiton will enter you will see a different WG.

    it's just business.

    1. Totally agree with you.

      Remember the amount of promo codes / bonus codes were flying around the internet more than 1 year ago? Total silence now.They won the GJ award in 2012, why bother when the playerbase is increasing everyday?

      Once there will be a competitor or maybe more, imagine the radical change in atitude towards the playerbase and comunity.

  37. You got carried away a bit - your conclusion is not consistent with what you had stated previously (and what is indeed correct): WGEU can't do sh*t, they are just community managers with translations (one way only) and giving away some free gold via competitions/happenings. I totally understand Ectar and i pity him for that, he is a nice guy but he gets orders from RU, as everyone in EU and devs don't care for anything from EU (like feedback, suggestions etc).

    1. seems you never visit NA-forum...there it "works", why not EU?? I can't understand Ectars (EU-WG stuff) opinion, that they don't provide English Q&A, because (nativ) English speakers are not the biggest community, that's just BS...I bet less than 30% reading this blog are not native English speakers, and still it works, it's just a put-off
      BTW what is the reason for a "world language"? Right, because it makes it easier to communicate!

    2. As stupid as its sound, but NA is "free": They mostly dont get their orders from minsk and can do "what they want"

      Eu on the other side gets close to everything ordered from minsk and are not allowed to decide things on their own.

  38. Just a heads up about what's going on in the original thread: Czergus is one of the "unofficial forum" people I was constantly in conflict with, because he was always moaning around the CZ section. Hence his opinions on this blog.

    1. I don't know, but judging from some of his posts and signature on the EU forum, he isn't a Czech, or is he?
      Because it looks like he is from Russia or somewhere...

    2. He's one of the prominent "neofiko" members. A Russian living in Czech Republic (I don't know whether he counts himself as Czech or Russian).

  39. Ectar's reply is simply dumb and thoughtless. At the current stage, WoT has a broad international customer and player base. The logical consequence would be to setup communication channels and hierarchies that would allow to handle that appropriately. In Minsk, there should be a central communication instance that would be the partner of all "local" community services: They would receive (pre-sorted) questions and hand out replies as well as general updates and dev info to the local services. These could publish them in their local community channels (forum, blog, facebook, youtube, etc).

    The problem is that is not acting professionally on an internationally competitive level. In my eyes, are amateurs that lack competence in a broad field of applications, be it coding, community handling, or anything else you can think of in relation to their products.

    I am also rather convinced that their particular cultural background as well as the personal disposition of certain key persons at plays a major role in all that.

  40. There will come a time when WG will beg people to stay and pay their bills.


    *Launches War Thunder*


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