
Apr 13, 2013

8.6 - new tanks (summary)

So, last few hours have been quite interesting, regarding what will be the content of the 8.6 patch. What we think there will be and was (somewhat) confirmed is the following

New German arty 

Apparently, it's a Geschützwagen (GW) based on the Porsche Tiger suspension. The gun seems like something shorter and large caliber. I think we can safely assume this thing will go between GW Panther and GW Tiger (logical choice, putting it between GW T and GW E wouldn't fit historically), so GW Tiger and GW E will be kicked up to tier 10. As far as I can tell however, the arty is not historical, there was no Tiger (P) based artillery vehicle designed - but I will doublecheck.

Edit: According to SerB it's "GW Elefant", built for a 210mm gun. This vehicle is however not in Doyle or Spielberger books I believe.

New French arty

What is that? I don't know. The hull has been identified as being the one of M47 Patton, the turret looks like a Batchat155, but could be really anything. Can't tell you any history of that one. It's probably not made up however, as the French experimented with all sorts of American hulls and they also (as one of the first European nations) had large amounts of M46/M47 pattons at their disposal.)

Edit: The_Chieftain refers to it as "Batchat 155 55" (eg. a 1955 model of the Batchat artillery).

Edit 2: Confirmed by Storm to be T9

New Soviet arty

This vehicle has been identified as the SU-14 arty prototype (based on the T-35 hull). There were two made - one with a casemate, one without it. It can be assumed that the lack of casemate will allow it to carry heavier weaponry, so it might be implemented after the current tier 6 SU-14.

Historical picture:

New American arty

This one we know a lot about, because The_Chieftain talked about it in his 12 hour stream show (awesome event by the way, why can't EU server have something like that?), it can be found roughly at 6h30min mark onwards.

Tier 7 - the new vehicle will be the M44 SPG

It's - to quote The_Chieftain: "...basically a M41 Bulldog chassis that you stick a 6 inch gun on". More can be found here. The main armament is a 155mm howitzer and it should be pretty nimble. Chieftain said it's going to be very mobile and it's going to have a nice arc of travel.

Tier 9 - the new vehicle will be the M53/55 SPG

Basically it's a heavy SPG, based on the M47 Patton tank chassis. The M53 is the 155mm version, M55 a 203mm version (more here). Chieftain stated that if you like the GW Panther, you're gonna like this vehicle. The traverse is 30 degrees each way.

It's confirmed the T8 will become T10 in the US tree.

Finally, possible new Chinese premium tank (thanks to Fugaku, US forums for posting this).

As you can see, it's 113-ish hull and a 111 turret, possibly with some 122mm gun mutation. Not much else is known and it's highly unlikely anything will be found until its introduction, as virtually nothing is known of these vehicles.


  1. If only could actually afford to but the GWT i just researched ...

  2. Chinese got a tier 8 premium heavy before the British =.=


    1. It could be quite capable tank, magic spaced armor, (presumably) good glacis and turret, D25T-ish gun suggest it might get favourable MM... with 300mm HEAT?

    2. The British problem is lack of options. As a nation, Britain couldn;t afford to produce many variations of tank after the war, so most were built around the Centurion hull until the Chieftain was introduced in the mid-1960s.


    3. WZ-111, i saw one in game once. It was with an WG press acc.

    4. *points @ TOG-2* there is your british heavy.

  3. That M53/55 spg looks mighty delicious. oO

    Crap I hated the us arty line... stopped at the M12...
    Must...resist...grinding it...

    Makes you wonder if they'll do it like always when vehicles are swapped.

    I'm pretty sure everyone who has a tier VIII arty now will get the tier X arty, but will we also get the new tier VIII arty?
    Arties are kinda different from the normal tanks...
    Well we'll see when it comes~

  4. M53/55 sure looks interesting :]

  5. That chinese premium tank look almost as the tier 8 chinese heavy tank 110 :(

  6. I'm seeing some dudes in the T110 Armor thread tossing around the Chieftain attributed term "Batchat 155 55"

  7. Gods We need more details.

    Also, time to grind credits to rebuy my GWP and buy a GWT.

  8. so the Chinese one is Wz-112?

  9. Continuing my search on the Porsche GW Tiger. An interesting comment from a page on the VK 45.01 (P):

    Porsches Entwurf hatte einige wesentliche Voteile gegenüber dem Tiger I von Henschel, auch wenn der benzinelektrische Antrieb ganz sicher nicht dazu gehörte. Das Laufwerk und besonders die längere 8,8cm Kampfwagenkanone hatten jedoch dem Tiger(P) den Start in die Serienfertigung ebnen können, wäre vom Heer nicht der Typ von Henschel bevorzugt worden. Mit dem Jagdpanzer Ferdinand hatte Porsche weniger Glück. Die dort verwendete 8,8cm Kwk war eine wirklich gute Waffe, aber hätte man statt des festen Aufbaus einen Drehturm verwendet und die Acht-Acht durch eine lange 150mm Haubitze ersetzt, hätte man schon damals eine brauchbare mobile Artillerieplattform besessen. Nun ja aus Fehlern lernt man, auch wenn es bis nach 1950 dauerte.


