
Apr 15, 2013


- incoming arty nerf in connection with tier 10 arty? "no comment"
- there will be no further (stricter) arty hardcap per battle
- various historical battles might have various XP/credit rewards
- there is further material available on more British heavies and mediums (to be implemented)
- in connection with tier 10 arty introduction, the company vehicle tier limits for various vehicles will be re-worked, but the sum of points for each company time most likely won't
- the overall amount of arties per team in high tier battles should decrease with 0.8.6
- the new Chinese premium heavy (tier 8) will be called "112" (SS: it's the one from the screenies - basically a - probably armor-nerfed 113 hull and a 111 turret), there is also a Chinese (T8?) medium tank being prepared, but no info on that for now (this is how it looks:)

- dynamic objects (apart from fallen trees) have no influence on visibility, eg. if a small tank hides behind a big one, it can be spotted as if the big one was not there
- there are no plans to modify the MM, so one side doesn't have more premium vehicles than the other
- the reason there won't be any free arty given in 0.8.6 is that the devs don't want to increase the amount of arty even further
- 100 percent crew training for credits won't be implemented, as it has no influence on battle outcome
- popularity of a tank by itself is no reason for that tank to be buffed (eg. extremely unpopular tanks won't get buffed just because players don't like them)
- turret being ripped off by explosions effect will come soon apparently
- more XP (but not credits) is awarded for doing damage to enemy tanks of tier higher than you

Random news: Overlord admitted it would have been better to do the 2nd anniversary hangars differently (not as shared for USA and EU server) - maybe next time, guys.


  1. "Random news: Overlord admitted it would have been better to do the 2nd anniversary hangars differently (not as shared for USA and EU server) - maybe next time, guys. "

    Or maybe not at all. It's a nice gesture by WG but I can hear my graphic cards dying when I'm in Hangar.

  2. Hello,

    I dont know if this question has been asked, but i will ask anyway. So, in the near future, can we get some improvements on the chinese tanks gun depresion? i mean to the WZ-120 and WZ-121.

    Thx for the reply, i apologize if the question has been put and answer before.

    1. Nothing I know of. As far as I can tell, the bad depression is a trademark of Chinese vehicles...

    2. Thx for the quick reply, i hope we get some improvements on the gun depression, the medium chinese tanks are awesome.

    3. Chinese high tier are example that gun depression is far more important than powerful guns.

    4. Historically, Soviet and Chinese tanks suffered from a serious lack of gun depression. That is just the way it is, and the game should reflect this.

    5. And they would not be op with gun depression ...... never!

    6. The wz-120 is perfectly balanced. Dont know about the 121 tho.

    7. The tierX 121 definitely needs an improvement at it's aiming time, turret traverse speed and elevation angle. Most important is a better elevation angle.

  3. Man I really hope to find out the Brits are getting the Chieftain Prototype.

  4. These next updates will be far more interesting to me than the long-waited German medium line xD

  5. '- there is further material available on more British heavies and mediums (to be implemented)'

    This is surely just a pointless reaffirmation that British tanks we already expect to come, are going to be implemented? For example, the Lend-Lease line?

    1. PissedOffBritishMediumTankPlayerApr 15, 2013, 5:20:00 PM

      What about fixing British mediums, which are already released? No fuc**** way... HESH shells on FV4202 - "working as intented". Bugged hitzones, slow speed,... GG WG, GG

    2. omg, firefly really is the next leopard - we even have whiners moaning about the rest of the line being ignored

    3. Brit fanbois are the new Wehraboo.

      This wasn't hard to predict long before the tree was implemented given the amount of Unrealistic Expectation in circulation.

  6. I still can't believe they won't give us free arties... They gave everybody free tanks when the russian heavies split, when the T30 was moved to the TD line, when the ELC AMX arrived, but with arty - nothing... Probably they can't get over the fact that arty players could have gotten 4+ free garage slots...

    1. Alright lets have more free arties so that there shall be even more arties in battle to screw us all up!!!

    2. As long as the new arties are researched "for free" (we paid those XP allready) I'm fine.

    3. as if the number of artys would increase if an arty player had 6 instead of 4. simultaneous driving ftw.

