
Mar 27, 2013

27.3.2013 part 2

Today is quite filled with WoT news it seems!

Storm on some points from 8.5:

(I was about to translate it, but then I noticed there was an official post on EU forums. Why WG makes its EU branch translate such snippets I have no idea)

- Yuri Pasholok: the T-80 tier 4 light tank could have a Soviet 76mm gun
- there is a rumor going around that the tier 10 tanks (M60, Object 907, Failowe) will be a part of a special Clanwars event, held during the official "CW season closure" (SS: just a rumor, not confirmed, take it or don't).
- tanks will not be transferrable for gold to another nation ("Players make a lot if idiotic proposals. We can't comment on them all, sorry")
- SerB states that the visibility duration (3-10 seconds) for a given tank aren't random, but rather cyclic. In other words, if two tanks light each other up simultaneously, it's possible that tank 1 will disappear for tank 2 sooner than tank 2 for tank 1
- the gold consumable prices for credit will principially be calculated as 50g*400 (credits per gold) = 20000s, but this price is not guaranteed
- VK3601H is transferred to the heavy tank category because "it's needed"
- Q: "New German tanks carry Bundeswehr crosses, yet earlier you said it's technically impossible for a single nation to have two symbols, how is it then?" A: "It's the first step to archieve the goal of having all the tanks carry red stars"
- more shell impact sounds (special sounds for impacts on tracks etc.) will be implemented
- a player on RU server actually archieved 15 kills with a FV215b....

- South American desert map ("Mexico") was scrapped, didn't play well

Overlord answers the questions in Russian regarding the World of Tanks Blitz (he became a producer-chief for the mobile division it seems):

- The requirements will be the Ipad 2,3,4, Iphone 4,5 (he's not sure about the 4), for Android port he says it's complicated, but it should work on Nexus 7 for example, it won't work on "budget smartphones" (as in, cheap), it apparently needs Tegra 3 SoC.
- the battles will be realtime 7v7
- the vehicle grind will be faster than in WoT PC
- turret control is still secret
- account will be shared with WoT apparently

There's much more but I'll get to that later, if anyone is interested in this anyway (I know I am not, I hate mobile games, the pad I have I use for work only).


  1. I want that 15 kills replay! :D :D

    1. lel, probably both teams were full of retards...

    2. What bothers me is - how the hell did he get 15 kills when the gun has 12 shells...

    3. Ramming? Indeed most curious, I suspect boosting was involved somehow.

    4. Probably with HE shells ...

    5. HESH have splash :) not just HE

    6. Just, wow! Maybe he splashed with hesh some enemys or he rammed them.

    7. there is way too had to kill 15 enemies in a battle given that you have enough rounds.
      you are all saying that he killed 15 using splash??!?!

      0.001% chance that this is true.

      unless the entire enemy team helped him achieve this.

      and on the russian servers everything is possible, mates.

      i'm starting to get sick of this game...

    8. You forgot something about he/hesh sheels...if he killed 1 enemy from an direct hit and the other one from splash he must have bombardier medal...he doesn't have them.

    9. And he has reaper x 6, so he didn't one-shoot all the enemies.

    10. So, lest recap.
      He has 15 kills with only 12 bullets, no bombardiers and a reaper streak of only 6 meaning he missed more than 2 shots so the counting was reseted.Also, he has a poor damage ratio with an shity hit ratio for such a 'good' player.
      Something stinks here.

    11. Could be a set up in CW/TC. Have a hill and ramming damaged targets to instant death since 183 is quite heavy to actually do some damage.
      It is therefore possible without shooting, just kill stealing with ram or ramming set up damaged enemy light weight tanks.

    12. he only had to miss/not kill with one shell to stop the reaper streak, that means 11 normal kills, and 4 ram kills, he has a scout and the 14 kill medal so it cant be clan wars (no medals there) so either TC (cant remember if TC gives medals) or massive countdown in randoms. Either way its a set up battle.

    13. also its very funny that the name is blacked out but we can see that he is a field commander in TD42S clan making it really easy to find the nick

    14. ^Russian intelligence.Something I admire for a long time.The most effective formula is bottle of vodka at 12pm.

    15. 15 Kills with 12 Rounds??? I Think its a Fake, because in the Red Circle above in the screenshot marks NOT The Rasenai-Hero-Medal!!!!! It is the SPOTTING-MEDAL!!!!! FAKE!

    16. is just staged, he doesnt have raseiniai heroes medal meaning he obtained it on cw/tc.
      just ask a friendly clan to try to invade one of your territories with fast low tiers and make them crash you...

    17. He's not disguised himself very well anyway...

      Pictures on my blog...

  2. wrong achievement in red circle.