    However, nothing concrete yet.

    1. Interesting, but as you said, nothing concrete.

    2. Nothing of importance at all. The nowadays author just speculates, that a Porsche chassis with a 150mm howitzer in a turret might have been a good piece of arty.


  10. Those US SPGs seem´s to be worth grinding for.

    I have a thought on how they will move most of the trees.
    In most cases the current t5 SPGs will become tier 7 (somewhat busted concidering the M44), some t4 wil be moved to tier 5 (expect new t4 and t6 SPGs). Current t7 and 8 become t9/10 with current t6 covering the t8 spot (Might become an issue with the S-51 and SU-14 as they are pretty much t7 material now)

    Just an idea, the t2 and t3 SPGs do pretty well in their current spots so they will probably remain unchanged.

  11. Yeah GW Tiger on Porsche suspension, seems to me that this will be the ultimate snail of every arty and the favourite victim for all fast spotting scouts.

    GJ WG for giving the germans the next piece of shit arty.

    1. And then they give it 200mm of front armour to go TD mode... GWFerdinand


    2. They won't. Tiger (P) never had 200mm frontal armor by itself, that additional 100mm plate was bolted on it after it came out, on this model you can see there is no additional bolted plate.

    3. Crying about something u have close to 0 information about except 4sec in a video...

      gj german cry babys

  12. That Chinese premium strongly reminds me of the WZ-111 premium tank which can already be found in the game files, somehow.

    - IllustriousBMG

    1. WZ-111 has a pike glacis plate, this has a 113 like glacis plate.

      It looks like a 113 hull with forward mounted WZ-111 turret and drivers hatch moved on glacis plate

    2. I know, but the WZ-111's pike wasn't as prominent as the one on the IS-3, for example. That's what gave me the idea.

  13. Why is nobody considering the chinese Vehicle to be Tier 10? Like the other T10 Clanwars or whatsoever Vehicles.

    1. Unlikely. The gun is clearly a D-25 variant and the turret is some sort of IS-2 mutation, that would suck on T10.

  14. theory:

    could it be, that GW Tiger (P?) is tier 8 besides the actual GW Tiger?
    Being some sort of crosslink-Tank to get to arty like you can get to JPZE100 via Tipger (P) -> Ferdi?

    bec that gun on the Tiger P looks just similar to the gun of GW Tiger. Would be quite sdtrange to have 3 tanks after each other using more or less the same gun, no?

    PS: still hoping for a GW panther with a fully turnable turret :)

    1. Could be. But GW T could also recieve a gun improvement, it was confirmed that some arties might get new guns, when they are kicked a tier up

    2. Then there should be link from KT to JT and GW Tiger. Or Panther to JP and GWP... I don't think its going to happen.

  15. Still no word on the Type 59 replacement then... but good news I suppose for drivers of Chinese heavies.

  16. Hm. I seem to be unable to see most SS in this post. Anyone having this problem?

    1. I can only see the last 3 pics

    2. And now I can see all. Weird. I closed and opened (not because of this) Firefox and it works

  17. Well that new chinese premium would not be a good replacement, with that big gun means also big ammunition costs so it will not equal the money making capabilitys of the 59er

  18. Cant See all screens...

  19. Great, arties galore come 8.6

  20. Kinda odd they are promoting some Tier8 arty to Tier 10 and not others...

  21. Ok, I think we found WG "source"...

    "Special Panzer Variants", page 133:

    In march 1945 hitler expected to be shown, among others, the "elefant 21 cm on Hummel chassis" and "elefant 30.5cm".

    Except that no way the Hummel could support a 21cm mortar (so it must be referring to the GW Panther variant) and the only tank supposed to carry the 30.5 cm mortar would be the Sturmpanzer Bar.

    1. Even the GW Tiger was called "Grille", weren't they just generic terms for 'arty'?


    2. No. There was in fact no "generic term" for arty. The original Grille was the called 15cm Schwere Infanteriehaubitze auf Fahrgestell 38t (or something like that). The "GW Tiger" name was actually Grille 17 (or Grille 21), depending on the gun. A SPG could be referred to as:

      -Geschützwagen (this generally meant indirect fire artillery)
      - *Type of gun" (for example 15cm FH) auf Fahrgestell *type of suspension*
      - Sturmhaubitze - typically a better armored vehicle capable of both direct and indirect fire
      - Sturmpanzer - a heavily armored vehicle intended for fighting bunkers
      - Sturmmörser - the same thing, but equipped with an assault mortar (typically: Sturmmörser Tiger, or - as it is better known - Sturmtiger)

      And to make things even MORE complicated, the Geschützwagen didn't have to be equipped with a howitzer, it could also carry a mortar, but it would still be referred to as such.

