
Feb 20, 2013

Beware the scammer, the cheater, the goldseller!


I won't translate the article directly, I'll just sum it up. Server WoT News, known for its very reliable info (they never post claims or rumors) has issued a warning. Basically what happened: there are players and 3rd party sites, offering "cheap/free gold", which can be "redeemed/claimed" only by entering your WoT account username and password on that respective site. Needless to say, it's a scam. If you do that, you'll get your account stolen. But there's more. Some players actually send chat messages to others, masquerading as "developers", claiming the player "won a prize", asking for the same stuff (or even credit card info) so they can "verify your identity". Yep, that's a scam too.

Wargaming employee will never ask you for your account details, simply because he doesn't need to, he can see them in the system. Also, Wargaming (thru its portal) is the only legal provider of gold, every other "50% off" offer is a scam.

Additionaly, the bastards can install all sorts of crap on your computer thru such sites - malware, spyware, whatever. So don't fall for that shit. Now, we EU server denizens have our own experiences, there was a plague of this especially in the Polish and Czechoslovak community, because several morons actually recommended these websites "to get even with evil Wargaming". They were so dumb they even posted an open thread about this on a 3rd party server (which anyone could read), bragging how much gold they bought from the Chinese. Naturally, everyone from that thread got banned (dozens of people literally) and the shitheads came raging on the forum about it (I literally laughed my ass off).

Don't be such a moron. Thanks.


  1. i cant believe people still fall for this kind of stuff, i mean aint this one of the basic rules? never give away your password/creditcardnumber,..

    1. People are just that way. Take for example those silly scam e-mails ("Im a nigerian princess, I inherited billions and I need to transfer them bla bla bla") - totally idiotic, right? Well, this crap has yearly turnover of dozens of millions of dollars (I've read even hundreds of millions) worldwide. People are gullible. That doesn't bother me that much, that's what the warnings are here for. What bothers me are worthless shithead players who actually promote this stuff, luring WoT player to "try" it. Those should be permabanned and legally prosecuted.

    2. Seeing the behavior of the avarage WoT tankers in theese days are you really that surprised? :D

  2. in Poland we have this problm because in opolish verion of "ebay" call we can buy cheaper gold, pepole buy it and they download some shit for they computer and there is one reason why this morons have such problems

    1. What You download from allegro? I don't understand. Gold from Allegro is from mobile phones (prepaid), they waiting for promotions, buying card 50 zl (~12€) but they got on account 100 zl (~25€).

    2. "in Poland we have this problem..." - what a bullshit?
      Read up about prepaid phones, that is it. What kind of downloads we (in PL) must doing? You do not have the knowledge of what you write. Even if this situation is painful for somebody, truth is that gold comes from WarGaming giftshop. And that gold IS.

  3. In Poland is problem with a low earn per person. I am a part of not milioners family, but we are i think in middle earn, and i told u- the cheapest gold pack (1500 if i good remember) cost a 1/30 a lower payment. And in ours country i think 60% earn close to that, mayby less mayby more. In german arent something like minimal payment, but mostly it's close to 2000 euro. It's in only numbers a 2,2/1 (only in close) . And now euro/zloty is now 1/4.16. We dont have so many money like a germans, ours country piss on peoples, ours politics only want be a parasites on money. They should give a cheaper gold, 10% less and all should be good.

    1. Welcome to eastern europe :D


    2. In Russia minimal payment is ~520zl (120€), they have bigger problem when they want buy gold....

    3. In Germany minimum pay per month is less than 1000€ net-income, and the living costs are a bit higher.

    4. Nobody's forcing you to buy gold. You don't need it to be good (skill-wise) or to have fun. They can't make different gold prices for different countries because everyone would be buying codes in the country that is the cheapest.

  4. to those 2 morons posting above: you can't pay, you don't play - simple

    it's not for the world to support your economy, yes I know it's shit, but this is how the world works

    and frankly you deserve it for being dumb

    1. If You talking about game, You telling thrue...but about world.
      I understand that You like XIX century wild capitalism? "its not for....." go to Africa and tell this words to starving people's... next will be "who don't work don't eat", yes? Richest country should support peoples from poor countres (people's, not governaments).
      Poland have lover PKB, then Grecce, but we give him some money (they have now crisis). You know why? Because we believe in humans Solidarity!

    2. It's a free to play game but keep kicking those who are on the ground anyway, makes you look cool dude...

    3. SS, I think zMe ul needs a little vacation, because all of his comments are usually offensive (not only in this post) and he seems to be just a stupid troll.

    4. oh really SS, you deleted my comment because they were "offensive" or because they were right?
      just wondering

      is me being right against the mentality of some moron kids offensive?
      then they're offending me with their imbecilic reasoning for being dumb and getting scammed

      it their ow fault for getting scammed, and they totally should be kicked while down

      WoT gold scamming is not new and by the looks of it, some people never learn

  5. Technically if they are storing passwords right WG employees can't see them.

    1. But also he doesn't need them.

    2. About a year (or maybe 2 years) ago, when you registered a WoT account, the confirmation email they sent contained your password in plaintext. So much for storing passwords right.

  6. price for gold on 1 server must be the same in all countries, otherwise all "rich" Germans would buy cheaper gold in "poor" Poland. Average income in PL is of course lot less than in GB or DE, but there is no good solution for it. You can do just 1 thing - play without gold and let the richer countries support the game - be master of tier 5, thats it

    1. I have tier10 tanks , and i dont have premium just need a maney maker tank and thats it :)

  7. You know, i have many V tier money makers. And that's how i work a silver in this game.

    1. When I need heaps of silver, I use promotions wisely and/or buy a short-term premium (1 or 3 days) or both. On the last Africa promo I bought M4 Sherman (+70% silver) and premium as well (it was discounted) and in those 3 days I made literally millions of silver, because I was earning about 50,000 silver on an average battle. I was able to buy 4mln silver in new tanks and still have a lot left.

  8. There used to be a lot of gold scam posts on the NA forum back in the day. Some even popped up in the sub-forums.


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