
Apr 6, 2013


- driver's hatch on IS-7 does not count as external module, but as armor
- it was considered to reduce the scale of shell penetration decay with distance
- M551 Sheridan is "not planned for now"
- PT-76 is not planned until bigger maps allow for amphibious tanks
- the aim spread after moving the gun/turret is not influenced by gun length or gun weight or other hidden parameters, but by gunner skill
- no composite armor will be implemented
- it's not yet decided, whether parts of client physics will be switcheable off, or just the physics as whole - experiments are in progress
- XP is awarded for first enemy module destruction (eg. chaindetracking will give you XP for destroyed tracks only once)
- devs are discussing the idea that old replays could be converted to new format
- upcoming Maus buff is confirmed, but it's not know when will it happen and it will not be significant
- WoWs has the tank drawing distance removed (or rather, it's much longer), but tanks won't have it removed, the parameters of both projects are different
- 8.6 will bring the sound engine overhaul (SS: unknown what it means)
- Leopard 1 might be too high, it will be rechecked
- acceleration is a balance parameter, eg. the acceleration of Leopard 1 doesn't have to be historical
- the +/-25 percent random factor came to be thru experience, in the beginning, it was 50, it won't be reduced to 10
- Leopard 1 might get better accuracy on the move
- new sounds (of shell impact) might come until autumn, but no promises
- dynamic garage tank stats are planned for distant future
- the Leopard 1 Bundeswehr cross is an exception, there won't be post-war insignia for (for example) US and Chinese tanks
- the tank icon indicator on the top of the screen won't get (apart from classes as it is now) also tier designations, it would be too much
- a mechanism is planned for all the "collecting" archievements (medals) to display, what do you have left to do, will come around 0.8.8
- in 0.8.5, only the most obvious objects (fences, walls) were fixed in order not to reduce the speed of a tank too much when running them over (thru them), the rest will be fixed in time


  1. Fingers crossed for a better accuracy on the move for the Leo :D

  2. The test server is a total BS.
    Ques of 100k people, 1 of the servers not working at all (now both dont work)... I waited 2 hours and just when i was 13th in the que, a mainteance popped up, GG.

  3. Well, sound engine overhaul could mean that you can hear distance shots etc. Would be nice. :D

    1. I hope my gun sound mod and engine sound mod won't stop working because of it! :(

  4. "- a mechanism is planned for all the "collecting" archievements (medals) to display, what do you have left to do, will come around 0.8.8"

    so, the master tanker and country expert to-kill list that is in the test server isn't going to be implemented on the 0.8.5 live server release, or is this about the Hunter, Lion of Sinai and Patton valley medals?

  5. >upcoming Maus buff is confirmed
    well that was unexpected

    >it will not be significant
    this i could see coming for miles though.


    1. Reverse speed will be increased by 1km/h

    2. I would laugh my ass off if they buff the HP-Pool. :)

    3. They did that before. Bigger repair bill, just what we needed. 20+ mm on the turret was a nice gesture, though not more than that.

    4. Actually it was in a previous post which you obviously have not read.
      Main armament velocity will be increased from 825 to 925 meters per second.

    5. "Shell speed for 17сm PaK K72 gun increased from 850 to 925 m/s"
      interesting - so Maus actually has 170mm gun? good to know :)

  6. amphibious tanks !!!!!!!

    That made my day, with bigger maps, maybe with more players it could be awesome

  7. - a mechanism is planned for all the "collecting" archievements (medals) to display, what do you have left to do, will come around 0.8.8

    I really don't want to be a grammar nazi but it is "achievements", without the "r". you made this mistake several times now and I think it would be an improvement of your writing if you did it correctly in the future. nevertheless, thank you for this great blog.

    1. Thank you, but I prefer it my way.

    2. Actually, you are being a spelling nazi, rather than a grammar nazi, and yes, it is achievements, not archievements.

    3. Call yourself Andre Baptiste instead.

    4. Dear anon1, I don't give a damn about either :) If you have a problem with my spelling, just don't read the stuff.

    5. IDK, "archievement" sort of makes sense as a neologism... after all, don't we all accumulate a real 'archive' of those medals?
      ...I'll get my coat.

  8. And my ingame name is Sochom89 btw (I forgot to mention it in my comment above), sorry for double comment.

  9. Buffs to german tanks? April 1st was five days ago...

  10. - Leopard 1 might be too high, it will be rechecked
    - acceleration is a balance parameter, eg. the acceleration of Leopard 1 doesn't have to be historical
    - Leopard 1 might get better accuracy on the move

    You know something WG, why not just remove this fucking shit balanced tank from the game anyway.

    1.Leo 1 is quite high, it doesnt take a brainer to notice. It will probably fixed next year, as they usually care about german tanks balance.

