
Jan 29, 2013

Storm on the topic of 7x7 companies (7x42)


Basically, Storm confirms they are working hard on the 7x42 companies (ESL format). It seems to be planned that it'll work like WoW dungeon finder and arena (for those familiar with Warcraft): you'll be able to make your own company, or make just a part of the company and the rest will be assigned to you automatically, or you will be able to enter a queue, if you have a suitable tank and you will automatically join suitable battles.
This game mode will work with player ratings and teams will meet the teams of similiar ratings. This system will be built for massive use (SS: not as exclusive as for example current company mode) and it is expected many more people will play this mode, because it's easier to find 6 other members than 14.

Storm states that he wonders what will become of the current 15 vs 15 companies. He sees only two uses for them left: first as a training for clanwars and second - players can build an elite company and go decimate noobs. Currently the idea within WG is that the old companies will be removed and reworked, but it's not really decided all yet.

In the discussion to the article, Storm mentions that he's afraid that when this mode is introduced, old companies will have only few (bad) players left and they won't work anyway. He also states that the statistics of some company modes (4-6) are very bad and that not many play them. He also mentions that Clanwars will be globally reworked.
This mode will be totally separated from random battles, which will NOT have a skill MM.

Oh and WoT-ish game (unclear whether WoT or some other port) will be made for gaming consoles, if I understand this correctly.


(SS: the amount of bullshit I filtered today is high, therefore the questions will be shorter)

- Q: "Do you fear the War Thunder competition?" A: "Most of all, we fear Farmville" (SS: SerB didn't say exactly Farmville, but its Russian equivalent, I changed it to make the joke more comprehensible)
- BT-5 might become a Chinese premium LT, but not in next few patches
- IS-3 confirmed NOT to become a premium tank
- SU-85(i) and Panzer IV Hydro are not going to be sold in the shops, they are promo/gift vehicles, not clear when they will be given
- It's planned to introduce the possibility to view replays straight from (within) the client (SS: so there will be no need to quit the game and doubleclick the replay itself)
- You recieve less XP by firing on targets that are lower tier than you
- the devs have no relationship with the WoT wiki
- Q: "Will there be British tier 8 heavy?" A: "When it's planned, I'll tell you. It's not possible to answer all of the questions related to various nation - tier tank combinations."
- Recon and Situational Awareness skills work the same way.
- there is no plan to add the Syria flag
- SerB actually misses the times when there were fewer players asking more intelligent questions
- SerB states that all the archives WG collaborated with caused some problems and almost all the problems were settled
- Q: "When dealing with Support, they sent me a program called "wot_check" for testing the client. Do you plan to put this program into the client to fight illegal mods?" A: "We won't comment on this."
- Q: "Did you consider adding ingame voice communication for random battles without the platoons?" A: "We did. It was terrible. Scrapped the idea."
- M47 Patton? "maybe, if we ever need a tier 8-10 vehicle" (SS: this was related to the whole Patton tank family question, whether we will see all the Pattons - M46, M47, M48)
- it's probably not possible to make the ingame platoon voice chat permanently on without the need to press the butten, "there are problems with that"
- different types of shells have different colored tracers, HE shells have orange tracers, so that the arty can recognize other arties. subcaliber (APCR, APDS) shells have light, short and transparent tracers (because it's basically just a small piece of tungsten flying), AP shells tracers look like subcaliber shells tracers but a lot more clear (they are longer, more visible and less transparent). HEAT tracers are yellow and very thin. Tracer colors are the same on all the servers.
- the devs are thinking about adding the Fog of War in random battles
- there will be no multiclassing (SS: a Hetzer with a 150mm short howitzer mentioned, that could work both as TD and as an arty at the same time), in the early development the devs thought about changing the class of the vehicle by adding different modules (for example SU-122 and SU-152 could work as an arty as well as a TD), but this idea was scrapped soon