    4. Yeah, logic is not so common today, it seems.

    5. Yeah, logic...

      You have 10 tanks and 4 of them are artillery. If you play all tanks 40% of your games will be played with artillery. Now you gain 2 more artilleries, resulting in 12 tanks with 6 artilleries. If you play all tanks 50% of your games will be played with artillery. So in total 25% more games with artillery.

    6. more than enough people would start grinding if there should be free tanks and garage slots.

    7. i cant believe there are still some of you people, who cant understand simple logic.
      when they gave free tanks, they did so because the tanks GOT REPLACED by something else, while they also kept those tanks and moved them.

      in the last "OMG WHY NO FREE TANKS?" cries you forget that these tanks (german low tier light line, and now arties) were NOT REPLACED, they just CHANGED TIERS.

      there were three "free tanks" events:
      the IS-4: it got replaced by is-8, while tank moved to other line.
      the T34: it got replaced by m103, moved to premium
      the T30: replaced by t110e5, moved to TD line.

      they did so because they couldnt just "steal" the tanks ppl have bought, so they had to give ppl the tank they had (the is4, t34, t30). they also coulndt "steal" the researched lines. if someone had the lets say US heavy line researched, they had to keep it so.

      in the last german light line and now in the arty line, NOTHING WILL CHANGE. if you have the top arty researched, so will you after 8.6, you will keep it, now as t10. it didnt got replaced by anything, just changed tier.

    8. You dont understand.

      They said they wont give out the replaced arty, because they assume there would be more arty played, which is just not true.

      You can only play one arty at once.
      There is no reason artyplayers would play more because they get one for free.

  7. they are doing a big deal with this 0.8.6... since warthunder is closing in, and a huge amount of wot players will at least give it a try (and some will stay), WG will do their best to keep this game interesting, or at least they should...

    Henriques (EU)

    1. I'm a free player and i always start tank 6+ with 100% crew. How? simply reaching 100% and then leaving xp free not choosing any skill/perk and then retraining for creds. Learning to play is the best way to stop complaining

    2. That's a wishful thinking.

      I'm staying with WoT because WoT Dev's aren't prone to subject to community's bidding.
      I've played MMO's where devs did what community wanted and guess what ? This didn't go well for them.
      Because like SerB once stated, only 7-10% of active players actually go to forums. In WoT it's still pretty high because many games have only 5% of players active on forum.

      You may also check WoT ranking. Out of 10 Best WoT players on EU server, only two post regularly on forum. I checked myself and its true. Just enter ranking from your account on WoT site, then go to their forum accounts (they heve always same name as game account) and see their post history.

    3. Thats 20% then, not 10%. ;-)

      We doubled it.

      And then think about the players that just read on the forums and post nothing. I think there will be like 10-20% more.

  8. > there will be no further (stricter) arty hardcap per battle
    Oh yeah, just like there will be no Tier10 MT and TD, and like there will be no extended post-battle statistics ("It's World of Tanks, not 1C Accounting" (c) SerB)

  9. > 100 percent crew training for credits won't be implemented, as it has no influence on battle outcome
    Lolwut? A tank with 100% crew will rip 50%-crew-tank to shreds. Honestly, why do post-soviet developers think that lying to their players is OK?

    1. It's not that. Simply that you can get a 100% crew already by training them.

      Gold crew training is pay-2-rush, just like premium accounts and free-XP conversion. WG's income model is pretty simple - convert impatience into cash.

    2. Training your crew for gold gives you clear advantage over non-paying customers who are forced to play with not fully trained crew for 30-50 battles.

      In effect you pay not only for having trained crew quicker (pay2rush), but also for having advantage over free players in fair amount of battles (pay2win). Exactly like affordability of premium ammo, when having premium account/tank gives you the ability to shoot more premium ammo, effectively buying advantage, due to economical design of this game.

    3. Because the difference between 90% and 100% crew is SO huge and decisive.

  10. "- the reason there won't be any free arty given in 0.8.6 is that the devs don't want to increase the amount of arty even further"

    never thought of getting such a worthy and pertinent premise from WG.

