
Mar 30, 2013


Hello everyone,

so, today (or yesterday), a new batch of EU Q&A was open - you know, the thread where you can ask the developers anything and after 4 weeks or so, you get answers for about 5 percent of them. I saw the questions and I was like... "damn, I think I know what SerB will answer to this!"

So, let's play a little game.

I'm gonna answer the questions EU players asked right here and right now. When there are official answers from developers, we can compare it and we'll see how accurate I was. I am willing to bet I won't be far from the truth, given the fact that the answers usually don't differ from the one on RU server.

And yea, I know the system is crappy, but it's all the EU server has. I have the feeling Overlord is working on something better for the EU, but could be just a hunch. So, let's get to it.

Izroda: When will the test server for next patch be up and when can we expect 0.85 to go live?
Answer: Devs will NEVER give you an exact date when the live patch is scheduled. Best guess? Test begins on monday/tuesday and will last two weeks. You won't get the official answers till then most likely.

Whiskey_CZ: Do you plan add to German tech tree more moder tanks? (1945 up)
Now in German tree are only tanks of WW2, in 8.5 we will see first tanks after war in their tree (Indien-panzer, Leopard I,...). You said that you had vehicles for 4 TD line, will be in one of line "Kanonenjagdpanzer"?
Answer: This was actually asked on the RU server several times. The reason why Kanonenjagdpanzer was not introduced is that while it is a late design (1960), its quality doesn't reflect that. It's a tier 6 material at best and that tier is mostly occupied by mid-war vehicles. That's why it's difficult to implement. My guess? There is a small chance it will appear as a premium vehicle, but the general answer is "no".

Yannik1904: Will the "Sturmtiger" be introduced into the game?If yes,when?
Answer: Yes, 2014

1.When will you add tier X artillerys to the game?
2. Why have differents tanks with the same caliber of their weapon different shot sounds ( SU-8 152mm----SU-152 152 mm)?
3. When  will the maps "Komarin" and "Swamp" come back to randoms?
4. Are there plans to add british artillerys in the next patches?
5. Could you buff IS-8 cause its frontal armor is rubbish in contrast to other Tier IX heavys. In reallife he had 240 mm I think

1. KTTS ("when it's done it's done") (SS: 0.8.6)
2. Because in real life the guns shot different shells
3. KTTS (SS: was scheduled for 0.8.5, was missing from the preliminary patchnotes, so either 0.8.5, or 0.8.6)
4. Yes, 0.8.6
5. WG buffs vehicles as needed.

R4F431: Do you plan on adding bullet drop the players them self must compensate for? because then it will make firing gold shells, or expenisve shells in general a little bit more unsure.
Answer: No, if WG wanted to have that, they would have done that from the beginning. Besides, it would be pointless and confusing.

principat121: Do you plan to modernize the UI in the garage?!
- for example the functions for sorting tanks are worth to reworking! Because when you have a really lot of tanks then non of the existing mechanism is usefull
- or puting whole crews in and from tanks could be intruduced (yes, there are mods, but officially...)
- something I have forgotten
Answer: The vehicle selection and filter interface will undergo an overhaul, it is planned.

builder396: When can we expect independent wheel suspensions to be added, and will this change be only optical or will it actually include driving performance?
Answer: With the introduction of Havok, KTTS (SS: the independent suspension is internally tested at this moment. Wargaming will never tell when exactly is it coming, but rough estimate is Fall 2013)

Smederevac94: Hi WG, 1.Do you have any plans for Tiger 2 speed in the future, because it is little a 28 km I think hi deserve 32 or 35 km. 2.Do you have any plans for E-100 gun (150cm) in the future, because 15 cm gun has the worst penetration 176-294 that is so little.
Answer: We buff vehicles as needed

IgnacM991: 1. Are you going to seriously rebalance and remodel the artillery's role on the battlefield? If yes, then when? SPGs are successfully killing the game on higher tiers ATM! You may have your stats, but it's fun what really matters and even 3 high-tiered SPGs can make a match awful for slower, bigger tanks.
Answer: The number of artillery in high tier battles should drop with the introduction of tier 10 arty.

