
Mar 25, 2013

8.5 new map pictures

Okay, this is funny as hell. released "exclusive" screenies of the new map. At the same time, the same screenies were leaked to one Czech streamer, who published them as "exclusive content" and I republished here (should have known his source will be worthless, exclusive content my ass) :)

So, here are the screenies. Enjoy!


  1. Looks like a verry different map then the rest! Think it will be quite nice for meds and lights in the NW

  2. Even more pics can be found here

  3. Can you imagine the lemming trains on this map?at least 10 tanks per team rushing towards the bridges closer to base...and 1-2 tanks defending the longer way

  4. "Makes you wonder, if regular players get exclusive sneak peeks.... if anything changed in the Czech section at all.... "

    Haven't you played Fallout 3? "War never changes" ;) like other things (flawed logic, dumb people, greed, lust for power)

    1. Well, this is not a leak per se, this is sanctioned apparently, still... surprising.

  5. From the looks of it - its pretty. Will be dynamic too I guess.

  6. So... not a fully official sneak peak as it is not available on the main page of WG nor posted by an EU moderator. But an official leak... hard to believe after how EU coordinators reacted to the latest leaks in the near past.
    Unless it was sanctioned in a Czechout kind of way. Either that or I need a tinfoil hat.

    Makes you wonder if Czechout wasn't just an opportunist who used what was lying in front of her and what stayed where it was when she left.

    1. Apparently these screenies was "leaked" all over the place and some people were led to believe it was exclusive. On one side it's funny as hell, on the other side it's pretty retarded.

  7. Hello!
    This post brought some memories. Some time ago on official forum someone posted screens from three new maps - african savanna, american desert (cactuses!) and I think something like Louisiana. Do any of you know what happend to those maps?

    1. Yes. Louisiana turned into Live Oaks. Savannah and Arizona (that's how the US desert map was temporarily named) was scrapped.

    2. Thank you for the info :)

  8. The overhead view looks similar to Komarin...let's hope it's not played the same way...the landscape on the pictures reminds me on Dragon ridge....every map looks interesting on the first sight but until you have the chance to play it you can't know is it good or bad map....anyway every new map is welcome since we didn't had any in a years

    1. Exactly, this was the first thing that came to me when I saw the layout: Komarin. Let's hope it's not as ridiculously imbalanced as it looks at first sight.

    2. judging from the pics I think the water here is shallow enough to drive through at a lot of places, which would remove komarins problem of having only 3 crossings.

  9. Hey look! Another map that has half of its space consist of unusable terrain! Just what we always wanted!

    1. Hmmm...this concerns me also....first of all it looks like a pretty small map(which is based on Provnice fail on high tier battles) and not only it's small but also many parts of the map are impassable....let's just hope we are wrong..

  10. I like the design of the map but hey, it seems like they are sooner or later create a huge ass map sooner or later. But not right now.

    Though I have to include, that's a huge ass Bridge.

  11. Dragon's Rigde meets Province. They'll never learn...

  12. This bridge sure looks like it can support tanks. On second thought: No it doesn't.

  13. It's nice that they make an asian map that the chinese tanks will suck on. Many hills that will be bad for the chinese with there low gun depression.

  14. also, is it me or is that bridge in the East an ultimate choke point?

  15. dat hill for scouts looks epic

  16. Arty at the green flag are gonna have hell shooting over that mountain.

  17. Looks like a Golf Yard, English green and then the Flags? :D

  18. Seems like overly cramped map which is going to be 600x600 ( too just too damn small ) with unusable areas at the edges making it even smaller... Hurray for the geniuses behind this... When will they learn that 800x800 is minimum for open maps, while city maps can be of smaller due to no trickery with viewranges and bushes.

  19. ol epic reply of someone on the forum:

    1. It's not only the shape, even the mountains are matching to some degree. I loled XD.

      Oh right I forgot :-P

    3. I have to say, it seems they made your town in Asia and called it a day. lol

    4. - screenshot from 'Looper' movie. This place looks much more like it. Would like to know where exactly it is. Currently google-travelling along all chinese rivers to find it :D

  20. Have you all not been playing the game for a year or something? we have new physics now, ya know, so you don't have to just stick to paths? lol, unusable space...there is plenty of space here.

    Map looks awesome, very pretty and lots of cool vantage points for TD's muahaha

  21. Fast look into minimap and images I say Green base is going to win most of the battles

  22. Frank, someone got hold of the failöwe's full stats and armor model.

    240 mm frontal armor even on the lower plate and 43 kph top speed sounds pretty resonable.

  23. i guess the map looks okay, but the flora isn't that asiatic...

  24. Looks like a good map for sniping.

  25. I pray to god I never have to play arty on this map...

  26. North bit looks like the gorge in lakeville = it will attract noobs like a turd attracts flies= what happent on dragons ridge = WG haven't learnt jact shit from their last mistake.

    I know it's a "bit" early to call it, but I just have a bad feeling about that minimap. :/


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