    1. Raseiniai Heroes' Medal is the first one.

    2. He's also highlighting the fact that the guy has a scout medal in his TD. O.o

    3. fake

  3. Having 68% Win Ratio, 66% Hit Ratio, less then 300 kills in 391 games and 1627 Damage per battle is almost impossible unless he plays CW/TC only.

    Could also be that 380 of 391 games he played were exactly in CW/TC.

    Not to mention the highlighted medal is the wrong one.

    (Funny fact the EU and RU wiki has diffrent images for the Raseiniai Heroes' Medal )

    1. In RU picture there is KV-1 - IRL it was KV-2.
      Working as intended.

    2. IRL it was KV-1 serial number 52.

  4. It will really suck if these new tier 10s are CW specials. What about the vast majority of players who don't want anything to do with Clan Wars?

    1. What about the vast majority of players who do not care to invest their time into the endgame?

      Endgame players should be rewarded because they've put the most effort (not to mention money) into the game.

    2. I agree, I've been in the game since beta and although I've unlocked tier 10's have never bought a single one and have no interest in them.

  5. unbelievable, he has 15 kills in a battle and his Reaper medal shows only 6? Seems fishy for me

    1. Afaik it could be a CW game where both clans decided to get the FV215B 183 players 15 free kills, to prove a point or for lulz.

      My friends tried something like it before, where in one company event we went against a retard-full absolute company, we gave one of our T110E5 players 14 kills (the last guy suicided, that prick).

  6. I hope blitz will work on s2

  7. 15 kills with 12 ammo problem: Reaper streak is only 6, and there is no Bombardier.

    Must have rammed 3?

  8. God the M60 better not be CW only the outcry would be massive on the NA server and i hope it's just a rumor because i've wanted this tank since forever and for it to be only "For the high class" is BS in mores than can be said.

    1. You know, you could "go high class" and it's not that hard to be competent at clan wars.

    2. Some people cant play in the evenings...

  9. Hey SS Im curios about this and your reaction to it

    If you know more please tell us ;)

    1. so if that faggot said it, its official, those 3 tanks will only be available through CW games. right?

    2. would make it too easy for some clans and for other impossible

      also he was saying something about special high level content could be CW or could be some kind of special mission it could be so much

    3. Bah, this just sounds so wrong, making something in this game impossible for some people to get. It just strikes me wrong...

    4. Well I wrote everything I know tbh, there is a theory there will be some special CW event and these tanks will be the reward for it.

  10. Faster grind and account in Blitz shared with WoT? Doesn't sound probable...

    1. I think he ment that you'll use the same account on both games to login, but with different data.
      Also, it was told already that Blitz will have some different tanks/tank branches so it's not possible to link the account data on both games.

    2. Yes, only login (password), not the same account

  11. - SerB states that the visibility duration (3-10 seconds) for a given tank aren't random, but rather cyclic. In other words, if two tanks light each other up simultaneously, it's possible that tank 1 will disappear for tank 2 sooner than tank 2 for tank 1

    this is really.. a stupid game mechanism :(

    Where is the logic that a tank disappears in front of my eyes right after I highlighted it.. :/

    I hope they will rework it one day..

  12. By the way, Frank, any new info about the VK DB problem(They said yesterday that VK3002 might not lead to the Indien Panzer)?
    I want to know if i'll get my Indy Panzer after the patch release or I must save some cash to convert the exp I already got on my VK.

  13. Все правильно сделал, зарисовал все кроме клана и должности) facepalm.
    Name person on picture MACCA_B_TAHKE

  14. Hi,

    first of all nice blog with a lot of good information. Not long ago, you (SS) had a blog about another fail tank -- next to the failöwe -- the Aufail Panther. Is there something new on information out? I have seen you had some nice suggestion by yourself like the Hispano-Suiza HS 30 mit 90mm Bord K or Panzer 38(t) mit Panzer IV-Turm.

    On the EU-forum had Zarax999 also some more suggestions about german light tanks (see: "German light tree extension project"). As for me, Staufen, I had/have a suggestion too. The VK 2801 from Daimler Benz. Sadly I havent found much information about this tank. Just that it weight around 33t (less than the Panther hull), had the Daimler Benz Leopard Turm, the shape of Panther (the hull side line of the Ausführung G).... etc...

    So I was hoping for the community, if they found more information about this tank, or generally what your thoughts about this tank is. So It would be great of you could leave a comment with your thought ( What is a fail, what could be good.

    Second thing: The Aufklärungspanzer Panther had a Panther Ausführung G hull? I know that Doyles drawings in Spielbergers Panther & V. shows the Aufail with the G hull. But form the timeline isnt it possible, as the Aufail Panther was planed and rejected 42.