Dead3yez: Will there be a second US medium line? What characteristics will this medium line have that separate it from the existing US mediums? Is there also going to be a new US medium premium tank available to buy? When can we expect new US mediums?
Answer: Possible, wait for the announcement (SS: WG will not tell you such things in advance, but I think  we might see two more American branches at some point: the Yoh heavy branch and the T95 medium branch, which most likely won't have any really special traits)

Rongkong: Can we expect updated engine-sounds in the near future or do we have to rely on Gnomefather's mod? The actual ones are quite lame compared to the real world sound and i expect the Leo 1 to have an very inapropriat sound as well.
Answer: Okay, here I am not sure how exactly will Wargaming answer. On Russion forum, the question was answered so that the devs are happy with the current  sounds and that finding realistic sounds of tank engines is extremely difficult, as very few are in running condition. Possible, in distant future.

Psysiphos: do you consider adding more expensive premium ammo that has far higher damage AND penetration?
Answer: If needed (SS: this sort of questions is typically either not answered at all, or with "po neobchodimosti" = as needed)

sparkase: When can we expect to get the Churchill AVRE ?
Answer: This won't get answered - and if it does, then by KTTS, or 2014

Elmis66: According to tech tree on webside there's going to be second soviet medium tanks branch. What patch are they planned for and what will differ them from existing ones?
Answer: Wait for the announcement (SS: possibly 0.8.7 or 0.8.8, not sure, but they sure as hell won't tell)

So, let's see how close I get :)

Just a few tips in case you guys missed that:

- never ask devs about when exactly will there something be, they won't answer
- don't bother asking for buffs and nerfs, the answer will be always "as needed", if there is any answer at all
- don't bother making suggestions about mechanics/physics, anything you propose was already proposed ten times over on RU forum (trust me, that's true)
- don't bother making any suggestions that would complicate the game (clutch, shell drop etc.) - if the devs wanted something as fundamental, they would have implemented this in the beginning

If you want to find out, when something will be introduced, ask like this: "Is there a chance that XXXXX might appear in 2013?"


  1. I would love to see some US YOH Tanks those look pretty damn cool same with the new med line..i really am looking forward to them but geez ever since the random leak last October all talk and news is gone =/ But YOH tanks..i look forward to those to..but thanks for the clear up on stuff!

    1. Remember, just my guesses, not real developer answers.

    2. What are yoh tanks?


  2. i think EU forum will copy paste from this post,
    so it's the other way around :)

  3. Do you know will the accelerated training in elite tank give experience to crew with more than 7 skills after the entire crews have 7 skills? Some crews like commander or driver can learn more than 7 but loader can learn 7 only.

    1. or someone friendly post this question as I come from SEA server.

    2. Yes, it will. But it's pointless, you can't have more than 7 skills, the crew will just accumulate XP for no reason. SerB or Storm (can't remember which) stated that 8 perks are not planned anytime soon, maybe in very distant future.

  4. Best tip:

    Dont waste your time asking questions which in 95% of the cases wont be answered :)

  5. Fuck arty and everyone who plays it?

    1. If you want no arty mode, go play Project Tank on Facebook.
      Oh, and before I forget answering your question: No.

    2. How about playing tier1? You roflstomp noobs and have no arty! Never tried it, but sounds like fun for the artyhaters...

  6. Hey SS!

    You missed the most important question - my personal favorite btw #3:

    "Would you hire SilentStalker for WG-EU to improve the current fiasco of "our" Q&A?!"

    1. +6 so far...hope this will rise =)

    2. Rofl, nice trolling, but considering I doubt the devs know who Silenstalker is in the first place, I don't think it's worth answering :) Plus, that's the better case. In worst case, they know it's the guy who leaked stuff and they will not be happy that you ask such stuff, so best not provoke them ;)

  7. you made this one harder than it should be
    WG standard answers:
    - no comment
    -working as intended
    -its done when its done
    -RO Ban
    -Random trolling
    - and sometime but rare if something is asked about german prototypes: Ahnenerbe.......

