
Jan 9, 2013


- SerB states that players with low winrate and high amount of battles played aren't necesserily bots or afkers,  "some of them simply play bad"
- SerB notes that (related to the mobility of the Type 59), it wasn't generally changed
- Q: "Is there an automatic system tracking illegal mods?" A: "No comment"
- 2D hitskins are allowed, because "a normal player knows where to shoot and they won't help a noob anyway"
- SerB states that the amount of platoons overall has increased (SS: not sure if he's being ironic or not)
- the arty hardcap will "most likely" be removed after 0.8.3 (SS: SerB doesn't however say WHEN after 0.8.3, previously the removal of the hardcap was mentioned in connection with the tier 10 arty implementation) - SerB further states: "It's going to be removed after the battle balances are returned to normal"
- SerB has candidates for high tier multiturret vehicles
- the weight of the E-50 turret was calculated according to the data from Jentz and Doyle
- the combined optics equipment works always, not only when the vehicle is moving
- the amount of arty won't be capped in companies and clanwars
- free camera in post-mortem mode is not planned
- garage battles won't have special bigger maps
- historical battles won't have special "historical" maps available only for that mode
- no questions about the ingame complaint system will be answered, as devs don't want players to develop algorhytms to circumvent it
- the devs have the idea that the maps might appear in different seasonal versions (for example summer and winter Lakesville with a frozen lake etc.) - doesn't have a high priority
- an introduction of a branch of vehicles almost always influences the winrate of other tanks a little, but not much
- it's not planned to introduce an option where you can't shoot your teammates (SS: like a firing block)
- it's not planned to introduce hangar options (upgrades) that reduce the repair costs of a vehicle
- the time gap between the base capture and transition to hangar does not depend on the serverload, according to the devs this gap is not a good thing
- the most used camo is the summer one, as the summer maps are the most numerous
- when shooting the mantlet of the gun, most of the "non-penetration" hits are caused by hitting the barrel. Mantlets are penetrated - correctly according to the game mechanics - most of the time


  1. Hi! Any tentative info on when the Japanese tech tree might be released?

  2. Replies
    1. More like winter, they aren't even sure yet if they can make it in 2013. According to SerB - if they will, it'll be close.


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