    The planing for the Ausf G started 43 and the first Panther Ausf G was produce in march 44. As Spielberger mention in his book, the Aufklärungspanzer Panther was " First units were scheduled to be manufactured in October/November 1942" which mean it couldnt have a Ausf G hull, it would have a A or D hull.

    I personally dont think, that WG cares; but maybe it is a way to dont get this tank after all. Maybe if we lucky, they say before we rework the hull, we crap the tank?

    So I overall just drove by to say: I like your blog and keep it going.



    P.S. Sorry for any misspellings, Im not a native English speaker.

    1. Well, I can't leave a comment on EU forums, considering the fact I am banned :)

      But that's okay. As for the Aufklärungspanther, I don't really think it even reached the stage of "Ausf.D/A/G hull", that's all artistic impression. Honestly, that's the least of my problems with that tank.

      As for your proposal: well, truth to be told, I am a bit sceptical. No offense to your work (it's very detailed after all), but I am not convinced that such a thing as Mehrzweckpanzer proposal (VK2801) from DB existed. But as you say: WG doesn't care. Looks like we will be stuck with the Aufklärungspanzer Panther.

    2. Thanks for the answer.

      As for the Aufklärungspanzer Panther: It was just a thought, that the hull is wrong. But I also think, that WG doesnt care. As for the tank (VK2801DB), yeah I have just few to none infos about it. :( Sadly there arent any drawings etc....

      I just thought, you maybe piuck up on a Idea you like, as I already mention Zarax999 has also some suggestions. Maybe one of his ideas find a way here to the blog. As I think, the people in Minsk, will not read any post on the EU-forum, but maybe one (Overlord) will come here on this blog form time to time. Currently I would be happy about any tank as replacement for the AP (not counting the Aufklärungspanzer Maus, A Maus with a Leopard-Turm).

      Neverthess thanks for your comment :)


  15. "South American desert map ("Mexico")" Me thinks someone at WG needs a geography lesson. Mexico is in North America

    1. They don't. Not even I do. The South American desert map ("Pampas") was known under the earlier name of "Mexico", I added that so noone gets confused.

  16. i hope that wot blitz will work on the galaxy s3 on not just on the i(shit)phone

  17. "- the gold consumable prices for credit will principially be calculated as 50g*400 (credits per gold) = 20000s, but this price is not guaranteed"

    So that would be potentially 60,000 credits per game, or 30,000 if bought during special. Surly that will be too much for the vast majority of players?

    This will result in the few that can afford to consistently use these items having a major advantage over most players. Bad.


    1. and it isn't an advantage that currently its only available for gold?

      Who wants it.. buys it.

      The bad thing that is connected to this.. is that "update" announced for fire extinguisher

    2. What Anon meant(I think?) is that it will stay as bad if price is more than 20K. Even 20k is pretty damn expensive compared to standard stuff.
      Also extinguisher change is pure crap.

    3. I actually see this change as making the game easier. The only gold consumable that most will use is the auto extinguisher instead of the regular one, and if you don't lemming too much, it will be used once in 4-5 battles, totally affordable even without premium.

      EU server - duboss

    4. Hajvanho, I suspect that very few people currently regularly pay RL money (for gold) to use to buy consumables. After this change, no one will, but some will regularly spend in-game credits. Those that choose to do so will have a meaningful advantage over the majority, who absolutely won't be able to afford this.

      I can see this becoming a 'necessity' for any competitive games (eg. CW). It will also be a boon for those sad individuals who want to boost their stats in random games.

      If it turns out that only gold fire extinguishers are used regularly, no doubt the rate of catching on fire will mysteriously increase.


  18. - Q: "New German tanks carry Bundeswehr crosses, yet earlier you said it's technically impossible for a single nation to have two symbols, how is it then?" A: "It's the first step to archieve the goal of having all the tanks carry red stars"

    Haha One very funny answer... but like that they will do it

  19. will someone please suggest the devs to fix fire extinguish macros by making the consumable to be wasted by using before a fire.

  20. I wonder if VK 3601 H transfer to the heavy category will change anything about that vehicle except its symbol? After all it already has HT-like hp ammount and more or less HT armour. If they won't nerf top speed/engine power, then i'm all for it.

  21. fakeeeee

    1. the screen says field comander not commander
      but yeah the frags are staged.

  22. So thanks to some macro abusers i will have to pay 20.000 for a fire extinguisher that is actually usefull.

    Oh the joy, how wonderfull

  23. The name of this medals is inapropriate, i mean the soviets who defended their cowardly stolen lithuanian land, which was entirely free beforehand, are considered heroes?
    Why did they remove the Bölter-Medal, btw?


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