
Apr 12, 2013

First "new" 8.6 arty uncovered

You can find the improved post here:


  1. The GW tiger looked like it was based on tiger p


  2. [nostradamus mode on]
    6t - Su-14 with superstructure and 152mm BR-2
    7t - Su-14 without superstructure and 203mm B-4
    [/nostradamus mode off]

  3. well the batchat in the video look strange...and the GWT have no "big thing" on back...

    1. It's not the original GW Tiger, it has a Porsche suspension. My guess: a new tier 8 arty "Grille 17/21", between GW Panther and GW Tiger.

    2. or maybe thats no gwt afterall..the chassis looks strange (front part)

    3. No, I think this will go between GWP and GWT - a new design. Completely fake too, there was no arty based on Porsche Tiger suspension. The superstructure looks like a Grille, which means you can expect a 170mm and 210mm gun

    4. Wasn't Grille 17/21 an official name of GW Tiger?

    5. Well, there was never a "GW Tiger", the project based on Tiger II hull was named "Grille 17" (with a 21 mortar as a variant). So historically it would be correct to rename the ingame vehicle as the Grille, BUT the superstructure looked slightly different in real life (in fact it looked like this new arty's) so it's reasonable to assume this new arty will be called "Grille", despite the fact it's built on Porsche suspension. Otherwise the Porsche arty is a complete fake.

    6. If we get a GW tiger (P) between GWP and GWT, what will be the point of the original GWT? Same structure (so no excuse for major differences in soft stats) and same gun selection will mean no real point to upgrading

    7. Ammo limited to historical 3 shells on Grille 21 ?

    8. GW Tiger P might get current GW Tiger's guns (historical for Grille 17/21), while the GW T could recieve an improved 21cm mortar and the GW E the 305mm Škoda mortar. But that's just theory.

    9. It will be great if the new GW Tiger P would be between GW Panther and GW Tiger - I have just unlocked GW Tiger :D

    10. I read in a book, that when Porsche finished the first batch of the Tiger P chassis, and the HWA decided to use the Henschel modell, Ferdinand Porsche actually planned SPGs on the Tiger P chassis, but instead he decided to make the Ferdinand TD. Well I don't now how reliable that book is, so I can't say that the Tiger P Arty is fake or not.

    11. It was from a hungarian writer, I think he writes books as his hobby.
      Géczi Zoltán (Kurt Rieder) - A III. Birodalom páncélosai
      The title of the book translates to: The panzers of the Third Reich.
      There are no sources in the book, so I can't say that the book is reliable. If you are interested, I can scan the page, where the writer mentions the SPG conversion, and I can translate is to english if you want.

    12. I believe you. But the usual primary sources (Spielberger, Doyle) don't confirm it AFAIK. Will check again.

    13. Fact that it is not in book does not mean it was not planned, Doyle said that there is so much documentation about German tanks that was not published it could fulfill another historian's career.

    14. No real luck yet, but I have the feeling the Tiger (P) chassis artillery will have a 15 cm and 17 cm gun has options.

    15. Bojan: ....yet Wargaming's 30 year old "expert" somehow miraculously uncovers them, like they did with the Failowe? Sorry, I'd rather trust someone, who spent his entire life going thru them.

    16. Continuing my search. An interesting comment from a page on the VK 45.01 (P):

      Porsches Entwurf hatte einige wesentliche Voteile gegenüber dem Tiger I von Henschel, auch wenn der benzinelektrische Antrieb ganz sicher nicht dazu gehörte. Das Laufwerk und besonders die längere 8,8cm Kampfwagenkanone hatten jedoch dem Tiger(P) den Start in die Serienfertigung ebnen können, wäre vom Heer nicht der Typ von Henschel bevorzugt worden. Mit dem Jagdpanzer Ferdinand hatte Porsche weniger Glück. Die dort verwendete 8,8cm Kwk war eine wirklich gute Waffe, aber hätte man statt des festen Aufbaus einen Drehturm verwendet und die Acht-Acht durch eine lange 150mm Haubitze ersetzt, hätte man schon damals eine brauchbare mobile Artillerieplattform besessen. Nun ja aus Fehlern lernt man, auch wenn es bis nach 1950 dauerte.


  4. There was also two others, didn't notice the german one as much, but I noticed the french one looked more like the GCT 155mm than the batchat 155. I'll get a screencap when I can.

  5. that BatChat155 turret seems to be mounted on an ... american hull. what is that thing?! I want it in my garage. NOW

    adrpal921 (EU)

  6. The French arty looks like M47 chassis.

    1. Yes, agree, looks like Patton chassis. It's definitely not GCT 155.

  7. Is it me or does the French arty's hull look.. American?

    1. It probably is, but maybe it is a shortened amx m4 series chassis, or an amx 30 based one?

    2. It is M47 Patton.

  8. The turreted Frenchie's hull sorta resembes that of the Pershing :P


    O wait Silentstalker ninja'd me

    1. Ah I can see why hw thinks it's a Patton hull now- it has a track tensioning wheel at the back -Platypusbill

  9. lol WG, please no more fake tanks.

    Don't now about the other tech trees but the Germans have enough material to build a proper tree without fake tanks.


  10. SU-14 without superstructure = SU-14-1.

  11. so making tier 10 artys meals lower exp research per tier?

    Also Looks Like Su-8 If You Ask Me (A bit Extended Thou)

    1. I wanted to say the same thing, the hull reminds me more of the Su-8..

  12. Slient Stalker Check This Blue Prints Out.. Possibly It Will Be Called SU-14-1 And SU-14-2

    SU-14 = Gun Is Possibly 203mm howitzer B-4 mod. 1931

    SU-14-1 = Gun Is Possibly 152.4mm gun Br-2

    1. This is completely wrong.
      In Kibunka it is SU-14-2, not SU-14-Br2.
      SU-14-2 = SU-14 + superstructure + B-30. SU-14-Br2 = SU-14-1 + superstructure + Br-2.

  13. So again after a while instead of something really interesting we get another massive fart coming. I wonder how long we need to wait for an absolutely new (meaning not made up from other tanks' models) vehicle. It seems 0.8.6 in terms of stretching the arty branches will be another wasted opportunity.

    1. You'll have to wait around one more week for the 8.5 which brings the Leopards 1 and it's prototype, which are unique compared to all other tanks in game(aspect wise).
      Ah, and forgot the t-60/70/80.

  14. did they say when the 8.6 patch will be come?
    we have to grinde more artys...

  15. I think we should call the French one "Batchatton" (Batchat-Patton)

  16. So, another bunch of Lego-ed tanks.

  17. Hey, any news as to whether repair costs for arty will increase without an increase in profit as they grow in tier?

    1. If arties will be placed to battles with same or lowest tiers (new MM), their profit can be even worse, because they will not damage 2+ tiers stronger targets as now.

    2. No, the point is to have arty MM the same as a medium tank. So it will see up to 2 tiers +/-

    3. Fingers crossed the cost of arty will be raised to an unsustainable level so it is only a tool for CW/TCs and hardly encountered in randoms.

  18. Weird, that new French arty is based on the M47 Patton. I say M47 because the hull lacks the protruding bit around the top middle of the glacis, allowing a full 60° slope compared to the 47° of the M26/M46.

    1. French had M47 in service, from early '50s to late '60s. There were projected vehicle on it's chassis, including arty vehicles.

  19. found new chinese tank SS on NA forum :)

  20. According the The_chieftain during the 2nd anniversary live stream the new american arty will be the m44 and m53/m55

    jump to the 6:39:30 mark and you can see chieftain talk about them with pictures.


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