
Mar 5, 2013


Well, let's have some good news, shall we?

- client side physics (SS: Havok) development is now in full swing
- there will be separate statistics for random battles, companies and clans
- there will be no account reset option, or XP full redistribution
- apparently there will be no new maps for historical battles (and if there are, they have very low prio atm)
- the history battle winnign conditions will probably be the same
- bots in WoT (historical battles)? "not soon and maybe not at all"
- each historical battle will most likely have some description what it was about and where it took place
- in historical battles, tanks will have historical modules and the matchmaking will be special too
- there will most likely be no Soviet tier 8 premium tanks with high penetration, as historically, the soviet shell penetration became better only after the war and the post-war vehicles don't really fit the T8 position when it comes to their other characteristics
- devs were considering the IS-2 version with a M-62 prototype gun for implementation, but there are very few data on it apart from the fact it existed
- "Province" map won't return to high tier battles
- according to Storm, Lowe mobility was not nerfed in 8.4, Lowe also won't become heavier (even though it became bigger)
- PaK 36(r) and Pak 40 have historical penetration in game, it's not decided for now, whether the Marder II, which historically had the PaK 40 will lose the PaK 36(r) when Marder III (that had it) is introduced
- buildings (objects) do not block sound spread, each sound has its own range
- it's possible "battlefield" maps will be introduced, with a lot of destroyed buildings, trenches etc.
- there are no trenches in the game, as the tanks would get stuck in them
- IS-7 won't be in historical battles


  1. Um, why is the last one blank?

    1. Because the way I do it, I always automatically press enter and "-" after each point and sometimes forget to delete the last one.

  2. "- IS-7 won't be in historical battles "

  3. so ... confirmed the marder III?

    1. Pretty much yes. Would be odd if there was no Marder III, it wasn't exactly a rare vehicle.

  4. trenches, but no trenches? well, I'm confused now :S

    1. I guess the first "trenches" is just about something for the optics, more like foxholes.

      And the second one means the WW I-like trenches.

      But as I said, just guessing.

  5. there are no trenches in the game, as the tanks would get stuck in them

    Except TOG II ofc!!!!

  6. - there are no trenches in the game, as the tanks would get stuck in them

    Isn't that... the point of trenches?

    1. Then the many idiots on WoT will get stuck in them and bitch about it. I recall a hilarious moment on the Siegfried Line where a Pz III/IV and a Pz III got stuck on the tank traps.

    2. i remember when a guy was stuck on a tank trap in Siegfried Line.

    3. Live Oaks railroad bridge, now that´s a tank trap.

  7. And i guess "historical battles" will bring us the only history of later battles won by the russians or allies where they had a balance quota of 5:1 and not battles won by the germans with a quota of 1:3 in tanks...

    1. Yeah all the Germans where too busy complaining on the internet about Russian Bias to actually fight.

    2. Enjoy your battles against Matildas and Soumas in your Panzer IIs then...

    3. or Tigers and Panthers against Shermans

  8. Havok>PhysX.

    Cant wait for Havok!! acts amazing and cheap on resources too.

  9. >PaK 36(r) and Pak 40 have historical penetration in game
    No, no, no, no, no. PaK 36(r)pen > PaK 40 pen ingame. Anyone who is halfway informed knows that
    PaK 40 > USA "French 75" derivatives > Russian 76s
    in terms of penetration, even if we compare the best Russian 76 of that ammo type(F-34&ZiS-3)to the German and American types.

    1. Pak36(r) has its own ammo type, a german one, not the original soviet. And if I remember well... - yep, I just checked it - this gun used the pak40 cartridge (they re-chambered the gun for this ammo). So that's why it is more powerful than the russian 76mm guns.

    2. But even with rechambered gun and the same german ammo. According to the german tests the penetration values of the Pak36(r) are lower than the values of the Pak40. And Not vice versa like it can be seen in WoT.

    3. Uh, no, every single source I can bring up gives the Pak 36(r) marginally superior penetration to the Pak 40. Are you high?

