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Mar 8, 2013

Aufklärungspanzer Panther will be in 8.5


Storm confirmed that while the RU251 will not be in 8.5 (see picture), the recon Panther will appear. What kind of weird tactic is that, releasing branches in halves? Either way, Storm confirmed that the AP will follow after the VK2801 and also confirmed it has a konish gun (something we knew in advance ;) ).


  1. Any news how much exp will be needed for AP?

  2. That RU251 doesn't look like most German tanks, more like an American.

    1. >Miniaturized Leopard

      Sure thing, sure thing.

  3. will it be a 50 tons light tank?

  4. Pass the bleach around please?
    Thank you.
    *gulg* *gulg* *gulg*

  5. Somehow I fear it will be Aufklärungspanther->IndienPanzer...etc and the VKDB will be left out. I mean Storm said we should wait for an official announcement before grinding XP on it.

    1. No. Especially since recently, the VK3002DBv1 (T6 before the VK3002DB) was supertested too.

    2. can you acquire a screenshot of the VK3002DB V1 please?

  6. Tier 6 normal German tank - 132mm pen, 88mm.
    Tier 6 premium RU TD - 190mm pen, >400 ALfa...

    Yeh... balance. For AP nothing better then that is expected then to be a free hp and credits for other tanks.

    1. Tier 10 RU tank -260 pen, 490 damage
      Tier 10 German TD - 299 pen, 1050 damage

      TD mate, suppose to have big alpha! Stop crying.

    2. Then compare tier6 russki TD to tier 6 german TD. Im pretty sure that you dont want to do it.

    3. Relax people, i've got the new SU-100Y, it's like with the Jagdpz E-100, the gun makes the tank, but if too many other aspects fall short, then the gun is not of much use.

      The gun is great, but has slow reload, it has a bad depression and traverse is only okay. It has very slow aim and the hull is very big, so that people can already shoot at you, before you can even see them.
      60mm of armour tops is nothing to write home about.

      The best thing next to the gun is the speed and mobility, since it gave up a lot of armour to archieve this.

      It's only OP, if you like to stay out in the open for
      very long times and don't like to shoot back ;)


    4. 100Y is very fast and agile. Dickermax is not. Think about what the 100Y does to the JP IV. Boom.

    5. Yes. Let's compare TDs - JPIV and SU-100Y...

  7. to be honest, a crappy tier 7 is hardly new, what's the word on this DB-junior? i think tier 6 is more important really, having established that the panther wont be used as an alt-scout for champion companies probably.. can this DB be useful enough that it might make appearances (on the winning side) in Medium companies?

    1. In its elite form, it's basically a stock VK3002DB with better engine and the L/70

    2. so if I get this right VK3002DB will stay T VII, then Indienpanzer as T VIII, then Leopard Prot T IX and last Leopard T X.

      But if they add the VK3002DBv1 as T VI, from wich T V will come ? Panzer III/IV ?

    3. Unsure. Possibly. There's also the VK2001 in there somewhere.

  8. I heard the RU251 leads to the Leopard line, is this true?

  9. Did anyone ask them why they make up unhistorical and frankly an unsuited "light" tank for a scout role instead of using actual prototypes like the Spähpanzer SP I.C.?

    1. Why pay for expensive modeling when you can press ctrl+c ctrl+v

  10. About the "tactic". This means you have to go through the medium line to get the leopard. If RU251 would've come in 8.5 i guess most people would've got it and just jumped from that tank to the leopard and leave the medium tree alone. No we have to grind/free-exp both trees to get both top tiers.


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