
Apr 13, 2013


- the 8.6 Batchat 155 arty confirmed to be T9
- the 8.6 German arty shown in the ASAP video is "GW Elefant", most likely T9,  according to SerB it was "developed for a 210mm gun" (SS: a complete fake then, another made up vehicle)
- WZ-120 frontal upper armor angle is the same as the one of T-54. 112 and 113 have better angle. On 120 and 121 photos it can be seen- 60 degrees
- the new Soviet 8.6 arty is - as suspected previously - a SU-14-2 prototype. It however will not carry a proposed 305mm gun, nor will it be faster and less armored than the regular SU-14
- Japanese superheavy tanks did not have armor with effective slopes, they were made to be protected from nearby shell explosions of (up to) 406mm, the "40-roadwheel superheavy" was an O-I development, made by the Navy as a coastal defense vehicle. This vehicle blueprints exist in a private archive Wargaming is trying to buy for 2 years already - when it is bought, it will be published
- damaged fuel tanks on a WoT tank have no effect on anything, but completely destroyed fuel tanks cause a fire
- captured (German) KV-1 will have a different gun than the current KV-1, the captured T-34 will most likely have much better viewrange than the Soviet one (SS: it had a Panzer IV commander's copula mounted in by the Germans)
- apparently in 8.6 the S-51 will keep its 203mm gun
- there will be changes to premium accounts (for the benefit of the player), but what kind of changes, the devs won't tell for now

Also edited the 8.6 arty article for additional info


  1. "- there will be changes to premium accounts (for the benefit of the player), but what kind of changes, the devs won't tell for now"
    Wow - that sounds bad for free users. Considering that 3 people platoon and tank companies will now be available for all players, I wonder how awesome will the new premium accounts pros be. Unfortunately it looks like WoT is drifting more and more towards pay to win.

    1. Weird. How can you have an opinion about something we dont have any information yet?

    2. "For the benefit of the player" - suggest that there will be some buffs. Fact that 3 people platoons, tank companies, and effectively premium ammo and consumables are now basically available for all players, suggests that new premium account features will be probably more significant than that.

    3. yeah maybe it sounds bad for free users but for prem users like me ist very good;)and why is wot drifting to more pay to win i know that wg wants to make Money but i really dont understand why you think that wot is now more pay tp win than before

    4. Well it's fair, isn't it? In past months, WG removed some major features from being gold-exclusive to available for everyone, so I think some buff to premium account might be in order.

    5. Well, for example when I started playing, regular T5 tanks were very good credit makers. Since then their profitability was significantly decreased, and it is harder to earn money for buying and running higher tier (9,10) vehicles without premium credit maker. Introduction of premium ammo for credits seem like a step toward free players, but effectively to use premium ammo you need stable credit income... and premium ammo for such tanks as PZIV, M4, Stug, Hetzer, VK2801 and most significantly FV215b (183) is extreme advantage. Last one especially with premium ammo is easily able to oneshoot all T9 tanks and quite few of T10 too. For me it all looks like it is a step toward free player, but in fact it all probably is just calculated to "persuade" players to buy gold for premium accounts and/or premium tanks.

    6. Agreed, there should be more features added to a premium account, given how many have been taken away recently. But this is provided that they don't boost in-game performance, just have greater rewards at the end of the battle.

      This will avoid P2W

    7. How can more free stuff be more p2w?

    8. "Well it's fair, isn't it? In past months, WG removed some major features from being gold-exclusive to available for everyone, so I think some buff to premium account might be in order."
      Nothing wrong with that, but I just think that previous status quo between free and premium accounts was good and it worked well. I just fear that WG may come up with something that will screw free players hard. Fact is that most free to play games are much harded for free players, and premium players often have big advantages over them. In WoT it was always kind of perfect solution - premium account players had very distinct advantages (faster exp and credit farming for example), but free players were able to stay competitive to them. I just fear that WG may ruin that pretty much uniqe situation, by introducing some very distinctive and major pros for premium accouns.
      On the other hand if it is only something like increase of exp and credits rate from 1,5 to 2 times then by all means, this is only fair considering the last changes in game economy. If we are talking about some major features (like for example respawn or something like that) that may just ruin game for free players.

    9. respawn?? u mad? :)

      I could imagine stuff like more free xp f.x. 10% instead of 5%.
      I dont think they will increase the credit income, that would influnece the economy too much

    10. About respawn, I just threw random, totally gamechanging idea that came to my mind, intentionally exaggerated. I don't suspect any repsawns. But then again War Thunder have something like backup planes, and you can take few planes into one battle (something like proposed garage battles in WoT), so who really knows?

    11. I dunno about you guys but wot is the most balanced f2p I've played. No locked progression or bullshit. As a result, they've actually managed to extract money from me

    12. So you play a free game (no cash for WG) and people who pay for the game (income for WG), like me, should not get something extra bc it isn't fair to all the people who play it for free ??? Hmmm, that sounds logical......

    13. It's just typical mmo f2p jealousy and pettiness.
      "Waaahh I want what THEY have!!!"

      If blogs had ignores, Szalony would have earned a place on mine.

