
Apr 5, 2013


- there will be no compensation for the reduced XP price of the VK2801 ("when the prices of electronics drop, do you also go whining to the electronics store for a refund?")
- Russian tier 7 medium prem tank was never promised for the 0.8.5, it will come in the future
- in 0.8.5, on the debriefing screen, the tank life percentage stat has been replaced by damage done in battle
- the decision about the gun accuracy (the way it is now) has been made due to the limited scale of battles
- there will be no possibility to trade tanks between players
- immobilized tanks with one track down won't be able to move, just like it is now (SS: a player was moaning about the fact that in real life, a tank with one track destroyed could still "turn")
- SerB stated that if Wargaming did Mechwarrior Online, they would have done a lot of things differently
- HE shell splash radius does not change by +/- 25 percent, the damage however does
- the test client is made separately the way it is because if it was somehow connected to the original client, many people would use the patch on the original game and then would whine because they couldn't play the game properly
- Swamp and Komarin do not return in 0.8.5 (SS: odd, I thought this was confirmed... ah well)
- client physics won't reach this level
- devs cannot unfortunately write the equation for the ramming damage, as it is a complex physics model
- the hull turn rate is a balance parameter, Storm: do not expect battles to be like in real life

Overlord also made an article about (the removal of) Pay to win element from World of Tanks.

A few points from his answers:
- there has to be a balance between premium and regular users, either you invest time, or gold

- tier 10 arty confirmed to come in "near future" (SS: according to RU devs: 0.8.6)
- gold shells pen ceiling and armor buff possible
- no golden ammo caps
- no premium tanks for credits


  1. How sad for the physics level :( It would be nice that each heavy tank would tear open the streets and leave some nice deep trails in the mud :(

  2. - Swamp and Komarin do not return in 0.8.5 (SS: odd, I thought this was confirmed... ah well)
    this one... is a bit strange

  3. "SerB stated that if Wargaming did Mechwarrior Online, they would have done a lot of things differently"

    lol.. what? fuck it up? and then troll any customers who complain its gone tits up?

    1. "lol.. what? fuck it up? and then troll any customers who complain its gone tits up?"

      Oh, yea, MWO is just a shining example of a mass success. What with the massive number of pre-order refunds they had to dish out while squandering their entire release.

      Even a retarded group of monkeys slamming keyboards could see they were screwing up from a mile away.

    2. I tried MWO, it's a joke. It's chaotic as hell (someone who never drove a mech before in the old games will find it very counterintuitive), the terrain is horrible (lol climbing mountains in a 100 ton atlas), the game engine looks... not so great (considering it's a Cryengine or something like that), there are lags and pay to win is strong with this one. No. I am a mech fan, but I hated that.

    3. i have bought a 30$ preorder package
      but yet not played a single game, because WoT is so time consuming and now my PC is broke and my laptop cant handle MWO (and barely handle WoT)

    4. Did I say MWO worked?

      .. I haven't seen them trolling customers...

    5. Then you weren't on the beta forum. The worst part is its not intentional, they're just bad at PR.

    6. Your logic gave me cancer.

    7. I also tried MWO, during closed beta though.
      What I faced:
      -Not knowing controlls or HUD function (same as WoT)
      -Confusing damage/armor system that, despite reading the forums, I never figured out.
      -"welcome to the game, please use these 4 un-customizable trial mechs which have SET INCOME (always 2000 salvage [I think]) regardless if you quit when the countdown ends or you solo the entire enemy team (as if it ever happened) for at least 100 battles while facing the flood of preorder mechs which are superior to the grinded ones on the same level"
      -To have a chance of being competitive during your 1st 400 games you were FORCED to pay at least 60 dollars for a "founders program".
      -All modules are buyable with premium credits without any research.
      -(I suspect this have changed) Really crap ballance between weapons on the same level.

      Worst of all:
      - NO MATCHMAKING AT ALL! Yous substandard trial mech will be facing the flood of top level players with fully pimped end-of-the-line mechs.

    8. xCaptainObviousx:

      The hull control is the most annoying part. If you are using the (standard) cabin view, you can't see immediately which way your hull is facing, at least I had a problem with that.

      The rest just sounds lovely. I knew something fishy was going on when an Atlas ripped me apart in 1st battle.

    9. To be fair, AFAIK the tabletop game has always had some balance issues too. Namely it doesn't take much math to realise half the weapons are fukken pointless (*cough*autocannon*cough*). Naturally this doesn't keep the people who come up with new 'Mechs and shit to fill the Technical Readouts with from bolting them onto the damnedest things without any regard for whether it particularly makes any kind of sense...