    Faith in wot developers: partially restored :)

    1. Why do the devs think, that this (or the whole patch) will reduce the number of arties?

      Right now I'm grinding arty intensively to reach two more tier 8. The 4th tier 7 is a fresh one and won't do it in time.

      Since I think the same behavior might be true for quite a lot of players, just the announcement of 0.8.6 increases the number of arties right now allready.

      And right after the patch we will have a number of new toys to play with. Me for example I will play them all until they are elite and earned their aces.

      No need for gifts at all, I have enough credits and slots available. So expect me to play even more arty after the patch.

      And again I think this will be true for a lot of us, whether we admit this or deny it.

      Sorry, I better "hide" this time. ;)

    2. you arty player ruin the game!
      go and play some 2D games with your GodMOde (strategy view)

      3 artys per battle more then enough, now i can see 5 tier 7 artis in almost each tier 8 battle! this is horrible!

      i play arty also, but very very little, cause it's so boring and stupid, just to relax.

      but those who play only artys are SOB that ruin the game

      FU player!

    3. ts just funny, how they can think such a nonsense!?
      When they would give us the lower tiered arty, do they think we play 2 artys at the same time, or how should there be more arty because of this.

      I mean, come on, they must be joking.
      Why should there be less arty in hightier, when they just bring a new one into tier 9?

      No logic there, just false promises.

      Hardcap them, and the problem is solved.

  11. People tend to forget that the only think that is able to stop me from flanking, is arty.
    I do not mind arty, but if they get removed, nothing can stop me from killing helpless zombies.
    So chew on that zombies. Arty is keeping you indirectly alive until you make a mistake. Ironically, it's the same zombies that wants to have arty removed.


    1. you must be some kind of noob, the only thing stops you from flanking is you own lack of situational awareness...

      I flank all the time, whenever they have arty or not, and arty is not even a major problem unless you want to flank with a Maus or smthing big ans slow, the real problem is the Tank Destroyers, they usually camp in key locations to prevent sudden enemy flanking manoeuvres and that's what gets me most of the time.

      and btw, i'm not a zombie player and I would like to see less arty (not total removal but less) per game. We need them to kill big and well armoured tanks and tds.

    2. Yep, and I bet you die alot because of your "flanking" and then proceeds to flame the arty for having the nerve to shot you.
      But on the other hand, maybe I wasn't clear enough.
      Ofcourse I flank, but if I know that such a flanking move (due to my awesome awareness) is highly likely to be met by a shell from arty, it will restrain me.
      So I was talking about a specific situation and not flanking in general.

      And I have no problem with lots of arties in a game. There's such a lack of game modes on WoT that any absurb situation is a welcome sight.
      Variation for the win.


  12. "dynamic objects (apart from fallen trees) have no influence on visibility, eg. if a small tank hides behind a big one, it can be spotted as if the big one was not there"

    This is a news to me. Are destroyed tanks considered "dynamic" objects? How about destructible buildings?

    1. this changes everything... I also would like to know what else is considered "dynamic objects"

      Henriques (EU)

    2. anything thats not there since the begining of the battle.

    3. Scouting technique:
      Hide behind a dead heavy. It is a fantastic shield, but allows you to view the field completely unobstructed. You will probably be spotted, but it will be difficult to kill you. Works quite well.

  13. no news about the nerfhammer on troll guns tiers 4-5?

    1. apart from arty those heat launchers are another thing that ruin game...

  14. Yet again, WoT "Devs" are better in talking then actually coding something.

    modeling new tanks: not coding many per 2 months
    modeling new maps: not coding & 1 per 4 months!
    new game mechanics: maybe 1 feature a year.

    amazing rate of development.
    maybe next year we will see another Map!? wow, it will blow our minds.

    next year maybe you will see a turrent blown up! wow amazing! they hired John Carmack to write this code for them.

    hopefully next year there will be another good tanks game, cause WoT has proven the need, but they cannot deliver.

  15. - popularity of a tank by itself is no reason for that tank to be buffed (eg. extremely unpopular tanks won't get buffed just because players don't like them)

    What about very popular tanks? like KV-1S aka tank who can't win or lose stats vise, because every battle with KV-1S has them on both sides, so if one side KV-1s tanks lose others side wins.

