
Apr 24, 2013


- in 8.6, Pearl River will not be removed for re-work
- in 8.6, new vehicles will be unlocked if you unlocked the same tier pre-8.6 vehicle, because "it's more fair like that"
- devs are considering the possibility to retrain the crew members to another role (SS: for example radioman into a loader)
- a whole page of Storm's answers was dedicated to moaning about the VK3001/3002 HL210TRM engine, apparently, there is some bug in RU client nomenclature
- LeFH18B2 MM spread was not changed in 0.8.5
- apparently, there were some problems with balancing the light tanks, so they decided to disable that MM part, so for now the scout MM is identical to the one pre 0.8.5
- apparently in distant future, lowtier vehicle battles will be implemented into the CW's somehow
- the visual model change of the T5E1 gun in the T123 and T136 T29 turrets is possibly historical (Storm is not sure)
- T18 model will not be changed apparently
- it's theoretically possible that in 0.8.6, new battletiers are introduced
- the missing WoT crew was one of the initial WoT decisions
- used shell casings flying off from the tanks are not planned
- M1921 won't be introduced into the game for now
- there might be rewards implemented for old players after all, "no comment for now"
- there might be new winter and desert newbie maps (such as Himmelsdorf, Malinovka etc.) introduced, but not anytime soon
- in 0.8.6, champion companees will get the possibility to include arty up to (and including) tier 8, but they probably won't get a tier point increase
- if a scout spots the enemy vehicle, arty aims at it, but the vehicle stops being spotted by the scout, the scout and the arty will share the kill XP, if the target is destroyed in 5 seconds from disappearing, after that the arty gets everything
- arty shells damage will change in 0.8.6 "if necessary"
- current maps might eventually get various seasons' versions (for example winter Steppes etc.)
- the bug where you can't close personal chat in garage was not fixed 0.8.5, nor is a micropatch planned to fix that bug specificall
- the Nvidia card bugs are still there (crashes etc.), the problem is "of system nature"
- this year more maps are planned for introduction
- it's possible clan management will get new options
- the fact Leopard Prototyp A is missing Leopard 1's engine is okay, the engine is supposed to be unique


  1. First :D

    - the missing WoT crew was one of the initial WoT decisions

    Do you mean the visual model of crew inside of open-topped vehicles?


    1. they removed the cre to get a PEGI rating as low as possible; they got a rating of 7

  2. "- in 8.6, new vehicles will be unlocked if you unlocked the same tier pre-8.6 vehicle, because "it's more fair like that""
    OK, then why in totally similar situations with T34 change to M103 and introduction of second Soviet heavy line, players always got both tanks in garage with slot and 100% crew? It would be "more fair" to just stick to the rules they established themselves, not to change them halfway through.

    1. "It's all about the money, money, money ...."

      Looks like the days of freebies are gone.

    2. >OK, then why in totally similar situations with T34 change to M103 and introduction of second Soviet heavy line

      arty sytuation is not similar

    3. True.
      But to be honest, I don't care much. I just wait for 8.6 for my GW Panther to be bumped up a tier or two and then I'm going to sell it with profit. Arty is not for me, especially after recent light tank introductions and arty nerfs.

    4. "arty sytuation is not similar"
      How it is not similar? If you had tier 9 IS-4 in garage when it was being moved up a tier, you got new T9 IS-8 AND IS-4 on T10. Similar with KV-3 (KV-3 and T-150) and KV (KV-1 and KV-2).
      T34 was being moved to T8 premium - you got it as T8 premium AND M103 too.
      Yet you have for example T6 arty, and let's say it will be T8 arty after 0.8.6. You will get that arty at T8 and new T6 arty only unlocked. Situation is totally similar.

    5. "It's all about the money, money, money ...."

      Looks like the days of freebies are gone.

      It's all about sum of whining "arty this arty that.."

      They've decided not to give free slots/tanks just because that would increase the overall number of SPGs players own.. and that can't be good.

    6. @SzalonyChemik
      these tanks were moved OUT of previous branch not only tier bumped

    7. ELC AMX anyone?

    8. "these tanks were moved OUT of previous branch not only tier bumped"
      Very minor difference. Besides, I never said that situation is identical.

    9. AMX 12t was also 'bumped' and yet they gave a free ELC AMX, 100% crew and a new garage slot.
      Personally I don't care if i get the new arty or not, I just wanted free garage slots.

