
Apr 18, 2013

2 million hits (+ contest)

Hello everyone,

it was about a month ago I was thanking you for the one million hits on this blog. Little did I know that within a month, it would double. I guess I must be doing something right :)

Either way I'd like to thank you all again for your continued support. As a reward, I am preparing a very special competition for you :) It will involve.... nah, won't tell, but it'll start next week (with the new patch) and it's a generally pretty stupid idea, so I am sure many will like it.

I would also like to thank the contributors who wrote and continue  to write very interesting articles for this sate, it's your archievement too (with R no less!) :)

So, thanks once again and enjoy :)


  1. Thanks for doing this. I stumbled across the blog last night and read it for several hours. And then thought, "What? I'm still only in MARCH?"

    1. Lol :) Well, most people don't tend to read EVERYTHING :)

    2. I am here almost from the start,and i read everything too... It is very god blog, keep doing good job, all the best. Manijak82 EU

    3. There are visitors not reading all the stuff?

      Heretics! Burn them and their tanks!

  2. Thank you for making this site for the WoT players who are interested in learning more about the tanks in the game and IRL. I also want to thank you for not abandoning it when WGEU kicked you out of the forums.

    Keep up the good work knowing that your readers are behind you at all times.

  3. Yep, coming here daily.
    Thanks SS for your work.

  4. Live Long and Prosper SS

  5. Thank you all who make FTR the go to place for WOT info and maybe WoWP and WoWS in the future. Silent Stalker, thanks for your indipendently minded approach and not standing for the dogmatic BS that the offical channels broadcast.

    Herman der German

  6. SS love your work, following u since u started the translation 3d. Is funny u're doing a free work when WG should pay someone from eu staff for doing the same.

  7. I really wonder when will there be an official WG competitor for this blog for the EU/NA server, and if that ever came why would i stop reading this?
    Keep up the good work and don't stop the leaks if you get them, at this point it just prooves WG wrong!

    1. "official WG competitor for this blog for the EU/NA server"
      There isnt even such a thing for RU. Dont see it coming.

      Well ok, wot-news copied the idea and now does something simmilar like once a week with far less questions.

    2. You seem to be like the modern media, taking a quote out of context, the russians have an official Q/A forum which SS translates daily.

  8. Keep it going Frank, you'r the Man

  9. Gz dude ;) If you want to keep contest formula as secret for now, maybe at least some peek on rewards ? Or it will be like glory and honor only ^^

  10. This blog became actually my first click after I open my broswer at home and at work.

    Keep it up or I will get mad. And you dont want to see that. Nobody wants. Not even me.

  11. Hey grats man! i first found out about you on EU community. Shame they exiled and banned you and your blog.

    Keep it up!

    1. That's okay, I don't mind, as long as the info gets to the good folks on EU server, which it does (there are Czech/Polish/German/French/Hungarian (and maybe other) players translating the english translations to their languages) :)

  12. My daily routine:check emails,read updates on THIS BLOG,then everything else...
    Keep up the good work.


  13. The usual routine, the more WG wants people to ignore this blog the more hits you get, hehe.

    So keep up the good work Frank, there is a reason why i come here few times a day and only once in a week check Overlords Blog.


  14. Congrats and I hope the hits keep on coming!

    Its so nice to have a website for WoT news which is updated often with important information. There just isn't enough official news given by WG about the game's development, its shockingly bad. They should put you on the payroll instead of banning you from the forum! lol

  15. I stopped to read EU forums because there is no useful information anymore. Only whining and crying. From here I can find RU Q/A and some other interesting topics. Also this works with phone. Thanks.

  16. I assume we have to desing a pashalok panzer, using an offhand historical reference to design a completely new tank.


    1. Nope. The working title is "Make someone rage" :)

  17. can you extend the contest to the SEA server?


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