    1. LOL yes, that is more accurate.

  8. Replies
    1. Nope... they go soft on the EU. If people asked all this in the Russian thread, most would get a 14RO for "bojan" (in one case "megabojan") and one for "vajn" :)

  9. Наверное так и ответили бы, но я думаю будут помягче, а то европейцы гораздо чувствительней, такой вайн поднимут.
    СС, где русский учил? Если он для тебя не родной, то большой респект, уже не просто понимаешь, а даже можешь Серба на русском сервере подменить.

    1. We are not that sensitive, dont worry.

    2. I'm not sure, seeing all that hate for SerB just because he's being honest in his answers and takes no bullshit, I don't think that eu forums can handle the Troll.

    3. Thanks, but I still have a lot to learn from the Master of Trolls himself. I learned two years in high school, the rest is self-study.

    4. Kitov, we are Bulgarians (with close mindset to Russians imho) and kinda understand Serb's trolling . But for Western Europeans it is a shock to see such answers from developers, they accept it not as a joke but as direct insults.

    5. Not really... its only certain sections of Western Europeans that dont get the trolling, or kids who believe everything the interweb says... and certainly with the way WG treats its customers, nothing can be taken seriously because some of the real answers look more like trolling than Serbs' trolls...

    6. I like SerB, most of his answers are hilarios (Unless he gets pissed off), but they kind of get lost in the translation.

  10. I always wondered where all those stupid questions come from for these Q&A's, it's not only here in wot, other games have the same. Moronic mouth breathers who repeat the same questions over and over again, despite having received numerous answers. The worst part is, the questions that are being answered are always the ones any sane person doesn't need or want an answer for, because he can either accurately guess the answer by himself through common sense/logic or has had an answer to that question come along before.

    Anyway, on topic, I suspect roughly 90% of the guesses will be close to fully correct, especially with these kind of questions being thrown at them. Regardless, still a fun side project.

  11. Shell drop is already implemented, it is just auto calculated by the game ...

  12. hello mate,
    today, as a Easter gift, I was given RO ban :)

    cheers to all the pirates, ar ar ;)
    have a happy easter

  13. About german TDs, there is enough material for 4.5 lines if one is willing to accept a few compromises.

    I'm waiting to get one last book to confirm some assumptions of mine but here's what I could gather:

    1) "Classic line" already in game (Krupp/Henschel)

    2) Waffentragers/Open Top (announced, looking for historical tier X)

    3) Porsche line (semi-announced) ending in JagdMaus (or more appopriately in SturmPanzer Maus, looking for info on Porsche E-25 and will have a few compromises to be filled)

    4) Assault gun line (semi-announced) likely ending with Sturmtiger

    5) Several designs are available for premium tanks/filler but we're short on high tiers so not enough for a full 5th line

    Will post in detail but I will wait my supertester position to expire in order to avoid potential conflict of interests.


    1. SerB himself stated the same thing in Russian forums. He said they definitely have material for 3 more TD lines and if they push and "invent" some stuff those can be expanded to 5 besides the current one. My guess is that those are not top priority though, more likely they will put more chinese vehicles and the british arty line.

    2. There is no need to invent.
      The most problematic material is the open-top tier X (I'm getting Spielberger book about E-series to investigate) and the Porsche line (which will require splitting Ferdinand and Elefant plus reclassifying one heavy tank project into TD).

      Everything else is already in place, although some projects are pretty obscure.


  14. "Is there a chance that XXXXX might appear in 2013?"

    SerB: "even 0.00000000001% is a chance, so yes, there is!"

  15. So generally, don't waste your time asking any relevant/constructive questions about the game. GG WG.

  16. Ohh...
    At first I thought you wanna answer questions in the same style as SerB. (some trolling here and there, random 3 weeks bans etc. :D)

  17. ERMAHGERD! I, and my work, was mentioned in a question that was answered! ( I'm Gnomefather)

    1. In that case kudos to you, good sir, those mods are excellent! If we were on forums, I'd give you +1 if only for that Pratchett reference :)

    2. Oh, so you know about these mods?

      I feel really famous right now!
      Haha, yeah you noticed that.

    3. Well, I don't use them (I don't use any mods), but they are quite famous, along with XVM and Jimbo

  18. This gonna be updated for the next posts?

    1. I dunno, up to you. Wanna see your reply to my question(s), whoever I am :D

    2. Brilliant, cheers.


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