
Feb 10, 2013


(a compilation of more Storm Special answers + the regular thread)

- Storm doesn't see unusual/buggy amount of "teleporting" tanks
- players won't be able to test tanks without entering the test server (technical reasons)
- map clickspam won't be remedied for technical reasons
- module menu won't be made transparent
- it's not planned to implement a feature where you will be able to recognize whether you are lighting up the enemy or someone else is
- the fact crews "forget" previously trained tanks won't be changed
- prem tanks won't be possible to sell for gold (not even for reduced amount)
- there will be no official WG module layouts and armor schematics for vehicles
- KV-5 won't be buffed and its MM won't be improved, it would be imbalanced otherwise
- tank horn will most likely not return
- M4 and Panzer IV gold derp shells will be nerfed. How - Storm is still deciding.
- El Halluf slopes will be fixed (they cause too many detracks of light tanks)

- SerB describes how weird low-damage hits are the result of residual damage, shell damage that hits external modules (gun, tracks) and penetrates into the hull diminishes its damage (and penetration) by the amount of the module HP (for example if a 200 DAM shell hits tracks that have 50hp, penetrates them and the armor behind them and does damage the tank itself, the damage on the tank will be 150)
- the screenshot Panzer I is the Ausf. B - the Ausf. A might go to the Chinese tree
- Panzer I won't have regular 7,92mm ammo, because it's ineffective
- current average arty amount per team per battle is around 3, but SerB states this statistic is worthless, because it's not natural, it's caused by hardcap
- French hightier vehicles without autoloaders still planned 


  1. Quite funny how last time it was stated, that the hp calculation for modules is different and doesn't diminish the actual damage potential.

    Also I don't have anything against the chinese tree, until now my approach was if you don't want it, you don't play it. But if they start giving the Chinese tanks of other nations, while these nations won't get them because they need them to buld up a tree, then this is bad.

    1. And with such moves they could make whole tech trees for other smaller European nations; some repainted german or soviet tanks and voilá complete Italian or Hungarian tech trees. With some british and us tanks there could be really nice polish tree, and so on.
      Why not? 'cause these countries (i.e. their playerbase) don't have so many wallets as China?

      This whole chinese tech tree is a "miracle", a good "gesture" to chinese players, but no need for more copied-repainted tanks, atleast for this faction/nation. It wouldn't be nice if they start to expand it with more foreign vehicles.

    2. 1 - i think the point is that "external modules" are a different type of thing from "modules".. so the health of a track can soak damage away from the primary healthbar but the health of the engine doesn't..

      2 - i think it is like the current IS / IS-2.. being that the "IS" is actually both the IS-1 (85mm/1st turret) and the IS-2 (122mm/2nd turret)... so if the incoming Panzer 1 was not both the Ausf A and B then it would have Ausf B in the name, like the tier 3 Ausf C..
      OFC it is entirely possible that he is just trolling to enrage people, he doesn't seem to be very forgiving of those who haven't kept up-to-date with all the gossip

  2. mmmm.. so AMX M4 1949 still has a chance :]


  3. Why did they canceled the horns? :/
    Maybe they annoyed the teammates on the test server.
    I wonder, I wonder.

  4. I wonder what will happen to the T-44 when they introduce the T-44 (prot)?

  5. LOL, just lol!
    another batch of "no", "won't", "we don't think", "doesn't"
    whey the hell does he bother answering when they can make a script that auto-replies with "no" based variants

  6. What, I thought external modules only acted as spaced armour, they aren't supposed to absorb damage...?


    1. ive never seen a shot making less than minimum damage (as indicated in garage), since i can remember... net even in CB.

      i guess serb urgently needs some basic lessons in his own game mechanic.

    2. haha ya that's kind of what I was thinking, Ive never seen that either...

    3. Less than minimum happens with the UK line all the time.

  7. will there be something more announced for patch 8.4? maybe turret traverse sound?

  8. Usual Bullsh*t of here is a load of stuff not coming to the game. Thanks for nothing, Storm/Serb

  9. "- M4 and Panzer IV gold derp shells will be nerfed. How - Storm is still deciding."
    M4 is craptacular w/o derp, aimtime leaves one out in the wind for a long while. Shells cost plenty.
    /waves goodbye to ability to hit back at heavies...

    1. Not to mention the regular bouncers given the gun's lack of accuracy...

    2. I mean its totally fair to be able to 1-2 shot any tier 6 and below right?

      Give me a break.

    3. M4 craptacular?? , hell i have almost a 2500 EFF rating on it , and i dont even consider using gold ammo. Its a fun tank to drive if you know how to use it.

  10. "SerB describes how weird low-damage hits are the result of residual damage, shell damage that hits external modules (gun, tracks) and penetrates into the hull diminishes its damage (and penetration) by the amount of the module HP (for example if a 200 DAM shell hits tracks that have 50hp, penetrates them and the armor behind them and does damage the tank itself, the damage on the tank will be 150)"

    Is this translated correctly, or is it trolling by SerB? Because this seems to be in contradiction with everything stated previously about dealing damage and personally I've never seen damage less than the expected minimum damage in 13k battles.

    1. Should be correct. SerB states that this was introduced cca 6 months ago. However, SerB is know to sometimes mess stuff up and confuse things, he could be wrong.

    2. I've never seen an AP/APCR/HEAT shell do less than minimum damage, so he is definitely wrong/trolling, or maybe he is talking about HE?

    3. We'd know once and for all if they finally made the Mechanics - Penetration part 2 video, because it was supposed to be about what happens after the shell hits and penetrates. Maybe they have two working theories so they don't know for certain themselves :P

    4. I'm sorry, but how would you know your shell did less than minimum damage?
      you know all you shell types min and max dmg for all your tanks you play, by heart?

    5. Translation or SerB is probably wrong here. As previously explained in various places (.ru forums, Overlord's blog etc) shells have a hidden and separate damage value for modules, which is mostly based on shell caliber. In 12k games I haven't seen a single "weird low-damage hit" either. And it's not hard to remember min damages of your guns... at least you know the avg damage and can subtract 25% from it.

    6. no, I don't know my avg dmg for any of my tanks
      I do not fucking care about it; when I play I care to score a penetrating shot
      I don't do math of the top of my head just to spot that weird shot that did less than min dmg - why?the game is already quirky as is, don't need extra junk in my head

  11. Has to be trolling, 200 dmg less the 25% variation is 150 damage...

  12. I had a shot to an Is-8's cupola do less than 100 damage with my 105 L68 :l, and I wasn't using HE. It could be that his own arty managed to hit him at the same time, but then that would mean that my 390 damage shot was absorbed by his commanders face or something, which is quite odd, and very irritating.


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