  22. So, a little confused about which French arty is confirmed at T9: Batchat 155 - or - the Batchat 155 *55*.


    1. jn, taky v tom mám teď zmatek. V tutom příspěvku píšeš, že: "Batchat 155 55" bude IX. tier, a v Q&A (13.4.2013) zase že IX. tier bude "Batchat 155", tak mě by zajímalo, co je pravda... díky, Whiskey_CZ

    2. Je to prosté: v 8.6 bude tier 9 "Batchat155/55" (nevím, zda se bude takhle blbě jmenovat, nebo ho ještě přejmenují), tier 10 by měl být současný Batchat 155 (spekuluje se o tom, že T9 155/55 nebude mít autoloader, ale T10 ano).

  23. i'm rampaging my way towards tier 7 american spgs, because i felt that would be an achievable goal before the next patch gets here.

    my question is, has my effort been to no avail? or will the tier 7 become tier 8 or 9 ?


  24. If we have the whole branch of SPGs researched.. will the newly added SPGs be researched aswell? O.o


    1. Noone knows yet, I think even the devs aren't decided

    2. If they do like they done before, then you will not get the new lower tiered tanks researched.

      Im saying this as someone who has the Maus but never researched the tier 8 VK45.

  25. Curious what will happen to the M40/M43 since it already has 155 mm and 203 mm (1850 dmg) guns, similar to that 53/55.

    It would be such a let-down if they heavily nerf the top gun on 40/43 to become worse than the 53/55.

    Anybody with more experience on WG know what they usually do in such situations?

  26. Looking @ all these artys, i `guess/agree` the trees will be (something) like this:
    germany: GW Panther -> Gw Tiger -> GW Eleftant -> GW Type E
    USA: M44 -> M40/43 -> M53/55 -> T92
    USSR: SU-14-1 -> SU-14(-2) -> obj 212 -> obj 261

    ** russian wikipedie (with google translate to english says:
    SU-14 - experimental heavy self-propelled gun ( SPG ), established on the basis of the T-35. Developed in 1933 under the direction of CB N. B. Barykova . Instead of the towers on the tank-shift to a spacious aft deckhouse, which houses the 203-mm howitzer model 1931 (B-4) , engine-transmission compartment is moved to the forward part. The crew consisted of 7 people. In 1934 he built a prototype installation. In 1940 he conducted the screening ACS and several minor upgrades, then ACS has received designation SS-14-2

    SU-14-1 - an experimental heavy self-propelled gun ( SPG ), the development of the construction of SU-14. In 1936 he built a prototype installation. Technically similar to the Su-14. According to the results of firing 203-mm howitzer was replaced by 152.4-mm gun of high power model 1935 (BR-2) . In 1940, as well as Su-14, has been screened, and then was named the SU-14-Sp2.

    So SU-14 was armed with 203mm gun, this didnt work to well, so they created SU-14-1 with a smaller gun (152mm) and SU-14 for renamed to SU-14-2

    few problems here mostly related to the fact devs said (i think) they wanted to turn arty into ``normal`` tanks (regarding mm) so a t8 arty is just as strong as a t8 tank etc...

    This will give some (serious) problems:
    - tier 7 S-51 with 203mm gun is total overpowered (moving it to tier 8 is impossible i think coz the connection with KV-2 should remain)
    - tier 8 GW tiger with 210mm gun and M40/43 with 203mm guns are total off-balance (Su-14 is sort of `balanced` by total lack of speed, size, and awefull acc/aiming time)

    so unless WG will removed (a ton) of high powered guns (no more 210mm on GW tiger, no more 203mm on M40/43 this will never ever work, instead of nerfing arty, we get (much) more powerfull artys...

    unless ofc WG is planning to mega nerf HE dmg (again) super nerfing (high tier) HE dmg (no more -2000 hp in 1 hit) while buffing (depending on tank) acc/aim time might work out well, but if all t8+ artys get +203mm guns the arty problem will only become worse...

    ps: and last few times we got a `mass-introduction` of something new, it was always horror OP, tier 9 meds + 704 in beta was pure fail, french tanks was totaly NOT balanced, tier 10 mediums/tds are awefull balanced, tier 7/8 arty was awefull balanced and so on, so i fear the worst.....

  27. germany:
    7 level - GW Mk.VI(e)
    9 level - GW Eleftant
    premium - Pz.Sfl.IVb
    7 level - M44
    9 level - M53 55
    7 level - SU-122А
    9 level - SU-14-1
    7 level - AMX 105 AM mle. 47
    9 level - Bat.-Chatillon 155 55

    the source -

    1. Are you sure about those tiers? Because they make no sense.

    2. Yes, I'm sure this has been discussed at Russian forum

    3. The seventh level is shifted to the eighth.
      The eighth level is shifted to the tenth.

    4. If this is right, I will eat my baseball cap. No way the Mk.VI(e) is tier 7.

  28. I do not argue about, the location of the artillery of Germany and the Soviet Union, perhaps they need to be swapped. But one thing is for sure, the levels remain as written. Add artillery 7 and 9 levels.


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