    4. Chamberlaine, Doyle and Jentz:
      100m and 30 deg
      Pzgr 39/pzgr 40

      Pak40: 106mm/143mm
      Pak36 (r): 98mm/135mm

      Other sources show the same relative difference in the penetration performance...

  10. What is that shit about the lowe? Has somebody noticed something strange with lowe in 8.4?

    Will the continuous nerfs to the lowe in every patch come to an end?

    1. Wtf? Can you please give me detailed information about the so called continuous ongoing stealth nerfs of the Löwe? Thanks

    2. Gladly.

      First the income. When it went out the tank was earning too much, right. They Should increse its price to match its earning potential with it costs. Or, they could just lower its income. They did BOTH at the same time, the tank went from earning 120k per match (promed) to 80k, and the price went from 7,500g to 12,500.

      Then, the ninja nerf of shell normalization; less damages = less income, what it may be good for regular tanks, but definetly not for the premium ones you have bought with real money only for farming creds. Income went to 80k to 65k.

      Then a couple of stealth nerfs in the income modificator; the tanks performs the same, but it just earns less each day, nowadays is around 50k ( promedium, i insist ).

      The last one in 8.3, size increased due to "Historicalol reasons" That was a good one, historical reasons in a tank that not only never existed, but it is a frankenstein between different concepts of the vehicle. Where is my historical 1,000 HP engine?

      And now, devs must defend themselves from apparent nerfs in mobility... That would be just too much

    3. Yeah, because when people bitching armour was useless and WG decided to change armour normalisation, they really did it because they wanted to secretly nerf to Lowe.

      Paranoid as hell. The only actual nerf is the size increase.

      If you've been paying attention to the supertester leaks, they may have a German branch with the VK7201 Lowe capped as tier 10. You may get the historically accurate Lowe as tier 9.

    4. I´m not saying it was intentional. It was a side damage that should have been taken in consideration.

      Adn the stealth nerfs to income are just evidence, ask any lowe owner.

    5. I don't have Löwe, but i played KV-5 and Type-59 for a half year, before I stopped playing WoT (dec. 2011 - jun. 2012.).
      during that time those tanks went from 100-120k per battle to 70-80k per battle (with premium).
      And the Type "stealth nerfed" brutally. OK, it was OP when it came out, but they made it nearly useless within half year. I had a T-44 at the same time, so I know, that even the 100mm front armor of the chinese tank was weaker than the T-44's in the last patch I played.

  11. So you really say Löwe was making about 120k in every Match before? Can you prove that?
    Price increase - What nerf?
    Shell normalization - For all tanks, so doesn't count
    Increased size - Yes nerf, but a very small one, isn't barely noticable
    Income nerf - Prove that please. I could easily say, your performance is getting worse.

    1. This is actually true for ALL premium tier 8 tanks. They used rake in shitloads of money. Nowadays it hardly gives me more credits compared to an IS-3.

      Since WG decided to make sure silver is in short supply so that people are made to convert gold to silver (at least they hope so)

    2. "Increased size - Yes nerf, but a very small one, isn't barely noticable"

      But that's just wrong, do you even play Löwe at all? Because of increased size, it has gained new weakspots and old ones are much easier to hit.

    3. Then please show me how big was the weakspot before and how big is it now. Maybe you can make 2 screenshots, then we can compare the planes together and calculate the percentage increase.
      I think it will be 1-3% perhaps? There is plenty more random in the game. I keep with it, this "is barely noticable"

  12. No account reset?
    My friend LuigiVuittone had his account reset. His stats was wiped, his crews, tanks, research, etc was removed but he got to keep everything bought for gold (garage slots, prem tanks).

    Was this just a one time event?

  13. The Marder II did have the PaK 36(r) mounted on the Sd.Kfz. 132 variant, just not the current model they have in-game. Only the Marder III Sd.Kfz. 139 variant was armed with the same gun. AFAIK, the planned Marder III is going to be the Ausf H, which had the PaK 40 instead.

    So historically, neither the Marder II or III models planned for WoT was ever mounted with the PaK 36(r). I wonder if they plan to introduce any of the aforementioned variants as a premium TD, tier 3 or 4 perhaps?


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