    2. Yep! yep yep yep. Historical BS again. Might aswell take a look at the fucking rate of fire too. Since it was superior even to T62A. Not to mention the T9 Leo with the 105mm is a fucking joke. Having the reload of a heavy, or better said exact copy of british Centurion. So much with each nation having their own UNIQUE strenghts!!!!!! The Leo's have none.

    3. Wow it took you so long to notice this? really? i tested myself T62A reticule size at 50km/h and it was fucking unreal good!

    Tested Leo 1 at 45km/h and the reticule spread was like 3 times bigger than T62A. A fucking joke overall! all that considering Leo has no armor at all, only speed, which still is not even close to BatChat.

    Last words. Screw you WG, i wont even bother wasting my life grinding, or using Free XP for these two Leo's. I will stop at Indien Panzer (actually i think>>). Which it looks pretty decently balanced anyway and im ready to take a $1000 bet, it's going to be nerf'raped to the ground.

    1. Look guys thats what happens if u'r to stupid to play a tier 10 tank.

      Leo is fine if u use ur brain while driving it...

    2. Leopard 1's a great tank. It's much better than the pos FV4202 anyway.

      Leopard has possibly the best gun in the game with a great aim time. So what if the accuracy on the move isn't great, all you need to do is stop for a second and you will hit your target.

    3. Yes there has to be a WG no-life fanboy lurking around every article related to WoT ready to defend them. This blog should feature as a must how many battles and the WR, of everyone posting here.

      At least we know to who we are replying to. An IQ test would be even better.

    4. If we include in everything an IQ-test, where someone wants an IQ-test included, well, then these persons wouldn't be allowed to write anything. ;)

    5. Man i think i will stop reading comments on this blog for awhile.

      First there's a guy angry at Leo 1 ready to kill someone in a rage fury, then there's Einstein brainer below him : hey gayz! uze yo brainz! me smart! i handle T10 tanks!" sure buddy, whatever you say. Dont forget to get out of your mom's basement once in a while and preach lectures to students. And then there another guy saying FV4202 is a POS. Now that takes the prize.

      FV4202 actually has armor and a strong turret ready to bounce T10 shells, coupled with great gun depression. And second he's saying that Leo has the best gun in the game? wtf? you went full retard nigga, thats the same gun as FV4202. Yet thats a POS right?

      Im getting a headache. Stay in your mom's basement you all-knowing brainers, balance experts, rage tankers. Im glad WG doesnt take any of you seriously. jeshhhhhh

    6. Oh God L2P.
      The Leopard 1 is at least as good as the M48, and is better than the M48 in virtually every way that matters to CW.

      And before you accuse me of being a random 45%er baddie, my profile name is tupinambis.

      Also The FV4202 does NOT have the same gun as the Leo 1. Just compare their stats for a second. The "best gun in the game" may be a brutal overstatement but it does actually have some merit behind it.

    7. You're absolutely right, the Leopard will be better for CW than either the M48 or 4202.

      And you know what? After more than a year of hearing people go on about how a tech tree isn't entitled to a CW tank in any particular class, I'm sort of out of sympathy.

    8. The reason I said the Leopard had the best gun in the game, is because it has a high DPM (390 damage with a 6.67rpm), the best accuracy in the game (0.3) and a good aim time (1.9s). You have a good damage per minute with good accuracy (The E-50M and Patton only have one of the two, this has both) This gun is better than the FV4202's in every aspect. Damage and penetration is the same, but everything else is better.

      And the armour on the FV4202 is useless. You'd know if you played it. The hull armour works, but who shoots the hull when the turret will do? The turret may be thick but it still gets penetrated easily by top tier guns. Even more so when you consider the giant cupola on top.

      And as for speed, it is the slowest tier 10 medium tank. It has good HP/ton, but that isn't useful when you're stuck at 40km/h.

      Gun depression is -10. The Patton and Leopard both have -9 degrees. Big difference /sarcasm.

    9. Just wondering, which Dev said Leopard 1 might get better accuracy on move?

      I can't find the source in the RU offical QA post.

    10. @Samuel Lister: FV4202's armor is not useless at all. AMX 13 90 can easily take out 3/4 HP pool of Leo with a single clip, while FV4202 bounce every shot from LT's.

      Even T-50-2 can penetrate Leopard's manlet by using only silver ammo, there is a video on youtube about it.

    11. OK then, its not useless. It's only effective against light tanks which are usually either suicide scouting and killed on their way to arty, or killed by someone else. The 5% chance that you run into them first, they'll be spotting you for enemy snipers. In which case the T-50-2 isn't the biggest threat.

      The real problem with the FV4202 is that it doesn't specialise in anything so you can't play to its strengths, because it doesn't have any major strengths. Like with the E-50M, you'll snipe. Whilst you can snipe in the FV4202, it isn't as accurate. Same applies to the other tanks. It's accurate on the move, but not as much as the M48 who also has a higher DPM and is slightly faster.