  2. its not clear as info is differnt inthis post and arties one,

    Batchat 155 and Batchat 155 55 Which one is tier 9 and which tier X?

    1. Old 8 tier -> 10, new is 9 tier.

    2. probably Bat155 which we have now will be tier 10 while Bat155 55 on tier 9 will be the new one coming in 8.6 (M47 chassis)

      - niick [eu]

  3. > - the new Soviet 8.6 arty is - as suspected previously - a SU-14-2 prototype.

    It is just SU-14-1.

  4. So its the Panzer 753(r), with the 75mm L48 and new cupola for a Premium heavy... that's interesting.

    1. I'm wondering now if they might actually be put into the tree instead. The PzKpfw 747(r) would make a better Tier 5 in the medium branch situated between the VK20.01(D) and the VK30.01(D).
      The PzKpfw 753(r) would be a Tier 5 heavy, perhaps before the VK36.01H after that gets turned into a heavy. Just a thought.

      Life_In_Black (NA)

    2. Hell no! Just add them as premiums. Faster than having to wait agonizingly for a tree.

    3. ^^ it still is a soviet tank, converted for german use, it will be a premium. And I will have for sure lol

    4. I know they're still Soviet tanks, but don't forget that we're working with Wargaming's logic here. :D


  5. > - apparently in 8.6 the S-51 will keep its 203mm gun

    WTF? Historical gun for S-51 is B-4, why someone think that it will be removed?

    1. Probably in connection with the rebalance.

    2. So what? What is wrong if S-51 going to be tier 7 SPG for example (with B-4)?

    3. If they need a S-51 only with 152mm BR-2 then they should introduce the S-59

  6. mh, more and more made up tanks getting implemented. :(

  7. British SPG's not mentioned. Maybe my mistake, thought when T10 arty was released UK tree would also be released alongside..?


    1. No. That was debunked cca 1 week back. They won't come in 8.6

    2. May I trouble you for 1 more piece of info?
      Which patch is the A33 Excelsior due? Supertesters have had it so maybe public test in 8.6?

      Thanks & regards


    3. Yep, that's what would be expected from the timescale of other premiums in the past.

    4. It will most likely come in 8.6 (unless there is some huge problem with it)

  8. - WZ-120 frontal upper armor angle is the same as the one of T-54. 112 and 113 have better angle. On 120 and 121 photos it can be seen- 60 degrees

    Wait, what's the 112? I thought the 113 was the only Chinese tank with a slope exceeding 60 degrees.

    1. *shrugs* Maybe a typo, or a slip...

    2. Perhaps the new Chinese tank in ASAP is 112, almost the same chassis as 113.

  9. Seems like my hunch was right about the archive.

  10. Replies
    1. Lucky i dont play high tier battles now that these SPGs will be added soon.

  11. So a SPG with Tiger II chassis at tier8 and a SPG with Tiger P chassis at tier9?

    Hmmmm...... did they just somked something bad?

    1. Reverse probably - G.W. Tiger at tier 9 and G.W. Tiger (P) at tier 8.

    2. No, he said it correctly. GW Tiger should be at T8, GW Elefant at T9

    3. No need to re-buy the GW Panther in discout because after it will come the GW Tiger, and I have both elited.

    4. That makes me so sad, I'm gonna have to grind more and more despite having GW Tiger. But it is kinda fair, as in other nations it's the same - M40/M43 will be Tier IX, just as Lorraine 155 51 and Obj 212.

      Seems that it's like that:
      VIII >>> X
      VII >>> VIII
      new tiers IX and VII are made.

    5. You are wrong. M40/M43 will be tier 8, Lorraine 155 51 too.

    6. Shit, I misspelled. of course, I ment they're gonna be tier VIIII, just as you can see on the "scheme" at the end of my post ;)

    7. You did it again. Tier VIIII would be the same as Tier IX. What you mean to say is Tier VIII :P

    8. xD

  12. "the captured T-34 will most likely have much better viewrange than the Soviet one (SS: it had a Panzer IV commander's cupola mounted in by the Germans)"

    lolwut, the top turrets of both the T-34 and Pz IV in game have the same viewrange: 350 meters.
    Either they're gonna give the Pz IV a small buff, nerf the T-34 a bit, or fuck all logic and make shit up.

    1. Logic? You mean WG dev's lolgic?
      PzIII/IV and PzIV should have the same cupola, but PzIV still have better viewrange than PzIII/IV. They will just fuck it up again.

    2. The premium T-34 will definitely have the 76 mm F-34 gun, but cast or hexagonal turret? Still hoping to see this tank added ASAP, been waiting for far too long already =(

    3. Agreed, it's my understanding that we won't see them until 2014 :(

      There will be 3 captured Russian tanks: BT-7, T-34, and KV-1 according to the Tech Tree - I will be buying all 3. I won't let them escape my grasp like I did with the Mini Maus and the Pz B2 (although I keep hearing rumors that both may be brought back next month).
      -CFagan1987 from the NA server

    4. @Gordon: You'd have to consider the fact that the cupola would make the captured T-34 taller, thus giving it a higher view range than the standard Soviet edition

  13. I just wait to any information about GW Panther. I hope that it will be bumped up a tier or so, so I could sell it with profit. Artillery is not for me.