    1. kv-1s is a bloody plague at t6 and im wondering how can people have 48% WR and below on that...

    2. they dont understand popular tanks are so popular for some reason lol, for instance, kv-1s is popular because it can 2shoot a same tier tank. And t110E5 because its a medium tank with a heavy gun and heavy features like good all-round armor.

      On the contrary, none uses a B1, Somua SAu-40, M3Lee,JagdPz IV etc because they simply suck.

      And some of this needs is want must be considered OP and UP tanks, and should be balanced.

      Every time the Devs say something, a new level of dumbness is achieved.

    3. I am sick and tired on the KV-1S hordes in all Tier 6 games, no point in even trying a TC without them at that Tier because they so outlass everything else at that tier.
      and secondly:
      They do relaise that the reason that so few of those premiums are bought is not because they are unpopular but because they are sh*t. Matilda Black Prince and TOG are poor premiums and have not sold well whereas the Type-59 is so craved for because it is rubbish?-I think not.

    4. VK3601 is better in TCs than KV-1S

    5. Anon @5:58 - did you really claim the T110E5 has good all-round armour? The tier 10 tank with just 76mm on the side?

    6. Its just funny, how they can think such a nonsense!?
      When they would give us the lower tiered arty, do they think we play 2 artys at the same time, or how should there be more arty because of this.

      I mean, come on, they must be joking.
      Why should there be less arty in hightier, when they just bring a new one into tier 9?

      No logic there, just false promises.

      Hardcap them, and the problem is solved.

    7. Sry, false post.

    8. Lol, you dont have to use kv1s hordes in TCs, its easy to win Tc with maybe 2 1s's and 5 hellcats and a vk36 nd a cromwell

  16. Why create a new Chinese heavy and medium premium tank when the WZ-111 and Type-59 are already in game? (albeit for the Chinese server)

    Seems odd.

    1. Type 59 won't come to the store again, so right now there is no chinese premium tank.

  17. Any news, hints or rumors about 0.8.5 release?

  18. - turret being ripped off by explosions effect will come soon apparently

    That should only happen when you get ammo racked. It would actually be more cooler. Blowing up everytime will get banal quickly, not to mention goodbye to your nice cover against arties, other tanks.

    - popularity of a tank by itself is no reason for that tank to be buffed (eg. extremely unpopular tanks won't get buffed just because players don't like them)

    they basically say if no one from now on plays/buys anymore a tank such as Lowe for example, they will take no action at all. GTFO! GTFO!! who the fuck youre fooling WG?

    i bet my arm if sLowe sales will get to a serious sales decrease, they will instantly buff it somehow and even make a special trailer : hey we buffed Lowe! please buy it back!

  19. Providing new arty to play while claiming that the number of arty in games will decrease? Is this cognitive dissonance on the part of the dev's or is there something they aren't telling us?

    1. Well, not really.... I mean, if you take for example top battletier, today you have 1/8th of all arty vehicles playing it. In 0.8.6 you will have 1/10th of them (but the amount of players will remain the same).

    2. So, it will be 1/10th because there will be more vehicles to chose from. The overall number of artys that can take part in the top battletier will be the same.

      Maybe there will be a gap for a few weeks until people get the new tier 8/9 artys but in the long term I don't see how they think they will reduce the number of SPGs in high tier matches, without any change in arty mechanics.


  20. "- popularity of a tank by itself is no reason for that tank to be buffed (eg. extremely unpopular tanks won't get buffed just because players don't like them)"

    And what is the point of adding tanks that really no one bother playing? I.e the second Soviet TD line.


    1. Hey! I'm grinding for it ATM! >:c

  21. Will tank WZ-111. It has long been there in the Chinese server -
    The news today.

    1. That "news" is dated at 16.4.2012... *facepalm*

    2. Sorry did not notice the year, although the date coincides.
      On the introduction of the WZ-111 in the patch 0,8,6 said in an interview published on the Russian server - (time of the video, starting with 2.39)


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