    10. >Very minor difference
      not it is not
      imagine t34 handled like arty
      you get free t8 premium
      and lose t9 tank
      where is xp you already invested in that branch?

      in 8.6 they are NOT taking away your t X arty just moving up as total xp from t1 to t10 is same as from t1 to t8 in arty branch everything is fine

    11. Jesus, then look at Soviet tanks. You got your tank bumped a tier, new tank that replaced it on its former tier. All xp was also retained.

    12. It's already been stated some nationalities may have more than one arty line (eventually) .... it's not about the arty. Also, you really think people won't be playing the new arty if it's free or not?

    13. It's very simple. WG long promised to give free tanks when Soviet tanks moved up one tier and the introduction of M103 and they kept their words. But now they don't promise anything. What they plan to do are reasonable (unlock previous tanks) and favor players (you'll save half credit if you have that arty at the convert). So, take it easy and prepare your arty before 8.6 hits.


    14. You guys are missing the point.
      WG is, to at least some degree, attempting to REDUCE the number of arties saturating the MM queue. If WG gave away a bunch of free ones it would totally defeat that purpose.

  3. - it's theoretically possible that in 0.8.6, new battletiers are introduced

    they mean tier 11 etc.?

    1. Battle tier is something completely different than vehicle tier.

    2. Perhaps a modified MM then?? Interesting.

    3. They probably mean something along the lines of say 5.5 to compensate for those tanks with special MM, i think this might be a way to properly balance scout MM


    4. battle tier 11 already exist if not mistaken, maybe battler tier 12 or even more?

    5. Tier 12 exist too(only tier 10 tanks and t8 arties atm).
      As someone stated above, I think they'll add the new battle tiers between the existing ones.

  4. just dont buy the indien panzer,,, dont do it

    1. Just why?

    2. its really soft, even after angled, lots of weak points, ammo rack just behind the clan logo...

    3. oh wait
      just like any other medium

    4. no since its max speed is 30-35 km/h on city and 30 on soft. + bad camo.

    5. It's a medium tank. Get used to it.

    6. Tried it on test server, got 4 kills in first battle. It's a beast. Gun is amazing. And armour is not bad too, look at that frontal slope.

    7. Interesting, IdPz is the only new German tank come in 8.5 which almost everyone happy with it.
      And, it can go 50km/h easily, just don't climb

    8. > max speed is 30-35 km/h on city

      EOT learn to play

    9. jesus sainz is clearly trolling. IP can easily reach max speed on city maps. Heck i was crusing at 47km/h on airfield desert map.

      Whoever says that tank has poor speed is either dumb or he is trollin.

    10. It's speed it's almost the same of the tier8-10 british meds.
      Also it's compensated by a damn good traverse speed, a damn good gun and the fact it bounce alot of sheels.
      And about the ammorack.In around 20 battles( fromwhich I already got ace tanker) I got my ammorack damaged, not destroyed, only once by an arty sheel.
      I smell trolling on your post sainz.

  5. Ok, so WG is not going to attempt to fix the chat problems or the graphic card problems. Great, thanks for nothing.

    I also love how nonchalantly they just tell you that this is the case. As if to say 'f**king deal with it, n**ger'

  6. - current maps might eventually get various seasons' versions (for example winter Steppes etc.)
    probably will be just the current maps with other skyboxes

  7. - apparently, there were some problems with balancing the light tanks, so they decided to disable that MM part, so for now the scout MM is identical to the one pre 0.8.5

    so it's because of that.. oh..

    I saw an A-20 today in tier VIII battle and was pretty sure something fishy is going around there

    - the bug where you can't close personal chat in garage was not fixed 0.8.5, nor is a micropatch planned to fix that bug specificall


    btw, you've changed the anti-bot system? :P

  8. "- devs are considering the possibility to retrain the crew members
    to another role (SS: for example radioman into a loader)"

    What if they work first towards something more logical and intuitive such as once a crew is trained on a tank, he needs no retraining on that tank to pilot it once again since he already took training on it.

    For example if a crew set trained for a T-34-85 and retrains for T-62, if the players decides to transfer the crew back to T-34-85 they should no longer require retraining cause they already know how to drive it.

    1. That is logical but of course WG have screwed the players over because otherwise they wouldn't sell as much gold. It's daylight robbery.