    10. xCaptainObviousx, I started MWO a couple days ago and some of the things you mention have changed:

      - for driving and shooting practice, you can take your mech to "testing grounds", sort of a one-player training room, but with some unpiloted mechs standing around for you to shoot at
      - trial mechs seem to have normal income (didn't notice any difference when going from trial mechs to my first 'real' mech)
      - in your first 25 matches, you get a substantial "cadet bonus"; with it, I made almost 9 million C-Bills in those 25 matches, even though I was terrible (never played MW games before, dealt very little damage)

    11. Anonymous:

      As i said: I played during the closed beat phase, back then there was no cadet bonus or training rooms.

      It still doesn't change the fact that if you pay real money you get the best possible modules right away, which is pretty much p2w. Imagine a WoT where you can buy a T110E5 right away after 2 battles in the loltraktor except for that this version have more HP, higher RoF, better soft stats... and it can mount 6 equipments at once.

  4. SilentStalker, you are my WoT CNN and BBC together. I seek no info other then from Your blog.
    Greetings from Cracow, neighbor.

    1. Pls don't insult the man by lumping him in with CNN.
      I've yet to see him "consult with the twitterverse"

    2. Lol, didn't mean that. What I ment is that whenever I need info on WoT, I go here :)

  5. Thank god they didn't make Mechwarrior Online.

  6. "- there will be no compensation for the reduced XP price of the VK2801 ("when the prices of electronics drop, do you also go whining to the electronics store for a refund?")"

    No, But neither does my electonics suddenly change spec, run slower and not hit it's targets some time after buying it...

    Also I don't have to use my toaster for 5 hours to get a kettle only for me to find later that after getting the kettle I only need to use the toaster twice to get the kettle.


    1. "No, But neither does my electonics suddenly change spec, run slower and not hit it's targets some time after buying it..."

      You buy electronics that can actually "hit targets"? Tasers? Anyway you are kinda right. The comparison to an electronic store is...bad.


    2. Question...

      Are "Toastie Makers" involved?

      Coffee Machines?

    3. Toasted sandwich makers have a 1.5x multiplier on a Toaster but are in a different branch.

    4. Actually here in the US there are many many retailers that have a 30 day price match or similar program. If you buy something and you find it cheaper within that time period, they will refund you the difference.

    5. You don't even know the half of it. What if I told you there was a special supertest (Russian) group, which tested tank income - and what if I told you Lowe had its income lowered by a doubledigit amount in last 12 months? What if the e-mail correspondence of that group leaked? Hmmm... and they say I bash WG for no reason.

  7. "Gold shells pen ceiling and armor buff possible"

    Could you please explain this (what is a pen ceiling and which armour buff)? Thanks.

    1. That there might be a hardcap rule on gold shells penetration, for example "no gold shells can have the penetration of over 300"

  8. - in 0.8.5, on the debriefing screen, the tank life percentage stat has been replaced by damage done in battle

    This is nice, since the kill count doesn't really tell enough how one fared in the battle. And it was time consuming to click every single player through after the battle to see their stats.

  9. "when the prices of electronics drop, do you also go whining to the electronics store for a refund?"

    Actually... Here in my country, you can get refund, if the price of the product was lowred within one month from purchase.

  10. What is the thing about gun accuracy? What have been change?

  11. I would so love if someone had the entire betaforum saved somewhere.

    - in 0.8.5, on the debriefing screen, the tank life percentage stat has been replaced by damage done in battle

    The damage done thing we made forumposts about already in 2010, and the answer was "will not ever happen".

    Might be an indication when a good communityidea comes to life.

    From community post to game +- three years.

  12. - the decision about the gun accuracy (the way it is now) has been made due to the limited scale of battles.

    Chance of accuracy buff with larger maps?

    - immobilized tanks with one track down won't be able to move, just like it is now.

    Slap scout with detracking shot and that bastard still moves :D

    - SerB stated that if Wargaming did Mechwarrior Online, they would have done a lot of things differently.

    BALANCE!!! Also crappy engine....

    - Swamp and Komarin do not return in 0.8.5.

    Oh for fucks sake, why the hell good maps even were removed.

    1. >Swamp and Komarin
      >good maps

  13. - in 0.8.5, on the debriefing screen, the tank life percentage stat has been replaced by damage done in battle

    lovely.. just so that I can see easily who and how much did fail! :P

  14. Mind you realistic would mean that being tracked, would take you the entire game to get fixed. Clearly people complaining have never had to get a track back onto a vehicle in a mud hole.


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