  14. How the fuck is more arty going to fix the 5arties/side fest going on at T10? players will still player their actual T8 arty aka T10 in 8.6, because for arty there is no reason to go back and play shittier ones. Why would i go back and play an inferior arty, when i can play my T10 just fine, with bigger gun, bigger splash, bigger damage, more HP, basically at no real disadvantage except a bit slower rof. No big deal.

    So people will grind these new ones for awhile, all fun and games, till up up up again and stay there. To T10. No wonder why from T9 downwards, there is an arty ghost town. At T7 i get round after round without any arty in the battle. Because people simply moved to T8 instead. They stopped playing lower tiers.

    I already phased out most of my T10 heavies because of arty fuck fest every game. And went back to T9-T8, where i actually have some fun, because there are less arties and even when their number is high, they cant fucking 2shot me even from splash damage.

    This wont solve jackshit. Either it will make it worse for the tiers that are arty safe, or it will fail big time. Let's hope that rebalance they mentioned will do something.

    1. the actuall problem is that tier 7 and tier 8 arys both can only get in tier 10 games and on tier7 arys ppl need to grind 300+ exp... I think u can figure out the rest.

    2. "How the fuck is more arty going to fix the 5arties/side fest going on at T10?"
      The idea is that artillery players will be better distributed over more tiers thus it's easier to adjust their matchmaking and lessen the top heavy dogpile of arties(arty parties)

      "players will still player their actual T8 arty aka T10 in 8.6, because for arty there is no reason to go back and play shittier ones. Why would i go back and play an inferior arty, when i can play my T10 just fine, with bigger gun, bigger splash, bigger damage, more HP, basically at no real disadvantage except a bit slower rof. No big deal."
      The change makes it harder for new arty players to reach top tier, so yeah it won't change the current playerbase based on what we know here, but it does slow down the newcomers

    3. Actually the problem is tier VI and VII artys getting into the tier X matches.

  15. - there will be changes to premium accounts (for the benefit of the player), but what kind of changes, the devs won't tell for now

    maybe more crew experience :D

  16. What does "silver-gold" consumables and ammo have to do with prerium account? None.
    You can't buy gold ammo with prerium account, you buy it with gold. No further boost for prem playeras is needed.

    1. what about 3 plattons and Companies for free?

  17. Guderian mentions a plan to mount a 155mm howitzer on the ferdinand chassis, so maybe this Porsche artillery piece isn't entirely fictional.

    1. Source? Because I have run into a similiar claim, but the source book is... suspicious.

    2. My source is Panzer Leader by Guderian himself.

      "100mm belly armour was ordered for the Porsche Tiger that was in the process of construction and the armament was to consist of a 150mm. L37 cannon or a 100mm. L70."


      Note that Guderian is probably talking about the Maus here; throughout the book the good general generically calls heavy tanks from a variety of programs "tigers," possibly a translation error? Also, he's almost certainly talking about 155mm and 105mm/128mm weapons, as he also has a habit of referring to gun calibers approximately (e.g. he calls the gun on the tiger an 80mm at times).

      "Some of the Porsche Tigers then in construction were to be changed into assault guns by having the revolving turret removed and being equipped with a long 88mm. cannon [I guess he got the caliber exactly that time] and 200mm. of frontal armour. The installation of a 210mm. mortar in this tank was also discussed."

      Pg. 279-280

      So I misremembered, it was a 210mm mortar they were thinking of putting in the ferdi, not a 155mm howitzer. Unless Guderian is talking about the Maus again. Clearly, recall of exact numbers is not a strength of mine nor of General Guderian!

    3. Thanks for the source.

    4. Will see what Yuri has to say. Most likely it will again be the case like it was with the transmission change. Where they wrote on the Eu-Forum, that they have found a source in Germany: Wehrtechnische Amt. And they have that even mention in the news (that they found a source here)....LOL... Were then later had come out, that they havent even call there. *WG epic fail*

      So, I could think off, that they this time; pull the same move again. They say, they have call in Münster or Koblenz (which ofc they still havent done), which then leads to the case that the people believe them.... etc... (like SS april fouls joke).



  18. - the 8.6 German arty shown in the ASAP video is "GW Elefant", most likely T9, according to SerB it was "developed for a 210mm gun" (SS: a complete fake then, another made up vehicle)

    Considering the GW Elefant would be on the same chassis as the Tiger P, it's more likely that it would be the Tier 8 with the GW Tiger being the Tier 9.


    1. Well, SerB said it's "completely possible" the GW Elefant will be a tier 9, which usually means it will be.

    2. I suppose so, just seems a bit counter to the way they've done Tiering in the past.

      Going from the Tiger 2 chassis to the Tiger (P) chassis seems a bit off.

  19. I think that GW Elephnat has better mobility so it becomes tier 9


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