
Jan 30, 2013


- SerB considers the winrate of a player to be the indicator of that player's skill
- SerB confirmed the fact that when the arty branches are prolonged to tier 10, various arty branches will have new machines inserted on various tiers (SS: eg logically, it's not sure T7 will go to T9 and T8 to T10 automatically)
- 15vs15 companies won't be cancelled according to SerB, they make a great training ground for the CWs
- looks like the Fog of War won't be in randoms after all
- the devs don't introduce a bigger number of low-tier premiums into the game (despite having them prepared in advance) because sometimes, the vehicle designed to be premiums are used to "patch up" the holes in regular trees and to supplement upcoming branches
- it's not totally excluded for 3 branches of the same class to exist in one tree
- the spare tracks mounted on hulls/turrets of the ingame vehicles do not count as armor
- the 59-16 Chinese LT has an autoloader on its top gun. At the same time it can mount a rammer. The rammer reduceds the autoloader loading time, not time between shots - and it's not a bug
- tier 10 TD's have lower MM weight than tier 10 heavies
- Q: "Do you plan to improve the premium account by allowing to buy shorter period premium account?" A: "Yes, we are currently thinking about allowing the player to buy one second and one milisecond premium" :)


  1. quote: "SerB considers the winrate of a player to be the indicator of that player's skill"
    can I point out how dumb this statement really is ... some AFK robot gets a 40-45% win rate by doing absolutely nothing
    how the fuck is that and indicator of player skill when winrates are influenced 90% of team performance and 10% of individual performance

    1. 40-45% << 48% (avg. Winrate on server) -> they are bad players/bots...(if he has 5k++ games otherwise the sample size is to small).
      but from that moment(5k++ games) on the difference of players winrate to avg. winrate is the players skill, because all teams are build up out of the same playerpool(everyone has close to the same chance to get noobs in their team/the enemy team).
      The only exception are CW and company... but then other stats suck and dont match with the winrate (avg. dmg, PR etc.)

    2. even if your BS 90%/10% figure is accurate (by coincidence) then surely somebody of xcellent skill will win Average+10% and a terrible player will win Average-10%.. the random factor of teams does not make bad players have good stats or good players have bad stats, it just stop good players beating bad players 100% of the time..


      ^^Is that what I think it is? A strong correlation bewtween beneficial actions and winrate? With a MASSIVE sample size? UNCONCEIVABLE!

      No, seriously. It's been proven time and time again that good or bad play makes a difference. Garbad (internet celebrity on NA forums) managed a consistent ~67% winrate in the KV-5 with no gold ammo/ consumables- and he even provided replays as evidence.

    4. you guys might wanna check the old statistics Snib posted
      according to those there are more bots on the server than people with over 50% win ratio

      and lately, those numbers of less than 50% have inflated exponentially

    5. Here is one answer from ""

      "Why doesn't matchmaking take into account stats?
      Because that would eliminate win rate as reliable statistic, as well as making the game more boring. World of Tanks is based on chance, and that is portrayed in the match maker. Sometimes you get bad teams, sometimes you get good ones. If match maker gave each side a balanced statistic, then the win rate of players would balance out, since their wins were more based on luck than skill. Wargaming has stated that they will never, ever include stats into the matchmaking system."

      But I dont understand what level of statistics mathematics these have taken... At least I would like to see that a player with 200 games should not be able to meet one with 20000 games, there is no way he could win that... So the MM should make groups of under 1000 games, 1000 to 5000 games, 5000 to 10000, and so on...

    6. that seems sensible, although often the people with the highest winrates are people who have taken a new account, so possibly that might actually expose newer players to even more skilled opponents.. we would have to see data for winrate/gamesplayed to see how much of an issue this would be..

    7. SerB is more or less right. However, the important think it to realize that even 1% difference from server-wide average is a big difference.

      Server-wide avg is said to be 48% WR. Does anyone of you know a bot (complete bot, playing more that 5000 battles (reasonable sample) only as a bot) that got more than the avg? I doubt that any exist. And that there are players apparently worse than bots? What is so strange about that - I met players that actively contributed to negative outcome to my team (teamkill, dislosing of coordinates, blocking from behing, pushing into line of fire etc. etc.). I doubt any bots do these things - so thay can actually achieve higher WR than a human.

  2. "- looks like the Fog of War won't be in randoms after all"

    But in companies it would be great.

  3. "even if your BS 90%/10% figure is accurate (by coincidence) then surely somebody of xcellent skill will win Average+10% and a terrible player will win Average-10%"

    It so happens that excellent players have on average around 58-62% win ration as opposed to the botting nation and terribad players that have 45 on average and 47 as a max, you negated his opinion yet you unknowingly demonstrated his point, a point that you didn't really comprehend in the first place. You can get terrible teams in succession, but that ends at a point, the entire team won't 100% lose because of one or two bots or terrible players, it's impossible to have an absolutely disgusting win ratio by simply botting, because even monkeys win games.

    1. so, explain this to me, since I'm all bullshit, how the global winrate went the fuck down since last 6 months

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    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. "how the fuck is that and indicator of player skill when winrates are influenced 90% of team performance and 10% of individual performance"
      he was claiming (based on numbers misrepresented as factual with no source or basis) that winrate does not represent skill because people can't influence it..
      I did not demonstrate his point, I demonstrated my own.. that even if the stated numbers were true that winrate could still be used to identify good players

  4. Could this idiot be a little more arrogant: "Q: "Do you plan to improve the premium account by allowing to buy shorter period premium account?" A: "Yes, we are currently thinking about allowing the player to buy one second and one milisecond premium" :) "
    I mean he should take a course in customer relationship or just ignore to answer idiotic or silly questions... And this is not the first time hes being a total overmind

    1. Less than a day is sort of pointless- if anything, there should be an option to buy premium "tickets" that can be applied to individual battles. Perfect solution to infrequent players.


    2. Yes, but I took this question just as an example, I dont care about the premium lengths, just wanted to point out how GODlike this person thinks he is. Just read through the developers q&a and you see all the times: "its ready when its ready", or "we decide what it is", or "Oh poor, poor SU-5... *crying*".... This is not proper customer relationship handling by any means.

    3. in soviet russia .... developers own you

    4. So freaking true and very disheartening. We all know that when it comes to a community big as this theres bound to be repeated "stupid questions" and it might be frustrating to work through them, but this is just plain disrespecting.

      Maybe he thinks he's funny? Can somebody tell him that he's not.

    5. He doesn't care what others think of him, eg if they think he's funny. He doesn't care if it's disrespecting. If he wants to troll stupid questions, he trolls, accept it or not. Notwithstanding the above, no one will change his attitude as long as they rake in money, as it is the case currently. And even if WoT might go south, he most prob will still troll, bcuz again, he doesn't care. ;)

    6. You really shouldn't care much about it. I can fully understand him as he gets lots of idiotic questions. It's just a game and if you take all these comments of him personally, then you're doing it wrong.

  5. [img][/img]

    does bb code work on your blog?


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