    12. Yeah, because Tier Tens never meet say Tier Eights - at least one of which (*cough*T-44*cough*) is stuck with like 175 basic pene...

      Also if E-50M ~Ahnenerbe<3Magic~ raygun accuracy is a prequisite for succesful sniping in your books I can only conclude you have serious perspective issues. :|

    13. Bitch about WG fanboys all you want, but the WG haters are laughable. Here you are reading a blog dedicated to the game that you profess to hate. Whining and spewing venom about the company, its bias, decisions, etc, yet again, you are here reading a blog completely dedicated to the game. How pathetic does that make you? Some constructive criticism is always warranted and often considered by them, but trolling like a 3 year old throwing a temper tantrum? Please. No better than SerB's comments.

    14. That T-44 will be dead long before he gets a chance to deal some effective damage against the Leopard, unless he's a good player in which he's a threat to any tank on the field. The FV4202 does have the large cupola. Not too hard to miss at close range.

      I didn't say that the FV4202 couldn't snipe. In fact I said deliberately it can snipe. Just that the E-50M is better. Which is why I said that the problem is its good at everything, but not great at anything. The only aspect which it beats all other tier 10 mediums in is gun depression, by -1 degree. Nothing to really brag about.

      You always account for your tanks weaknesses and play to its strengths. How can you when your main strength is only diversity and you still have weaknesses? It's not a bad tank, its just not as specialised as the others. Each tank is good for something.

    15. There's a difference between hating WG and enjoying WOT.
      After all, WOT is really the only game of its type out there. I'm sure that when War Thunder comes along with its 'tank combat' many people will move over to that.

      You can hate the developers as much as you'd like. But you can still enjoy their game. Whatever your reasons.

    16. Not seeing where you get this logic that all-rounder = not good. I sure seem to be doing right fine with the T-43 which is pretty much the single most "jack of all trades master of none" critter I've played thus far and has weaknesses galore.

    17. hey where is my popcorn? oh right this is not the forum

  11. Sound overhaul in 0.8.6? Neat!


  12. - upcoming Maus buff is confirmed, but it's not know when will it happen and it will not be significant
    Yea, like we expected significant can't trick us again WG!!! We don't expect anything useful from you since those useless buffs(HP buff) on Maus/E100!!! Looks like my battle count with Maus isn't gonna go up from 19 -.- And i have it in garage for months now..

  13. Maus buff will be as significant as IS-7 top speed buff is.

  14. Man and i so hoped it would be worth to take out that baby again.
    my poor Maus is rusting already.

  15. I wonder if the Hellcat will ever get it's historical top speed of 90 km/h. (perhaps with bigger maps)

    1. When it's transmission gets fucked while driving it at 90km/h or engine blows a plug.
      Max safe speed going by manual was 75km/h, above that was only allowed in emergency, on good road and for intervals less the 1-2 minute.

    2. > Max safe speed going by manual was 75km/h

      Do you have a manual? Can you share it?

    3. I think he means manual gear...

    4. No, user manual, available on e-bay ocasionaly for 20-30$. I don't have it, friend has it so I read it, he collects WW2 manuals.

  16. Lets not forget Tiger 2 historical top speed too.

    /INB4 stupid WG fanboy attacks me.

    1. Anon, you are so brave.
      Read Carrius what happened when you drove Tiger at it's "historical" speed. 30km/h was max speed used by him and he knew few things about Tiger.

  17. Lots of good news! I'm particularly interested in ones regarding the sound overhaul :3

  18. "- the aim spread after moving the gun/turret is not influenced by gun length or gun weight or other hidden parameters, but by gunner skill"

    Then what is this parameter for?
    Shot dispersion factor
    - turret rotation: 0.XX

    And it is already known that there is a hidden parameter for suspension that changes the dispersion of aiming circle when tank moves
    Shot dispersion factor
    - movement: 0.XX
    - rotation: 0.XX

  19. "8.6 will bring the sound engine overhaul (SS: unknown what it means)"

    The sound engine is quite buggy IMHO:
    - stuttering: w-e---ha-v-e---been----h-i-t"
    - the sound tank engines is silent sometimes, only the tracks make sound
    - however sometimes the engine sound is playing always :)
    - and some crackling etc.

    So I guess they plan to fix/rework it, because it is not performing well.

    1. Always thought the sound stuttering is some memory problem or something...

    2. I find it problematic when you get shot by an auto-cannon. They just cant keep up with all the info.

    3. Still might be - some memory leaks, buffer overflows or such things...but just taking a wild guess :)

    4. The stuttering is just a sound priority issue. Engine, gun and hit-sounds have higher priority than eg. music or voices.

      The fix that I'm guessing they will do is to put all of the sounds at the lowest priority, which in FMOD(the sound library used in WoT) equals no priority dominance of any sounds.

      -Gnomefather, sound modder of World of Tanks

  20. That was made for 1st April 2012... keeps popping up from time to time.


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