
Feb 19, 2013

WoT and Nvidia drivers v. 314.07

Yesterday, Nvidia released their new driver version, the 314.07. According to Storm, the 310 series contained a bug that made World of Tanks crash. Storm opened a topic, where he collects feedback on the performance of new drivers, so far the feedback seems to be positive.


  1. i got lags with it. again switched to 306.97 on my laptop

  2. I installed them yesterday and got issue with WoT specifically.When i ALT+TAB i couldn't get out of the game(switch to desktop or smth else).My mouse cursor shows up but it's still in the game.Only soulution is CTRL+ALT+DEL but after then when i switch to WoT i have sound but the screen is all white. I returned also to 306.97 version and now ALT+TAB works and everything is fine. Wow Nvidia really pisses me off lately. First that anoying as hell tech tree crash bug and now this with the latest drivers.

    1. I'm having the EXACT same problem, its been very annoying I can't leave the tanks application or it will freeze up, IM updating now hopefully it's fized! Sick of crashes and freezing!

  3. I dont know what kind of problems they experience, but im always running on latest NVidia drivers without any problems.

    If you get low fps,CTD and related problems with this game i suggest you reinstall the latest .net 4 and its updates aswell as MS visual C++ 2010 with its updates.

    This solved my previous 8.0 fps/CTD problems. And i havn't had any problems ever afterwards.

  4. I think the problem is recent drivers + a 600-series card. My 460GTX was completely unaffected with any driver revision. Moving to a 660GTX, I get one crash from WoT after the PC boots and from then on it will never crash again so long as the PC only sleeps. A reboot means one crash again.

  5. switched from 306 to this on my m11x r2, got a 10 fps boost.

  6. Hi, I have SLI 570GTX and with WHQL 314.07 I have seen a 10-12fps increase and no crashes, played 18 games last night without issues.
    Also got 'Ace Tanker' with my M6A2E1 :-) so it was a good night all round.

  7. I have had WoT crashes on GeForce 9800 GT and on 650Ti regrdless the driver version (usually at the beginning of a battle), which do still occur with 314.07 drivers, though less frequently and at a different moment. Going through clean reinstallations (incl. registry cleanups) did not help at all.
    Interestingly, never had I experienced problems with Radeon HD 6870 - it simply seems to be much better chip for WoT than nVidia, even though the latter one claims to be in partnership with the game developer...

  8. I run the game great but for some reason my card gets up to about 45c while playing world of tanks and I got a great 59fps normally but the temp is what gets me I can play crisis on high with 42 frames and arma II and III on ultra with 45 frames plus all with the average temp of about 31c and not to mention endless crashing while playing wot there is some thing very worng with these new drivers and world of tanks hopefully the new patch fixes this

    1. sorry forgot to say ive got a Gigabyte Nvidia GTX 660 so the problems are with the 600 series I bet


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