    2. I think WG commented about your suggestion. They don't want some super crews who can drive any vehicles with their max potential without cost. Imagine what would happen to newcomers if there was a MS-1 (if not many) with 5-skill crew. It would be insane and imbalanced.


    3. I'm pretty certain there are MS-1's with 5 skill crews even now...

    4. You know, those are just minority. But if crew was able to effectively drive any tanks which they used to drive, those minority would become majority. No need to train more new crew. All you have to do is training one crew. Whenever you have new tank, just transfer them to that tank, retrain and you'll have skilled crew for every tanks. It's just weird imo.

    5. It's not like anyone really cares about tier 1 battles.

  9. Other than Arty, have they announced new 8.6 vehicles?

    1. The way they've been talking, I think 8.6 is going to be arty-only.

      (Being a non-arty player, I personally hope they'll throw in a new map to let me have something to look forward to)

    2. The Access to the A33 Excelsior, that came in 8.5 for Super Testers will be available in the store in 8.6.

    3. If I recoil well.. there was a mentioning of Havok in 0.8.6.. :)


    4. I think havok will come in 0.9.0 since they said 9.0 will be big.

  10. So basically all bugs that already existed in game that are mentioned to be fixed in 8.5 are not fixed...they just implemented new tanks and tweaked game a bit(FPS is worse than in 8.4) and there you have "new" patch...talking about incompetence and laziness eh...

    1. Not really something new. WG always cared more about new stuff to grind and spent gold on than actually fixing stuff.

      Anybody else trying the new 320 Nvidia driver yet ? Haven't had a crash with that one yet, though i have been restarting WoT quite a bit today, as there are some problems with on of my mods i can't figure out.

  11. Is it just me or should Mines be removed from high tier battles (T10). I find no reason to explain why just because it can't only be me who are getting tired of mines in T10 games.

    1. And with the current artyfests -> campfest which follow, Mines, IMHO should be limited to low tier battles like Province.

    2. I know how you feel, its a fun map for many tanks but high level it just seems like a way to pay a hefty repair bill. IMHO Province was more fun at Teir 10 levels than Mines

  12. - current maps might eventually get various seasons' versions (for example winter Steppes etc.).
    Gimme god damn night modes!

    Faster they finish with trying to put dynamic lightning into their pre-historical engine the better.

    1. I don't know what takes them so much to do that...there are already mods for day-night cycle but don't work properly because they screwed up the sky textures in 8.0...

  13. At first the reclycle all kinds of tanks now they will recycle old maps cause they are too lazy for making new ones... oh yeah look its steppes with the same terrain but with a cocain coating eh snow coating.

  14. ***
    apparently, there were some problems with balancing the light tanks, so they decided to disable that MM part, so for now the scout MM is identical to the one pre 0.8.5

    This explains why the part of the patch I was looking for the most failed to satisfy me yesterday.

    2 x T5 scout + 1 x T8 scout does not equal 1 x T5 scout + 2 x T9 heavy most of the time (unless the level of stupidity is grossly unbalanced as well)

    However, MM yesterday (post-patch) seemed somehow even worse than before. While pre-patch, we (TS/platoon) sometimes (say 2-3 games out of 30 a day) discussed having a one or two T9 tank difference this was pretty much the standard yesterday. The MM even seemed to mess up making up for noobplatoons/trollplatoons (T9 + T7 etc.) more than before.

    The best example was in a T8-9 match when one of our glorious T9 heavies (winrate 46%, what a surprising coincidence...) was in a platoon with a T8 and a T7. Both sides had four arties each, however two of our arties were a tier below the enemy's arty (the other two were equal) and they had three additional T9 tanks while the rest was equal. There weren't even any scouts to mess it up, which made me wonder what was wrong. I only saw such crappy MM pre-patch when scouts were involved.

    Such mismatches continued for dozens of games, it was very rare to find the MM to not mess up completely. Even when the enemy was disadvantaged by the MM I could not enjoy it because it is flat-out unfair (yes, I often put myself into the shoes of the guys on the receiving end), from the start and due to an algorithm that should be simple to maintain.

    Stupid MM by tier is one of the most fun-killing things in the game, even above arty-parties on open maps and the occasional noobstacks. People demanding skill-based MM IMHO overlook that simply fixing tier-based MM would help a long way already.

    So.... has anything else about the MM been changed in 8.5 or was this just random luck?


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